Eviulisoma akkariae, Enghoff, 2018

Enghoff, Henrik, 2018, A mountain of millipedes VII: The genus Eviulisoma Silvestri, 1910, in the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania, and related species from other Eastern Arc Mountains. With notes on Eoseviulisoma Brolemann, 1920, and Suohelisoma Hoffman, 1963 (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Paradoxosomatidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 445, pp. 1-90 : 26-28

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Plazi (2018-12-21 22:23:41, last updated 2025-01-08 18:42:07)

scientific name

Eviulisoma akkariae

sp. nov.

Eviulisoma akkariae View in CoL sp. nov.


Figs 3 A View Fig. 3 , 8 A View Fig. 8 , 12 View Fig. 12


Differs from other species of the E. kwabuniense group by being larger (width 2.6–3.3 mm vs 1.5–2.1 mm in other species), in having contrasting dark and pale transverse bands, and in the combination of a smooth intermediate acropodital process (iap) and a large, two-lobed solenophore with a dorsal lobe (sph-d) as long as acropodital processes and ending in a hook.


This species is named after Nesrine Akkari, one of the very few myriapodologists from the African continent, author of several important papers on myriapods, now curator of the important myriapod collection in the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Austria, and always a dear friend.

Material studied (total: 7 ♂♂)

Holotype TANZANIA: ♂, Morogoro Region, Udzungwa Mts National Park, Mito Mitatu, Plot MM1, Trap #3 , 07°50′14.3″ S, 36°50′46.8″ E, 1207 m a.s.l., 7 Jan. 2014, pitfall trapping, T. Pape and N. Scharff leg. ( ZMUC). GoogleMaps

Paratypes TANZANIA: 1 ♂, same collection data as for holotype, except Trap #4; 5 ♂♂, Morogoro Region, Udzungwa Mts National Park, Sanje Kati Camp and Plot , 850 m a.s.l., 07°45′47.6″ S, 36°53′10.4″ E, pit fall trap, Plots 2, 6, 8, 17 and 24 , 7 Feb. 2014, J. Malumbres-Olarte leg. (ZMUC, NHMW). GoogleMaps

Description (male)

SIZE. Length 26–28 mm, max. width 2.6–3.3 mm.

COLOUR ( Fig. 3 A View Fig. 3 ). After 3 years in alcohol: overall impression contrasting dark and pale transverse bands. Head light to medium brown. Antennomeres 1–5 light brown; antennomeres 6–7 pale yellow. Collum brown. Postcollar body rings: prozonites pale yellow; metazonites dorsally brown, gradually lighter brown ventrally. Legs brownish yellow. Dorsal anterior half of preanal ring brown, rest of telson yellowish.

ANTENNAE. Reaching back to end of ring 4.

BODY RINGS. Paranota represented by a tiny keel on ring 2 (as Fig. 4C View Fig. 4 ), otherwise completely absent. Stricture between pro- and metazonite not striolate. A transverse row of setae on all body rings.

HYPOPROCT. Rounded-trapezoid, with three prominent marginal tubercles.

LEGS. Length 1.2× body width. Relative lengths of podomeres: femur> prefemur (>) tarsus> postfemur = tibia. Scopulae on anterior legs on femur, postfemur, tibia and tarsus; those on femur and postfemur missing from posterior legs.

STERNUM 5. A small, low, rectangular process between legs 4.

STERNUM 6. Deeply excavated, rim simple.

GONOPODS ( Figs 8 A View Fig. 8 , 12 View Fig. 12 ). Coxal lobe (cxl) well-developed, semicircular. Prefemoral part (prf) ca ¼ as long as acropodite; mesal acropodital process (map) long, slender, straight, apically pointed, with a prominent subterminal pointed-triangular side branch; intermediate acropodital process (iap) a little shorter than map, slender, smooth, acuminate; solenophore very large, as long as map, folded around solenomere, with two large lobes; dorsal lobe (sph-d) ending in hook-shaped process; ventral lobe (sph-v) much shorter than sph-d, apically broadly rounded; a tiny intermediate lobe (sph-i) between sph-d and sph-v; inner surface of sph with two parallel, longitudinal serrated ridges (sr) followed by an area of parallel transverse ridges (tr).

Distribution and habitat

Known from two sites in the Udzungwa Mts National Park. Altitudinal range 850– 1207 m a.s.l.

Gallery Image

Fig. 3. Eviulisoma spp., examples of colour patterns. A. E. akkariae sp. nov., paratype, showing a banded pattern (pale prozonites, dark metazonites) similar to that shown in Fig. 1. B. E. coxale sp. nov., tentatively referred female from type locality, showing dark lateral spots on a pale background. C. E. biquintum sp. nov., paratype from Mito Mitatu, showing a black body contrasting with white legs. Not to scale. Photographs by F. Vad and A. Illum.

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Fig. 4. Eviulisoma spp. A–B. E. paradisiacum sp. nov., ♂. A. Head and rings 1–8, lateral view. B. Head and collum, frontal view. C. E. Zebra sp. nov., ♂, head and rings 1–3, lateral view. Abbreviation: pn = paranotum. Scale bars: 0.2 mm.

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Fig. 8. Gonopods in Eviulisoma spp. A. E. akkariae sp. nov., paratype, right gonopod, colour-coded: light green = coxa; dark green = cannula; light blue = prefemoral part; purplish blue = mesal acropodital process; pink = intermediate acropodital process; orange = solenophore; yellow = solenomere. B. E. culter sp. nov., paratype, right gonopod, solenomere entering solenophore. C. E. ottokrausi sp. nov., paratype, left gonopod, solenomere dislodged from solenophore. Scale bars: A = 0.1 mm; B–C = 0.05 mm.

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Fig. 12. Eviulisoma akkariae sp. nov., paratypes from Udzungwa Mts National Park, Sanje Kati camp and plot (A, C) and Udzungwa Mts National Park, Milo Mitatu (B, D), right gonopods. A. Mesal view. B. Ridged area on inner surface of solenophore. C. Ventral view. D. Lateral view. Abbreviations: cxl = coxal lobe; iap = intermediate acropodital process; map = mesal acropodital process; prf = prefemur; ra = ridged area of solenophore; slm = solenomere; sph = solenophore; sph-d, sph-i, sph-v = dorsal, intermediate and ventral lobes of solenophore; sr = serrated ridge; tr = transverse ridges. Scales:A, C–D = 0.1 mm; B = 0.05 mm.


Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen















