Pinicola crassa, Pieper, H., Olson, Storrs L., Pereira, F. & Alcover, J. A., 2017

Pieper, H., Olson, Storrs L., Pereira, F. & Alcover, J. A., 2017, A new extinct species of large bullfinch (Aves: Fringillidae: Pyrrhula) from Graciosa Island (Azores, North Atlantic Ocean), Zootaxa 4282 (3), pp. 567-583 : 571-574

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Plazi (2017-07-15 08:29:21, last updated 2017-07-15 08:29:23)

scientific name

Pinicola crassa


Pyrrhula crassa n.sp.

( FIgureS 3, 4, 5, and Supplementary fIgureS In AppendIX 2)

Holotype. MCMa 2002.016: fragmentary mandIble, wIth a near Complete rIght half, wIthout proCeSSuS medIalIS mandIbulae and a fragment of the proCeSSuS CoronoIdeuS, and the left ramuS mandIbulae broken ( FIgure 3 A`). ColleCted by E. TorreS, J.C. Illera, J.C. Rando, H. PIeper, O. Runze & J.A. AlCover, 20– 24.06.2015.

Type locality. Furna do CalCInhaS, Small Cave (22.5 m length, 7 m wIde, 3.5 m maXImum heIght) SItuated at 175 m a.S.l. InSIde the CaldeIra volCano, SoutheaStern portIon of Ilha da GraCIoSa, AzoreS ( FIgure 1).

Horizon. HoloCene. The CaldeIra volCano IS 12,000 yearS old ( França et al. 2003), So the materIalS InSIde the Cave are neCeSSarIly younger. The remaInS of a Fringilla obtaIned In the Same SedImentary unIt aS the materIal of the new SpeCIeS yIelded a 14C age of 3029±31BP (1400-1190 Cal BC; RICH-21754).

Status. EXtInCt.

Etymology. From LatIn, crassa , thICk, referrIng to the large SIze of the SpeCIeS and partICularly to ItS notably heavy bIll.

Vernacular names proposed: Greater AzoreS BullfInCh (EnglISh) – PrIolo maIor doS AçoreS (PortugueSe).

Paratypes: MCMa 1998.016: an aSSemblage of boneS found together, probably belongIng to an aSSoCIated IndIvIdual: 2 humerI (left and rIght), left CarpometaCarpuS; 2 quadratI, rIght tIbIotarSuS, left CoraCoId; MCMa 1999.016: fragmentary mandIble; MCMa 2000.016: fragmentary mandIble; MCMa 2001.016: fragmentary mandIble; MCMa 2003.016: fragmentary premaXIlla; MCMa 2004.016: fragmentary premaXIlla; MCMa 2005.016: fragmentary premaXIlla; MCMa 2006.016: fragmentary premaXIlla; MCMa 2007.016: fragmentary premaXIlla; MCMa 2008.016: fragmentary premaXIlla; MCMa 2009.016: aSSoCIated rIght humeruS and rIght CarpometaCarpuS; MCMa 2010.016: rIght CarpometaCarpuS. All the boneS were ColleCted by E. TorreS, J.C. Illera, J.C. Rando, H. PIeper, O. Runze & J.A. AlCover, 20.– 24.06.2015, eXCeptIng the mandIble MCMa 1999.016, ColleCted by E. TorreS, F. PereIra and J.A. AlCover, 12.09.2014. See Supplementary fIgureS S1, S2 and S3.

P. crassa n.sp. P. murina P. pyrrhula P. erythaca 1:Cranium length 28.4 (1) 26.6±0.8 (10) 26.6±0.2 (4)

25.0–28.5 26.4–27 Diagnosis. Quadrate larger than In any other known SpeCIeS of Pyrrhula . The premaXIlla IS very robuSt, whIle the noStrIlS are relatIvely Smaller In relatIon to the bIll SIze than they are In P. murina or P. pyrrhula , and the proCeSSuS dorSonarIalIS IS relatIvely wIde (84% and 50% wIder than In P. pyrrhula and P. murina reSpeCtIvely). The mandIble IS muCh larger, hIgher and more robuSt than In CongenerS. The SymphySeal part of the mandIble IS hIgher than In ItS CongenerS (on average, 75.6% hIgher than In P. pyrrhula and 42% than In P. murina ), whIle ItS length IS only 57% longer than In P. pyrrhula and 32% longer than In P. murina . The humeruS, CarpometaCarpuS, CoraCoId, and tIbIotarSuS are longer and more robuSt than In the other known SpeCIeS of the genuS ( FIgureS 3 and 4).

Franca, Z., Cruz, J. V., Nunes, J. C. & Forjaz, V. H. (2003) Geologia dos Acores: uma perspectiVa actual. Acoreana, 10, 11 - 140.











