Slaterocoris flavipes Kelton

Schwartz, Michael D., 2011, Revision And Phylogenetic Analysis Of The North American Genus Slaterocoris Wagner With New Synonymy, The Description Of Five New Species And A New Genus From Mexico, And A Review Of The Genus Scalponotatus Kelton (Heteroptera: Miridae: Orthotylinae), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2011 (354), pp. 1-290 : 213-216

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Tatiana (2021-08-30 18:12:01, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-06 02:43:13)

scientific name

Slaterocoris flavipes Kelton


Slaterocoris flavipes Kelton View in CoL

Figures 13 View Fig , 41 View Fig , 42 View Fig ; plate 2 View Plate 2 ; map 9 View Map 9

Strongylocoris croceipes: Van Duzee, 1921: 136 View in CoL (disc., in part).

Slaterocoris flavipes Kelton, 1968: 1126 View in CoL , fig. 9 (orig. desc.); Knight, 1970: 251, fig. 19, (disc.); Henry and Wheeler, 1988: 449 (catalog); Schuh, 1995: 198 (catalog).

Slaterocoris sculleni Knight, 1970: 257 View in CoL , fig. 23 (orig. desc.); Henry and Wheeler, 1988: 451 (catalog); Schuh, 1995: 199 (catalog). NEW SYNONYMY.

DIAGNOSIS: Distinguished among species with dense, suberect, moderately long, silvery vestiture by the black head, the variable reddish orange distal portions of the femora (northern specimens with femora extensive black basally, those from southern California have limited black color basally), the pale yellowish-orange tibiae with black apices (pl. 2), the usually brownish-orange distal portion of antennal segment I with black base (in northerly specimens segment I is mostly dark), the short hemelytral membrane of the male, and the male genitalia with the relatively long dorsal portion of the dorsal lobe (fig. 42A–E). Slaterocoris flavipes can potentially be confused with the following taxa: S. longipennis , but the latter species has the hemelytral membrane long in the male (pl. 2) and the femora are almost completely black (fig. 13); species of the argenteus group have completely black legs (fig. 12); species of the hirtus group have longer, more erect dark vestiture (pl. 4C); some species of the punctatus group have pale head markings (pls. 1, 2) and no member of the flavipes group is distributed north of central Mexico ( maps 9 View Map 9 , 10 View Map 10 ).

REDESCRIPTION: Male: Small, subparallel; length 3.00–4.55, width 1.45–1.75 (pl. 2). COLORATION: Black; antennal segment I brownish orange, black basally, sometimes mostly dark; segment II usually dark, sometimes paler medially; legs black or reddish brown to orange-yellow; femora variably black basally (30 % to 88 %), remainder orange-brown, tibiae orange to pale yellow with variable black apices; tarsomeres black (fig. 13). VESTITURE: Dense, moderately long, suberect, silvery simple setae. STRUCTURE: Body conformation both sexes roughly similar; costal margin subparallel. MALE GENITALIA: As in species group except: Endosomal spicule: Dorsal lobe with narrow dorsal portion as long or longer than wide basal portion; serration of basal portion variable (fig. 42). Right paramere: Subapical region short with variable number of small spines (fig. 41); sometimes medial process present (fig. 41J).

Female: Small, obovate; length 3.45–4.20, width 1.50–2.05 (pl. 2). COLORATION: Antennal segment II pale to dusky yellow with apical portion infuscate; sometimes completely dark. STRUCTURE: Costal margin arcuate (pl. 2). GENITALIA: As in species group except: Vestibulum, anteroventral margin of anterior wall: Sclerotized medially, and sclerotized to lateral margins. Ventral labiate plate: Strongly produced, base moderately wide, triangular, apex cleft. Second gonapophyses: Anterior medial surface slightly convex. Interramal sclerite: Dorsomedial region convex anteriorly, posteromedial portion with tumid process abutting ovipositor bulb. Interramal lobe: Basal (dorsal) insertion with membranous attachment; dorsomedial margin not produced as lobe.

HOSTS: The predominant breeding hosts in northern California, Idaho, and Oregon, are Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus and Ericameria nauseosa . A large number of occurrences are reported from ‘‘ Chrysothamnus spp. ’’ It is impossible to determine which (if any) of these records refer to C. viscidiflorus or E. nauseosa . Specimens were also found on Achillea and Artemisia tridentata in this region. In southern California, Utah, and eastern Nevada, the predominant breeding hosts are Gutierrezia microcephala and G. sarothrae . A couple of specimens were also taken on G. californica and Hymenoclea salsola in the desert habitat of southern California. The remaining records are either ‘‘Asteraceae’’ or a small number of occurrences on non-asteraceous plants that are considered to be sitting records.

DISTRIBUTION: The southern portion of the range occurs on the southern boundary of the Mojave Desert with chaparral habitats in southern California. Northeast of these populations the range continues to shrub lands of the Colorado Plateau in southern Utah. The rest of the distribution of S. flavipes extends from northern Utah west across Idaho to the eastern border of the Cascade Mountains of northern California and Oregon, generally shirting the northern and western boundary of the Great Basin ( map 9 View Map 9 ).

COLLECTION SUMMARY: 272 specimens from 70 collection events, with earliest records in April and May from southern California and Utah. Further north the collection dates range from June to July, with a few August dates and one September date from Oregon.

DISCUSSION: The number and conformation of the apical spines of the right paramere (cf. fig. 41A–J) varies across the range of S. flavipes . Individuals from two different collection events (Powder Hill Rd, Oregon [cf. fig. 41A, B], and 1 mi S of Millican, Oregon [cf. fig. 41H–J]) document novel variation. A male (0111921) from the latter collection event has a medial lobe (fig. 41J), unusual for S. flavipes , whereas two other specimens from the same event have typical conformation (cf. fig. 41H, I). Minor variation in the intensity of marginal serration was observed in the dorsal lobe of the endosomal spicule in the same two specimens from the Powder Hill Road collection event as well as from those across the range of S. flavipes (cf. fig. 42A– E).

Knight (1970) described S. sculleni from four males taken in Klamath County, Oregon. He distinguished it from congeners by the black femora with pale yellow apices, the pale yellow tibiae, the infuscate tarsomeres, the dense, suberect, long, recumbent golden yellow vestiture, antennal segment II not much longer than the head width, and the form of the right paramere. In Knight’s (1970) key, the nominal species S. sculleni and S. flavipes were separated by the comparative length of antennal segment II and width of the head. Segment II was purported to be subequal to head width in S. sculleni and shorter than the head in S. flavipes . Measurements of males from throughout range of both nominal species (table 3) indicates that the length of segment II and the ratio of the head width to segment II are not discrete, negating the utility of the comparison. Segment II measurements and ratios to the head width from southern California specimens, fitting the description of S. flavipes , are 0.80–0.88 and 1.24–1.25 respectfully. Measurement and ratio metrics for northern California, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, and Utah males are 0.75–1.13 and 0.91–1.37, thus encompassing the range of the southern California specimens. Leg coloration does not discriminate the two nominal species because southern California specimens are variable in the extent of orange coloration on the femora and the tibial coloration is pale yellow in both nominal species regardless of distribution. I treat S. sculleni as a junior synonym of S. flavipes because the length of antennal segment II can be greater or less than the head width, the proportion of black and orange femoral coloration appears to be clinal in relation to latitude, and all the male genitalic characters are identical for the nominal species.

Van Duzee (1921) included a couple of specimens from San Diego County, California, identified as S. croceipes in his treatment of the genus; these are correctly identified as S. flavipes (see Other Specimens Examined).

HOLOTYPES: USA: California: Riverside Co.: Indio [33.720566 N 116.214726 W], 01 Jun 1955, W.R. Richards, 18 (AMNH_PBI 00112112) (CNC) ( S. flavipes : senior synonym). Oregon: Klamath Co.: Crater Lake National Park, south rim [42.898116 N 122.104176 W, 2164 m], 19 Aug 1930, H.A. Scullen, 18 (AMNH_PBI 00122264) (USNM) ( S. sculleni : junior synonym).

OTHER SPECIMENS EXAMINED: MEXICO: Baja California: 6 mi E of Ojos Negros, 31.917446 N 116.185296 W, 775 m, 13 May 1982, Faulkner and Brown, 18 (00244232) (SDNH). 7.6 mi S of Tecate, 32.474726 N 116.722046 W, 811 m, 31 May 1980, Brown and Faulkner, 1♀ (00244233) (SDNH). La Zapopita, 31.399866 N 115.783196 W, 786 m, 14 Jun 1960, E.L. Sleeper, 2♀ (00121807– 00121808) (CAS). USA: California: Imperial Co. : 1.5 mi W of Glamis, 32.99496 N 115.08986 W, 91 m, 12 May 1950, Timberlake, Gutierrezia californica , 1♀ (00119890) (UCR). Los Angeles Co.: Largo Vista Rd 3.1 mi S of Rt 18, SE of Llano, 34.452516 N 117.76516 W, 1275 m, 17 May 2004, Schuh, Cassis, Schwartz, Weirauch, Wyniger, Forero, Gutierrezia microcephala , det. A. Saunders UCR 140675 [PBI_CAL04-H18], 4♀ (00108358– 00108361) (AMNH). T5N R10W S35, 34.47746 N 117.89686 W, 1097 m, 23 Apr 1985, Marcia Narog, 18 (00119877) (UCR). Modoc Co.: 1 mi S of Lava Beds National Monument on Hill Rd, Modoc National Forest, 41.485826 N 121.000286 W, 17 Jul 1985, G.M. Stonedahl and J.D. McIver, Chrysothamnus sp. , 18 (00108351) (AMNH). Riverside Co.: 2.5 mi NW of Desert Springs, 33.98866 N 116.52776 W, 408 m, 25 May 1955, Timberlake, Ericameria nauseosa , 18 (00119876 [cat UCRC ENT 00032033]) (UCR). 3 km W of Aguanga, 33.44746 N 116.89086 W, 543 m, 11 May 1982, Kevin Grangetto, 1♀ (00119888) (UCR). 8 km N of Moreno Badlands, 33.989326 N 117.156946 W, 366 m, 19 May 1981, N.J. Gunther, 1♀ (00119889) (UCR). Bautista Canyon, 33.616666 N 116.783336 W, 862 m, 25 May 1999, unknown, 18 (00119878) (UCR). Indio, 33.720566 N 116.214726 W, 01 Jun 1955, W.R. Richards, paratype, 1♀ (00242639) (CAS), paratypes, 3♀ (00112113– 00112115) (CNC), paratype, 1♀ (00119053) (TAMU). Menifee Valley, 33.728336 N 117.145566 W, 16 Jun 1975, J.D. Pinto, 3♀ (00119885–00119887) (UCR). Pinyon Flat, San Jacinto Mountains, 33.783896 N 116.957786 W, 21 May 1940, R.L. Usinger, 1♀ (00119447) (UCB). Ribbonwood, San Jacinto Mountains, 33.570286 N 116.498066 W, 21 May 1940, R.L. Usinger, 1♀ (00112116) (CNC), 1♀ (00119448) (UCB). Wilson Valley Road, 1 mi N of Hemet, 33.7626 N 116.971116 W, 21 Apr 1980, L. Russell and M.D. Schwartz, Asteraceae , 28 (00108341–00108342), 3♀ (00108343–00108345) (AMNH). San Bernardino Co.: Joshua Tree National Monument, Lower Covington Flat, 34.037796 N 116.308896 W, 28 May 1960, M. Knox and E. Sleeper, 1♀ (00121806) (CAS); 19 May 1962, E.L. Sleeper, 18 (00121804), 1♀ (00121805) (CAS). March’s Ranch Road, 2 mi NE of Baldwin Lake, 34.272426 N 116.779766 W, 2164 m, 25 May 1968, L.O. Tejada, 38 (00119880–00119882), 2♀ (00119883–00119884) (UCR). NW of Pioneertown T1N R5E S19, 34.1576 N 116.50226 W, 1280 m, 05 May 1992, R. Mandala, 18 (00119879) (UCR). Phelan, Rt 138 at Phelan Road, 34.425316 N 117.61746 W, 1310 m, 16 May 2004, Schuh, Cassis, Schwartz, Weirauch, Wyniger, Forero, Gutierrezia microcephala, det. A. Saunders UCR 140675 [PBI_ CAL04-H18], 18 (00091706), 2♀ (00109060– 00109061) (AM), 38 (00322762–00322764), 5♀ (00322766–00322770), Hymenoclea salsola , det. A. Sanders UCR140682, 1♀ (00322772), Mirabilis laevis (Benth.) Curran (Nyctaginaceae) , det. A. Sanders UCR140678, 18 (00322761), Galium angustifolium Nutt. ex Gray (Rubiaceae) , det. A. Sanders UCR140677, 18 (00322765), 1♀ (00322771) (AMNH). San Diego Co.: Boulder Oaks Campground on Old Hwy 80, 32.729666 N 116.48256 W, 970 m, 21 May 2000, M.D. Schwartz, Chrysothamnus sp. , 1♀ (00108346) (AMNH). Carrista Creek, Morettis Junction, 33.205146 N 116.717956 W, 13 May 1980, Brown and Faulkner, 1♀ (00244234) (SDNH). Carrizo Creek, intersection with Rt 79, 7 mi S of Warner Springs, 33.199886 N 116.710816 W, 16 May 1982, M.D. Schwartz, Gutierrezia sarothrae , 48 (00111419, 00112123–00112125), 7♀ (00111420, 00112126–00112131) (CNC). Mount Laguna, 33.976676 N 118.138896 W, 1524 m, 04 Jun 1971, M.H. Sweet, 1♀ (00119049) (TAMU). San Diego County, 33.033336 N 116.80006 W, 13 May 1914, E.P. Van Duzee, 1♀ (00112117) (CNC). San Diego County, 32.715286 N 117.156396 W, 05 Jun 1913, E.P. Van Duzee, paratype, 18 (00242638) (CAS). Siskiyou Co.: 1 mi S of Lava Beds National Monument, Lava BedsMedicine Lake Rd, 41.68196 N 121.44246 W, 1317 m, 18 Jul 1985, G.M. Stonedahl and J.D. McIver, Chrysothamnus sp. , 1♀ (00108996) (AMNH). 1 mi W of Bartle, 41.257786 N 121.839236 W, 1220 m, 07 Jul 1979, R.T. and Joe Schuh, 1♀ (00108889) (AMNH). 2.5 mi N of Medicine Lake on Medicine Lake Rd, 41.617816 N 121.597786 W, 750 m, 18 Jul 1985, G.M. Stonedahl and J.D. McIver, Chrysothamnus sp. , 28 (00108349–00108350), 4♀ (00108992–00108995) (AMNH). 12.3 mi N of St. Hwy 89 on Powder Hill Road, 41.65426 N 121.625566 W, 19 Jul 1985, G.M. Stonedahl and J.D. McIver, Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus , 38 (00107887, 00107905, 00108971), 22♀ (00108957–00108958, 00108972–00108991), Gutierrezia sarothrae , 1♀ (00108959) (AMNH). Lava Beds National Monument, 41.753336 N 121.505566 W, 1524 m, 13 Aug 1961, Joe Schuh, 1♀ (00121924) (ORSU). Idaho: Blaine Co.: 6 mi NW of Carey, Little Wood River, 43.378916 N 113.997586 W, 30 Jun 1966, W. Gagne, J. Haddock, paratype, 1♀ (00119417) (UCB). 20 mi N of Shoshone, Big Wood River, 43.220536 N 114.358886 W, 01 Jul 1966, W. Gagne, J. Haddock, 4♀ (00119413– 00119416) (UCB). Butte Co.: 6 mi S of Howe, 43.724396 N 113.002716 W, 1482 m, 08 Jul 1982, M. Stafford, Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus , 18 (00122350) (UID). Craters of the Moon National Monument, 43.429726 N 113.530566 W, 14 Aug 1964, D.S. Horning Jr., 1♀ (00122356) (UID). Elmore Co.: 5 mi S of Mountain Home, 43.056686 N 115.636426 W, 938 m, 16 Jun 1954, W.F. Barr, Chrysothamnus sp. , 18 (00122351), 2♀ (00122352– 00122353) (UID). 8 mi S of Mountain Home, 43.025896 N 115.616136 W, 942 m, 16 Jun 1955, W.F. Barr, 18 (00122354) (UID). Gooding Co.: 6 mi E of Gooding, 42.927626 N 114.594986 W, 1129 m, 19 Jun 1965, R.L. Westcott, Ericameria nauseosa , 1♀ (00122426) (UID); 19 Jun 1965, L.S. Hawkins, Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus , 1♀ (00122427) (UID). Lincoln Co.: 5 mi NE of Shoshone, 42.953446 N 114.317066 W, 1232 m, 17 Jun 1961, W.F. Barr, Artemisia tridentata , 1♀ (00122428), Ericameria nauseosa , 1♀ (00122429) (UID). Valley Co.: Donnelly, 44.73166 N 116.0816 W, 1481 m, 28 Aug 1952, S.E. Knapp, 1♀ (00122355) (UID). Montana: Beaverhead Co.: Dillon, 45.222376 N 112.637896 W, 1550 m, 05 Aug 1908, unknown, 1♀ (00164872) (USNM). Nevada: Elko Co.: 2.2 mi NE of Cobre on state Rt 233, 41.134426 N 114.370146 W, 1798 m, 25 Jun 1983, R.T. Schuh and M.D. Schwartz, 1♀ (00108357) (AMNH). Utah state line on Utah Rt 30, 41.37826 N 114.00266 W, 1451 m, 25 Jun 1983, R.T. Schuh and M.D. Schwartz, Gutierrezia sarothrae , 3♀ (00108355, 00109006– 00109007) (AMNH). Humboldt Co.: 5 mi S of Jct. of Rts 8A and 34A, Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge, 41.727716 N 119.20006 W, 1900 m, 02 Jul 1979, R.T. Schuh and B.M. Massie, Chrysothamnus sp. , 248 (00107897, 00108956, 00109013–00109034), 26♀ (00108961, 00109035–00109059) (AMNH). Washoe Co.: 6 mi W of Vya toward Cedarville, 41.591376 N 119.906516 W, 1810 m, 02 Jul 1979, R.T. Schuh, B.M. Massie, Chrysothamnus sp. , 18 (00108352) Chrysothamnus sp. , 2♀ (00109009– 00109010) (AMNH). Oregon: Crook Co.: 0.5 mi W of Ochoco National Forest on Rt 26, T14S R18E Sec 11, 44.37086 N 120.53486 W, 1129 m, 22 Jun 1979, R.T. Schuh, Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus , 38 (00108353, 00109011–00109012) (AMNH). Deschutes Co.: 1 mi S of Millican, 43.864716 N 120.918896 W, 1335 m, 21 Jun 1979, M.D. Schwartz, Ericameria nauseosa , 28 (00111920– 00111921) (CNC); 21 Jun 1979, R.T. Schuh, Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus , 68 (00107898, 00108997–00109001), 5♀ (00108960, 00109002– 00109005) (AMNH). 1 mi S of Millican on Pine Mountain Road, 43.864716 N 120.918896 W, 1335 m, 21 Jun 1979, G.M. Stonedahl, Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus , 18 (00109008) (AMNH); 21 Jun 1979, M.D. Schwartz, Ericameria nauseosa , 58 (00318796–00318800), 4♀ (00318801–00318804) (CNC). 2 mi E of Redmond, 44.272786 N 121.132396 W, 25 Jun 1939, J. Schuh, Gray, 48 (00108362– 00108365), 7♀ (00108366–00108372) (AMNH), 38 (00243708–00243710), 3♀ (00243711– 00243713) (FSCA). 13 mi SE of Sisters, 44.157836 N 121.362066 W, 11 Jul 1963, C.W. Baker and P.O. Ritcher, Achillea sp. , 1♀ (00121923) (ORSU). Jefferson Co.: Culver, 44.525836 N 121.211946 W, 02 Jul 1935, R.H. Beamer, 2♀ (00117924–00117925) (KU). Klamath Co.: above Algoma Hill, 42.34176 N 121.80336 W, 1433 m, 07 Sep 1965, J. Schuh and E. Hansen, Chrysothamnus sp. , 1♀ (00108354) (AMNH). Lake Co.: 60 mi W of Burns, 43.591296 N 120.05886 W, 1393 m, 02 Jul 1960, W.E. Ferguson, Artemisia sp. , 18 (00112118) (CNC). Utah: Box Elder Co. : Bothwell, 41.710636 N 112.257536 W, 1317 m, 25 Jun 1964, G.F. Knowlton, 18 (00164870) (USNM). Garfield Co.: 8.7 mi S of Rt 95 on Rt 276, Maidenwater Spring, 37.769596 N 110.644576 W, 1524 m, 19 Jun 1983, R.T. Schuh and M.D. Schwartz, Gutierrezia sarothrae , 1♀ (00108890) (AMNH). 15 mi NW of Hog Springs at junction 95 and 276 (E side of road), T32S R12E, 38.024886 N 110.56756 W, 1404 m, 12 Jun 1982, M.D. Schwartz, Gutierrezia sarothrae , 48 (00112119– 00112122) (CNC). Jct. Rts 95 and 276, S of Hanksville, T32S R12E, 38.025056 N 110.570986 W, 1494 m, 18 Jun 1983, R.T. Schuh and M.D. Schwartz, Gutierrezia sarothrae , 18 (00107918) (AMNH). San Juan Co.: 7.7 mi N of Mexican Hat on Rt 261, T41S R18E, 37.266556 N 109.934226 W, 1524 m, 17 Jun 1983, R.T. Schuh and M.D. Schwartz, Chrysothamnus sp. , 1♀ (00108373) Purshia stansburiana (Torr.) Henrickson (Rosaceae) , 1♀ (00108356) (AMNH). Grand Flat near Collins Canyon, 37.421676 N 110.160566 W, 1707 m, 28 May 1978, D.A. and J.T. Polhemus, 18 (00116821), 1♀ (00117233) (JTP); 01 Jun 1982, D.A. and J.T. Polhemus, 5♀ (00116823, 00117229– 00117232) (JTP); 28 May 1985, D.A. and J.T. Polhemus, 38 (00116822, 00117227– 00117228) (JTP); 26 May 1986, D.A. and J.T. Polhemus, 98 (00116706, 00117208– 00117215), 12♀ (00117206, 00117216–00117226) (JTP). Washington Co.: Snow Canyon State Park, T41S R16W, tent campground, 37.206116 N 113.649176 W, 1219 m, 22 May 1981 – 23 May 1981, M.D. Schwartz, Gutierrezia sarothrae , 1♀ (00112136) (CNC). Washington: Adams Co.: Lind, 46.973236 N 118.607796 W, 424 m, 01 Jun 1919, F.W. Carlson, 18 (00164871) (USNM).

Henry, T. J., and A. G. Wheeler, Jr. 1988. Family Miridae Hahn. In T. J. Henry and R. C. Froeschner (editors), Catalog of the Heteroptera, or true bugs of Canada and the continental United States: 251 - 507. Leiden: Brill.

Kelton, L. A. 1968. Revision of the North American species of Slaterocoris (Heteroptera: Miridae). Canadian Entomologist 100: 1121 - 1137.

Knight, H. H. 1970. Review of the genus Slaterocoris Wagner, with a key and descriptions of new species (Hemiptera, Miridae). Iowa State Journal of Science 45: 233 - 267.

Schuh, R. T. 1995. Plant bugs of the world (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae): systematic catalog, distributions, host list, and bibliography. New York: New York Entomological Society, i - xii, 1 - 1329.

Van Duzee, E. P. 1921. Our North American species of Strongylocoris (Hemiptera). Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (4) 9 (11): 135 - 136.

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Plate 2. Dorsal habitus photographs of Slaterocoris elongatus—S. pilosus (see appendix 1 for USI codes and localities).

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Map 9. Localities for Slaterocoris flavipes and S. sheridani.

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Map 10. Localities for Slaterocoris longipennis and S. sparsus.

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Fig. 13. Hind leg coloration for Slaterocoris species.

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Fig. 41. Slaterocoris flavipes, right paramere. A, B. Powder Hill Road, OR. C. Carrizo Creek, CA. D. 15 mi NW of Hog Springs, UT. E. Phelan, CA. F. S of Hanksville, UT. G. Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge, NV. H–J. 1 mi S of Millican, OR.

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Fig. 42. Slaterocoris flavipes, endosoma. A. S of Hanksville, UT. B, C. 1 mi S of Millican, OR. D. Indio, CA. E. Carrizo Creek, CA.











