Agapetus ibis Etnier, Baxter, and Parker, 2010

Etnier, David A., Parker, Charles R., John T. Baxter, Jr., Long, Todd M. & Drive, News Sentinel, 2010, A review of the genus Agapetus Curtis (Trichoptera: Glossosomatidae) in eastern and central North America, with description of 12 new species, Insecta Mundi 2010 (149), pp. 1-77 : 21-22

publication ID


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Felipe (2021-08-29 03:57:01, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-05 12:16:45)

scientific name

Agapetus ibis Etnier, Baxter, and Parker

sp. nov.

Agapetus ibis Etnier, Baxter, and Parker new species

Fig. 13a, 13b, 13c View Figure 13-15 . Map 13

Type material. Holotype, male, length 5.5 mm, Skyuka Spring , 34.9096 o N, 85.3884 o W, Chattanooga and Chickamauga National Military Park, Dade Co., GA, 8 May 2007 black light, C. R. Parker, J. L. Robinson. ( NMNH) GoogleMaps

Allotype, female 4.7 mm, same data as for holotype. ( NMNH) GoogleMaps

Paratopotypes taken with holotype, UT 1.1115 (2 males, 2 females) ; 1 male + 1 female to each of: CASC, CUAC, INHS, ROME, UMSP ; 6 pinned males, 4 pinned females to NMNH.

Additional material examined. Alabama, Jackson Co.: UT 1.616 , stream along co rd 91, 14.2 rd mi s of TN state line, 29 April 2000, 5 larvae /prepupae, 2 early pupae, 3 male + 9 female mature pupae/ adults. Georgia, Dade Co.: UT 1.459 , Pope Cr. at US 11 , 7.8 rd mi n of GA 136, 13 April 1999, 8 male + 6 female mature pupae/adults ; UT 1.611 . Murphy Hollow Road 0.3 mi n of Hales Gap Road , e of I-59, 29 April 2000, 10 larvae /prepupae, 7 male + 4 female mature pupae/adults ; UT 1.612 , Murphy Spring at Murphy Hollow road, 1.2 rd mi n of jct. Hales Gap Road, 29 April 2000, 21 larvae /prepupae, 4 male + 5 female mature pupae/adults. Tennessee, Hamilton Co.: Raccoon Mountain, 27 April 2006, 1 prepupa, 7 male + 4 female mature pupae/adults. Marion Co. : UT 1.613 , Harbin Spring run 0.7 rd mi from Murphy Hollow Road crossing of I-24, Whiteside , 29 April 2000, 8 male + 7 female mature pupae/adults ; UT 1.482 , Running Water Cr. adjacent to TN 134 , just east of I-24 Mile Marker 3, 34.9879 o N, 85.5040 o W, Marion Co., TN, 6 April 1999, 4 males + 5 female mature pupae/adults GoogleMaps ; UT 1.1032 , seep at 420 Wilcox Road, 1.0 rd mi ne of US 41 /64 (north fork of loop) .

Diagnosis. In lateral view, the long, nearly vertical, declivitous denticle on X combined with the bananashaped inferior appendages are characters so divergent from those of other North American Agapetus as to render males of this species rather comical.

Description. Male (UT 1.459, 1.482). Length 4.1-6.3 mm (n = 5). Male genitalia: lateral view ( Fig. 13a View Figure 13-15 ), anterior margin of IX thickened, sloping down and forward at 70 o to midline, slightly concave; ventral 1/2 straight or nearly so, sloping down and back at 80 o to convex ventral margin; dorsal margin slightly concave, down-sloped to base of X, 1/2 length of ventral margin; posterior margin slopes down and back at 70 o, with projection at base of preanal appendage, to just above midline, then down and forward at 70 o from vertical to upper base of inferior appendage, then concave to ventral margin. Preanal appendages oval, length = 2 times depth, 1/2 length of X; dorsal setae about 10, on distal 2/3. Length of X = less than 1/2 inferior appendage length; sides fully sclerotized, dorsal margin straight; ventral arms of X heavily sclerotized, sinuate, ventral margin convex on basal 1/3, distal 2/3 concave and terminating in long denticle that angles down and back at 10-20 o from vertical; base of this denticle also heavily sclerotized to dorsal margin; a tiny denticle typically present at posteriodorsal corner of X; posterior margin slightly convex. Inferior appendage banana-shaped, dorsally with shallow emargination at mid-length, smoothly convex ventrally, rounded posteriad; length = 2.8-3.0 times depth; inner face with subterminal denticle visible as a small, darkened area near dorsal margin; posterior margin and distal 1/4 of ventral margin dark and roughened by denticulate ridge that is slightly submarginal.

Dorsal view ( Fig. 13b View Figure 13-15 ). Anterior margin of IX broadly U-shaped, posterior margin weak, transverse, length at midline = length of preanal appendage. Preanal appendages with straight outer margin, inner margin swollen near middle, divergent from body axis at 15 o. dorsal outer margins of X straight and parallel to body axis to base of downward sloped denticles; inner margins straight, meeting at 30 o angle near base; X membranous between lateral plates. Posteriodorsal denticle on X apparent, angled medially. Inferior appendages with dorsal, terminal, incurved denticle and ventral denticulate ridge on posterior and ventral margins visible.

Ventral view ( Fig. 13c View Figure 13-15 ). Anterior margin of IX nearly straight; posterior margin forming 90-100 o angle between bases of inferior appendages, area from just anterior to inferior appendage bases to posterior margin of IX depigmented. Inferior appendages with bulbous base, then nearly straight to incurved tips, which end in a small, sharp, black, transverse denticle. Inner margin of inferior appendages straight, divergent from each other at 10 o angle on basal 1/2; distal 1/4 more divergent, concave, with marginal row of irregular denticles, the one at posterioventral corner largest; posterior 1/4 of appendage irregularly dentate, more divergent (60 o from each other), and slightly concave.

Larva. Head, posterior 2/3 of pronotum, metanotal sclerites, and anal claws brown; other sclerotized areas paler except for usual dark sutures/margins typical for genus. Posterior 2/3 of pronotum and outer edges of mesonotal sclerites with dark brown muscle scars with pale centers. In MMT sclerites, genae brown except for pale area around eye. Frontoclypeus with posterior 1/2 abruptly darker than anterior 1/ 2; a pair of dark, transverse, linear marks separated by their own length on middle 1/2 of sclerite near anterior margin of darkened posterior 1/2. Pronotum with small, semicircular dark smudge at site of foreleg articulation. The much darker larvae from UT 1.612 are marked the same, but large, pale muscle scars are visible on the genae behind and below the eye, in the middle of the posterior 1/2 of the frontoclypeus, and along the posterior margin of the pronotum.

Emergence dates. 17 April-28 May.

Distribution. AL Jackson (2). GA Dade (4). TN Hamilton, Marion (2).

Gallery Image

Figure 13-15. Agapetus spp. male genitalia. 13) Agapetus ibis Etnier, Baxter, and Parker. 13a, lateral view; 13b, dorsal view; 13c, ventral view of IX and inferior appendages. 14) Agapetus illini Ross. 14a, lateral view; 14b, dorsal view; 14c, ventral view of IX and inferior appendages. 15 Agapetus iridis Ross. 15a, lateral view; 15b, dorsal view; 15c, ventral view of IX and inferior appendages.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Clemson University Arthropod Collection


Illinois Natural History Survey


Royal Ontario Museum - Entomology


University of Minnesota Insect Collection











