Entomobrya ledesmai Jordana & Baquero, 2021

Baquero, Enrique, Jordana, Rafael & Ortuño, Vicente M., 2021, Distinctive Collembola Communities in the Mesovoid Shallow Substratum: Entomobryomorpha of the Sierra de Guadarrama National Park (Central Spain), Zoosystema 43 (3), pp. 37-78 : 54-56

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Felipe (2021-02-01 17:13:32, last updated 2024-11-28 17:43:37)

scientific name

Entomobrya ledesmai Jordana & Baquero

sp. nov.

Entomobrya ledesmai Jordana & Baquero n. sp.

( Figs 8B View FIG ; 10 View FIG ; Table 4)


TYPE MATERIAL. — Holotype. Spain • ♀; Madrid, Sierra de Guadarrama, Cuerda Larga and associated mountainous complex, Cabeza de Hierro Mayor Menor (crest); 30T 4211 45168; 2301 m a.s.l.; 6.XI.2015; Ortuño et al. leg.; pitfall SSD (since 3.VII.2015); MZNA SSD-29 (slide 13).

Paratypes. Spain • 4 specimens; same data as for holotype, slide 09; Ortuño et al. leg.; MZNA 1 juvenile and approximately 4000 in ethyl alcohol; same data, slide 12 2 specimens; SSD-2 (1 m depth) on slide 02; same data; MZNA 1 specimen; SSD-30 on slide 04; same data; MZNA 10 specimens in ethyl alcohol; SSD-29 ; same data; MNHN.

TYPE LOCALITY. — Spain, Madrid, Sierra de Guadarrama, Cuerda Larga and associated mountainous complex, Cabeza de Hierro Mayor Menor (crest); 30 T 4211 45168; 2301 m a.s.l.

ETYMOLOGY. — This species is dedicated to the biologist Enrique Ledesma, a very active participant in the sampling of the mesovoid shallow substratum.

DIAGNOSIS. — White species, with patches of pigmentation not only transversal, 2-4 Mc on areas T1-T2 on ThII, 2-2/1-0-1 Mc on areas A1-A5 on AbdII-III, and without Mc on A8 on Abd IV. The unequivocal identification of the species can only be done using the abbreviated formula that, for this species, is: 3-1-0-2-2/2- 4/2-2/1-0-1/0-3-0- 102 -2.


Size and color

Body length: 2.12 mm, up to 2.33 mm (n = 7), excluding antennae. Ground color white or very pale yellow, with pigment as small patches as in Figure 8B View FIG ; head with pigment between eyes and vertex, and on antennae on internal AntI and from Ant II to IV.



Eight eyes, GH smaller than EF. Antennae length 1.10- 1.43 mm, 3.20 times the length of the head; relative length of Ant I/II/III/IV = 1/2.64/2.40/2.37 (n =7); sensory organ of Ant III with the special rod-like sensilla, and three additional guard sensilla ( Fig. 10B View FIG ); Ant IV with apical vesicle bilobed. Prelabral chaetae ciliated.Labral papillae multispinose ( Fig. 10C View FIG ). Lateral process of labial papilla E not reaching the apex of the papilla. Labial chaetae ciliated: only one M, and R half of a M.

Body and legs

Length ratio of Abd IV/III =4.27 (n = 7). Microchaetae on body relatively broadened ( Fig. 10G View FIG ). Tibiotarsus sub-segmented, without smooth chaetae, except for smooth terminal chaeta on legs III. Claw with four teeth: paired at 50% and first unpaired at 70% from base; dorsal teeth not basal, in an intermediate position between base and paired internal teeth ( Fig. 10H View FIG ). Empodium lanceolate, with serrate external lamella (pe) in leg III.Tenent hair clavate.Trochanteral organ with approximately 22 chaetae ( Fig. 10I View FIG ). Length of manubrium and dens 0.44 and 0.55 mm, respectively. Manubrial plate with four chaetae and two pseudopores. Non-ringed part of dens two times the length of mucro; mucro with teeth similar in size, mucronal spine reaching the tip of the subapical tooth.

Macrochaetotaxy ( Fig. 10A View FIG , D-F)

Simplified Mc formula: 3-1-0-2-2/2-4/2-2/1-0-1/0-3-0- 10 2-2. Head: H1 area with Mc An 2, An 3a1 and An 3; H2 area with one Mc (A 5); H4 area with two Mc (S 1 and S 3); H4’ area with three Mc (S 5, S 5i and S 4); H5 area with Ps 2 and Ps 5. Mesothorax: area T1 with two Mc (m 1 and m 2i); T2 with four Mc (m 4, m 4i, a 5 and m 5). Abdomen: Abd II area A1 with two Mc (a 2 and a 3), area A2 with two Mc (m 3 and m); Abd III with one Mc each on areas A3 (a 1) and A5 (m 3); Abd IV with three Mc on A7 area (A3, B3 and C1), three Mc on A9: one unpaired (A 05). A 5 and B 5, and two on A10 (A 6 and B 6).


Unlike what was observed with E. guadarramensis Jordana & Baquero n. sp., the high activity values shown by E. ledesmai Jordana & Baquero n. sp., do not correspond to wide distribution. It has been found in the MSS of only three sites, located in two mountain ranges ( Fig. 1B, C View FIG ), in the forest strip of the oro-Mediterranean zone and in the cryo-Mediterranean. Using reasonable interpolation, it is most likely also found in the supraforestal area of the Mediterranean. Almost all of the specimens (4106 of 4109) come from SSD-29, installed in the Canchal between Cabeza de Hierro Mayor and Menor ( Fig. 3E, F View FIG ), an extreme climate site that shows very little vegetation cover ( J. communis alpina ) and an eminently mineral substrate. Entomobrya ledesmai Jordana & Baquero n. sp. is the most abundant species at this site compared to other seven syntopic species ( Figs 1C, F View FIG ; 3F View FIG ) with a total of 4192 specimens ( Fig. 1E View FIG ), with a dominance of 98%.


If we consider the dorsal macrochaetotaxy of the abdominal tergites Abd II-III using the simplified formula, 2-2/1-0-1, it is close to E.intermedia sensu Katz et al. (2015) , E. lawrencei Baquero & Jordana, 2008 , E. luquei Jordana & Baquero, 2006 , E. nicoleti ( Lubbock, 1868) , E. rubella Latzel, 1918 and E. siciliana Jordana, Giuga & Baquero, 2011 .

Katz et al. (2015) found an Entomobrya captured in Chester ( USA) and ascribed the specimen to E. intermedia . Some specimens of E. intermedia from England were studied for the review of the palearctic Entomobryinae (specimens from different parts of the United Kingdom sent to Rafael Jordana by Peter Shaw) ( Jordana 2012). The coloration of both populations is similar but the macrochaetotaxy is different: H4 ( Jordana & Baquero 2005) has three chaetae in the specimens from England, one (sometimes an additional mes) in the American specimen; A2 has four Mc in the English form (m 3, m 3ep, m 3e and m 3ei), two in the American form (m 3 and m 3e); A7 has more Mc in the English form than in the American form; in addition, the labral papillae are smooth in the English specimens and multispinate in the American specimen. Given these differences and the geographical origin of the specimens, we consider E.intermedia sensu Katz et al. (2015) to be a new species of Entomobrya from the USA, denominated Entomobrya katzi Jordana & Baquero n. sp., with an abbreviated formula 3-2-0-1-2/3-5/2-2/1-0-1/0-4-0-2-2.

Table 4 shows that the new species differs by multiple characters from the species with which it shares the simplified formula of Abd II-III.

Entomobrya ledesmai Jordana & Baquero n. sp. represented 18% of the total Entomobryomorpha studied in this work, ( Fig.1D View FIG ), and 19% of Entomobryidae (not including Orchesella ) ( Fig. 2A, B View FIG ), i.e., it is the third species in the dominance rank.

JORDANA R., ARBEA J. I. & ARINO A. H. 1990. - Catalogo de colembolos ibericos. Base de datos. Publicaciones de biologia de la Universidad de Navarra. Serie zoologica 21: 1 - 231. https: // hdl. handle. net / 10171 / 7960

GEOFFROY M. 1762. - Histoire abregee des insectes qui se trouvent aux environs de Paris. Insectes apteres. Tome 2. Paris, Durand: 581 - 593, 607 - 610. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 14710

HANDSCHIN E. 1924. - Die Collembolenfauna des Schweizerischen Nationalparkes. Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 60: 89 - 174.

JORDANA R. & BAQUERO E. 2005. - A proposal of characters for taxonomic identification of Entomobrya species (Collembola, Entomobryomorpha), with description of a new species. Abhandlungen und Berichte des Naturkundemuseum Gorlitz 76 (2): 117 - 134.

JORDANA R. 2012. - Synopses on Palaearctic Collembola - Capbryinae & Entomobryini. Soil Organisms 84 (1): 1 - 390.

KATZ A. D., GIORDANO R. & SOTO- ADAMES F. 2015. - Taxonomic review and phylogenetic analysis of fifteen North American Ento - mobrya (Collembola, Entomobryidae), including four new species. ZooKeys 525: 1 - 75. https: // doi. org / 10.3897 / zookeys. 525.6020

LUBBOCK J. 1868 - Notes on the Thysanura. Part III. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 26 (1): 295 - 304. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1096 - 3642.1968. tb 00508. x

MATEOS E. 2011. - New Lepidocyrtus Bourlet, 1939 taxa from Greece (Collembola: Entomobryidae). Zootaxa 3108: 25 - 40. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 3108.1.2

WINKLER D. 2016. - A new species of Lepidocyrtus (Collembola, Entomobryidae) from the Borzsony Mountains, Hungary. Zootaxa 4150 (4): 388 - 400. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4150.4.2

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FIG. 8. — Habitus and color patterns of some species: A, Entomobrya guadarramensis Jordana & Baquero n. sp.; B, Entomobrya ledesmai Jordana & Baquero n. sp.; C, D, Lepidocyrtus labyrinthi Baquero & Jordana n. sp.; E, Lepidocyrtus purgatori Baquero & Jordana n. sp.; F, Lepidocyrtus paralignorum Baquero & Jordana n. sp.; G, Pseudosinella valverdei Baquero & Jordana n. sp.; H, Pseudosinella gonzaloi Baquero & Jordana n. sp. Scale bar: 0.25 mm.

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FIG. 10. — Entomobrya ledesmai Jordana & Baquero n. sp.: A, head chaetotaxy; B, sensory organ of antennal segment III; C, labral papillae; D, Th II dorsal macrochaetotaxy; E, AbdI-III dorsal macrochaetotaxy; F, AbdIV dorsal macrochaetotaxy; G, chaetae from central area of Abd II; H, tibiotarsus of leg3; I, trochanteral organ. Abbreviations: see Material and methods. Symbols: ●, Mc; ○, mes; ▲, sensilla. Scale bars: A, D-F, 0.05 mm; H-I, 0.02 mm; B, C, G, 0.01 mm.

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FIG. 1. — A, basic orography of the Sierra de Guadarrama National Park; B, location of the subterranean sampling devices (SSD) in the Sierra de Guadarrama National Park; C, collection sites of the species collected with the SSDs; D, relative abundance of Entomobryomorpha Börner, 1913 species (excluding Orchesella Templeton, 1835); E, relative abundance by SSDs; F, species richness by SSD. Abbreviations: exx, specimens; spp, species.Species authorships:see Index of species.

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FIG. 3. — Places where new species have been collected more abundantly: A, C, E, G, photos of the sampled biotopes; B, D, F, H, exact installation point and brief card of the SSDs (location and collecting species of Entomobryomorpha Börner, 1913, excluding Orchesella Templeton, 1835). Species authorships: see Index of species.

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FIG. 2. — Diversity, abundance and percentage of Collembola (42 745 specimens) collected in the MSS of the Sierra de Guadarrama National Park: A, values by orders and families; B, Entomobryidae Schäffer, 1896 species values (excluding Orchesella Templeton, 1835); C, Isotomidae Schäffer, 1896 species values. Species authorships: see Index of species.


Spain, Pamplona,Universidad de Navarra, Museum of Zoology


Universidad de Navarra, Museum of Zoology


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle













