Cicatricosisporites sp. 4, 1933

Legrand, Julien, Pons, Denise, Nishida, Harufumi & Yamada, Toshihiro, 2011, Barremian palynofloras from the Ashikajima and Kimigahama formations (Choshi Group, Outer Zone of south-west Japan), Geodiversitas 33 (1), pp. 87-135 : 102

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Felipe (2021-03-11 13:46:52, last updated by Julia 2024-10-16 20:29:15)

scientific name

Cicatricosisporites sp. 4


Cicatricosisporites sp. 4 ( Fig. 9G, H View FIG )

Cicatricosisporites sp. C, Legrand, Palynologie des dépôts Jurassique supérieur et Crétacé inférieur du Japon, et provinces paléofloristiques du sud-est asiatique: 159, pl. VIII, fig. 7 (2009).

OCCURRENCE. — Ashikajima Fm.


Trilete microspore. Amb rounded triangular with convex sides.The laesurae are raised, slightly undulating, and extend to the 3/4 of the spore radius. Exine cicatricose. On the proximal face, a small and psilate contact area is followed by 3 sets of about 9 narrow muri (about 0.5 µm wide, separated by furrows of the same width) parallel to the equator.On the distal face, many narrow muri are more or less parallel to one set of the proximal face,and they go from one to another top of the spore ( Fig. 11 View FIG ). The ornamentation of this form corresponds to the typeVI-B defined by Krutzsch (1963). Equatorial diameter = 40-45 µm.


Schizaeales , Anemiaceae .

KRUTZSCH W. 1963. - Atlas der mittel- und jungtertiaren dispersen Sporen und Pollen-sowie der Mikroplanktonformen des nordlichen Mitteleuropas. Lieferung III. Sphagnaceoide und Selaginellaceoide Sporenformen. Veb Gustav Fischer Verlag Jena, Berlin, 128 p.

Gallery Image

FIG. 9. — Spores from the Barremian of south-west Japan: A, B, Cicatricosisporites sp. 1, proximal and distal faces, Ashikajima Fm, II2f-U33d; C, D, Cicatricosisporites sp. 2, proximal and distal faces, Ashikajima Fm, II2a-G40d; E, F, Cicatricosisporites sp. 3, proximal and distal faces, Ashikajima Fm, II2h-Q57; G, H, Cicatricosisporites sp. 4, proximal and distal faces, Ashikajima Fm, II2f-Y56/1b; I, J, Cicatricosisporites mohrioides Delcourt & Sprumont, 1955, proximal and distal faces, Kimigahama Fm, I1a-M55; K-M, P, Ruffordiaspora australiensis (Cookson,1953) Dettmann & Clifford,1992 (K, L, proximal and distal faces,Ashikajima Fm,II2c-D62/4;M, P, distal face with detail, Kimigahama Fm, SEM-I1a); O, Matonisporites sp. 2, proximal face, Ashikajima Fm, II2a-J46/4; N, Q, Plicatella sp., proximal and distal faces, Ashikajima Fm, II2h-J54. Scale bars: 10 μm.

Gallery Image

FIG. 11. — Ornamentation of the schizaealean forms corresponding to new species or taxa placed in open nomenclature.









