Ophiura ljungmani ( Lyman, 1878 )

Stöhr, Sabine & O’Hara, Timothy D., 2021, Deep-sea Ophiuroidea (Echinodermata) from the Danish Galathea II Expedition 1950 - 52, with taxonomic revisions, Zootaxa 4963 (3), pp. 505-529 : 514-516

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Plazi (2021-04-20 08:24:11, last updated 2023-11-02 07:10:09)

scientific name

Ophiura ljungmani ( Lyman, 1878 )


Ophiura ljungmani ( Lyman, 1878) View in CoL View at ENA

EAST ATLANTIC OCEAN • 1 specimen; off Ghana, Takoradi ; 04°00’N, 001°43’W; 1445; 20 Nov. 1950; Galathea II stn. 33; grey clay; NHMD-868674 • GoogleMaps 3 specimens; off Gabon; 02°00’N, 009°14’E; 1500–1520 m; 02 Dec. 1950; Galathea II stn. 63; blue clay; NHMD-305711 GoogleMaps .

NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN • 1 specimen; off Iceland; 64°54,34’N, 029°58,39’W; 2005–2007 m; 25 Aug. 1996; BIOICE stn. 2914; SMNH-41981, SMNH-41982 GoogleMaps 1 specimen; off Iceland; 62 51,49°N, 014 41,65°W; 1729 m; 11 July 1997; BIOICE stn. 3067; SMNH-87642 GoogleMaps .


This species strongly resembles the Atlantic Ophiura ljungman i ( Lyman, 1878). They differ in the shape of the dorsal arm plates, which in O. spinicantha ( Fig. 2A–E View FIGURE 2 ) are rectangular, proximally wider than long, but soon becoming longer than wide, with a notch in their distal edge, and hexagonal, with straight edges, at the distal end with slanted sides in O. ljungmani ( Fig. 2F View FIGURE 2 ). The disc scalation is finer in O. spinicantha than in O. ljungmani and the oral shield is somewhat larger in proportion ( Figs 2E; H View FIGURE 2 ). Both species usually have three arm spines (occasionally four), two small ones close together at the ventral end of the lateral arm plate, the third is placed widely spaced on the dorsal part of the lateral arm plate, up to twice as long as the ventral spines in O. ljungmani , but shorter than an arm segment. The holotype of O. spinicantha may have lacked the second small ventral spine or McKnight (2003) may have mistaken it for a tentacle scale, when he described O. spinicantha as having only two spines at a distance from each other. Both species also have scattered spines on the dorsal disc ( Fig. 2G View FIGURE 2 ), which are often rubbed off in preserved material. Morphologically similar to these species is Ophiura bathybia H.L. Clark, 1911 , known from the North Pacific, and which appears to have more disc spines than the other two species and the dorsal arm spine is longer than an arm segment ( Fujita et al. 2009). Genetically these three species are distinct, but closely related ( Christodoulou et al. 2019; O’Hara unpublished data). Ophiura ljungmani has the widest reported depth range of the three, with 101–4150 m ( Paterson 1985), but we suspect that the few shallowest records may be misidentifications of another species (possibly Ophiura acervata (Lyman, 1869) or Ophiura fallax Cherbonnier, 1959 ). Ophiura spinicantha was found by Galathea II at 2470–4470 m ( Table 1 View TABLE 1 ), but type material was collected as shallow as 1585 m ( McKnight 2003), and O. bathybia is known from 2869–4425 m ( Lambert & Austin 2007), but was not found by this study. Geographically, O. ljungmani has been reported from both eastern and western sides of the North Atlantic Ocean and to South Africa (found by Galathea II only off West Africa, Tables 1 View TABLE 1 , 2 View TABLE 2 ), whereas O. spinicantha appears to be restricted to southern Australia and New Zealand (here found in the Tasman Sea and Kermadec Trench, Table 2 View TABLE 2 ), and O. bathybia occurs in the North Pacific from Japan to the high Arctic ( Djakonov 1954; Lambert & Austin 2007, Fujita et al. 2009).

Christodoulou, M., O'Hara, T. D., Hugall, A. F. & Arbizu, P. M. (2019) Dark Ophiuroid Biodiversity in a Prospective Abyssal Mine Field. Current Biology, 29, 3909 - 3912. https: // doi. org / 10.1016 / j. cub. 2019.09.012

Djakonov, A. M. (1954) 55 Ophiuroids of the USSR seas (English translation). Izdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR (Israel Program for Scientific Translations), Moscow / Leningrad (Jerusalem), 123 pp.

Fujita, T., Iwasaki, U. & Okanishi, M. (2009) Ophiuroids (Echinodermata) of genus Ophiura collected from deep waters off Pacific coast of northern Japan. In: Fujita, T. (Ed.), Deep-sea Fauna and Pollutants off Pacific Coast of Northern Japan. National Museum of Nature and Science Monographs, Tokyo, 34, pp. 619 - 653.

Lambert, P. & Austin, W. C. (2007) Brittle Stars, Sea Urchins and Feather Stars of British Columbia, Southeast Alaska and Puget Sound. Royal BC Museum, 190 pp.

Lyman, T. (1878) Ophiuridae and Astrophytidae of the Challenger expedition. Part I. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard, 5, 65 - 168.

McKnight, D. (2003) New brittle-stars (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) from New Zealand waters. Zootaxa, 352 (1), 1 - 36. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 352.1.1

Paterson, G. L. J. (1985) The deep-sea Ophiuroidea of the North Atlantic Ocean. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Zoology Series, 49, 1 - 162.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 2. A–E, Ophiura spinicantha, Galathea II stn. 668. A–B SMNH-130496, A, dorsal disc, B, dorsal arm and radial shields, C–D, SMNH-130494, C, lateral arm with spines, D, ventral arm, E, ventral disc, SMHN-130495. F–H, Ophiura ljungmani, Iceland, BIOICE expedition. F, dorsal arm, disc segment with radial shields, SMNH-87642, G, same individual as F, disc spines, H, ventral aspect, SMNH-41981. SEM images. AdS, adoral shield, AS, arm spine, DAP, dorsal arm plate, OPa, oral papillae sensu lato, OS, oral shield, RS, radial shield, VAP, ventral arm plate. Scale bars A-F = 1 mm, G = 0.1 mm.











