Dichodactylus satoi ( Nishikawa, 2003 ), 2017

Okumura, Ken-ichi, 2017, Dichodactylus gen. nov. (Araneae: Agelenidae: Coelotinae) from Japan, Species Diversity 22 (1), pp. 29-36 : 35

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Felipe (2021-03-04 21:22:52, last updated 2024-11-27 18:13:07)

scientific name

Dichodactylus satoi ( Nishikawa, 2003 )

comb. nov.

Dichodactylus satoi ( Nishikawa, 2003) View in CoL comb. nov.

( Figs 4 View Fig A–D, 5C, F, 6)

Coelotes sp.: Chikuni 1989: 103, fig. 24.

Coelotes satoi Nishikawa, 2003: 37–40 , figs 1–5.

Orumcekia satoi Okumura et al. 2009: 175 , figs 2-2-33-1–2- 2-33-4.

Material examined. Holotype: female, Mt. Ena-san , 840 m alt, Okunodaira. Nakatsugawa City, 2. XII. 1993, Y. Nishikawa leg (NSMT-Ar 14602) . Allotype: male, same data as the holotype (NSMT-Ar 14603). Non-type materials: Japan . Honshu: Gifu Prefecture: Tochibaradani , 950 m alt ., Ochiai, Osaka Town, Gero City , 1 female, 14 . X . 2009, Y . Ihara leg .; Maruno , 720 m alt ., Kawakami, Nakatsugawa City , 1 female (NSMT-Ar 14734), 21 . IX . 2010, Y . Ihara leg .; Shizumo , 350–360m alt ., Yamaguchi, Nakatsugawa City , 1male (NSMT-Ar 14735) and 1 female, 21 . IX . 2010, Y . Ihara leg . Mie Prefecture: Fujisaka Pass, Taiki Town , Watarai County, 1 male, 21 . X . 2000, K . Nojima leg . All the specimens are in my private collection.

Diagnosis. Male with tip of spatulate conductor bent at right angles and extending distally. Female with hexagonal epigynum without epigynal teeth and hoods, and with copulatory ducts hidden in dorsal view of epigynum.

Description of male (NSMT-Ar 14735). Palp ( Figs 4A, B View Fig , 5C View Fig ): patellar apophyses thick, retrolateral one elongated; LTA reduced; RTA large and elongated; cymbial furrow short, one-seventh of the cymbial length; median apophysis semicircular; conductor spatulate and its tip becomes broad, tegulum with swollen portion visible in retrolateral view.

Description of female (NSMT Ar 14734). Epigynum and internal genitalia ( Figs 4C, D View Fig , 5F View Fig ): epigynum hexagonal-shaped; epigynal teeth absent; spermathecae elongated anteroposteriorly, convoluted and close to each other; spermathecal heads situated anterolateral portion of spermathecae.

Distribution. Central Japan ( Fig. 6 View Fig ).

Chikuni, Y. 1989. Pictorial Encyclopedia of Spiders in Japan. Kaiseisha, Tokyo, 310 pp. [In Japanese]

Nishikawa, Y. 2003. A new spider of the genus Coelotes (Araneae, Agel- enidae) from Gifu Prefecture, Central Japan. Special Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Coleopterology 6: 37 - 40.

Okumura, K., Shimojana, M., Nishikawa, Y., and Ono, H. 2009. Coelotidae. Pp. 174 - 205. In: Ono, H. (Ed.) The Spiders of Japan: with Keys to the Families and Genera and Illustrations of the Species. Tokai University Press, Hadano. [In Japanese]

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Fig. 4. Dichodactylus satoi (Nishikawa, 2003). male (A, B: NSMT-Ar 14735), female (C, D: NSMT-Ar 14734). A, ventral view of male palp; B, retrolateral view of male palp; C, ventral view of epigynum; D, dorsal view of internal female genitalia. Abbreviations: CO, conductor; CY, cymbial furrow; EM, embolus; MA, median apophysis; PA, patellar apophyses; RTA, retrolateral tibial apophysis; SP, spermatheca; SH, spermathecal head. Scale bars: 0.5mm.

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Fig. 5. Comparison of genitalic characters of three species of Dichodactylus gen. nov. from Japan: A, D, D. shinshuensis sp. nov., male (A: NSMT-Ar 13339), and female (D: NSMT-Ar 13341); B, E, D. tarumii (Arita, 1976), male (B: NSMT-Ar 14732), and female (E: NSMT-Ar 14733); C, F, D. satoi (Nishikawa, 2003), male (C: NSMT-Ar 14735), and female (F: NSMT-Ar 14734). A–C, retrolateral views of male palp; D–F, ventral views of epigynum. Abbreviations: CO, conductor; ET, epigynal teeth; LAM, lamellas; PA, patellar apophyses; SW, swollen portion of tegulum. Black circle on tibia shows the vestigial LTA.

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Fig. 6. Distribution of three species of the genus Dichodactylus gen. nov. from Japan. Closed circles denote D. shinshuensis sp. nov.; closed inverted triangles, D. tarumii (Arita, 1976); crosses, D. satoi (Nishikawa, 2003).











