Aphelocerus yaguare, Opitz, Weston, 2019

Opitz, Weston, 2019, Descriptions of new genera and new species of Western Hemisphere checkered beetles (Coleoptera, Cleroidea, Cleridae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 51 (2), pp. 959-1076 : 966

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Valdenar (2020-04-09 19:56:55, last updated 2024-11-29 23:54:31)

scientific name

Aphelocerus yaguare


Aphelocerus yaguare OPITZ nov.sp. ( Figs 99 View Figs 92-100 , 159 View Figs 153-162 , 269 View Figs 266-269 )

Holotype: ♀. Type locality: Nicaragua: Matagalpa: Selva Negra , 1280 m, 17-VI-2018, Weston & Galena Opitz, beating live branches of orange jasmine ( FSCA).

D i a g n o s i s: The genus Aphelocerus KIRSCH was revised in 2005 (OPITZ 2005). This work included a key to species. Aphelocerus yaguare specimens key out to A. myrmecoides OPITZ from which A. yaguare specimens differ by showing a more oblong elytral form. The elytral length to width ratio in A. yaguare specimens is 8.0, whereas in A. myrmecoides specimens it is 5.6. Also, the metepisternal line of white setae is missing in specimens of A. yaguare .

D e s c r i p t i o n: Size: Length 5.5 mm; width 2.0 mm. Form: As in Fig. 269 View Figs 266-269 . Color: Black; row of white setae on at sides of frons and lower sides of pronotum. Head: Genae and epicranium extended; gena wrinkled behind eyes; interocular depression and frontal umbo shallow; antenna ( Fig. 99 View Figs 92-100 ) capitate, funicular antennomeres filiform, progressively shorter and wider towards capitulum, capitulum not compact; eyes finely facetted, eye narrower than frons (EW/FW 17/51). Thorax: Pronotum ( Fig. 159 View Figs 153-162 ) oblong, very finely punctate; (PW/PL 60/42); elytra boldly convex, disc with striae of very small setiferous punctures (EL/EW 240/30). Abdomen: Pygidium transverse / scutiform.

N a t u r a l H i s t o r y: The available specimen was collected during mid-June, by beating live branches of the evergreen bush orange jasmine [ Murraya paniculata (L.) JACK ( Rutaceae )], at 1,280 m.

D i s t r i b u t i o n: This species is known from Nicaragua.

E t y m o l o g y: The trivial name, yaguare, is a noun in apposition and honors Yagüare the Nicaraguan native who founded the community of Matagalpa.

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Figs 92-100: Antennae; (92) Pyticeroides desodes; (93) Ichnea cerinis; (94) Agnatis vaurieae; (95) Ampleris amazon; (96) Nepsudia guenda; (97) Isoparis cassidilis; (98) Pelonium atrigonatium; (99) Aphelocerus yaguare; (100) Madoniella selvanegra.

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Figs 153-162: Pronota; (153) Agnatis vaurieae; (154) Pelonium atrigonatium; (155) Pujoliclerus variolus; (156) Epiphloeus prolixicornus; (157) Sirpa latiflava; (158) Neorthopleura turnbowi; (159) Aphelocerus yaguare; (160) A. copanus; (161) Amboakis mitaraka; (162) Ellipotoma makrosa.

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Figs 266-269: Habitus; (266) Aphelocerus nolus; (267) A. sparicapillus; (268) A. tigra; (269) A. yaguare.


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology













