Foveosporites ryosekiensis Legrand, Pons, Nishida & Yamada, 2011

Legrand, Julien, Pons, Denise, Nishida, Harufumi & Yamada, Toshihiro, 2011, Barremian palynofloras from the Ashikajima and Kimigahama formations (Choshi Group, Outer Zone of south-west Japan), Geodiversitas 33 (1), pp. 87-135 : 102-104

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Felipe (2021-03-11 13:46:52, last updated by Admin 2024-10-16 23:47:57)

scientific name

Foveosporites ryosekiensis Legrand, Pons, Nishida & Yamada

sp. nov.

Foveosporites ryosekiensis Legrand, Pons, Nishida & Yamada n. sp. ( Fig. 8D, E View FIG , H-J)

Foveosporites sp., Legrand, Palynologie des dépôts Jurassique supérieur et Crétacé inférieur du Japon, et provinces paléofloristiques du sud-est asiatique: 149, pl. V, fig. 16; pl. VI, figs 1, 2 (2009).

TYPE MATERIAL. — Site II, horizon 2, slide a; slides SEM-a, SEM-b; holotype ( II2 a-U63; Fig. 8D, E View FIG ) ; paratypes ( SEM-II2 a, SEM-II2 b; Fig. 8H, I View FIG ). Collection de Paléobotanique-UPMC, Paris, France .

ETYMOLOGY. — The species name is after the Ryosekitype Province of Japan, of which this species seems to be characteristic.

OCCURRENCE. — Ashikajima and Kimigahama Fm (common).

TYPE LOCALITY. — Hatoyama, SE Choshi Peninsula, Chiba Prefecture, Japan.

STRATIGRAPHIC HORIZON. — Ashikajima Fm (Barremian).


Trilete microspore. Amb triangular with straight to slightly convex sides. The laesurae are undulating, slightly raised (1-2.5 µm), and extend to the 3/4 of the spore radius. The contact area is psilate or can sometimes present one tubercule, and is delimited by a triangular thickening of the exine (3-4 µm wide), which overhangs and includes the trilete mark, and can extend to the apices. Beyond this thickening, the exine is psilate on the proximal face and forms a broad equatorial flange. The equator and the distal face are densely pitted to foveolate. On the distal face, the foveolae are more or less rounded, coarser near the equator (0.5 to 1.5 µm wide). The exine is 3 to 4 µm thick. Equatorial diameter = 35-45 µm; equatorial flange width = 5-7 µm.


Foveosporites labiosus Singh, 1971 has a thickening on its distal face similar to that observed in F.ryosekiensis , but its location is different. The equatorial flange reminds the Cyatheales (Lophosoriaceae) figured by Tryon & Tryon (1982).


Lycopodiales , Lycopodiaceae .

DETTMANN M. E. & CLIFFORD H. T. 1992. - Phylogeny and biogeography of Ruffordia, Mohria and Anemia (Schizaeaceae) and Ceratopteris (Pteridaceae): evidence from in situ and dispersed spores. Alcheringa 16: 269 - 314.

TRYON R. M. & TRYON A. F. 1982. - Ferns and Allied Plants, with Special Reference to Tropical America. Springer-Verlag, New York, 857 p.

Gallery Image

FIG. 8. — Spores from the Barremian of south-west Japan: A-C, Retitriletes sp. (A, proximal face, Kimigahama Fm, SEM-I1a; B, lateral view, Kimigahama Fm, SEM-I1a; C, distal face, Kimigahama Fm, SEM-I1c); D, E, H-J, Foveosporites ryosekiensis n. sp. (D, E, proximal and distal faces,Ashikajima Fm,II2a-U63;H, proximal face,Ashikajima Fm,SEM-II2a;I, proximal face,Ashikajima Fm,SEM-II2b;J, lateral view, Kimigahama Fm, SEM-I1c); F, G, Retitriletes austroclavatidites (Cookson, 1953) Döring, Krutzsch, Mai & Schulz in Krutzsch, 1963, proximal and distal faces, Ashikajima Fm,II2b-O45/3;K, L, S, T, Cicatricosisporites sinuosus Hunt,1985 (K, L, proximal and distal faces, Ashikajima Fm,II2d-D55/4;S, T, proximal and distal faces,Ashikajima Fm,II2b-N33/1); M, P, Microreticulatisporites sp.1, distal face with detail, Kimigahama Fm, SEM-I1a; N, O, Microreticulatisporites sp. 2, proximal and distal faces, Ashikajima Fm, II2b-T23d; Q, R, Cicatricosisporites hughesi Dettmann, 1963, proximal and distal faces, Ashikajima Fm, II2h-E52/1. Scale bars: 10 μm.











