Cicatricosisporites sp. 1, 1933

Legrand, Julien, Pons, Denise, Nishida, Harufumi & Yamada, Toshihiro, 2011, Barremian palynofloras from the Ashikajima and Kimigahama formations (Choshi Group, Outer Zone of south-west Japan), Geodiversitas 33 (1), pp. 87-135 : 100

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Felipe (2021-03-11 13:46:52, last updated by Admin 2024-10-16 23:47:57)

scientific name

Cicatricosisporites sp. 1


Cicatricosisporites sp. 1

( Fig. 9A, B View FIG )

Cicatricosisporites sp. B, Legrand, Palynologie des dépôts Jurassique supérieur et Crétacé inférieur du Japon, et provinces paléofloristiques du sud-est asiatique: 159, pl. X, fig. 2 (2009).

OCCURRENCE. — Ashikajima Fm.


Trilete microspore. Amb rounded triangular. The laesurae are slightly undulating, bordered by lips, and extend to the ⅔ of the spore radius. Exine canaliculate. The proximal face is ornamented by 3 sets of 4 muri parallel to the equator and to the laesurae. The distal face shows 8 to 10 muri, 3 to 5 µm wide and separated by less than 0.5 µm, which are parallel among them and to one side ( Fig. 11 View FIG ). The exine is thick at the equator (about 3 µm). The ornamentation of this form corresponds to the type VI-B defined by Krutzsch (1963). Equatorial diameter = 40-55 µm.

BOTANICAL AFFINITIES Schizaeales , Anemiaceae . Couper(1958) suggested an affinity of Cicatricosisporites with spores produced by Ruffordia Seward, and Skog (1980, 1982 ) an affinity with Pelletixia Watson & Hill (Schizaeaceae) .

COUPER R. A. 1958. - British Mesozoic microspores and pollen grains, a systematic and stratigraphic study. Palaeontographica 103 B: 75 - 179.

KRUTZSCH W. 1963. - Atlas der mittel- und jungtertiaren dispersen Sporen und Pollen-sowie der Mikroplanktonformen des nordlichen Mitteleuropas. Lieferung III. Sphagnaceoide und Selaginellaceoide Sporenformen. Veb Gustav Fischer Verlag Jena, Berlin, 128 p.

SKOG J. E. 1980. - The genus Ruffordia (Schizaeaceae) from the Lower Cretaceous Potomac Group. Botanical Society of America, Miscellaneous Series Publications 158: 106.

SKOG J. E. 1982. - Pelletixia amelguita, a new species of fossil fern in the Potomac Group (Lower Cretaceous). American Fern Journal 72 (4): 115 - 121.

Gallery Image

FIG. 9. — Spores from the Barremian of south-west Japan: A, B, Cicatricosisporites sp. 1, proximal and distal faces, Ashikajima Fm, II2f-U33d; C, D, Cicatricosisporites sp. 2, proximal and distal faces, Ashikajima Fm, II2a-G40d; E, F, Cicatricosisporites sp. 3, proximal and distal faces, Ashikajima Fm, II2h-Q57; G, H, Cicatricosisporites sp. 4, proximal and distal faces, Ashikajima Fm, II2f-Y56/1b; I, J, Cicatricosisporites mohrioides Delcourt & Sprumont, 1955, proximal and distal faces, Kimigahama Fm, I1a-M55; K-M, P, Ruffordiaspora australiensis (Cookson,1953) Dettmann & Clifford,1992 (K, L, proximal and distal faces,Ashikajima Fm,II2c-D62/4;M, P, distal face with detail, Kimigahama Fm, SEM-I1a); O, Matonisporites sp. 2, proximal face, Ashikajima Fm, II2a-J46/4; N, Q, Plicatella sp., proximal and distal faces, Ashikajima Fm, II2h-J54. Scale bars: 10 μm.

Gallery Image

FIG. 11. — Ornamentation of the schizaealean forms corresponding to new species or taxa placed in open nomenclature.









