Eumenes batantanensis Nugroho, 2010

Nugroho, Hari, Ubaidillah, Rosichon & Kojima, Jun-ichi, 2010, Potter Wasps Of The Genus Eumenes Latreille (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae) In The Western Part Of The Papuan Region, With Description Of Two New Species And Taxonomic Notes On E. Inconspicuus Smith, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 58 (2), pp. 179-187 : 180-182

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Diego (2021-08-28 23:50:45, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-05 11:11:50)

scientific name

Eumenes batantanensis Nugroho

sp. nov.

Eumenes batantanensis Nugroho , new species

( Figs. 1 – 4 View Figs , 9 – 10, 13, 15 – 16 View Figs )

Material examined. – Holotype: female ( MZB), labeled “ INDONESIA, West Papua, Raja Ampat, Batanta Island, Yenanas , 00º50'09.8"S 130º53'18.5"E, alt. 9 m, coll. H. Nugroho & R. Ubaidillah”, reared from a nest collected on 27 Apr.2008 GoogleMaps , “ HOLOTYPE, MZB. HYMN. 19211” and “ Eumenes batantanensis Nugroho ” [second to terminal and seventh to terminal flagellomeres respectively of the left and right antennae missing] .

Paratype – 1 male ( MZB), INDONESIA, Papua, Raja Ampat, Batanta Island, Samsen , Alt. 29 m, 00º53'44.6"S 130º33'18.0"E, coll. H. Nugroho & R. Ubaidillah, 2 May 2008 GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. – This species can be separated from all other known species in the Papuan Region by the following combination of characters: clypeus with dorsal margin slightly emarginate medially and produced on both sides of emargination slightly beyond level of tentorial pits, ventral margin very shallowly emarginate medially; labrum broadly rounded apically; mesosoma short, about as long as high in lateral view; propodeum weakly convex, with posterior face barely depressed medially in dorsal half and more or less distinctly depressed medially in ventral half; first metasomal sternum and tergum fused, leaving suture between them distinct only posteriorly; body black; female clypeus yellow, with ferruginous spot in each ventrolateral corner.

Female. – Body length about 15 mm; forewing about 10 mm.

Head in frontal view subcircular, slightly wider than high ( Fig. 3 View Figs ). Clypeus in lateral view weakly and smoothly convex ( Fig. 1 View Figs ), in frontal view about 1.25 times as high as wide, with dorsal margin very shallowly emarginated medially ( Fig. 9 View Figs ), produced dorsally slightly beyond tentorial pits and distinctly separated from antennal sockets ( Fig. 3 View Figs ); ventral margin shallowly emarginate medially ( Fig. 9 View Figs ). Labrum broadly rounded apically ( Figs. 3 View Figs , 9 View Figs ). Mandible with dorsalmost tooth short. Antennal scape about 4 times as long as its maximum width; first flagellomere extremely longer than wide, about 6 times as long as wide.

Mesosoma globular, short and stubby, about 1.25 times as long as high in lateral view ( Fig. 1 View Figs ), about 1.25 times as long as wide. Pronotal carina obliterated dorsally, weakly produced at humeral angles. Mesoscutum about as long as wide. Tegula convex. Scutellum strongly convex, with median longitudinal depression. Metanotum nearly flat. Propodeum weakly convex; in lateral view outline of the posterior face weakly and smoothly curved ( Fig. 1 View Figs ); median longitudinal groove deep; posterior face barely depressed medially in dorsal half, more or less distinctly depressed medially in ventral half.

First metasomal segment long and slender, nearly 1.5 times longer than length of mesosoma; tergum in dorsal view prominently produced laterally at spiracles, but in general weakly widened posteriorly, with apical width about 2 times its basal width ( Fig. 2 View Figs ) and about one third maximum width of second tergum; tergum and sternum fused, leaving suture between them distinct only posteriorly; tergum with weak carinae along its ventral margins. Second tergum with welldeveloped apical lamella, with preapical impression nearly absent; second sternum flattened ( Fig. 1 View Figs ).

Body densely covered with long, ferruginous hairs. Head strongly punctured, covered with long, erect hairs in ocular sinus, frons and vertex; hairs in occiput sparser and shorter. Pronotum and mesoscutum with punctures similar to those on head; scutellum and metanotum with punctures slightly sparser and larger than those on mesoscutum; propodeum strongly punctured, with erect hairs much longer than those on other body parts. Inner side of fore femur and trochanter with long, erect hairs ( Fig. 4 View Figs ). First metasomal tergum and sternum with weaker punctures ( Fig. 15 View Figs ) than in other body parts; second tergum densely covered with silky pubescence, with weak punctures ( Fig. 16 View Figs ) as in the first tergum.

Head and mesosoma black, with following yellow and ferruginous markings: Band along inner eye margin occupying eye emargination and extending ventrally to clypeus, supraclypeal area, yellow; clypeus yellow, with illdefined small ferruginous spot on each ventrolateral corner; labrum dark ferruginous, with narrow dark-yellow band along apical margin; mandibles except for black base ferruginous; narrow band in dorsal half of gena along posterior margin of eye yellow; antenna ferruginous beneath; anterior part of dorsal face of pronotum, narrow band at the posterolateral corner, yellow; ill-defined narrow short band along each anterolateral margin of mesoscutum, parategula, metanotum entirely, large scrobal spot connected with large spot below it to occupy posterior half of mesepisternum, paired large posterolateral spots on propodeum, propodeal valvula, yellow; tegula dark-yellow to ferruginous along outer margine. Wings fusco-hyaline; forewing slightly infuscated along anterior margin. All coxae black, but mid and hind coxae with large yellow spot on the dorsal surface; trochanters and femora dark brown, but ventral part of fore femur largely and apical part of mid-femur, yellow; tibiae and tarsi yellow, but mid-tarsus darker apically and hind tibia and tarsus largely ferruginous. Metasoma black, with following yellow marks: apical band of first tergum, paired large lateral spots and apical band of second tergum, large irregular-shaped posterior spot of second sternum; apical bands on third to fifth segments ferruginous.

Male. – Body length about 14 mm; forewing length about 10 mm. Similar to female, but clypeus more slender, about 1.1 times as high as wide, more strongly narrowed basally, entirely yellow except for apical semi-transparent lamella coloured ferruginous ( Fig. 10 View Figs ); mandible with the dorsalmost tooth longer and more slender, black but ferruginous apically. Antennal scape slightly curved, about 4 times as long as its maximum width (near apex); flagellum weakly thickened apically, thickest at seventh or eighth flagellomere, then tapering apically; first flagellum about 3.75 times as long as wide, slightly shorter than the length of second and third flagellomeres combined; terminal (eleventh) flagellomere slightly curved, sharply pointed apically, about 2.5 times as long as its basal width ( Fig. 13 View Figs ); antenna black, scape with ill-defined small yellow spot at base, first to third and eighth to terminal flagellomeres ferruginous beneath.

Etymology. – The specific name of this species refers to the type locality, Batanta Island.

Remarks. – This species looks structurally similar to the Moluccan species E. agillimus in having the short mesosoma and similarly-shaped metasoma (see Giordani Soika, 1935 for characters in E. agillimus ). However, the new species can be easily distinguished from E. agillimus by having a propodeum with the posterior face strongly convex and in lateral view broadly rounded (in lateral view posterior face barely convex in E. agillimus ), and by the first metasomal tergum and sternum being more or less fused (clearly separated in E. agillimus ). This species is also similar to E. truncatus Nugroho , new species, but they can be distinguished as remarked in the next section.

Distribution. – Known only from Batanta Island.

Gallery Image

Figs. 1–4. Eumenes batantanensis Nugroho, new species, holotype female: 1, body, lateral view; 2, first metasomal tergum, dorsal view; 3, head, frontal view; 4, fore femur and trochanter. Scale bar = 1 mm.

Gallery Image

Figs. 9–18. Eumenes batantanensis Nugroho, new species (9–10, 13, 15–16) and E. truncatus Nugroho, new species (11–12, 14, 17–18). Female, holotype (9, 11, 15–16) and male (10, 12, 13–14). 9–12, Clypeus and labrum, 13–14, apical part of antenna, 15, 17, punctures on first metasomal tergum, 16, 18, punctures on second metasomal tergum. Scale bar (for only Figs. 15–18) = 1 mm.


Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile











