Agrilus babaulti Théry, 1930

Jendek, Eduard & Nakládal, Oto, 2019, Revision of the Agrilus vittatus species-group (Coleoptera, Buprestidae, Agrilinae), Zootaxa 4629 (1), pp. 77-95 : 80-81

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Plazi (2019-07-04 05:46:30, last updated 2024-11-24 23:21:57)

scientific name

Agrilus babaulti Théry


Agrilus babaulti Théry View in CoL

( Figs. 1E View FIGURES 1 , 3D View FIGURES 3 , 5C View FIGURES 5 )

babaulti Théry, 1930 View in CoL

Théry, 1930: 163–164

Obenberger 1936a: 1075 (world catalog)

Jendek 2006: 397 (Palaearctic catalog)

Bellamy 2008: 1987 (world catalog)

Jendek 2016a: 527 (Palaearctic catalog)

= bonadonai Descarpentries & Villiers, 1963 View in CoL syn.nov.

Descarpentries & Villiers 1963: 4, 15 (sinensis group)

Bellamy 2008: 2004 ( Agrilus ; subgenus Sinagrilus ; world catalog)

Jendek & Grebennikov 2011: 54 (types; diagnosis; faunal records; range; subrobustus group)

Jendek 2016a: 528 (Palaearctic catalog).

Type material. Agrilus babaulti Théry, 1930 . Described from 30 specimens (Holotype & paratypes). Type locality: “Bajaura (Kangra district) [ India: Himachal Pradesh]”. Type specimens: Holotype ( MNHN). Paratypes: 1 ( BMNH) , 1 ( ISNB), 2 ( MNHN).

Agrilus bonadonai Descarpentries & Villiers, 1963 View in CoL . Described from inexplicit number of specimens (Holotype & paratypes). Type locality: “Tonkin, Lao-Kay”. Also cited from: “ Tonkin - Hanoi, Hoa Binh; Laos - Lakhon”. Type specimens: Holotype ♀ (MNHN): “P Nodis Lao Kay [h] \ ♂ Type [p] [red label] \ Agrilus bonadonai View in CoL n. sp. Holotype ♂ nob[is]. A. Descarpentries et [h] A. Villiers det. 19 [p] 63 [h]”. 3 PT (MNHN)

Examined specimens. CHINA. Anhui. Dabieshan , 65 km SW Huoshan; 31°40‘N, 115°44‘E; 6-1998; alt. 1400 m; 1 ♂ ( EJCB) (in Jendek & Grebennikov 2011 as bonadonai ) GoogleMaps . INDIA. Himachal Pradesh. Bajaura ( Kangra district ); 31°51’N, 077°09’E; 6-1914; 2 ♂ ( MNHN) GoogleMaps . Uttarakhand. Barkot ; 30°49’N, 078°12’30”E; 6-1981; alt. 1200 m; 1 ♂, 1 ♀ ( EJCB) GoogleMaps \\ Distr. Uttarkashi, Barkot ; 30°49’N, 078°12’30”E; 6-1981; alt. 1300 m; 2 ♂ ( EJCB) GoogleMaps . LAOS.

Houaphan. Ban Saleuy, Phou Pan-Gnai; 20°12’N, 104°01’E; 4, 5-2010; alt. 1300-1900 m; 1 ♂, 3 ♀ ( EJCB), 5- 2011; alt. 1300-1900 m; 1 ♂, 2 ♀ ( EJCB) . Vientiane prefecture. Vientiane; 17°58’N, 102°37’E; 9, 10-1962; 2 ♂ ( EJCB) GoogleMaps . MYANMAR. Mandalay. Taunggyi; 21°20’N, 095°59’E; 11-1952; Larval host: Acacia pennata ; 2 ♂, 2 ♀ ( EJCB) GoogleMaps \\ Taunggyi; 21°20’N, 095°59’E; 8-1952; Larval host: Acacia pennata ; 1 ♀ ( EJCB) GoogleMaps . Shan. Nyaung Shwe S /E; 20°39‘34”N, 096°57’53”E; 11-2003; alt. 920 m; 5 ♂, 1 ♀ ( EJCB) GoogleMaps . NEPAL. Purwanchal. Dhankuta, Arun- Valley, Lamobagar Gola; 27°40’N, 087°20’E; 5, 6-1980; alt. 1000-1400 m; 1 ♂ ( EJCB) GoogleMaps \\ Tamur [= Tamor] river, 450m, Baiseghat; 26°56’N, 087°20’E; 6-1985; alt. 450 m; 1 ♂ ( EJCB) GoogleMaps .

Distribution. CHINA: Anhui; INDIA: Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand; LAOS: Houaphan, Vientiane prefecture; MYANMAR: Mandalay, Shan; NEPAL: Purwanchal; VIETNAM: Ha Noi, Hoa Binh, Lao Cai.

Host plant. Larval: Acacia pennata (L.) Willd.

Remarks. The concept of A. babaulti was judged from two males from the type locality of A. babaulti (likely paratypes) preserved in MNHN (see Examined specimens). These specimens are conspecific with the male specimen from China: Anhui cited by Jendek & Grebennikov (2011) as A. bonadonai .

On the characters of the aedeagus, A. babaulti comes closest to A. viridicupreus . Both species have apex of medial lobe (penis) widely rounded and sides of parameres with membranous sensory zones. The difference is in the extent of membranous sensory zones, which are prominent and expanded apically in A. babaulti ( Fig. 5C View FIGURES 5 ) and feebly developed and not expanded apically in A. viridicupreus ( Fig. 5H View FIGURES 5 ).

The range of A. babaulti extends more eastwards ( India: Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand; Nepal) and northwards ( China: Anhui), while that of A. viridicupreus more southwards ( Malaysia, Indonesia).

Descarpentries, A. & Villiers, A. (1963) Catalogue raisonne des Buprestidae d'Indochine. III. Agrilini, genre Agrilus (troisieme partie). Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, 39 (11), 1 - 23.

Jendek, E. (2006) New nomeclatatorial and taxonomic acts, and comments: Buprestidae: Agrilus; Catalog: genus Agrilus Curtis, 1825. In: Lobl, I. & Smetana, A. (Eds.), Catalogue of the Palaearctic Coleoptera. Vol. 3. Apollo Books, Stenstrup, pp. 60, 388 - 403.

Jendek, E. & Grebennikov, V. (2011) Agrilus (Coleoptera, Buprestidae) of East Asia. Jan Farkac, Prague, 362 pp.

Jendek, E. (2016 a) New nomenclatural and taxonomic acts: Buprestidae: Agrilinae: genus Agrilus. Catalog: Buprestidae: genus Agrilus. In: Lobl, I. & Lobl, D. (Eds.), Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Vol. 3. Revised and Updated Edition. Scarabaeoidea, Scirtoidea, Dascilloidea, Buprestoidea and Byrrhoidea. Brill, Leiden, Boston, pp. 524 - 549,

Obenberger, J. (1936 a) Buprestidae V. In: Schenkling, S. (Eds.), Coleopterorum Catalogus. Pars 152. Verlag fur Naturwissenschaften, W. Junk, Gravenhage, pp. 935 - 1246.

Thery, A. (1930) Buprestides de l'Inde. Bulletin et Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique, 70 (5), 149 - 172.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 1A–1G. Habitus of Agrilus. 1A, Agrilus acacivorus sp.nov.; 1B, A. albizivorus sp.nov.; 1C, A. aurigaster Jendek, 2011; 1D, A. aurigaster Jendek, 2011 (lateral view); 1E, A. babaulti Théry, 1930; 1F, A. coco sp.nov.; 1G, A. monadikos sp.nov.

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FIGURES 3A–3J. Dry preserved aedeagus of Agrilus. 3A, Agrilus acacivorus sp.nov.; 3B, A. albizivorus sp.nov.; 3C, A. aurigaster Jendek, 2011; 3D, A. babaulti Théry, 1930; 3E, A. coco sp.nov.; 3F, A. monadikos sp.nov.; 3G, A. occultus sp.nov.; 3H, A. presbys Jendek. 2011; 3I A. striatocollis Kerremans, 1892; 3J, A. terraereginae Blackburn, 1892.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 5A–5I. Aedeagus of Agrilus mounted in DMHF. 5A–5C, 5E, 5I medial lobe (penis) exposed, 5D, 5F, 5H medial lobe (penis) in natural position. 5A, Agrilus acacivorus sp.nov.; 5B, A. albizivorus sp.nov.; 5C, A. babaulti Théry, 1930; 5D, A. monadikos sp.nov.; 5E, A. occultus sp.nov.; 5F, A. occultus sp.nov.; 5G, A. terraereginae Blackburn, 1892; 5H, A. viridicupreus Saunders, 1866; 5I, A. viridifrons Kerremans, 1893.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle











