Crepidacantha browni, Almeida & Larré & Vieira, 2021

Almeida, Ana C. S., Larré, Igor R. N. M. & Vieira, Leandro M., 2021, Ten new species of marine bryozoans (Gymnolaemata: Cheilostomatida) from Brazil, Zootaxa 5048 (4), pp. 511-537 : 530

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Plazi (2021-10-08 11:47:22, last updated 2024-11-28 13:37:50)

scientific name

Crepidacantha browni

sp. nov.

Crepidacantha browni n. sp.

( Fig. 10A–C View FIGURE 10 )

Crepidacantha teres: Almeida et al. 2015a: p. 5 View in CoL .

Material examined. Holotype: UFBA 728.1 , 12º51’ S, 38º10’ W, Camaçari, Costa dos Coqueiros, Bahia, Brazil, 37 m, coll. by LAMEB-UFBA, 2002 GoogleMaps . Paratypes: UFBA 1293.1 , 12º45’ S, 38º06’ W, Camaçari, Costa dos Coqueiros, Bahia, Brazil, 22 m, coll. by LAMEB-UFBA, 2007 GoogleMaps ; UFPE 900 , 4 º49’– 5º10’ S, 36º10’– 36º50’ W, Bacia Potiguar, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, coll. by Petrobras, 2009–2010 GoogleMaps . Additional specimens: UFBA 1294.1 , 12º45’ S, 38º06’ W, Camaçari, Costa dos Coqueiros, Bahia, Brazil, 22 m, coll. by LAMEB-UFBA, 2007 GoogleMaps ; UFBA 1295.1 , 12º51’ S, 38º12’ W, Camaçari, Costa dos Coqueiros, Bahia, Brazil, 23 m, coll. by LAMEB-UFBA, 2006 GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Crepidacantha with rhombic autozooids, 6–10 long marginal spines placed along the distolateral margins, trifoliate primary orifice with convex proximal margin, paired frontal elongate-triangular avicularia directed towards each other and asymmetrically positioned, and ooecium with calcified ectooecium except for a narrow transverse band.

Type locality. Camaçari , Bahia, Brazil .

Etymology. Named in honor of the bryozoologist and geologist David A. Brown (1916–2009).

Description. Colony encrusting, fragile, with light calcification, unilaminar ( Fig. 10A View FIGURE 10 ).

Autozooids rhombic (0.375–0.442– 0.555 mm long, n = 10, SD = 0.053 mm; 0.262–0.323– 0.340 mm wide, n = 10, SD = 0.024 mm), arranged quincuncially, separated by deep grooves; 6–10 long marginal spines placed along the distolateral margins, basal pore-chambers easily seen in marginal zooids. Frontal shield weakly rugose, with small, rounded tubercles, imperforate apart from 2–3 tiny areolar-septular pores around proximal margin ( Fig. 10A View FIGURE 10 ). Primary orifice trifoliate (0.094–0.098– 0.106 mm long, n = 10, SD = 0.004 mm; 0.051–0.059– 0.064 mm wide, n = 10, SD = 0.003 mm), with semicircular distal margin, proximolateral constriction with a pair of triangular condyles, convex proximal margin ( Fig. 10B View FIGURE 10 ), and a thick margin of distal calcification ( Fig. 10A View FIGURE 10 ).

Frontal avicularia small (0.040–0.051– 0.060 mm long, n = 14, SD = 0.005 mm; 0.028–0.036– 0.043 mm wide, n = 14, SD = 0.003 mm), paired, horizontally arranged, proximolateral to orifice, with asymmetric position, directed more or less toward each other, drop-shaped, with proximal semicircular margin, elongate-triangular rostrum, no crossbar and long setiform mandibles ( Fig. 10A–C View FIGURE 10 ).

Ovicelled zooids with primary orifice like that of autozooids. Ovicell hyperstomial, globular (0.135–0.150– 0.174 mm long, n = 10, SD = 0.011 mm; 0.160–0.188– 0.199 mm wide, n = 10, SD = 0.010 mm); ectooecium calcified except for a narrow transverse band distofrontally ( Fig. 10C View FIGURE 10 ).

Remarks. Crepidacantha browni n. sp. belongs to a group of species— Crepidacantha carsioseta Winston & Heimberg, 1986 , Crepidacantha poissonii ( Audouin, 1826) and Crepidacantha teres ( Hincks, 1880) —characterized by having horizontally arranged frontal avicularia ( Brown 1954). Crepidacantha carsioseta , however, has a primary orifice with markedly convex proximal margin forming a distinct proximal lip, suboral umbo, and larger autozooids and orifices (0.396 –0.522 and 0.072 –0.126 mm in length, respectively) ( Winston & Heimberg 1986); in C. browni n. sp. the orifice has a less convex proximal margin, there is no suboral umbo and the autozooids and orifices are smaller (0.231 –0.311 and 0.048 –0.064 mm in length, respectively). These two species are also distinct in the size of avicularia (slightly longer in C. carsioseta than in C. browni n. sp.). Crepidacantha poissonii is distinguished from C. browni n. sp. in having a distinctly trifoliate orifice and well-developed proximal lip ( Brown 1954); in C. browni n. sp., the orifice has margins slightly curved, without a distal sharp process or a distinct proximal lip. Crepidacantha teres is distinguished from C. browni sp. nov. by its orifice with a straight margin ( Brown 1954), unlike the convex proximal margin of the new species.

The other three species of Crepidacantha reported from Brazil, C. longiseta , C. setigera and C. fasciata n. sp., have avicularia arranged vertically ( Brown 1954), being readily differentiated from the avicularia horizontally placed of C. browni n. sp.

Distribution. Western Atlantic: Brazil (Bahia and Rio Grande do Norte). Crepidacantha browni n. sp. usually encrusts corals and rhodoliths; 22– 37 m.

Almeida, A. C. S., Alves, O., Peso-Aguiar, M., Dominguez, J. & Souza, F. (2015 a) Gymnolaemata bryozoans of Bahia State, Brazil. Marine Biodiversity Records, 8, e 120. https: // doi. org / 10.1017 / S 1755267215000743

Audouin, J. V. (1826) Explication sommaire des planches de Polypes de l'Egypte et de la Syrie, publieies par Jules-Ceisar Savigny. In: Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Ed.), Description de l'Egypte ou receuil des observations et des recherches qui ont eitei faites en Egyptes pendant l'Expedition de l'Armeie franc ¸ aise ... Histoire naturelle. Imprimerie Impeiriale, Paris, pp. 225 - 244.

Brown, D. A. (1954) On the polyzoan genus Crepidacantha Levinsen. Bulletin of the British Museum of Natural History, Zoology, 2, 243 - 263. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / p. 271721

Hincks, T. (1880) Contributions towards a general history of the marine Polyzoa. Part II. Foreign Membraniporina. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Series 5, 6, 81 - 92.

Winston, J. E. & Heimberg, B. F. (1986) Bryozoans from Bali, Lombok, and Komodo. American Museum Novitates, 2847, 1 - 49.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 10. A–C. Crepidacantha browni n. sp., UFBA 728.1, holotype. A. Autozooids. B. Detail of primary orifice. C. Ovicelled zooid. Scale bars: A. 200 µm; B, C. 100 µm.















