Stylophyllopsis zitteli Frech, 1890

Vasseur, Raphaël & Lathuilière, Bernard, 2021, Pliensbachian corals from the Western Tethys, Geodiversitas 43 (22), pp. 1187-1291 : 1270

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Felipe (2021-12-07 15:16:31, last updated 2025-03-03 17:40:05)

scientific name

Stylophyllopsis zitteli Frech, 1890


Stylophyllopsis zitteli Frech, 1890 View in CoL

( Fig. 58 View FIG )

Stylophyllopsis zitteli Frech,1890: 49 View in CoL , pl. 13, fig. 9-15 et 17-24. — Cuif 1973: 243, txt-fig. 15-18. — Roniewicz 1989: 125, pl. 39, fig. 8 and pl. 40, fig. 5-7. — Vasseur 2018: 335-336, fig. 3.92.

Stylophyllopsis zitteli var. crassisepta Haas, 1909: 149 , pl. 5, fig. 9.

non Oppelismilia zitteli Kristan-Tollmann & Tollmann, 1963: 562 , pl. 7, fig. 1 et pl. 8, fig. 2-5.

non Phacelostylophyllum zitteli Melnikova, 1972: 198 View in CoL , txt-fig. 5, pl. 9, fig. 6-7; 1975b: 79, txt-fig. 6, pl. 11, fig. 2-7.

Stylophyllopsis zitelli [sic] – Beauvais 1986: 7.

STUDIED SAMPLES. — Two specimens: CPUN 2703 A3-3, CPUN AM16179-8. GEOGRAPHIC AND STRATIGRAPHIC RANGES. — Rhaetian of Austria, Pliensbachian of Amellagou ( High Atlas of Morocco).


Solitary coral, cylindrical to conical, quite irregular in shape. Radial elements are subcompact costosepta of a well-defined stylophyllid structure in their inner part but showing a wavy mid-septal line in the two peripheral thirds (this character can fit with a stylophyllid structure, see for example Cuif 1972 or Stolarski & Russo 2002). They are large, with detachments of quite rough septal spines at the inner edge and sometimes some stereome layers in depth. The last-order septa are constituted of only one or two septal spines that appear oblong (i.e. subcircular but elongated) in transverse section. No columella observed but the genus is described as having sometimes a papillose columella made of septal spines projected in the axial space. Endotheca made of large vesicular dissepiments with stereomal thickenings, in continuity with enlarged septa. An often eroded epicostal epitheca s.l. seems to wrap the corallum. Calicular diameter: 14 to 26 mm – Number of septa: 43 to 47 – Septal density: 3 to 4 per 2 mm.


This species differs from other Stylophyllopsis species by its large, weakly numerous septa with mid-septal line in the peripheral part of the corallite transverse section. Dissepiments are large too. The last-order septa are sometimes constituted of only one or two septal spines that appear oblong (i.e. subcircular, elongated) in transverse section.

BEAUVAIS L. 1986. - Monographie des madreporaires du Jurassique inferieur du Maroc. Palaeontographica Abteilung A 194: 1 - 68.

CUIF J. P. 1972. - Recherches sur les madreporaires du Trias. I. Famille des Stylophyllidae. Bulletin du Museum national d'Histoire naturelle 97: 211 - 291. https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / page / 55480744

CUIF J. P. 1973. - Recherches sur les madreporaires du Trias. I. Famille des Stylophyllidae. Bulletin du Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, 3 eme serie, Sciences de la Terre, 97: 211 - 291. https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / page / 55480742

FRECH F. 1890. - Die Korallenfauna der Trias, 1. Die Korallen der Juvavischen Triasprovinz. Palaeontographica 37: 1 - 116.

HAAS O. 1909. - Bericht uber neue Aufsammlungen in den Zlambachmergeln der Fischerwiese bei Alt-Ausse. Beitrage zur Palaontologie und Geologie Osterreich-Ungarns und des Orients 22: 143 - 167.

MELNIKOVA G. K. 1972. - Revision of some Late Triassic and Early Jurassic Stylophyllidae (Scleractinia). Palaeontological Journal 2: 191 - 200.

RONIEWICZ E. 1989. - Triassic scleractinian corals of the Zlambach Beds, Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria. Denkschriften-Osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften 126: 1 - 152.

STOLARSKI J. & RUSSO A. 2002. - Microstructural diversity of the stylophyllid (Scleractinia) skeleton. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 47: 651 - 666.

KRISTAN- TOLLMANN E. & TOLLMANN A. 1963. - Das mittle-ostalpine Rhat-Standardprofil aus dem Stagalm-Mesozoikum (Karnten). Mitteilungen der Geologischen Gesellschaft in Wien 56: 539 - 589.

VASSEUR R. 2018. - Extinctions et recouvrements de coraux au cours de la crise Pliensbachien-Toarcien. These de doctorat, Universite de Lorraine, France, 542 p.

Gallery Image

FIG. 58. — Stylophyllopsis zitteli Frech, 1890: A, lateral view of the specimen CPUN 2703A3-3; B, lateral view of the specimen CPUN AM16179-8; C, distal view of the specimen CPUN 2703A3-3; D, distal view of the specimen CPUN 2703A3-3; E, transverse thin section showing wavy mid-septal line in the specimen CPUN 2703A3-3; F, transverse thin section of the specimen CPUN 2703A3-3. Scale bars: A, B, 1 cm; C, D, 5 mm; E, 1 mm; F, 4 mm.











