Cavisternum clavatum, Baehr & Harvey & Smith, 2010

Baehr, Barbara C., Harvey, Mark S. & Smith, Helen M., 2010, The Goblin Spiders of the New Endemic Australian Genus Cavisternum (Araneae: Oonopidae), American Museum Novitates 3684, pp. 1-40 : 6-13

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Carolina (2021-08-29 08:24:14, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-05 13:45:32)

scientific name

Cavisternum clavatum

sp. nov.

Cavisternum clavatum View in CoL , new species

Figures 1, 4, 7 View Figs , 26–83 View Figs View Figs View Figs View Figs View Figs View Figs View Figs View Figs View Figs View Figs View Figs View Figs View Figs ; map 1

TYPES: AUSTRALIA: Western Australia: male holotype from 7.5 km NNW of Mt. Berry, site WYE13, 22 ° 25 9 29.6 0 S, 116 ° 25 9 57.4 0 E, pitfall trap (10 Sep. 2003 – 9 Oct. 2004, CALM Pilbara Survey) (PBI_OON 00023337), deposited in WAM (T93854). Female allotype collected with holotype (PBI_OON 00023338), deposited in WAM (T93855). Paratypes: 4 males from 10.5 km NW of Mt. Berry, site WYE12, 22 ° 24 9 38.6 0 S, 116 ° 23 9 30.8 0 E (10 Sep. 2003 – 9 Oct. 2004, CALM Pilbara Survey) (PBI_OON 00004882), deposited in WAM (T67239); 7 males, 7 females from 7.5 km NNW of Mt. Berry, site WYE13, 22 ° 25 9 29.6 0 S, 116 ° 25 9 57.4 0 E (10 Sep. 2003 – 9 Oct. 2004, CALM Pilbara Survey) (PBI_OON 00004906), 1 male, 1 female deposited in each of QM S86890 View Materials , AM KS106291 , AMNH, CAS, remainder in WAM (T67260); 4 males, 3 females from 8.5 km WSW of Yanyare River Mouth , site DRW02, 20 ° 50 9 40.6 0 S, 116 ° 22 9 02.9 0 E (Oct. 2004, CALM Pilbara Survey) (PBI_OON 00004914), 1 male, 1 female deposited in each of FMNH, MCCN, RMCA, remainder in WAM (T67268) .

ETYMOLOGY: The adjectival specific name is Latin and refers to the club-shaped sternal setae found in males.

DIAGNOSIS: Males of C. clavatum resemble those of C. bertmaini in having the epigastric area strongly protruding (fig. 4). In C. clavatum the concave field of clavate setae is clearly longer than that of C. bertmaini , extending over about O of the sternum, and teardrop shaped (fig. 7); the embolus is less curved than in C. bertmaini (figs. 77–81).

MALE: Total length 1.11. Carapace 0.51 long, 0.41 wide; abdomen 0.60 long, 0.33 wide. Carapace, sternum, chelicerae, endites, and labium pale orange; sternum with drop-shaped field of clavate setae covering about half of sternum width and O of sternum length (fig. 7). Legs yellow. Epigastric region with strongly protruding extension (fig. 4). Palpal embolus long, slightly medially bent, with a large triangular basal projection (figs. 77–81).

FEMALE: Total length 1.26. Carapace 0.51 long, 0.40 wide; abdomen 0.75 long, 0.38 wide. Coloration as in male. Epigastric fold area, copulatory opening a broad V-shaped slit ending in a narrow copulatory duct; tracheal system with two anteriorly and posteriorly directed branches (figs. 82, 83).

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: AUSTRALIA: Western Australia: 12 km ESE of Mt Billroth , site PE10, 21 ° 39 9 45 0 S, 117 ° 42 9 17.5 0 E, 5 May 2004 – 18 May 2005, CALM Pilbara Survey, 1 ♀ (PBI_OON 00004899) (WAM T67253) ; 17.5 km SE of Mt Bruce , site TCMBE07, 22 ° 42 9 58 0 S, 118 ° 15 9 48 0 E, 1 Sep. 2005 – 17 Sep. 2006, CALM Pilbara Survey, 3 ³, 1 ♀ (PBI_OON 00004904) (WAM T67258) GoogleMaps ; 21 km WNW of Bonney Downs Homestead , site RHNE11, 22 ° 05 9 41 0 S, 119 ° 45 9 13 0 E, 7 Aug. 2003 – 18 Oct. 2004, CALM Pilbara Survey, 2 ³, 3 ♀ (PBI_OON 00004889) (WAM T78367; 2 ³, 1 ♀ SEM) GoogleMaps ; 26 km WSW of Mt Marsh , site RHNW01, 22 ° 32 9 06.1 0 S, 118 ° 58 9 38.5 0 E, 11 Aug. 2003 – 19 Oct. 2004, CALM Pilbara Survey, 10 ³ (PBI_OON 00004879), 9 ♀ (PBI_OON 00004879) (1 ³, 1 ♀ in each of IBSP, NHMB, PPRI, RBINS, remainder in WAM T67236) ; 53 km NNE of Whim Creek Hotel , site DRE03, 20 ° 25 9 48.6 0 S, 118 ° 03 9 50.3 0 E, 8 July–2 Oct. 2003, CALM Pilbara Survey, 1 ³ (PBI_OON 00004887) (WAM T67243) ; 45 km N of Nullagine , site NW08, 21 ° 28 9 47.8 0 S, 120 ° 05 9 26.9 0 E, 19 May 2004 – 18 May 2005, CALM Pilbara Survey, 1 ³ (PBI_OON 00004897), 1 ♀ (PBI_OON 00004897) (WAM T67251) ; 42.5 km N of Nullagine , site NW07, 21 ° 29 9 57 0 S, 120 ° 06 9 32.9 0 E, 3 Aug. 2003 – 20 Oct. 2004, CALM Pilbara Survey, 1 ³ (PBI_OON 00004913) (WAM T67267) ; 16 km N of Cowra Line Camp , site RHNW07, 22 ° 13 9 18.2 0 S, 119 ° 01 9 29.5 0 E, 14 Aug. 2003 – 20 Oct. 2004, CALM Pilbara Survey, 1 ³, 1 ♀ (PBI_OON 00004891) (WAM T67246) ; 46 km NNE of Whim Creek Hotel, site DRE02, 20 ° 28 9 32.2 0 S, 117 ° 59 9 43.3 0 E, 9 July 2003– 4 Oct. 2004, CALM Pilbara Survey, 1 ³ (PBI_OON 00004901) (WAM T67255) ; 26 km WNW of Bonney Downs Homestead , site RHNE12, 22 ° 05 9 07 0 S, 119 ° 42 9 13 0 E, 8 Aug. 2003 – 18 Oct. 2004, CALM Pilbara Survey, 1 ³, 1 ♀ (PBI_OON 00004895) (WAM T78314) GoogleMaps ; 24.5 km N of Cowra Line Camp , site RHNW10, 22 ° 08 9 04.8 0 S, 119 ° 01 9 27.3 0 E, 27 Aug. 2003 – 20 Oct. 2004, CALM Pilbara Survey, 1 ³, 1 ♀ (PBI_OON 00004912) (WAM T67266) ; 17 km SE of Karratha , site DRC 04, 20 ° 51 9 08 0 S, 116 ° 56 9 40.5 0 E, 10 May 2004 – 23 May 2005, CALM Pilbara Survey, 1 ³, 1 ♀ (PBI_OON 00004894) (WAM T67249) ; 10 km S of Mallina Homestead, site DRE13, 20 ° 58 9 10.4 0 S, 118 ° 02 9 54 0 E, 10 July 2003– 3 Oct. 2004, CALM Pilbara Survey, 1 ♀ (PBI_OON 00004908) (WAM T67262) ; 6 km SE of Marda Pool , site DRW10, 21 ° 04 9 11.8 0 S, 116 ° 12 9 15.5 0 E, 25 Sep. 2003 – 3 Oct. 2004, CALM Pilbara Survey, 1 ³ (PBI_OON 00004900) (WAM T67254) ; 1.2 km SSE of Millstream, site PW08, 21 ° 36 9 15 0 S, 117 ° 04 9 39 0 E, 14 July 2003– 12 Oct. 2004, CALM Pilbara Survey, 1 ³, 1 ♀ (PBI_OON 00004892) (WAM T67247) GoogleMaps ; 5 km NW of Mt. Florance Homestead , site PE08, 21 ° 45 9 59.3 0 S, 117 ° 49 9 31.2 0 E, 5 May 2004 – 18 May 2005, CALM Pilbara Survey, 2 ³, 2 ♀ (PBI_OON 00004883) (WAM T67240) ; 78 km E of Meentheena Outcamp , site NE11, 21 ° 18 9 15.9 0 S, 121 ° 12 9 01.3 0 E, May 2004 – Oct .

Male sperm pore. Scales: fig. 42, 100 m m; fig. 43, 20 m m.

45. Male (PBI_OON 04906), leg I. 46. Male, leg II. 47. Male, leg III. 48. Male, leg IV. Scales: 10 m m.

2004, CALM Pilbara Survey , 1 ♀ (PBI_OON 00004902) (WAM T67256) ; 12.5 km E of Pannawonica , site OYE02, 21 ° 37 9 38 0 S, 116 ° 26 9 45 0 E, 2 Oct. 2005 – 27 Sep. 2006, CALM Pilbara Survey, 2 ³, 2 ♀ (PBI_OON 00004896) (WAM T67250) GoogleMaps ; 24 km SSE of Peedamulla Homestead , site OYW03, 21 ° 56 9 53 0 S, 115 ° 49 9 48 0 E, 25 Sep. 2005 – 28 Sep. 2006, CALM Pilbara Survey, 1 ♀ (PBI_OON 00004893) (WAM T67248) GoogleMaps ; 32 km E of Port Hedland, site PHYW11, 20 ° 19 9 28 0 S, 118 ° 55 9 20 0 E, 25 July 2005– 25 Aug. 2006, CALM Pilbara Survey, 3 ³, 2 ♀ (PBI_OON 00004903) (WAM T67257) GoogleMaps ; 20 km WNW of Rhodes Ridge , site RHNC09, 23 ° 06 9 11.6 0 S, 119 ° 02 9 20 0 E, 1 Sep. 2003 – 16 Oct. 2004, CALM Pilbara Survey, 6 ³, 2 ♀ (PBI_OON

I. 50. Leg II. 51. Leg III. 52. Leg IV. Scales: 20 m m.

54. Male (PBI_OON 04906), leg I. 55. Male, leg II. 56. Male, leg III. 57. Male, leg IV. Scales: 10 m m.

00004898) (WAM T67252); 33 km W of Rhodes Ridge , site RHNC08, 23 ° 06 9 11.6 0 S, 119 ° 02 9 20 0 E, 2 Sep. 2003 – 18 Oct. 2004, CALM Pilbara Survey, 3 ³, 1 ♀ (PBI_OON 00004910) (WAM T67264) ; Ripon Hills Road, 47.6 km E of Nullagine turnoff ( Marble Bar Road ), 21 ° 13 9 35 0 S, 120 ° 22 9 08 0 E, 29 Mar.–23 May 2006, M. Bulbert, J. Gollan, L. Kampen, G. Carter, 1 ³ (PBI_OON 00021622) (AM KS100138) GoogleMaps ; 18 km WNW of Tom Price , site TCMBW06, 22 ° 39 9 57 0 S, 117 ° 36 9 46 0 E, 25 Aug. 2005 – 23 Sep. 2006, CALM Pilbara Survey, 1 ³ (PBI_OON 00004890) (WAM T67245) GoogleMaps ; 6 km ENE of Tom Price , site TCMBE12, 22 ° 40 9 48 0 S, 117 ° 50 9 52 0 E, 3 Aug. 2005 – 18 Sep. 2006, CALM Pilbara Survey, 1 ♀ (PBI_OON 00004885) (WAM T67241) GoogleMaps ; 10 km SSE of Wheelarra , site BDRS08, 23 ° 27 9 30 0 S, 120 ° 09 9 21 0 E, 7 Sep. 2005 – 10 Aug. 2006, CALM Pilbara Survey, 1 ♀ (PBI_OON 00004909) (WAM T67263) GoogleMaps ; 45 km NE of Whim Creek Hotel , site DRE07, 20 ° 36 9 26.6 0 S, 118 ° 9 9 23.8 0 E, 7 July 2003 – 4 Oct. 2004, CALM Pilbara Survey, 1 ³, 4 ♀ (PBI_OON 00004905) (WAM T67259) ; 11 km N of Wodgina , site MBW08, 21 ° 04 9 18 0 S, 118 ° 40 9 47 0 E, 23 Sep. 2005 – 13 Sep. 2006, CALM Pilbara Survey, 1 ³ (PBI_OON 00004881) (WAM T67238) GoogleMaps ; 15 km NNE of Wodgina , site MBW07, 21 ° 03 9 49 0 S, 118 ° 45 9 39 0 E, 23 Sep. 2005 – 13 Sep. 2006, CALM Pilbara Survey, 1 ³ (PBI_OON 00004886) (WAM T67242) GoogleMaps ; 11 km N of Wodgina , site MBW08, 21 ° 04 9 18 0 S, 118 ° 40 9 47 0 E, 23 Sep. 2005 – 13 Sep. 2006, CALM Pilbara Survey, 3 ³, 1 ♀ (PBI_OON 00004888) (WAM T67244) GoogleMaps ; 20 km ENE of Wodgina , site MBW06, 21 ° 06 9 53 0 S, 118 ° 51 9 06 0 E, 23 Sep. 2005 – 13 Sep. 2006, CALM Pilbara Survey, 1 ♀ (PBI_OON 00004880) (WAM T67237) GoogleMaps ; 20.5 km ESE of Yarrie Homestead , site PHYE11, 20 ° 46 9 01 0 S, 120 ° 22 9 36 0 E, 4 July 2005 – 20 Aug. 2006, CALM Pilbara Survey, 1 ³ (PBI_OON 00004911) (WAM T67265) GoogleMaps ; Hamersley Station , Nanutarra– Wittenoom Road, c . 25 km NE of Railway Road , 22 ° 21 9 21 0 S, 117 ° 54 9 16 0 E, 12–17 Aug. 2005, CVA Volunteers, 1 ³ (PBI_OON 00006541) (AM KS100485) GoogleMaps ; Woodstock Station , site WS4, 21 ° 36 9 34 0 S, 118 ° 58 9 28 0 E, 10–17 Feb. 1989, J. Dell, R.A. How, J.M. Waldock, 1 ³ (PBI_OON 00005436) (WAM T91/577) GoogleMaps .

DISTRIBUTION: This species is widely distributed in the western part of Western Australia, especially in the Pilbara region (map 1).

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Figs. 1–9. Cavisternum species, males. 1–3: habitus, dorsal view; 4–6: habitus, lateral view; 7–9: sterna and chelicera, ventral view. 1, 4, 7. C. clavatum (PBI_OON 04906). 2, 5, 8. C. ewani (PBI_OON 06013). 3, 6, 9. C. michaelbellomoi (PBI_OON 06003).

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Figs. 26–35. Cavisternum clavatum, new species. 26. Female (PBI_OON 04903) carapace, dorsal view. 27. Female carapace, lateral view. 28. Female carapace, frontal view. 29. Female sternum, ventral view. 30. Male (PBI_OON 04906) carapace, dorsal view. 31. Male carapace, lateral view. 32. Male carapace, frontal view. 33. Male sternum, ventral view. 34. Male sternum, anterior view. 35. Male clavate setae. Scales: figs. 26–33, 100 mm; figs. 34, 35, 10 mm.

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Figs. 36–41. Cavisternum clavatum, new species, chelicerae. 36. Female (PBI_OON 04903), dorsal view. 37. Female left fang, ventral view. 38. Female chelicerae, ventral view. 39. Male (PBI_OON 04906) chelicerae, ventral view. 40. Male right fang, retrolateral view. 41. Male right fang, prolateral view. Scales: 20 mm.

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Figs. 42–43. Cavisternum clavatum, new species. 42. Male (PBI_OON 04906) abdomen, lateral view. 43.

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Figs. 44–48. Cavisternum clavatum, new species, tibiae, dorsal view. 44. Female (PBI_OON 04903), leg I.

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Figs. 49–52. Cavisternum clavatum, new species, male metatarsi, dorsal view (PBI_OON 04906). 49. Leg

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Figs. 53–57. Cavisternum clavatum, new species, tarsi, dorsal view. 53. Female (PBI_OON 04903), leg I.

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Figs. 58–62. Cavisternum clavatum, new species, tarsal claws. 58. Female (PBI_OON 04903), leg I. 59.

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Figs. 63–66. Cavisternum clavatum, new species, male metatarsal trichobothria (PBI_OON 04906). 63.

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Figs. 67–70. Cavisternum clavatum, new species. tarsal organ, dorsal view. 67. Female (PBI_OON 04903), leg I. 68. Male (PBI_OON 04906), leg I. 69. Male, leg IV. 70. Male, palp (arrowed). Scales: figs. 67– 69, 2 mm; fig. 70, 20 mm.

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Figs. 71, 72. Cavisternum clavatum, new species, claws, lateral view. 71. Female (PBI_OON 04903), leg I.

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Figs. 73–76. Cavisternum clavatum, new species, spinnerets(PBI_OON 04903).73.Female, whole spinneret field. 74. Female, right field, detail. 75. Male, whole spinneret field. 76. Male, right field, detail. ALS, anterior lateral spinneret; PLS, posterior lateral spinneret; PMS, posterior median spinnerets. Scales: 10 mm.

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Figs. 77–81. Cavisternum clavatum, new species, male palp (PBI_OON 04906). 77. Prolateral view. 78. Dorsal view. 79. Retrolateral view. 80. Embolus, prolateral view. 81. Embolus, retrolateral view. Scales: 10 mm.

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Figs. 82, 83. Cavisternum clavatum, new species, female epigyne (PBI_OON 04906). 82. Ventral view. 83. Dorsal view, CD, copulatory duct; EF, epigastric fold; GR, groove between tracheal spiracles; TS, tracheal spiracles.











