Herrera sigillata, Sanborn, 2018

Sanborn, Allen F., 2018, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Panama including the description of six new species, three new combinations, one new synonymy, and nine new records, Zootaxa 4493 (1), pp. 1-69 : 47-49

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4493.1.1

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scientific name

Herrera sigillata

sp. nov.

Herrera sigillata View in CoL n. sp.

( Fig. 6 View FIGURE 6 )

Type material. Holotype. “ PANAMA: Coclé Prov. / Santa Fe, Alto Piedra / 16 to 17–VI–2011 850 m / J. Heppner ” one female ( FSCA) .

Remarks. One of the three undetermined species listed by Wolda (1989) or Wolda & Ramos (1992) may represent this new species as well. However, no diagnostic characteristics were provided for any of these species, none were collected in the same Province as the holotype ( Wolda 1989; Wolda & Ramos 1992) and I was unable to locate any specimens labeled as one of the undetermined of the species. As a result, I was unable to determine if the new species represents one of the previously mentioned species.

Etymology. The name is in reference to the small markings on the pronotum (L. sigillata , adorned with little figures or marks).

Description. Ground color greenish testaceous marked with piceous and castaneous. Testaceous may be green in fresh specimens.

Head. Head wider than mesonotum, greenish testaceous with piceous spot in posterior cranial depression, curved castaneous marks between epicranial suture and medial portion of lateral ocelli, small castaneous spot anterolateral to lateral ocellus, frons greenish testaceous with light castaneous region on disk on either side of midline anterolateral to median ocellus. Covered with golden pile, longer posterior to eye, short silvery pile posterior to eye. Ocelli rosaceous and ochraceous. Eyes golden. Ventral head light testaceous, posterior lorum ochraceous. Postclypeus centrally sulcate, with eight transverse grooves, testaceous, darker dorsally, radiating long golden pile. Anteclypeus greenish with fuscous fascia along posterior half of lateral margin and posterior margin. Long golden and short silvery pile on ventral head and anteclypeus. Mentum ochraceous with fuscous distal tip, labium testaceous proximally, piceous distally and at tip, reaching to middle of hind coxae with radiating golden pile. Scape and pedicel greenish testaceous, pedicel with distal fuscous annular mark, flagellar segments absent but probably fuscous based on other members of the genus.

Thorax. Dorsal thorax greenish testaceous. Pronotum with piceous mark in posterior half of paramedian fissure, incomplete on right side, wider piceous mark in posterior lateral fissure, pentagonal castaneous spot on midline at extension of paramedian fissure, light castaneous extending anteriorly almost to anterior pronotal margin, curved castaneous marks on lateral disk, short silvery pile in fissures. Pronotal collar greenish with piceous mark along on margin of pronotal collar lateral angle and posterior margin of pronotal collar, lateral margin of pronotal collar adpressed, long golden pile radiating from posterior margin. Mesonotum greenish testaceous with curved castaneous mark from anterior on either side of midline along medial margin of submedian sigilla expanding in posterior submedian sigilla, small castaneous marks in anterolateral margin and posterior curvature of lateral sigillae, light castaneous mark on midline of disk expanding laterally posterior to include scutal depression to anterior arm of cruciform elevation, light castaneous mark on posterior angle and proximal portion of posterior arms of cruciform elevation. Metanotum greenish with castaneous mark on anteromedial margin. Long golden pile between anterior arms of cruciform elevation, on posterior mesothoracic margin, radiating from posterior wing groove, and on metanotum. Ventral thoracic segments with long silvery pile.

Wings. Tegmina and wings hyaline, milky tinge on fore wing and over distal hind wing when viewed from an angle. Venation greenish testaceous, becoming castaneous and finally piceous distally, costal margin castaneous to past node, piceous proximal half of anal vein 2 + 3, piceous spot on distal pterostigma. Basal membrane grayish. Hind wing venation castaneous except lighter subcostal & radius vein and cubitus anterior vein. Vanal fold castaneous, proximal anal cell 3, anal cell 3 and anal cell 2 along anal veins 2 and 3 gray.

Legs. Coxae ochraceous, trochanters, femora, tibiae and tarsi greenish, fore femora striped with castaneous, fore tibiae with small castaneous marks distally. Fore femora with proximal spine elongated and most oblique, secondary spine and tertiary spine angled less than primary spine, tertiary spine about the same size as secondary spine but curved more than secondary spine, and very small apical spine emerging distal to base of tertiary spine. Spines greenish at base becoming castaneous and piceous at tip, primary spine mainly green, secondary and tertiary spines mainly castaneous, apical spine castaneous with piceous tip. Tibial spurs and comb castaneous with piceous tips. Pretarsal claws greenish proximally with piceous tips.

Operculum. Female operculum ochraceous with lateral extension from base with curved margin, curved posterolateral margin to straight posterior margin, medial margin acutely angled with rounded terminus reaching medially to lateral meracanthus almost covering tympanal cavity and reaching sternite II, covered with short silvery pile, long silvery pile radiating from margin. Female meracanthus broadly triangular with curved lateral margin, pointed, extending beyond posterior margin of operculum, ochraceous with radiating long silvery pile.

Abdomen. Tergites testaceous with green hind margins covered with golden pile, dorsum of tergites 5–8 and posterolateral margins of tergites 7 and 8 darkened. Female abdominal segment 9 testaceous with ochraceous ventral surface and ochraceous spot on ventroposterior margin, caudal beak castaneous, with piceous pile dorsally and radiating long golden pile ventrally and laterally. Posterior margin of abdominal segment 9 sinuate. Sternites ochraceous with castaneous medially in sternites III–VII, wider in sternites IV–VI, mark on sternite VII surrounds entire notch extending to posterior margin. Female sternite VII with sinuate straight margin angled slightly to posterior not reaching tergite before angling anteriorly leaving a space between the posterior half of sternite VII and tergite 7, deep V-shaped medial notch almost reaching anterior of sternite VII. Sternites covered with short and radiating long silvery pile, very dense on medial sternite II and at junction of sternites and tergites. Spiracles white.

Genitalia. Female gonapophyses VIII and IX castaneous, gonapophysis X fuscous extending just beyond dorsal beak with radiating golden pile. Gonocoxite IX greenish testaceous. Anal styles greenish testaceous.

Male is unknown.

Measurements (mm). N = 1 female. Length of body: 18.7; length of fore wing: 21.8; width of fore wing: 7.8; length of head: 2.8; width of head including eyes: 5.8; width of pronotum including suprahumeral plates: 6.2; width of mesonotum: 5.6.

Diagnosis. Herrera sigillata n. sp. can be distinguished from H. infuscata Sanborn, 2009 by the lack of infuscation in the distal fore wing. The lack of piceous on the head and the non-contrasting abdomen distinguishes this new species from H. ancilla ( Stål, 1864) , H. coyamensis Sanborn, 2007a , and H. umbraphila Sanborn & Heath, 2014 . The bodies of H. humilistrata Sanborn & Heath, 2014 , H. laticapitata Davis, 1938 , H. lugubrina compostelensis Davis, 1938 , and H. lugubrina lugubrina ( Stål, 1864) , are piceous or the mesothorax is marked with piceous. Herrera nigratorquata n. sp. can be distinguished easily by its piceous transverse fascia on the pronotum along with the mesothoracic markings, the triangular operculum, the lack of a longitudinal fascia on the abdominal sternites, and the lateral posterior sternite VII is transverse to the epipleurite rather than curving anteriorly.

Distribution. The species is known only from the holotype collected in Veraguas Province, Panama.


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology

















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