Oriolus flavocinctus madaraszi Mathews

Lecroy, Mary, 2014, Type Specimens Of Birds In The American Museum Of Natural History Part 12. Passeriformes: Ploceidae, Sturnidae, Buphagidae, Oriolidae, Dicruridae, Callaeidae, Grallinidae, Corcoracidae, Artamidae, Cracticidae, Ptilonorhynchidae, Cnemophilidae, Paradisaeidae, And Corvidae, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2014 (393), pp. 1-165 : 45

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1206/885.1



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scientific name

Oriolus flavocinctus madaraszi Mathews


Oriolus flavocinctus madaraszi Mathews

Oriolus flavocinctus madaraszi Mathews, 1912a: 435 (Cooktown, Queensland).

Now considered an intergrade between Oriolus flavocinctus flavotinctus Schodde and Mason, 1999 View in CoL , and O. flavocinctus kingi Mathews, 1912 View in CoL . See Mathews, 1926: 276–282; 1930: 859; Greenway, 1962: 124; Mees, 1964b: 29–30; Schodde and Mason, 1999: 598–600; Dickinson et al., 2004a: 67; and Walther and Jones, 2008: 718.

HOLOTYPE: AMNH 671132 About AMNH , adult male, collected at Cooktown , 15.28S, 145.15E (Times Atlas ), Queensland, Australia, on 31 March 1900, by E. Olive for H.C. Robinson. From the Mathews Collection (no. 3648) via the Rothschild Collection. GoogleMaps

COMMENTS: Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range as ‘‘North Queensland.’’ The following specimens, collected by Olive, are paratypes: Cooktown, AMNH 671131 About AMNH (Mathews no. 3571), male, 3 February 1900 ; AMNH 671135 About AMNH (4442), female, 4 August 1900 .

Both Rothschild and Mathews purchased specimens from Robinson that were collected by E. Olive. In the case of this form, Robinson and Laverock (1900: 625) reported that Olive collected a series from Cooktown and the coast ranges south of Cairns. Mathews named specimens from both localities (see kingi). Other Mathews Collection specimens in AMNH from the region were either collected after madaraszi was published on 31 January 1912 or were never in his collection.

The widely separated Mathews’ catalog numbers of these Olive specimens illustrate Mathews’ inscrutable and confusing habit of cataloging new acquisitions over an earlier entry for a specimen that he had exchanged! The name, sex, and date of the earlier specimen were merely written over if they were different; usually the name of the person from whom he obtained the later specimen was written in along with the date of cataloging. He was especially prone to do this with regard to specimens that he cataloged in 1910, often specimens he obtained from Robinson or from Tom Tregellas in Victoria. Mathews rarely wrote his catalog number on his specimen labels, but if he did then there can be two specimens of completely different species that bear the same Mathews number.

Taxonomy follows Schodde and Mason (1999: 598–600).














Oriolus flavocinctus madaraszi Mathews

Lecroy, Mary 2014

Oriolus flavocinctus madaraszi

Mathews, G. M. 1912: 435
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