Tetraxanthus rathbunae Chace, 1939

Mantelatto, Fernando L., Tamburus, Ana Francisca, Magalhães, Tatiana, Buranelli, Raquel C., Terossi, Mariana, Negri, Mariana, Castilho, Antonio L., Costa, Rogério C. & Zara, Fernando J., 2020, Checklist of decapod crustaceans from the coast of the São Paulo state (Brazil) supported by integrative molecular and morphological data: III. Infraorder Brachyura Latreille, 1802, Zootaxa 4872 (1), pp. 1-108 : 76

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Plazi (2021-01-07 12:41:23, last updated 2024-11-29 14:50:07)

scientific name

Tetraxanthus rathbunae Chace, 1939


Tetraxanthus rathbunae Chace, 1939

( Figure 20I View FIGURE 20 )

Tetraxanthus rathbunae Chace, 1939: 52 .

Material examined. Brazil, São Paulo: 1 ♀ ov, CCDB 5873 View Materials , Ubatuba, RV Soloncy Moura, Point 14, 79m, colls. F. Zara et al., 20.viii.2015 .

Distribution. WesternAtlantic—USA (North Carolina to Florida), Gulf of Mexico,Antilles, and Brazil (Paraíba, Alagoas, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul) ( Coelho & Ramos 1972; Powers 1977; Williams 1984; Abele & Kim 1986; Melo 1989, 2010; Souza 1997; Coelho et al. 2008; Felder et al. 2009; present study).

Remarks. Melo (1996) listed this species on the São Paulo coast with no reference. In this way, the present study can be considered as the official first report of Tetraxanthus rathbunae . Sequence accession number (GenBank): CCDB 5873—16S ( MT849294 View Materials ) (present study).

Abele, L. G. & Kim, W. (1986) An illustrated guide to the marine decapod crustaceans of Florida. Technical Series, 8, 1 - 760.

Chace, F. A. Jr. (1939) Reports on the scientific results of the first Atlantis Expedition to the West Indies, under the joint auspices of the University of Havana and Harvard University preliminary descriptions of one new genus and seventeen new species of decapod and stomatopod Crustacea. Memorias de la Sociedad Cubana de Historia Natural, 13 (1), 31 - 54.

Coelho, P. A. & Ramos, M. (1972) A constituicao e a distribuicao da fauna de decapodos do litoral leste da America do Sul entre as latitudes 5 ° N e 39 ° S. Trabalhos Oceanograficos da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 13, 133 - 236. https: // doi. org / 10.5914 / tropocean. v 13 i 1.2555

Coelho, P. A., Almeida, A. O. & Bezerra, L. E. A. (2008) Checklist of the marine and estuarine Brachyura (Crustacea: Decapoda) of northern and northeastern Brazil. Zootaxa, 58, 1 - 58.

Felder, D. L., Alvarez, F., Goy, J. W. & Lemaitre, R. (2009) Decapoda (Crustacea) of the Gulf of Mexico, with comments on the Amphionidacea. Gulf of Mexico Waters and Biota, 1019 - 1104.

Melo, G. A. S., Veloso, V. G. & Oliveira, M. (1989) A fauna de Brachyura (Crustacea, Decapoda) do litoral do Estado do Parana. Lista Preliminar. Neritica, 4, 1 - 31.

Melo, G. A. S. (1996) Manual de identificacao dos Brachyura (caranguejos e siris) do Litoral Brasileiro. Editora, Pleiade, Sao Paulo, 604 pp.

Powers, L. W. (1977) A catalogue and bibliography to the crabs (Brachyura) of the Gulf of Mexico. Contributions in Marine Science, 20, 1 - 190.

Souza, J. (1997) Brachyura da plataforma meridional do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil (Crustacea, Decapoda). Nauplius, 5, 33 - 58.

Williams, A. B. (1984) Shrimps, lobsters, and crabs of the Altantic Coast of the Eastern United States, Maine to Florida. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D. C., 550 pp.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 20.Families Panopeidae and Pseudorhombilidae. A) Eurypanopeus abbreviatus (Stimpson, 1860) (CCDB5764).B) Eurytium limosum (Say, 1818) (CCDB 6369). C) Hexapanopeus caribbaeus (Stimpson, 1871) (CCDB 5658). D) Hexapanopeus paulensis Rathbun, 1930 (CCDB 5546). E) Panopeus americanus Saussure, 1857 (CCDB 5657). F) Panopeus austrobesus Williams, 1983 (CCDB 5869). G) Panopeus harttii Smith, 1869 (CCDB 6207). H) Panopeus rugosus A. Milne-Edwards, 1880 [in A. Milne-Edwards, 1873-1880] (CCDB 5040). I) Tetraxanthus rathbunae Chace, 1939 (CCDB 5873). Animals from Brazil, São Paulo state: Ubatuba (A, C, D, E, G, H), Bertioga (B), Cananéia (F), RV Soloncy Moura Expedition, Point 14 (I). Sex: male (A, B, C, D, E, F, G), female (I), juvenile (H). Scale bars (mm): A—23; B—19; C—14; D—13; E—19; F—23; G—14; H—11; I—20. Photographs by R.C. Buranelli.


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