Simulium (Chirostilbia) subpallidum Lutz

HERNÁNDEZ, LUIS MIGUEL, SHELLEY, ANTHONY JOHN, DE LUNA DIAS, ANTONIO PAULINO ANDRADE & MAIA-HERZOG, MARILZA, 2007, New specific synonymies and taxonomic notes on Neotropical black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae) belonging to the subgenera Chirostilbia Enderlein, Hemicnetha Enderlein, Inaequalium Coscarón & Wygodzinsky, Psaroniocompsa Enderlein and Psilopelmia Enderlein, Zootaxa 1506 (1), pp. 1-80 : 8-10

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Felipe (2021-07-09 17:10:50, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 07:59:47)

scientific name

Simulium (Chirostilbia) subpallidum Lutz


Simulium (Chirostilbia) subpallidum Lutz View in CoL

( Figs. 9–12 View PLATE 1 , 59,60 View PLATE 5 , 82 View PLATE 6 , 100 View PLATE 7 , 124–126 View PLATE 8 , 171–173 View PLATE 12 , 202–204 View PLATE 14 )

Simulium subpallidum Lutz, 1910: 247 View in CoL . LECTOTYPE ♀, BRAZIL: Minas Gerais State, Benjamin Constant; 16.10 [=1910] [Without collector’s name, but probably collected by A. Lutz.] [Examined.] (IOC). New type designation.

Simulium guerreroi Ramírez Pérez, 1971: 355 View in CoL . HOLOTYPE [Life stage not stated in original description.], VENEZUELA: Estado Bolívar, Ciudad Bolívar, Rio Candelaria; [Without date or collector’s name, but presumably collected by Ramírez Pérez] [Holotype said to be deposited in DERM, but location unknown- see note on Ramírez Pérez, Simuliidae View in CoL collection in Materials and Methods.] [Synonymy by Ramírez Pérez et al. 1982: 83.]

Simulium guarani Coscarón & Wygodzinsky, 1972: 210 . HOLOTYPE ♀ (reared), PARAGUAY: Ayo. Moroti, 13.vii.1971 (Coscarón, S.) [MLP] [Examined.] [Synonymy by Coscarón, 1982: 73.]

Simulium acarayensis Coscarón & Wygodzinsky, 1972: 216 . HOLOTYPE ♀ (reared), PARAGUAY: Rio Acaray , 1 km S/ represa; 12.vii.1971, (Coscarón) (MLP) [Examined.] New synonymy.

Simulium subpallidum View in CoL was described by Lutz (1910) from two females biting a horse near Benjamin Constant (Minas Gerais), Brazil. We have examined two females from this locality in the Lutz collection in the IOC that agree with the description given by Lutz (1910) for S. subpallidum View in CoL . The label on one specimen bears the following data: “Benjamin Constant, 16.10 [=1910] and IOC number “12.653”. The specimen is in good condition and we have selected it as the lectotype and labeled it accordingly. The other female from the same locality does not have a date on the label. Consequently, we are not certain of its type status (see Material Examined). In the same paper Lutz (1910) also described pupae collected at Anhemby [now Anhembí] (Tiete River), São Paulo State, and at Lassance in Minas Gerais State and extracted adults from them that he believed to be S. subpallidum View in CoL . A pupa is illustrated in his Fig. 13 View PLATE 1 that is S. spinibranchium View in CoL and not S. subpallidum View in CoL and this is referred to in the figure legend as S. spinibranchium View in CoL (= subpallidum View in CoL ?). In the following key the pupa is referred to as S. spinibranchium View in CoL n.sp. (= subpallidum View in CoL ?). In the paper he also referred to larvae [presumably from the same localities as the pupae], but gave no morphological diagnosis. In conclusion, Lutz provided a description of female S. subpallidum View in CoL , but not of the pupae. In 1932 Pinto examined pupae that Lutz had collected from Lassance and identified these as S. subpallidum View in CoL and gave a brief description. Coscarón (1982) commented on this misidentification.

A name associated with S. subpallidum View in CoL is S. subviride that was recorded by Lutz & Machado (1915: 46) from specimens collected in the states of Minas Gerais and Bahía. We have examined 23 pinned females and 5 pupae identified as S. subviride in the IOC collections (see Amaral-Calvão & Maia-Herzog, 2003), which fall within the morphological variation currently known for S. subpallidum View in CoL . Since no description was ever given for the name subviride under the provision of the International Code for Zoological Nomenclature (1999, articles 11, 13) it is a nomen nudum.

Several species have been regarded as synonyms of S. subpallidum and we have the following comments to make. Simulium guerreroi was described by Ramírez Pérez (1971) from specimens collected in Bolívar State, Bolívar City, Candelaria River, Venezuela. He not only described and illustrated the female of this species, but also provided illustrations of the male genitalia, pupal cocoon, gill filaments, cephalic and thoracic trichomes of the pupa, and the larval head without descriptions. In addition, he did not record which life stage he had designated as the holotype of S. guerreroi and stated that “… holotype and paratypes were deposited in the DERM and BMNH collections…”. However, no type material of S. guerreroi is deposited in the BMNH, and we have been unable to obtain specimens from DERM [see Note on Ramírez Pérez Simuliidae collection in Material and Methods]. Ramírez Pérez et al. (1982) then synonymized S. guerreroi with S. subpallidum without explanation. We have examined one pupal exuviae from Venezuela in the BMNH identified as S. guerreroi by Ramírez Pérez (see Material Examined), studied the original description and figures of this species, and compared it with numerous link-reared specimens of S. subpallidum deposited in the BMNH and IOC collections. The description of the thoracic pattern of S. guerreroi as well as the morphology of the male and female genitalia, and the pupal gill configuration from specimens identified by Ramírez Pérez from Venezuela ( Fig. 202 View PLATE 14 ) fall within the variation found in S. subpallidum . Hence we confirm the synonymy of Ramírez Pérez et al. (1982).

Simulium guarani was described by Coscarón & Wygodzinsky (1972) from several females, males, pupae and larvae collected from Ayo. Moroti in Paraguay by Coscarón. Later, Coscarón (1981) stated that S. guarani falls within the variation found for S. subpallidum View in CoL and considered both species as conspecific. He also pointed out that the main differences between these two taxa relied on the structure of the gonostyle ( Fig. 2J View PLATE 1 in Coscarón & Wygodzinsky 1972; Fig. 4F View PLATE 1 in Coscarón 1982), but he assumed that the specimen used in the description of S. guarani had suffered a distortion when mounted on the slide. We have examined the female holotype of S. guarani in MLP (see Material Examined), and studied the original description of this species. The holotype is in good condition and it has been glued to a card point together with its pupal exuviae. The thoracic pattern ( Figs. 9, 10 View PLATE 1 ), the morphology of the female genitalia, and the pupal gill configuration ( Fig. 203 View PLATE 14 ) are within the variation found in S. subpallidum View in CoL . We have reservations about the structure of the gonostyle of S. guarani , but in the absence of male specimens of this species we agree with Coscarón’s (1982) synonymy.

Coscarón & Wygodzinsky (1972) described S. acarayense based on females, males, pupae and larvae collected in the Rio Acaray in Paraguay. A re-description of this species was also provided in Coscarón (1982, 1991). We have examined the holotype, which is deposited in the MLP. The left side of the pinned female has been glued to a card point together with its pupal pelt, which is now missing (see Material Examined). The thorax of the holotype is slightly damaged ( Figs. 11, 12 View PLATE 1 ). We have also examined two females and one male [as paratypes] and several link-reared adults deposited in the AMNH, BMNH and IOC (see Material Examined), and have studied the original description of S. acarayense . The female and male thoracic patterns ( Figs. 11, 12 View PLATE 1 , 59, 60 View PLATE 5 ), female cibarium ( Fig. 82 View PLATE 6 ), female nudiocular area ( Fig. 100 View PLATE 7 ), female abdominal coloration, and morphology of the female ( Figs. 124–126 View PLATE 8 ) and male genitalia ( Figs. 171–173 View PLATE 12 ), the pupal gill configuration ( Fig. 204 View PLATE 14 ), and the morphology of the larval hypostomium fall within the variation of S. subpallidum . Minor differences were observed in the male gonostyle and larval hypostomium in both species, but we regard these differences as due to the orientation of the specimen on the slide, and accept both species as conspecific.

The scutal pattern of S. subpallidum is very distinctive within the subgenus Chirostilbia varying from faded orange to light grey or black over its entire distribution ( Shelley et al., 2000, 2004). These authors recognized the female of this species by the thorax with a pattern consisting of four, wide, faintly pruinose longitudinal bands? lines and the male with the gonostyle conical to sub-triangular nearly as long as the gonocoxite, and the pupal gill with eight filaments with the dorsal primary branch dividing near its base (see Figs. 2, 3, 16 View PLATE 1 , 97 View PLATE 7 in Shelley et al., 2004). However, three specimens with a six-filamented pupa collected in the state of Roraima, Brazil with adults morphologically similar to the orange form of S. subpallidum have been examined in the BMNH. The variation in the colour of the adult thoracic pattern of this species as well as in number of the pupal gill configuration might indicate the presence of a species complex. However, this still requires further investigation linking morphological variation with DNA and chromosomal studies. A full description of life stages of S. subpallidum is given in Coscarón & Wygodzinsky (1972) [as S. guarani and S. acarayensis ], Coscarón (1982, 1991) and Shelley et al. (2000). The latter authors summarized the relevant literature. A key and figures to separate this species from other taxa in Guyana has been given in Shelley et al. (2004). Simulium subpallidum is common and widespread in Guyana and throughout neighbouring Brazil, where it is found in most of the states in this country ( Gil-Azevedo& Maia-Herzog, 2004), Crosskey & Howard, 2004; Material Examined). Elsewhere, it occurs in Venezuela, Argentina and Paraguay. Pupae have been collected on vegetation in rivers 3–50 m wide, with rocky beds, in the Rupununi District ( Guyana) ( Shelley et al., 2004).

Amaral-Calvao, A. M. R. & Maia-Herzog, M. (2003) Colecao de simuliideos (Diptera-Simuliidae) de Adolpho Lutz, sua historia e importancia. Historia, Ciencias, Saude Manguinhos, 10 (1), 259 - 271.

Coscaron, S. & Wygodzinsky, P. (1972) Notas sobre simulidos neotropicales. Sobre tres especies de jejenes con hembras de color claro del S. E. del Paraguay y del N. E. de Argentina (Simuliidae-Diptera). Revista del Museo de La Plata (N. S.) Seccion Zoologia, 11, 203 - 231.

Coscaron, S. (1982) Notas sobre simulidos neotropicales X. Sobre un grupo peculiar de especies del genero Simulium del S. E. de Brasil, Paraguay y N. O. de Argentina (Diptera-Insecta). Revista de la Sociedad Entomologica Argentina, 41, 65 - 76.

Coscaron, S. (1991) Simuliidae. Fauna de Agua Dulce de la Republica Argentina 38 (Insecta Diptera) (2), 1 - 304 [+ 78 pp. figures and figure legends].

Crosskey, R. W. & Howard, T. M. (2004) A revised taxonomic and geographical inventory of world blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae). The Natural History Museum, London, 82 pp. [web version: http: // www. nhm. ac. uk / entomology / projects / blackflies / Inventory. pdf] [Last accessed 27 December 2006.]

Gil-Azevedo, L. H. & Maia-Herzog, M. (2004) Registros novos de ocorrencia de seis especies de Simuliidae (Diptera) para o estado do Rio de Janeiro. Biotropica, 4, 1 - 3.

International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. (1999) International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, 4 th Edition, The International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, xix + 273 pp.

Lutz, A. (1910) Segunda contribuicao para o conhecimento das especies brazileiras do genero Simulium . Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 2, 213 - 267.

Lutz, A. & Machado, A. (1915) Viajem pelo rio S. Francisco e por alguns dos seus afluentes entre Pirapora e Joazeiro. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 7: 5 - 49.

Ramirez Perez, J. (1971) Distribucion geografica y revision taxonomica de los simulidos (Diptera: Nematocera) de Venezuela con descripcion de dies especies nuevas. Acta Biologica Venezolana, 7, 271 - 371.

Ramirez Perez, J., Yarzabal, L. & Peterson, B. (1982) La simuliofauna del Territorio Federal Amazonas (Venezuela). Publicacion Cientifica, 1, 1 - 104. Proicet Amazonas.

Shelley A. J., Hernandez L. M., Davies, J. B. (2004) Blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) of southern Guyana with keys for the identification of adults and pupae- a review. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 99, 443 - 470.

Shelley, A. J., Maia-Herzog, M., Lowry, C. A., Luna Dias, A. P. A., Garritano, P. R., Shelley, A., Camargo, M. & Carter, H. G. (2000) The Simuliidae (Diptera) of the secondary onchocerciasis focus at Minacu in central Brazil. Bulletin of The Natural History Museum (Entomology series), 69, 171 - 221.

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PLATE 1. FIGURES 1–16. Colour patterns of the female thorax. For each species first figure is with anterior illumination and second figure with posterior illumination. 1, 2: Thyrsopelma striginotum holotype; 3, 4: S. pillosum holotype; 5, 6: S. pillosum paratype; 7, 8: S. dekeyseri holotype; 9, 10: S. guarani holotype; 11, 12: S. acarayense holotype; 13, 14: S. mutucuna holotype; 15, 16: S. inaequale neotype.

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PLATE 5. FIGURES 59–78. Colour patterns of the male thorax. For each species first figure is with anterior illumination and second figure with posterior illumination. 59, 60: S. acarayense paratype; 61, 62: S. clarki paratype; 63, 64: S. nahimi paratype (as allotype); 65, 66: S. subnigrum (Brazil); 67, 68: S. jujuyense (Argentina); 69, 70: S. auripellitum (Brazil, with silver cunae]; 71, 72: Psaroniocompsa mendozoana holotype; 73, 74: S. bonaerense paratype; 75, 76: S. minuanum paratype; 77, 78: S. sicuani paralectotype.

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PLATE 6. FIGURES 79–96. Female nudiocular area. 79: Thyrsopelma striginotum holotype; 80: S. pillosum holotype; 81: S. dekeyseri paratype; 82: S. acarayense paratype; 83: Trichodagmia manicata lectotype; 84: Thyrsopelma argentata holotype; 85: S. clarki paratype; 86: S. subnigrum (Brazil); 87: Psaroniocompsa opalinifrons holotype; 88: S. jujuyense (Argentina); 89: S. auripellitum holotype; 90: Pliodasina guttata holotype; 91: S. bonaerense paratype; 92: S. minuanum paratype; 93: S. costaricensis holotye; 94: S. spinifer holotype; 95: S. hoffmani lectotype; 96: S. sicuani lectotype.

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PLATE 7. FIGURES 97–114. Female cibarium. 97: Thyrsopelma striginotum holotype; 98: S. pillosum holotype; 99: S. dekeyseri paratype; 100: S. acarayense paratype; 101: Trichodagmia manicata lectotype; 102: Thyrsopelma argentata holotype; 103: S. clarki paratype; 104: S. subnigrum (Brazil); 105: Psaroniocompsa opalinifrons holotype; 106: S. jujuyense (Argentina); 107: S. auripellitum holotype; 108: Pliodasina guttata holotype; 109: S. bonaerense paratype; 110: S. minuanum paratype; 111: S. costaricensis holotye; 112: S. spinifer holotype; 113: S. hoffmani lectotype; 114: S. sicuani lectotype.

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PLATE 8. FIGURES 115–126. Female genitalia (cercus and pararprocts, eighth sternite and gonopophyses). 115–117: Thyrsopelma striginotum holotype; 118–120: S. laneportoi holotype; 121–123: S. dekeyseri paratype; 124–126: S. acarayense paratype. Arrow indicate a piece of chitin (artefact) superimposed on the broken left lateral arm.

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PLATE 12. FIGURES 171–182. Male genitalia (ventral plate, gonocoxite and gonostyle, paramere). 171–173: S. acarayense paratype; 174–176: S. baiense holotype; 174: hypopygium in situ; 175: Gonocoxite and gonostyle left side; 176: Gonocoxite and gonostyle right side; 177–179: S. clarki paratype; 180–182: Specimen previously identified as S. nahimi by L.M.Hernández; 181: Topotype male deposited in INPA.

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PLATE 14. FIGURES 202–216. Pupal gill filaments and frontoclypeus. 202: S. guerreroi (Venezuela); 203: S. guarani holotype; S. acarayense paratype; 205–207: S. oviedoi (Venezuela); 208–210: S. rivasi (Venezuela); 211: Specimen identified as S. clarki by A.J.Shelley (Brazil); 212: S. clavibranchium syntype; 213: S. clavibranchium variation (Brazil); 214: S. mbarigui holotype; 215: Topotype identified as S. nahimi by V.P.Py-Daneil at INPA; 216: S. subnigrum (Brazil). Arrows indicate a variation on the gill filaments apically.


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