Nops blandus ( Bryant, 1942 )

Sánchez-Ruiz, Alexander & Brescovit, Antonio D., 2018, A revision of the Neotropical spider genus Nops MacLeay (Araneae: Caponiidae) with the first phylogenetic hypothesis for the Nopinae genera, Zootaxa 4427 (1), pp. 1-121 : 22-25

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4427.1.1

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Nops blandus ( Bryant, 1942 )


Nops blandus ( Bryant, 1942) View in CoL

Figures 9G‒I View FIGURE 9 ; 10A‒G

Caponina blanda Bryant, 1942: 328 , fig.17. Male holotype from Christiansted (17°44′37″N, 64°42′54″W), St. Croix , U. S. Virgin Island, H. A. Beatty ( MCZ 20539; examined). GoogleMaps

Nops blandus: Chickering, 1967: 4 View in CoL , fig. 1 (all specimens except male from Haiti MCZ 128296). Sánchez– Ruiz, 2005: 26, fig. 3 (all specimens except those from Dominican Republic IBSP 166393, 166394 and MNHNSD 0 9.1445 herein included in Nops hispaniola Sánchez View in CoL –Ruiz, Brescovit & Alayón). Wunderlich, 1988: 66, fig. 80. Sánchez–Ruiz et al., 2015: 44, figs 1–6, 25–36, 77, 81.

Nops virginicus Sánchez View in CoL – Ruiz, 2010: 23, figs 1–2. Male holotype from Little Saint James , 13.xi.1966, Island Project Staff, University of Puerto Rico ( BSC 656 About BSC ; examined). New Synonymy.

Additional material examined. U. S. VIRGIN ISLANDS: Saint John: Lameshur bay , at Virgin Islands Environmental Resource Station ( VIERS) (18°19′18″N, 64°43′22″W) GoogleMaps , iii.1984, W.B. Muchmore, 3♂ ( FSCA). Lameshur bay (18°19′N, 64°43′W) GoogleMaps , 23.ii.1984, W.B. Muchmore, 1♀ 2 immatures ( FSCA). Ditto , 10.iii.1984, W.B. Muchmore, 1♂ 1♀ ( FSCA). Ditto , 4.v.1984, W.B. Muchmore, 1♀ ( FSCA). Little Lameshur bay , iii.1984, W.B. Muchmore, 1♀ ( FSCA). Saint John (18°19′N, 64°44′W) GoogleMaps , vii.1966, A.M. Chickering, 2♂ (palp for SEM), 4♀ 12 immatures ( MCZ 128295 About MCZ ). Ditto , iii.1964, A.M. Chickering, 1♀ 2 immatures (MCZ 1 28243). Ditto, 11.vii.1974, reef bay trail, W.B. Muchmore, 1♀ ( AMNH). Coral Bay , near Butler ′s house (18°20′N, 64°42′W), 22.vii.1975, W.B. Muchmore, 1 immature ( AMNH). Ditto GoogleMaps , 4.v.1984, W.B. Muchmore, 5 immatures ( FSCA). Ditto , 9.iii.1984, W.B. Muchmore, litter rocks, 1♂ 1♀ 4 immatures ( FSCA). Europa Bay (18°19′N, 64°43′W) GoogleMaps , iii.1984, W.B. Muchmore, pitfall trap in woodland, 2♀ 2 immature ( FSCA). Ditto , iii‒v.1984, W.B. Muchmore, pitfall trap, 5♂ 1 immature ( FSCA). Yawzi Point (18°18′56″N, 64°43′32″W) GoogleMaps , iii‒v.1 984, W.B. Muchmore, pitfall trap, 1♂ (FSCA). Saint Thomas: vii.1966, A.M. Chickering, 4 immatures (MCZ 12 8242). ii.1964, A.M. Chickering, 1♀ 2 immatures ( MCZ 128244 About MCZ ). BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS : Virgin Gorda: 18.viii.1966, A. Chickering, 2♂ (left palp for SEM) 1♀ 3 immature (MCZ 128298).

Diagnosis. Nops blandus resemble similar congener Nops finisfurvus ( Fig. 15C‒D View FIGURE 15 ) by having a short and weakly curved embolus in males and a wide invagination on receptaculum of female genitalia, but can be distinguished by having a widest embolar base ( Fig. 9H, J View FIGURE 9 ), and the invagination on receptaculum is only one time the wide of the lobes ( Fig. 10G View FIGURE 10 ), in N. finisfurvus is three or four times widest ( Fig. 15G View FIGURE 15 ).

Description. Male and female described by Sánchez‒Ruiz et al. (2015). Adding the following: Males and females with abdominal pattern as in figure 6I; posterior unpaired claws elongated and dorsally reflexed; and PLS longer than PMS. Females with external genital area with strongly sclerotized anterior plate, strongly sclerotized lep and remarkable ess ( Fig. 10F View FIGURE 10 ). Internal genitalia with a wide invagination on receptaculum and uterus externus with a wide base ( Fig. 10G View FIGURE 10 ).

Variation. Males from Virgin Gorda Island have the base of embolus slightly wider. Males and females from Lameshur, Saint John have slight differences in genitalia, size and coloration compared with other Saint John specimens. Male from Little Saint James (BSC 656) have embolus narrower and slight differences in median part compared with males from Saint John.

Distribution. Known only from British and U. S. Virgin Islands ( Fig. 8E View FIGURE 8 ).


Museum of Comparative Zoology


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology


American Museum of Natural History














Nops blandus ( Bryant, 1942 )

Sánchez-Ruiz, Alexander & Brescovit, Antonio D. 2018

Caponina blanda

Bryant, 1942 : 328

Nops blandus: Chickering, 1967 : 4

Chickering, 1967 : 4
Ruiz, 2005 : 26
Wunderlich, 1988 : 66

Nops virginicus Sánchez

Ruiz, 2010 : 23
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