Slaterocoris longipennis Knight
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Tatiana (2021-08-30 18:12:01, last updated by Plazi 2023-12-08 23:33:04) |
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Slaterocoris longipennis Knight |
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Slaterocoris longipennis Knight View in CoL
Figures 13 View Fig , 43 View Fig , 44 View Fig ; plate 2 View Plate 2 ; map 10 View Map 10
Slaterocoris longipennis Knight, 1968: 90 View in CoL , fig. 114 (orig. desc.); Kelton, 1968: 1123, fig. 6 (disc.); Knight, 1970: 250, fig. 24 (disc.); Henry and Wheeler, 1988: 450 (catalog); Schuh, 1995: 198 (catalog).
Slaterocoris utahensis Knight, 1968: 92 View in CoL , fig. 113 (orig. desc.); Kelton, 1968: 1123, fig. 5 (disc.); Knight, 1970: 256, fig. 22 (disc.); Henry and Wheeler, 1988: 452 (catalog); Schuh, 1995: 199 (catalog). NEW SYNONYMY.
Slaterocoris knowltoni Knight, 1970: 240 View in CoL , fig. 18, (orig. desc.); Henry and Wheeler, 1988: 450 (catalog); Schuh, 1995: 198 (catalog). NEW SYNONYMY.
DIAGNOSIS: Distinguished from other flavipes -group species by the strong sexual dimorphism, the male subparallel sided and distinctly elongate posterior of the costal fracture and the female shorter with slightly arcuate costal margins (pl. 2); the completely black appendages including the antennal segments and femora, except for the pale yellow apices (fig. 13); the dense, long, suberect, silvery or golden vestiture; and the short dorsal portion of the dorsal lobe of the endosomal spicule (fig. 44C–H, arrow). The female of S. longipennis can usually be discriminated from female S. flavipes and S. pilosus by the yellowish pale apex of the femur, the yellowish or black tibia, and the black antenna and tarsomeres. In S. flavipes the tibiae and apices of the femora are more pale orange than yellow and antennal segments I and II are mostly pale yellow; in S. pilosus antennal segment I and II are mostly pale and tarsomeres I and II are pale.
REDESCRIPTION: Male: Large, elongate; length 4.80–6.00, width 1.63–2.10 (pl. 2). COLORATION: Black; including antenna, femur except for narrowly pale yellow apex, tibia pale or dusky yellow to black (fig. 13). VESTITURE: Dense, moderately long, suberect, silvery simple setae; sometimes vestiture somewhat golden. STRUCTURE: Hemelytron elongate, costal margin subparallel. GENITALIA: As in species group except: Phallotheca: As in figure 44A, B. Endosomal spicule: Dorsal lobe with narrow dorsal portion usually as long or shorter than wide basal portion; serration of basal portion variable (fig. 44C–H). Right paramere: Subapical region short with variable number of small spines (fig. 43B–G). Left paramere: Distal portion short, with abrupt contraction at junction with paramere body (fig. 43A).
Female: Moderately large, obovate; length 3.50–4.50, width 1.60–2.08 (pl. 2). COLORATION: Tibia always pale yellow to pale yellowish brown. STRUCTURE: Costal margin slightly arcuate. GENITALIA: As in species group except: Vestibulum, anteroventral margin of anterior wall: Sclerotized medially, and sclerotized to lateral margins of bursa copulatrix. Ventral labiate plate: Strongly produced, moderately wide, triangular at base sometimes apex cleft. Second gonapophyses: Anterior medial surface strongly convex. Interramal sclerite: With dorsomedial region convex anteriorly and posteromedial portion with flat plate abutting ovipositor bulb. Interramal lobe: Basal (dorsal) insertion with membranous attachment, dorsomedial margin not produced as lobe.
HOSTS: The predominant breeding hosts can be adduced from sites in Nye County, Nevada, where intensive collecting was undertaken by R.T. Schuh and colleagues. In the southernmost portion of the range, specimens were taken in relatively large numbers from Ericameria nauseosa , Gutierrezia sarothrae , and Tetradymia glabrata . This is the only species of Slaterocoris taken on Tetradymia . Other Orthotylini to partially utilize species of this widespread western plant genus are Lopidea bullata Knight, 1923 , and Aoplonema rubrum Forero, 2008 . Schuh (2008) discussed the host associations of Beckocoris Knight, 1968 , and Nevadocoris Knight, 1968 , two phyline plant bug genera that are more closely tied to Tetradymia species , than these Orthotylini . Host records from more northern portions of the range indicate that Artemisia tridentata is probably the breeding host. Some specimens were taken on Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus throughout the distribution of S. longipennis . Only two specimens occurred on non-asteraceous plants, and these are considered to be sitting records.
DISTRIBUTION: This species is predominantly an inhabitant of the scattered ranges of the Great Basin in Nevada and the intermountain west of Colorado and Utah. The western limit borders the basin at the eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California, stretching from Fresno to Shasta Counties. The northern limit of the range of S. longipennis is apparently the northern extent of the Snake River Plain in Idaho. The eastern limit is found in the northwest quadrant of the Colorado Rocky Mountain cordillera ( map 10 View Map 10 ).
DISCUSSION: The right paramere shows limited variation from across the distribution of S. longipennis . Minor differences in the conformation of the apical spines exist in males from California, Colorado, Nevada, Utah, and Wyoming (cf. fig. 43B–G). The structure of the dorsal lobe in the endosomal spicule is remarkably uniform, only the intensity of the marginal serration being variable. All individuals are recognizable by the relatively short region dorsal to the expanded base (fig. 44C–H).
Knight (1968) described S. longipennis and S. utahensis consecutively, discriminating between them by overall size, coloration of the vestiture and tibiae, comparison of antennal segment II length to head width, and the structure of the right paramere. Examination of the holotypes demonstrated that S. longipennis has greater body length (5.60), pale vestiture and tibiae, longer antennal segment II (1.19), and the right paramere with four apical spines, while S. utahensis has shorter overall length (4.80), dark vestiture and tibia, shorter segment II (1.02), and three spines on the right paramere. Kelton (1968) followed Knight and recognized S. longipennis and S. utahensis on the same features, giving weight to overall size and coloration of the tibiae and vestiture. Another species, S. knowltoni , was described by Knight (1970) based on three males from Box Elder County , Utah, without reference to either of the former species; it was distinguished by black legs, moderately dense, suberect, brown vestiture, antennal segment II not longer than the head width, and structure of the right paramere. The holotype and a paratype of S. knowltoni have body length of 3.98 and 4.80, antennal segment II length of 0.93 and 1.03, and right paramere with three and four spines, respectively. Examination of paratypes of S. longipennis , the only one of these three species founded on a relatively large number of specimens, taken from one collection event, revealed variation in the tibial coloration, ranging from pale yellow, yellowish brown to brown. Specimens that fit the diagnosis of the three nominal species showed variability in overall size (4.80–6.00), antennal segment II length (1.03–1.30), tibial coloration, and number of apical spines of the right paramere (fig. 43B–G). The color of the dorsal vestiture ranges from pale silvery to darker golden. None of these characters are tied to a particular geographic region. In light of these observations, I propose treating S. knowltoni and S. utahensis as junior synonyms of S. longipennis .
HOLOTYPES: USA: Nevada: Nye Co.: Mercury, 19 M [36.660566 N 115.993616 W], 24 Jun 1965, H.H. Knight and J. Merino, 18 (AMNH_PBI 00134015) (USNM) ( S. longipennis : senior synonym). Utah: Box Elder Co. : Cedar Creek [41.964366 N 113.156386 W], 20 Jun 1963, G.F. Knowlton, 18 (AMNH_PBI 00122253) (USNM) ( S. knowltoni : junior synonym). Millard Co.: Scipio [39.2456 N 112.103336 W], 29 Jun 1965, H.H. Knight, 18 (AMNH_PBI 00134016) (USNM) ( S. utahensis : junior synonym).
COLLECTION SUMMARY: 242 specimens from 47 collection events, with earliest records in May from Utah ; throughout the range the majority of specimens were taken in June to July, and the latest date is August.
OTHER SPECIMENS EXAMINED: USA: California: Fresno Co.: 2 km W of Kaiser Pass on USFS 80, 37.291396 N 119.12456 W, 2599 m, 25 Jul 1999, M.D. Schwartz, Artemisia sp. , 78 (00110997, 00115829–00115834), 2♀ (00115835–00115836) (CNC). Inyo Co. : 2 mi W of Westgard Pass, 37.300286 N 118.18946 W, 2134 m, 10 Jun 1976, J.D. Pinto, 1♀ (00119555) (UCR). Westgard Pass summit, White Mountains , 37.300286 N 118.153066 W, 2249 m, 02 Jul 1980, R.T. Schuh, Artemisia tridentata , 18 (00108832), 5♀ (00108833– 00108837), Chrysothamnus sp. , 18 (00107913) (AMNH). Modoc Co.: Hackamore, 41.551946 N 121.12256 W, 12 Jul 1947, R.L. Usinger, Chrysothamnus sp. , 38 (00119450–00119452) (UCB). Mono Co.: 4 mi SE of Oasis, Fish Lake Valley, 37.47066 N 117.84236 W, 1573 m, 10 Jun 1976, J.D. Pinto, Gutierrezia sp. , 28 (00119549–00119550, 00119798), 4♀ (00119551–00119554) (UCR). Plumas Co.: near Chester, 40.306396 N 121.230836 W, 05 Jul 1932, R.L. Usinger, 18 (00121867), 1♀ (00121868) (CAS), 1♀ (00112145) (CNC). Shasta Co.: Burney, 40.88246 N 121.66086 W, 952 m, 08 Jul 1956, A.E. Michelbacher, 1♀ (00119453) (UCB). Tuolumne Co.: Blue Canyon, Sonora Pass, 38.3186 N 119.66356 W, 2682 m, 30 Aug 1960, P.D. Hurd, 1♀ (00112146) (CNC). Colorado: Eagle Co.: Minturn, 39.586376 N 106.430866 W, 2391 m, 23 Jun 1981, J.T. Polhemus, 18 (00116824) (JTP). S of Wolcott, 39.702786 N 106.678066 W, 22 Jun 1980, J.T. Polhemus, 1♀ (00116830) (JTP). Vail, 39.640286 N 106.373616 W, 2591 m, 27 Jun 1978, J.T. Polhemus, 18 (00116825) (JTP); 24 Jun 1979, J.T. Polhemus, 4♀ (00116826–00116829) (JTP). Garfield Co.: Baxter Pass (Radio Tower), 14 mi SE of CO State Border, 39.581946 N 108.951946 W, 2499 m, 09 Jul 1981, M.D. Schwartz, Artemisia tridentata , 18 (00112140), 1♀ (00112141) (CNC). Moffat Co.: Hamilton, 40.367196 N 107.613126 W, 2141 m, 03 Jul 1928, unknown, 1♀ (00134500) (USNM). Routt Co.: Steamboat Springs, 40.4856 N 106.831116 W, 2134 m, 27 Jun 1982, J.T. and D.A. Polhemus, 18 (00116756), 1♀ (00116755), 28 (00116721, 00116987), 1♀ (00117196) (JTP). Idaho: Boise Co.: Mores Mountain, 43.784316 N 116.086166 W, 2103 m, 09 Jul 2006, A.R. Gillogly, 18 (00094015 [cat TAMU-ENTO X0283497]) (TAMU). Butte Co.: 6 mi S of Howe, 43.724396 N 113.002716 W, 1482 m, 16 Jun 1981, M. Stafford, Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus , 28 (00122357–00122358), 1♀ (00122359) (UID); 17 Jun 1981, M. Stafford, 38 (00122360–00122362) (UID); 02 Jul 1981, M. Stafford, 1♀ (00122363) (UID). 7.2 mi E of Howe, 43.801526 N 112.864166 W, 1463 m, 23 Jun 1965, W.F. Barr, 1♀ (00122430) (UID). 10 mi E of Howe, 43.80616 N 112.84116 W, 1475 m, 04 Jun 1969, W.F. Barr, 1♀ (00122334) (UID). Caribou Co.: Bancroft, 42.72026 N 111.885796 W, 1653 m, 23 Jun 1937, C. Wakeland, Triticum sp. (Poaceae) , paratype of junior synonym ( S. utahensis ), 18 (00112139) (CNC), ( Poaceae ), paratype of junior synonym ( S. utahensis ), 18 (00070078) (USNM). Cassia Co. : 5 mi W of Raft River, 42.58896 N 113.32786 W, 1347 m, 04 Jun 1981, R.P. Wight, 1♀ (00122364) (UID). Custer Co.: Mackay, 43.914636 N 113.613356 W, 1800 m, 06 Jun 1953, W.F. Barr, 18 (00122365), 3♀ (00122366– 00122368) (UID). Jefferson Co.: 12.2 mi NW of Terreton Post Office on Rt 28, E side of rd 0.2 m N of milepost 178, Range Plot 29, 43.937016 N 112.636176 W, 1462 m, 20 Jun 1978, S.T. Rose, 18 (00122369) (UID). Oneida Co. : Holbrook, 42.161946 N 112.653066 W, 13 Jun 1969, G.F. Knowlton, 1♀ (00133543) (USNM). Power Co.: American Falls, 42.786116 N 112.853616 W, 05 Aug 1972, L.A. Kelton, Artemisia sp. , 1♀ (00112137) (CNC). Nevada: Elko Co.: 15 mi SE of Elko on Rt 227, 40.679166 N 115.560026 W, 1707 m, 26 Jun 1983, R.T. Schuh and M.D. Schwartz, Gutierrezia sarothrae , 18 (00108379), 8♀ (00108380– 00108387) (AMNH). Eureka Co.: 28 mi W of Eureka on Rt 50, 39.512786 N 116.48446 W, 1829 m, 27 Jun 1983, R.T. Schuh and M.D. Schwartz, Gutierrezia sarothrae , 2♀ (00108388–00108389) (AMNH). Eureka, 39.51276 N 115.960616 W, 25 Jun 1939, C.J.D. Brown, 1♀ (00127333) (UMMC). Lander Co.: Smith Creek Valley, 9.5 mi S of Rt 2, T15N R39E, 39.341566 N 117.501316 W, 1920 m, 30 Jun 1983, R.T. Schuh and M.D. Schwartz, 18 (00108377), 1♀ (00108378) (AMNH). Nye Co.: 11 mi N of Belmont, T10N R46E S26, 38.68016 N 116.77126 W, 2195 m, 29 Jun 1983, R.T. Schuh and M.D. Schwartz, Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus , 28 (00108830–00108831), Gutierrezia sarothrae , 478 (00107873, 00108139, 00108487, 00108786–00108829), 31♀ (00108488, 00108756–00108785) (AMNH). Atomic Test Site, 1.5 mi W of Area 12 camp on Stockade Wash Rd, 37.159416 N 116.210376 W, 07 Jun 1983, Schuh, Schwartz, and Stonedahl, Ericameria nauseosa , 258 (00107874, 00108732– 00108755), 12♀ (00108140, 00108722–00108731, 00169983) (AMNH). Mercury, 19 M, 36.660566 N 115.993616 W, 24 Jun 1965, H.H. Knight and J. Merino, Tetradymia glabrata , paratypes, 28 (00112150–00112151), 2♀ (00112148– 00112149) (CNC), paratypes, 28 (00119054– 00119055), 2♀ (00119056–00119057) (TAMU), paratypes, 58 (00070015–00070018, 00070022), 12♀ (00070023–00070034) (USNM). White Pine Co. : 6 mi SW of Ely, 39.186166 N 114.966916 W, 2073 m, 23 Jun 1966, W. Gagne and J. Haddock, 18 (00112147) (CNC); 24 Jun 1966, W. Gagne, 18 (00119449) (UCB). Utah: Box Elder Co. : Cedar Creek, 41.964366 N 113.156386 W, 27 May 1969, G.F. Knowlton, 1♀ (00133541) (USNM). Hardup, 41.895566 N 113.150836 W, 03 Jul 1969, G.F. Knowlton, 1♀ (00133542) (USNM). Kelton Pass, 41.746116 N 113.105566 W, 27 May 1969, G.F. Knowlton, paratype of junior synonym ( S. knowltoni ), 18 (00112138) (CNC), paratype of junior synonym ( S. knowltoni ), 18 (00122254), 3♀ (00133537–00133539) (USNM); 13 Jun 1969, G.F. Knowlton, 1♀ (00133540) (USNM). Rich Co.: Allen Canyon, 41.625566 N 111.249446 W, 15 Jun 1966, G.F. Knowlton, 18 (00070081) (USNM). Bear Lake area, 41.926 N 111.46246 W, 2316 m, 22 Jun 1986 – 27 Jun 1986, C. and A. von Nidek, 18 (00190088) (ZMAN). Sanpete Co.: Log Canyon Road, 39.6626 N 111.68286 W, 2012 m, 27 Jun 1964, A.T. Whitehead, 18 (00112144), 1♀ (00112142) (CNC). Sevier Co.: Clear Creek Narrows Summit on Rt 4, 38.581566 N 112.256786 W, 2243 m, 15 Jun 1980, R.T. Schuh and G.M. Stonedahl, 18 (00108374) (AMNH). Washington Co.: Hurricane, 37.175286 N 113.289176 W, 22 May 1963, G.F. Knowlton, 1♀ (00134593) (USNM). Wyoming: Lincoln Co.: 4 mi NW of Frontier, 41.855056 N 110.591286 W, 26 Jun 1966, W. Gagne, J. Haddock, 18 (00112143) (CNC).
Forero, D. 2008. Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the Hadronema group (Miridae, Orthotylinae, Orthotylini), with descriptions of new genera and new species, and comments on the neotropical genus Tupimiris. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 312: 1 - 172.
Henry, T. J., and A. G. Wheeler, Jr. 1988. Family Miridae Hahn. In T. J. Henry and R. C. Froeschner (editors), Catalog of the Heteroptera, or true bugs of Canada and the continental United States: 251 - 507. Leiden: Brill.
Kelton, L. A. 1968. Revision of the North American species of Slaterocoris (Heteroptera: Miridae). Canadian Entomologist 100: 1121 - 1137.
Knight, H. H. 1968. Taxonomic review: Miridae of the Nevada Test Site and the western United States. Brigham Young University Science Bulletin, Biological Series 9 (3): 1 - 282.
Knight, H. H. 1970. Review of the genus Slaterocoris Wagner, with a key and descriptions of new species (Hemiptera, Miridae). Iowa State Journal of Science 45: 233 - 267.
Schuh, R. T. 1995. Plant bugs of the world (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae): systematic catalog, distributions, host list, and bibliography. New York: New York Entomological Society, i - xii, 1 - 1329.
Plate 2. Dorsal habitus photographs of Slaterocoris elongatus—S. pilosus (see appendix 1 for USI codes and localities).
Fig. 43. Slaterocoris longipennis, parameres. A, B. Kelton, Pass, UT C. Stockade Wash, NV. D. 2 km W of Kaiser Pass, CA. E. 4 mi NW of Frontier, WY. F. Steamboat Springs, CO. G. Westgard Pass, CA.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
Order |
Family |
Genus |
Slaterocoris longipennis Knight
Schwartz, Michael D. 2011 |
Slaterocoris knowltoni
Schuh, R. T. 1995: 198 |
Henry, T. J. & A. G. Wheeler, Jr. 1988: 450 |
Knight, H. H. 1970: 240 |
Slaterocoris longipennis
Schuh, R. T. 1995: 198 |
Henry, T. J. & A. G. Wheeler, Jr. 1988: 450 |
Knight, H. H. 1970: 250 |
Knight, H. H. 1968: 90 |
Kelton, L. A. 1968: 1123 |
Slaterocoris utahensis
Schuh, R. T. 1995: 199 |
Henry, T. J. & A. G. Wheeler, Jr. 1988: 452 |
Knight, H. H. 1970: 256 |
Knight, H. H. 1968: 92 |
Kelton, L. A. 1968: 1123 |