Steneotarsonemus (Steneotarsonemoides) amlisoae Karmakar, Ganguly & Mondal, 2021

Ganguly, Moumi, Mondal, Priyankar & Karmakar, Krishna, 2021, Taxonomic notes on subgenus Steneotarsonemoides (Acari: Tarsonemidae) with description of a new species of Steneotarsonemus from Tiger grass in the northern hill zone of West Bengal, India, Zootaxa 5023 (3), pp. 405-420 : 407-418

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Plazi (2021-08-20 03:00:04, last updated 2023-11-04 04:40:13)

scientific name

Steneotarsonemus (Steneotarsonemoides) amlisoae Karmakar, Ganguly & Mondal

sp. nov.

Steneotarsonemus (Steneotarsonemoides) amlisoae Karmakar, Ganguly & Mondal sp. nov.


ADULT FEMALE ( Figs. 2–3 View FIGURES 2–3 ; 4–7 View FIGURES 4–7 ; 19–22 View FIGURES 19–22 ; 9 View FIGURES 8–9 specimens measured)

Gnathosoma. subcircular, almost equal in length35 (31–35) and width 38(36–39); dorsal apodemes inconspicous. Setae dgs 13 (11–14), barbed; setae vgs 7 (4–7), smooth; seta pp indiscernible. Basal portion of stylets bulged. Pharynx fusiform, 11 (9–12) long and 7 (5–8) wide, nearly one fifth of the width of gnathosoma.

Idiosoma . Elliptical, 288 (280–291) long, 156 (152–160) wide at level of c1. Prodorsal shield with longitudinal ridge like patterns extending up to base of setae sc2, anterior margin of dorsal shield slightly covers base of gnathosoma with flat flange-like extension; posterior margin concave medially. Lengths of dorsal setae: v1 25 (21– 25), sc1 17 (14–18), sc2 71 (69–73), c1 19 (18–20), c2 19 (17–20), d 10 (8–11), e 8 (7–9), f 6 (5–6), h 15 (14–16). All setae smooth and slender, except sc2 serrate at anterior two third, v1 and h, sparsely barbed. Bothridial seta sc1 capitate and spiculate. Seta sc2 placed in anterior half of prodorsal shield. Distances between dorsal setae: v1–v1 29 (27–31), sc2–sc2 46 (43–47), v1–sc2 29 (28–32), c1–c1 46 (43–48), c2–c2 100 (97–102), c1–c2 27 (23–29), d–d 52 (49–54), f–f 19 (17–20), e–f 29 (26–30), h– h 38 (34–39). Stigmata slightly anterior to seta v1; tracheal trunks with small post stigmatal atrium overlapped by base of setae v1. Dorsal shield C, D, EF and H ornamented with longitudinal ridge like patterns of variable length.

Coxisternal setae 1a 4 (4–5), inserted above apodemes 1 near junction with prosternal apodeme; 2a 7 (5– 8), proximal to apodemes 2 at level of junction with prosternal apodeme; 3a 50 (46–51), near proximal end of apodemes 3; 3b 7 (6–9), near distal end of apodemes 4. Setae 1b and 2b vestigial, only pits visible. Apodemes 1 conspicuous, converging posteriorly to fuse with prosternal apodeme; Apodemes 2 diffused proximally and weakly join prosternal apodeme; The latter conspicuous from point of fusion with apodemes 1, diffused in middle where it would meet apodemes 2, continuing conspicuously for a shorter distance and again diffused posteriorly; sejugal apodeme vestigial, visible as bifurcated remnants on either side. Apodemes 3 conspicuous, extending diagonally from anterior ends of trochanters III, curved proximally with balloon like diffused extensions immediately posterior to bases of setae 3a; apodemes 4 conspicuous for most of its length, extended diagonally slightly beyond bases of setae 3b with proximal end diffusedly erect and ‘Y’ shaped. Poststernal apodemes absent. Aggenital and lateral plates perpendicularly striate along margin. Tegula 11 (9–12) long and 28 (27–30) wide; posterior margin rounded. Seta ps slightly barbed, 11 (9–11) long 13 (11–13) apart.

Legs. Lengths (femur to tarsus): leg I 52 (49–53), leg II 48 (47–52), leg III 47 (45– 57), leg IV 50 (48–53). Number of setae (solenidia in parentheses) on femur, genu, tibia and tarsus, respectively: leg I: 4-4-6(2)-7(1), leg II: 2-3-4-6(1), leg III: 1+3-4-5. Tarsal solenidion of tibiotarsus I ω 5 (4–7), stout and club-shaped. Sensory cluster of tibia I complete; solenidion φ 1 4 (2-4), clavate; solenidion φ 2 3 (1-3), capitate; famulus k 3 (2–3) inserted near base of φ 2. Seta d of tibia I 23 (21–24), smooth. Solenidion ω of tarsus II 4 (3–5), stout and rod-shaped; seta pl’’ 2 (2–4). Seta d of tibia II 17 (15–19), smooth. Seta u’ of leg III 2 (1–2) bifid anteriorly. Length of femorogenu IV 40 (35–41); tibiotarsus IV 10 (10-14). Length of setae of leg IV: v’F 10 (7–10), v’G 15 (13–16), v’Ti 27 (23–29) and tc’’ 60 (57–65); all setae smooth.

ADULT MALE ( Figs. 8–9 View FIGURES 8–9 ; 10–13 View FIGURES 10–13 ; 23–26 View FIGURES 23–26 ; 7 View FIGURES 4–7 specimens measured)

Gnathosoma. Subcircular, length 33 (32–35), maximum width 36 (34–38); dorsal apodemes conspicuous. Setae dgs 13 (11–14), sparsely barbed; setae vgs 7 (6–8), smooth, seta pp indiscernible. Basal portion of stylet bulged. Palpus similar to female. Pharynx fusiform, 8 (7–10) long and 7 (4–7) wide, nearly one fifth the width of gnathosoma.

Idiosoma . Length 212 (205–221), maximum width 119 (113–120). Prodorsal shield trapezoidal, smooth. Length of dorsal setae: v1 21 (19–22), v2 26 (23–27), sc1 67 (63–67), sc2 34 (31–35), c1 16 (15–18), c2 28 (25–28), d 22 (21–23), f 16 (14–16). Setae h1 and h2 not observed. All setae setiform and smooth except sc1 serrate at anterior two third. Distances between dorsal setae: v1–v1 19 (15–20), v2–v2 22 (20–25), sc1–sc1 33 (29–34), sc2–sc2 52 (48–56), v1–v2 14 (11–14), v2–sc1 17 (16–21), sc1–sc2 24 (21–25), c2–c2 107 (102–109), c1–c1 67 (65–71), c1–c2 40 (37–41), d–d 34 (32–35), f–f 24 (21–26). Seta c1 equidistant from d and c2, posteromediad to latter.

FIGURES 31A–35B. Comparative characters. (31A–35A) Steneotarsonemus konoi vs (31B–35B) Steneotarsonemus (Steneotarsonemoides) amlisoae n. sp. 31A. Ventral anterior part, 32A. Ventral remnants of sejugal apodems, 33A. Ventral apodems (male), 34A. Position of VG in legIV (male), 35A. Ventral gnathosoma, 31B. Ventral anterior part, 32B. Ventral remnants of sejugal apodems, 33B. Ventral apodems (male), 34B. Position of v’G in leg IV (male), 35B. Ventral gnathosoma.

Coxisternal seta 1a 5 (5–7), proximal to apodemes 1 at level of junction with prosternal apodeme; seta 2a 7 (6–8) nearly mediad coxisternal plate II at level of junction between apodemes 2 and prosternal apodeme; seta 3a 42 (38–44) proximal to apodemes 3; seta 3b 7 (7–9) nearly mediad apodemes 4. Setae 1b and 2b vestigial, only pits visible. Apodemes 1 conspicous, converging posteriorly to fuse with prosternal apodeme; apodemes 2 conspicous, proximally curved but clearly separated from prosternal apodeme; The latter conspicuous from point of fusion with apodemes 1, split from level of posterior margin of coxisternal plates I, fused with sejugal apodeme at either side. Apodemes 3 and apodemes 4 well developed; Apodemes 3 connected with apodemes 4 with small diffused transversal lines; apodemes 4 diffused and curved proximally but not join with poststernal apodeme; the latter diffused anteriorly and split posteriorly from level of anterior margin of trochanters IV. All ventral plates ornamented with large cell like patterns.

Legs. Length (femur to tarsus): leg I 65 (63–68), leg II 64 (60–65), leg III 73 (68– 75), leg IV 58 (51–61). Number of setae (solenidia in parentheses) on femur, genu, tibia and tarsus: leg I: 4-4-6(2)-9(1), leg II: 2-3-4-6(1), leg III: 1-3-4-4, leg IV: 1-1+2-1(1)+3. Solenidion ω of tarsus I 3 (2–4), stout and capitate. Sensory cluster of tibia I complete, solenidion φ1 2 (2–3), club shaped; solenidion φ2 2 (1–2), rod like; famulus k 2 (1-2), setaceous and inserted at level of φ1 and φ2. Seta d of tibia I 15 (12–16), smooth. Solenidion ω of tarsus II proximal, 4 (3–5), stout and capitate. Seta pl’’ 2 long, spine like near base of solenidion. Seta d of tibia II 20 (17–21), smooth. Leg IV robust. Seta v’ 6 (3–6), smooth. Femorogenu IV 44 (39–45) long and 19 (18–22) wide at level of v’F, with a well-developed fan shaped flange between bases of setae v’F and v’G. Seta v’F 7 (5–8), v’G 12 (8–12) and l’’G 18 (15–20), all smooth. Tibia IV with solenidion φ 7 (5–7), bacilliform; seta v’Ti 17 (15–20), smooth. Tarsus IV bearing 3 smooth setae of following lengths: tc” 6 (3–7), pv” 5 (4–5) and u’ 4 (2–4). Claw well developed with a pointed tip.

LARVA ( Figs.14–15 View FIGURES 14–15 ; 16–18 View FIGURES 16–18 ; 27–30 View FIGURES 27–30 ; 6 View FIGURES 4–7 specimens measured)

Gnathosoma. Slightly wider than long, length 28 (25–31), width 36 (33–37). Basal portion of stylet is slightly bulged. Pharynx length 9 (8–10), width 4 (3–5). Setae dgs 8 (7–10), barbed, and vgs 4 (3–6), smooth.

Idiosoma . Length 324 (323-335), width 140 (138-145). Prodorsal shield with irregular striations. Setae v1 10 (7-11), sc1 17 (14–18), sc2 40 (39–44) and v2 vestigial. Distance between setae v1–v1 12 (9–12), v2–v2 29 (27–30), sc1–sc1 50 (46–51), sc2–sc2 38 (36–40), v1–sc2 43 (42–47). Shields C, D with irregular striations; shield EF, HP smooth. Setae c1 10 (8–11), c2 21 (19–23), d 14 (12–16), e 17 (16–19), f 14 (13–15), h1 19 (17–20), h2 21 (19–22), ps1 5 (4–5), ps2 2; d, e, f, h1 and h2 coarse. Distance between setae c1–c1 55 (52–56), c2–c2 100 (95–100), c1–c2 38 (36–39), d–d 31 (28–32), e–e 38 (36–39), f–f 17 (14–18), h2–h2 23 (22–25). Coxisternal setae small, 1a 4 (2–4), 2a 3 (3–5), 3a 32 (30–35), 3b 6 (4–7); 1b and 2b vestigial. Distance between setae 1a–1a 17 (15–19), 2a–2a 30 (27–31), 3a–3a 39 (34–39), 3b–3b 52 (48–53). Longitudinal striae present between coxisternites III.

Legs. Leg lengths (femoral base to tarsal tip): I 48 (45–50), II 39 (33–40), III 45 (43–49). Leg I with rudimentary claws; legs II–III with small claws. Number of setae (solenidia in parentheses) on femur, genu, tibia and tarsus on leg I–III (femur to tarsus): 4-4-6(1)-6(1), 2-3-4-5(1), 1-3-4-4. Solenidion ω of tarsus I 5 (3–5), club shaped. Sensory cluster in tibia I incomplete, solenidion φ1 5 (3–5) long and famulus k 3 (2–3) long. Solenidion ω of tarsus II 3 (2–4), stout, capitate. Seta d of tibia II 16 (13–17), smooth.

Type material: holotype female (Acarol.lab/ BCKV/30001 /2020) (deposited in the NZC, Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata) ; 5 paratype female and 3 paratype males (Acarol.lab/ BCKV/30002-07 /2020) collected from Thysanolaena latifolia (Poaceae) from Sevoke (26°52’43”N, 88°28’29”E; 100m MSL), Darjeeling district, state of West Bengal, India 12/XI/2020, M. Ganguly GoogleMaps ; 7 paratype female and 4 paratype male (Acarol.lab/ BCKV/30008- 14 /2020) collected from Kolakham (27°06’07”N, 88°40’46”E; 1720m MSL), Kalimpong district, state of West Bengal, India 12/XI/2020, P. Mondal & K. Karmakar GoogleMaps .

Etymology. The species name amlisoae refers to the local name of the host plant Thysanolaena latifolia in Nepali language.

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FIGURES 2–3. Steneotarsonemus (Steneotarsonemoides) amlisoae n. sp., (female). 2. Dorsal surface. 3. Ventral surface.

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FIGURES 4–7. Steneotarsonemus (Steneotarsonemoides) amlisoae n. sp., (female). 4. leg I, 5. leg II, 6. leg III, 7. leg IV.

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FIGURES 19–22. Steneotarsonemus (Steneotarsonemoides) amlisoae n. sp., (female). 19. Dorsal anterior part, 20. Dorsal posterior part, 21. Ventral anterior part, 22. Ventral posterior part.

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FIGURES 8–9. Steneotarsonemus (Steneotarsonemoides) amlisoae n. sp., (male). 8. Dorsal surface. 9. Ventral surface.

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FIGURES 10–13. Steneotarsonemus (Steneotarsonemoides) amlisoae n. sp., (male). 10. leg I, 11. leg II, 12. leg III, 13. leg IV.

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FIGURES 23–26. Steneotarsonemus (Steneotarsonemoides) amlisoae n. sp., (male). 23. Dorsal anterior part, 24. Dorsal posterior part, 25. Ventral anterior part, 26. Ventral posterior part.

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FIGURES 14–15. Steneotarsonemus (Steneotarsonemoides) amlisoae n. sp., (larva). 14. Dorsal surface. 15. Ventral surface.

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FIGURES 16–18. teneotarsonemus (Steneotarsonemoides) amlisoae n. sp., (larva). 16. leg I, 17. leg II, 18. leg III.

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FIGURES 27–30. Steneotarsonemus (Steneotarsonemoides) amlisoae n. sp., (larva). 27. Dorsal anterior part, 28. Dorsal posterior part, 29. Ventral anterior part, 30. Ventral posterior part.