Leptochiton rissoi ( Nierstrasz, 1905 )

Sirenko, Boris I., 2020, New shelf and bathyal Philippine leptochitons (Mollusca: Polyplacophora Lepidopleurida), Zootaxa 4878 (3), pp. 467-500 : 475-476

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Plazi (2021-01-07 17:23:27, last updated 2024-11-26 23:34:40)

scientific name

Leptochiton rissoi ( Nierstrasz, 1905 )


Leptochiton rissoi ( Nierstrasz, 1905) View in CoL

( Figs. 9–11 View FIGURE 9 View FIGURE 10 View FIGURE 11 )

Lepidopleurus rissoi Nierstrasz 1905: 6 View in CoL , figs 5, 52–55; Ferreira 1979: 163, figs 30–32.

Leptochiton rissoi View in CoL ; Kaas & Van Belle 1985: 110, fig. 48.

Type material. Lectotype, ( RMNT) (designated by A. J. Ferreira, 1979).

Type locality. Celebes Sea, N of Manado, 3°27.1’N 125°18.7’E, 2053 m, Siboga St. 126 GoogleMaps .

Material examined. Lectotype; Philippines, Sulu Sea, R / V Vitjaz , cruise 57, stn.7237, 7°39.9’– 7°31.1’N, 121°32.2’– 121°22.5’E, 4800 m, 21 spms ( ZISP 2376 View Materials ) BL 9.0–16.0 mm, 28.02.1975. GoogleMaps

Distribution. Indonesia (216-2053 m) and now Philippines (4800 m).

Remarks. This species is one of the largest of the genus (BL up to 40.0 mm) ( Kaas & Van Belle 1985). The studied specimen is similar to the lectotype, which I have examined. Kaas & Van Belle (1985) gave a detailed description of the lectotype with drawings of the valves, armature of girdle and radula. However, there is a mistake in the description of the radula. The head of the major lateral tooth of the radula of the lectotype is not unidentate but bidentate. The Philippine specimen possesses 13 gills on each side arranged from valve VI to near the anus, and a radula that is 4.1 mm long with 53 transverse rows of mature teeth. Each granule of the tegmentum in the examined specimen has seven to nine pores of aesthetes. The lectotype has seven pores.

This species is most similar to L. vietnamensis , but differs in having granules in the central areas with seven to nine aesthete pores (vs. 18 to 21 pores in L. vietnamensis ) and subcarinated valves (vs. usually rounded in L. vietnamensis ). Moreover in L. rissoi , the granules on the longitudinal rows of the central areas are located at a small distance to each other; however they are very close to each other in L. vietnamensis ).

Ferreira, A. J. (1979) The family Lepidopleuridae (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) in the eastern Pacific. The Veliger, 22, 145 - 165.

Kaas, P & Van Belle, R. A. (1985) Monograph of living chitons. 1. Order Neoloricata: Lepidopleurina. E. J. Brill / W., Backhuys, Leiden, 240 pp.

Nierstrasz, H. F. (1905) Die Chitonen der Siboga-Expedition. Siboga Expeditie, 48, 1 - 112, pls. 1 - 8.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 9. Leptochiton rissoi, Philippines (ZISP 2376), BL 14.0 mm:A. Valve I, dorsal view; B. Valve V, dorsal view; C. Valve VIII, dorsal view; D. Valve IV, ventral view; E. Valve V, detail of tegmentum in central and lateral areas; F. Valve V, rostral view; G. Valve VIII, lateral view.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 10. Leptochiton rissoi, Philippines (ZISP 2376), BL 14.0 mm: A. Sutural spicules; B. Sutural spicules and needles; C. Dorsal spicules; D. Ventral spicules/

Gallery Image

FIGURE 11. Leptochiton rissoi, Philippines (ZISP 2376), BL 14.0 mm: A. Head of major lateral tooth of radula, among spicules; B, C. Central, first lateral and major lateral teeth of radula; D. Central and first lateral teeth of radula.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium













