Nops gertschi Chickering, 1967

Sánchez-Ruiz, Alexander & Brescovit, Antonio D., 2018, A revision of the Neotropical spider genus Nops MacLeay (Araneae: Caponiidae) with the first phylogenetic hypothesis for the Nopinae genera, Zootaxa 4427 (1), pp. 1-121 : 32-37

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4427.1.1

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scientific name

Nops gertschi Chickering, 1967


Nops gertschi Chickering, 1967 View in CoL

Figure 18A‒F View FIGURE 18

Nops gertschi Chickering, 1967: 9 View in CoL , figs 7–8. Male holotype from Loma Cibao, 600–1600 m, La Vega, Dominican Republic, 9.viii.1956, Allan F. Archer & E. B. M (AMNH; examined). Sánchez– Ruiz, 2004: 96 (all specimens except those from Cuba, herein included in N. siboney Sánchez View in CoL –Ruiz).

Remarks. The type locality was never found during several fieldtrips to La Vega province. A male from Azua (MNHNSD 09.1424) is conspecific with the holotype, and the female from Azua (MNHNSD 09.1425) is conspecific with other females examined from La Vega and San Cristobal provinces.

Additional material examined. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: La Vega: La Nevera, Parque Nacional Valle Nuevo (18°52′40″N, 70°43′02″W), 2000 m, 21.ix.1987, L. F. Armas, under stones, 1 ♀ ( BSC 625 About BSC ) GoogleMaps . Parque Nacional Valle Nuevo (18°46′37.175″N, 70°38′21.822″W), 2260 m, 30.i.2005, R. Teruel, 1♀ immature ( BSC 513 About BSC ) GoogleMaps . Parque Nacional Valle Nuevo (18°41′11.9″N, 70°35′37.4″W), 2041 m, 11.iv.2015. A. Sánchez ‒ Ruiz, J. Cabra, 3♀ 5 immatures ( IBSP) GoogleMaps . Cruce de Zocaba (18°51′34″N, 70°41′12″W), Constanza , 13.vii.1998, K. Polanco, S. Navarro & S. Medrano, 1♀ immature ( MNHNSD 09.476‒08 ) GoogleMaps . Cienaga, Parque Nacional Armando Bermudez (19°10′32.355″N, 71°2′59.196″W), 1000 m, 19.vii‒2.viii.1995, S. Fit & J. Peck, 1♀ 1 immature (AMNH). Ditto, 1 immature ( AMNH). Azua: Montilla, Parque Nacional Sierra Martin Garcia (18°23′51.02″N, 71°04′48.6″W), 406 m. 30.v.2014, F. Paz, P. Torres & G. de Los Santos GoogleMaps , 1♀ 1 immature (MNHNSD 09.1425). Ditto, 1♂ 1 immature (MNHNSD 09.1424); 1♀ immature (MNHNSD 09.1422); 1♀ immature (MNHNSD 09.1423). San Cristobal: El Majagual (18°29′0″N, 70°13′0″W), 12.ix.1976, Gomez ‒ Marion, 1♀ ( MNHNSD 09.83‒07 ) GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Males and females with several light grayish, irregular chevron stripes, extending dosolaterally on the abdomen ( Fig. 18A, D View FIGURE 18 ). Males resemble similar congeners Nops pallidus n. sp. and Nops siboney by having a short and strongly curved embolus, with a sclerotized margin, but can be distinguished by having a greater and pointed sclerotized margin on the embolar tip ( Fig. 18B‒C View FIGURE 18 ). Females can be distinguished by a receptaculum with narrow invagination and uterus externus with wide base ( Fig. 18F View FIGURE 18 ).

Description. Male (holotype): Carapace dark orange. Chelicerae, labium, coxae and legs orange. Endites and sternum light orange. Abdomen light gray, dorsally with several light grayish, irregular chevron stripes, extending dosolaterally on the abdomen, forming a pattern ( Fig. 18A View FIGURE 18 ), and ventrally with several dark grayish, irregular little spots at median part and dark grayish at distal part around the spinnerets. Anal tubercle and spinnerets light gray. Total length 7.5. Carapace 4.90 long, 2.9 wide. Sternum 2.35 long, 1.85 wide. Leg measurements: I: 3.40; II: 3.15; III: 2.9; IV: 3.55. Posterior unpaired claws short, as in other three‒clawed spiders. PLS same size as PMS. Palp with a short and strongly curved embolus, with a pointed sclerotized margin (sm) on embolar tip ( Fig. 18B‒C View FIGURE 18 ).

Female (MNHNSD 09.1425): Carapace, chelicerae, labium, legs, coxae, endites and sternum as in male. Abdomen light grayish with a dorsal and ventral pattern similar to the male ( Fig. 18D View FIGURE 18 ). Total length 7.75. Carapace 4.95 long, 3.1 wide. Sternum 2.4 long, 1.9 wide. Leg measurements: I: 3.60; II: 3.35; III: 3.0; IV: 3.85. Posterior unpaired claws and PLS as in male. External genital area with weakly sclerotized anterior plate and lep, unremarkable ess ( Fig. 18E View FIGURE 18 ). Internal genitalia with narrow invagination on receptaculum and uterus externus with wide base ( Fig. 18F View FIGURE 18 ).

Variation. Specimens from Parque Nacional Valle Nuevo have the abdomen green bluish, with dorsolateral abdominal bands narrower than other specimens examined.

Natural history. Like Nops enae Sánchez ‒Ruiz, the only Caribbean species found over 1000 m above sea level, specimens of N. gertschi from Valle Nuevo were also collected under the bark of the trunks of Pinus occidentalis Sw at 2254 m. This is the greatest elevation record for a Caribbean caponiid.

Distribution. Known only from localities in Dominican Republic ( Fig. 19A View FIGURE 19 ).


Instituto Biologico de Sao Paulo


American Museum of Natural History














Nops gertschi Chickering, 1967

Sánchez-Ruiz, Alexander & Brescovit, Antonio D. 2018

Nops gertschi

Chickering, 1967 : 9
Ruiz, 2004 : 96
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