Scrapter divergens ( Friese, 1925 )

Mack, Anne & Kuhlmann, Michael, 2023, Revision of the nitidus species group of the bee genus Scrapter Lepeletier & Serville, 1828 (Hymenoptera: Apoidea), European Journal of Taxonomy 912, pp. 1-119 : 83-86

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Plazi (2023-12-19 09:18:43, last updated by GgImagineBatch 2023-12-19 09:22:52)

scientific name

Scrapter divergens ( Friese, 1925 )


Scrapter divergens ( Friese, 1925)

Figs 58–60

Polyglossa (Strandiella) divergens Friese, 1925: 515 , holotype ♀ (Willowmore, South Africa) (ZMHB), examined.


The female of S. divergens can be separated from that of all other species of this group by the following character combination: T3 anterior of premarginal line impunctate ( Fig. 58E); discs of T1–T4 regularly (I = 1.5 d) and coarsely punctate ( Fig. 58E); propodeum basally carinate, apically smooth, matt ( Fig. 58D). The male is described for the first time. It is characterized by a regular (i = 1–1.5 d) and fine punctation on discs of T1–T4 ( Fig. 59D); propodeum rugulose-areolate ( Fig. 59C) and form of S7 ( Fig. 60C).

Material examined (4 specimens)

SOUTH AFRICA • 1 ♀; 15 km NW of Vioolsdrif, Orange River valley ; 28°42′02″ S, 17°30′22″ E; 310 m a.s.l.; 9 Sep. 2016; MK leg.; RCMK GoogleMaps 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding; 9 Sep. 2016; 310 m a.s.l.; EA leg., RCMK GoogleMaps 1 ♀; W of Bothaville , Vaal riv.; 27°23′ S, 26°37′ E; 28 Oct. 2008; MS leg.; RCMK GoogleMaps 1 ♂; Tussen Die Riviere Res. nr Bethulie; 30°30′ S, 26°12′ E; 1280 m a.s.l.; 30 Mar.–3 Apr. 1987; CE leg.; SANC GoogleMaps .



BODY LENGTH. 7.2 mm.

HEAD. Slightly wider than long. Integument black, mandibles dark brownish to reddish. Face irregularly and sparsely covered with brownish hair, more densely around basis of antennae. Ocelli in line with posterior margin of compound eyes. Clypeus medially with shallow longitudinal depression and fine punctation, apically sparse (i = 2–4 d), laterally dense (i = 0.5–1 d). Surface between punctures smooth and shiny ( Fig. 58B). Malar area medially narrow, slightly curved. Antennal flagella ventrally yellow, dorsally black. Supraclypeal area at upper margin slightly emarginated and edges slightly extended.

MESOSOMA. Integument black, pronotal lobe dark brownish-black. Scutum coarsely and irregularly (i = 0.5–3 d) punctate; surface between punctures smooth and shiny ( Fig. 58C). Metanotum less than half as long as scutellum. Propodeum basally broadly carinate, apically fine coriaceous and shiny ( Fig. 58D). Scutum, scutellum, metanotum, mesepisternum and propodeum sparsely covered with middle long, brownish to greyish, erect hair.

WINGS. Yellowish-brown, stigma and wing venation brownish ( Fig. 58A).

LEGS. Integument black, fore tibia with yellow spot. Vestiture greyish-brown, scopa greyish to brownish ( Fig. 58A).

METASOMA. Integument dark brownish, marginal zones yellowish-brown. T2–T4 anterior of premarginal line at least laterally short hairs in row; disc of T4 with very short, sparse hair; basal hair bands on T2–T4

of greyish, short, erect hair, broader towards posterior possible. Prepygidial and pygidial fimbriae brownish ( Fig. 58E). Disc of T1 densely (i = 1–2 d), regularly and finely punctate ( Fig. 58F); T2–T4 basally more densely (i = 0.5 d) punctate than disc (i = 1–1.5 d). Surface between punctures smooth and shiny ( Fig. 58E).



HEAD. Wider than long. Integument black, mandibles reddish to brownish. Face densely covered with long, white, erect hair. Ocelli in line with posterior margin of compound eyes. Malar area medially narrow, slightly curved. Antennal flagella ventrally yellow, dorsally black.

MESOSOMA. Integument black. Scutum regularly and densely (i = 0.5–1 d) punctate; surface between punctures smooth and shiny ( Fig. 59B). Propodeum completely rugulose-areolate, matt ( Fig. 59C). Scutum, scutellum, metanotum, mesepisternum and propodeum sparsely covered with long, brownish to greyish, erect hair.

WINGS. Yellowish-brown, stigma and wing venation brownish ( Fig. 59A).

LEGS. Integument black, fore and mid tibia with yellow spot. Vestiture greyish-white ( Fig. 59A).

METASOMA. Integument black, marginal zone yellowish-brown. Disc of T1 without hair ( Fig. 60A), T2–T4 basally with greyish, dense, short, erect hair band, covering third of T2, getting narrower towards posterior ( Fig. 59D). T3–T4 anterior of premarginal line with row of short, erect, greyish hair ( Fig. 59D). Discs of T1–T4 completely densely (i = 1–1.5 d), regularly and finely punctate. Surface between punctures smooth and shiny ( Fig. 59D).

TERMINALIA. Genitalia ( Fig. 60B), S7 ( Fig. 60C) and terminal plate of S8 ( Fig. 60D) as illustrated.


Few records but widely distributed in South Africa and known from different biomes.

Floral hosts

On yellow Senecio sp. ( Asteraceae ).

Seasonal activity



Eardley (1996) synonymised this species with S. ruficornis .

Eardley C. D. 1996. The genus Scrapter Lepeletier & Serville (Hymenoptera: Colletidae). African Entomology 4 (1): 37 - 92. https: // journals. co. za / doi / epdf / 10.10520 / AJA 10213589 _ 181

Friese H. 1925. Die Urbienengattung Polyglossa Fr. in Sudafrika. Zoologische Jahrbucher, Abteilung fur Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 49: 513 - 519.


Agricultural Research Council-Plant Protection Research Institute











