Pagurus exilis ( Benedict, 1892 )

Nucci, Paulo Ricardo & Melo, Gustavo Augusto Schmidt De, 2007, Hermit crabs from Brazil. Family Paguridae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Paguroidea): Genus Pagurus, Zootaxa 1406, pp. 47-59 : 50-53

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.175515

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scientific name

Pagurus exilis ( Benedict, 1892 )


Pagurus exilis ( Benedict, 1892) View in CoL

(Figs. 1C, 2C, 3C, 4C)

Eupagurus exilis Benedict, 1892: 6 View in CoL .— Barattini & Ureta, 1960: 53.

Pagurus exilis View in CoL .— Forest & Saint Laurent, 1968: 135, figs 102–106.— Coelho & Ramos, 1972: 165.— Scelzo & Boschi, 1973: 208.— Boschi, 1979: 138.— Coelho & Ramos-Porto, 1986: 41.— Hebling & Rieger, 1986: 68, fig. 3.— Rieger, 1998: 414.— Melo, 1999: 126, fig. 70.

Diagnosis. Shield slightly broader than long. Rostrum triangular, with rounded tip. Ocular peduncles with median constriction; corneae dilated. Ocular acicles large, with rounded tips and small submarginal spine; dorsal face remarkably concave. Antennular and antennal peduncles overreaching corneae, approximately 2/3 as long as ultimate segment. Right cheliped elongate; palm with several conical or flattened tubercles on dorsal face, more developed near mesial margin. Left cheliped smaller than right; fingers 1.5 length of palm; dorsal face of carpus slightly convex, with midline of strong conical tubercles. Second and third pereopods strong; on dorsal and ventral faces of meri and on propodi transversal granulated grooves with short setae inserted; dactyls slightly turned inside, with median grooves on lateral faces. Telson with posterior lobes short and broad, left lobe more developed than right; posterior margins armed with irregular strong spines.

Shield and cephalic region: A, Pagurus brevidactylus ; B, P. criniticornis ; C, P. exilis ; D, P. heblingi ; E, P.

leptonyx ; F, P. limatulus ; G, P. longimanus ; H, P. provenzanoi .

Distribution. Western Atlantic — Brazil (from Rio de Janeiro to Rio Grande do Sul), Uruguay and Argentina.

Habitat. From shallow waters to 50 metres, on sandy and muddy bottoms.

Material examined. Brazil: Rio de Janeiro – Cabo Frio, 30 m, 1 male: 6.4 mm ( MZUSP –8635); 45 m, 1 male: 4.9 mm ( MZUSP –8637); 30 m, 1 female: 4.8 mm ( MZUSP –8638); Proj. Ilha Grande, st. 335, 1 male: 3.6 mm ( MZUSP –4700); st. 268, 2 males: 4.8, 3.1 mm ( MZUSP –4702); st. 294, 15 m, 1 female: 3.1 mm ( MZUSP –4696); st. 273, 2 males: 4.7, 3.6 mm ( MZUSP –4704). São Paulo – Ubatuba, Proj. Integrado, st. 29, 1 male: 4.5 mm ( MZUSP –8751); st. 15, 3 males: 5.1, 4.6, 4.7 mm ( MZUSP –8745); st. 22, 4 males: 5.5, 5.4, 5.3, 4.2 mm ( MZUSP –8749); st. 26, 3 males: 5.5, 5.0, 4.7 mm ( MZUSP –8750); st. 33, 2 females: 3.7, 3.6 mm ( MZUSP –8753); st. 14, 1 male: 5.3 mm ( MZUSP –8744); st. 20, 4 males: 4.6, 4.8, 5.5, 4.9 mm ( MZUSP – 8747); st. 42, 3 males: 5.1, 4.9, 4.5 mm ( MZUSP –8754); fixed st. 4, 3 males: 5.9, 4.8, 5.7 mm ( MZUSP – 8757); st. 18, 1 male: 6.5 mm ( MZUSP –8746); Ilha da Moela, 1 male: 4.9 mm, 1 female: 4.5 mm ( MZUSP – 7363); 2 males: 5.2, 5.2 mm ( MZUSP –7362); Santos, 36 m, 1 female: 4.6 mm ( MZUSP –7360); 1 male: 5.2 mm ( MZUSP –7361); 3 females: 4.7, 4.4, 3.5 mm, 1 male: 3.9 mm ( MZUSP –13346). Rio Grande do Sul – Proj. GEDIP, st. 409, 32 m, 1 male: 5.1 mm ( MZUSP –4698).

Remarks. Pagurus exilis is relatively close to P. longimanus (which is only found in Amapá), P. limatulus and P. heblingi . The four species are similar in the aspect of the cephalic region, but can be quickly distinguished by differences in the shape and ornamentation of the chelipeds and ambulatory legs.


Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo














Pagurus exilis ( Benedict, 1892 )

Nucci, Paulo Ricardo & Melo, Gustavo Augusto Schmidt De 2007

Pagurus exilis

Melo 1999: 126
Rieger 1998: 414
Coelho 1986: 41
Hebling 1986: 68
Boschi 1979: 138
Scelzo 1973: 208
Coelho 1972: 165
Forest 1968: 135

Eupagurus exilis

Ureta 1960: 53
Benedict 1892: 6
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