Nops guanabacoae MacLeay, 1839

Sánchez-Ruiz, Alexander & Brescovit, Antonio D., 2018, A revision of the Neotropical spider genus Nops MacLeay (Araneae: Caponiidae) with the first phylogenetic hypothesis for the Nopinae genera, Zootaxa 4427 (1), pp. 1-121 : 37-38

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4427.1.1

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scientific name

Nops guanabacoae MacLeay, 1839


Nops guanabacoae MacLeay, 1839 View in CoL

Figures 1A‒E View FIGURE 1 ; 2A‒I; 3A‒B; 4A, C; 5A‒B, D; 20A‒J; 21A‒L; 22A‒L; 23A‒L.

Nops guanabacoae MacLeay, 1839: 3 View in CoL , pl. 1, fig. 1. Female syntype from Guanabacoa, La Habana, Cuba, (depository unknown, not examined). Walckenaer, 1842: 442. Lucas, 1857: 27. Banks, 1909: 167. Hasselt, 1887: 85, pl. 6, fig. 7. Franganillo, 1936: 38. Bryant, 1940: 271, figs 12, 16. Male ¨ allotype ¨ from Isla de Pinos (= Isla de la Juventud), Cuba, 1918, Barbour & Brooks (MCZ 128568; examined). Alayo, 1957: 9. Chickering, 1967: 11, figs 9–10. Alayón, 1977: 4, fig. 2a–b. Heimer, 1990: 3, fig. 3. Sánchez– Ruiz, 2004: 96, fig. 3.

Nops olivaceus Franganillo, 1931: 287 View in CoL . Three syntypes from Guanabacoa, Santiago de Las Vegas and Ingenio Nela, Cuba, sex not specified (depository unknown, not examined). Synonymized by Franganillo, 1936: 38.

Remarks. Females syntypes were not found. MacLeay (1839): p. 4 offered to exchange his specimens of Nops guanabacoae by specimens of Artema Walckenaer and/or Tessarops Rafinesque , suggesting that the caponiid specimens were sent away in the 19th century. Thus, syntypes probably are disperse or lost. Male and female specimens from several localities in the main island of the Cuban archipelago are conspecific with the male ¨ allotype ¨ described by Bryant (1940) and the female described by Alayόn (1986). The species also occurs in Bahamas (new record).

Additional material examined. BAHAMAS: Andros Island: Pigeon cay, 1‒6.v.1994, R.S. Anderson, 1♂ 3 immatures ( AMNH) . South Bimini: v.1951, W.J. Gertsch & M.A. Cazier, 1♀ 7 immatures ( AMNH) . vi.1951, M.A. Cazier & P. Vaurie, 1♀ (AMNH). CUBA: Pinar del Río: Cueva de las Perlas , 18.v.1998, A. Fong. 1♀ ( BSC 523 About BSC ) . Viñales National Park, near Dos Hermanas (22°37′16.99′′N, 83°43′33.40′′W), iii‒iv.2012, CarBio team 1♀ 1 immature ( USNM) GoogleMaps . Viñales , 19.iv.2010, A. Sánchez ‒ Ruiz, 1♀ 1 immature ( BSC 611 About BSC ) . Isla de la Juventud, Nueva Gerona, Loma de Guanábana (21°51′16″N, 82°46′21″W), iii.1976, L.R. Hernández 1♀ (IES). Sabana Llana, Luis Lazo, vii.1969, G. Alayόn & L.F. Acosta, 1♀ (MNHNCu) GoogleMaps . Habana: (no more data), 1 immature ( USNM). Finca San Miguel, El Cangui , iii.1976, L.R. Hernandez, 1 immature (IES) . La Habana: Cojimar (23°09′47″N, 82°17′38″W), 6.ix.1951, M.L. Jaume, 1 immature (IES). Santiago de las Vegas, N. Banks, 1♀ ( MCZ128571 About MCZ ) GoogleMaps . San Antonio de los Baños , 21.iii.1915, Barbour & Brooks, 1♀ ( MCZ 128569 About MCZ ) . Matanzas: Campismo Bacunayagua (23°08′35″N, 81°40′27″W), 7.x.1999, A. Sánchez ‒ Ruiz, 1♀ ( BSC 572 About BSC ) GoogleMaps . Cienfuegos: Belmonte , 17.ii.1920, W. Goldring, 1♀ ( AMNH) . Soledad Quarry , 4‒13.viii.1931, L. G. Worley, 1♂ 2♀ 3 immatures ( MCZ 128573 About MCZ ) . Soledad ,, G Salt, 1 immature ( MCZ 128572 About MCZ ) . Ditto , 10.viii.1931, L. G. Worley, 2♀ ( MCZ 128574 About MCZ ) . Ditto , 1‒11.viii.1934, P.J. Darlington, 1♀ 1 immature ( MCZ 128570 About MCZ ) . Ditto , viii.1931, 1 ♀ ( AMNH) . Juraguá, Castillo de Jagua , 3.ii.1973, L.R. Hernández, 1♀ 1 immature (IES) . Camagüey: Loma de la Caridad, Sierra de Cubitas,, L.F. de Armas, 1♀ (MNHNCu). Yaguajay, Minas, 16.iv.1976, L.F. Armas, 1♀ (IES). Reserva Ecolόgica Limones Tuabaquey, Sierra de Cubitas , 2.ii.2009, Y. Martínez, 3♀ ( CIMAC). Reserva Ecolόgica Limones Tuabaquey (21°34′59′′N, 77°45′5′′W), Sierra de Cubitas GoogleMaps , 14.ii.2009, A. Sánchez‒Ruiz, 3 immatures (CIMAC). Villa Clara: Cayo Conuco, Caibarien, 20.ii.2006, T. M. Rodríguez, 1♀ ( BSC 534 About BSC ) . Punta Bravo, Caibarien, 16.v.2006, R. Teruel & T.M. Rodríguez, 1 immature (BSC 569). Las Güiras , Santa Clara, 18.xii.2007, N. Gόmez, 1♀ ( BSC 519 About BSC ) . Presa Ochoa y Ochoita , Santa Clara, 26.v.2006, R. Teruel, 1♂ ( BSC 501 About BSC ) . Presa Ochoa , Santa Clara, 26.v.2006, R. Teruel, 2♂ 3♀ ( BSC 531 About BSC ) . El Copey, Placetas ,, R. Teruel. 3♂ 7♀ ( BSC 527 About BSC ) . Ditto ,, R. Teruel, 1♀ ( BSC 529 About BSC ) . Ditto , 15.v.2006, R. Teruel & T.M. Rodríguez, 1♀ 2 immatures ( BSC 568 About BSC ) . Ciego de Ávila: Sabanas de San Felipe, Florencia , 26.v.2006, R. Teruel & T.M. Rodríguez, 8♀ ( BSC 615 About BSC ) . Entrada del Hotel TRYP, Cayo Coco , 29.v.2001, A. Sánchez ‒ Ruiz, 1♀ immature ( BSC 577 About BSC ) . Turiguanό, vii.1977, L.F. de Armas, 2♀ (MNHNCu). Santi Spiritus: 6 km. Al Sur de Yaguajay , v.1978, L.F. Armas, 1♀ (IES). Monumento a Adalberto Delgado, Trinidad , 20.v.2006, R. Teruel, 1♀ ( BSC 558 About BSC ). Márgenes del Río Guaurabo , Trinidad, 20.v.2007, A. Sánchez ‒ Ruiz, 1♀ immature ( BSC 570 About BSC ) . Las Tunas: Guanabani, Amancio, viii.1978, L.R. Hernández, 2♀ 1 immature (IES). Puerto Manatí , 2.xii.1981, L.F. Armas, 1♀ ( BSC 585 About BSC ) . Sabalo, Jobabo, 9.iii.2003, A. Sánchez & R. Teruel, 2♀ 29 immatures (BSC 554). Holguín: Centeno, Pueblo Nuevo, Moa, 20.x.2001, R. Teruel, 1♀ immature ( BSC 584 About BSC ) . Cayo Saetia, Mayari (20°46′31″N, 75°34′26″W), L.F. de Armas, 1♂ (MNHNCu). Centeno, Pueblo Nuevo, Moa, 27.ix.2005, R. Teruel, 2♀ 1 immature (BSC 525). Aguas Claras , 23.i.1995, R. Teruel, 1♀ ( BSC 571 About BSC ) . Pinares de Mayarí , 30.iv.1997, A. Sánchez ‒ Ruiz, 1♀ ( BSC 564 About BSC ) . Cañada amarilla, Sagua de Tánamo , 10.xi.2004, A. Sánchez ‒ Ruiz, 3♀ ( BSC 556 About BSC ) . Cerro Las Tinajitas, Rafael Freyre,, R. Teruel, 1♀ (BSC 562). Granma: Alegría de Pío, Niquero (20°02′N, 77°35′W), 4.iii.2002, A. Fong, 1♀ ( BSC 533 About BSC ) GoogleMaps . Jiguaní (20°22′N, 76°25′W), Los Negros , ii.1913, T. Barbour, 2♀ ( MCZ 128575 About MCZ ) GoogleMaps . Farallones (19°55′30″N, 77°41′32″W), Las Coloradas, Niquero, x.1985, G. Alayόn, 1♀ (MNHNCu). Ditto , 10.vii.2001, R. Teruel, 1♀ ( BSC 580 About BSC ) GoogleMaps . Santiago de Cuba: Puerto de Boniato (20°05′56″N, 75°48′21″W), 18.v.1972, L.F. Armas, 1♂ 1♀ (IES) GoogleMaps . Río La Mula (19°56′55″N, 76°45′37″W), Guamá ,, A. Sánchez ‒ Ruiz, 1♀ ( BSC 576 About BSC ) GoogleMaps . Ditto ,, A. Sánchez ‒ Ruiz, 1♀ ( BSC 520 About BSC ) . Ditto ,, R. Teruel, 1♂, 3♀ ( BSC 530 About BSC ) . 1 Km N de Campismo Río La Mula (19°57′02″N, 76°45′34″W), Guamá ,, A. Sánchez ‒ Ruiz, 1♂ (for SEM) 1♀ ( BSC 536 About BSC ) GoogleMaps . Ditto ,, A. Sánchez ‒ Ruiz, 1 immature ( BSC 560 About BSC ) . Los Morones, Guamá,, A. Sánchez‒Ruiz, 1♀ (BSC 532). Reserva Ecolόgica Siboney‒Juticí (19°57′39″N, 75°42′52″W), 7.v.2010, A. Sánchez ‒ Ruiz, 1♂ 4♀ 4 immature ( BSC) GoogleMaps . Ditto , 9‒14.ix.2012, F. Cala & A. Deler, 1♂ ( IBSP 212795 View Materials ) . Ditto , 25.i.2011, A. Sánchez ‒ Ruiz, 1♂ 1 immature ( IBSP 212797 View Materials ) . Ditto , 8.v.2010, A. Sánchez ‒ Ruiz, 1♀ 6 immatures ( BSC) . Juticí (19°57′44″N, 75°44′48″W), Reserva Ecolόgica Siboney‒Juticí , 9.v.2010, A. Sánchez ‒ Ruiz, 1♂ 3♀ 1 immature ( BSC 600 About BSC ) GoogleMaps . Ditto , 6.v.2010, A. Sánchez ‒ Ruiz, 1♀ ( BSC 503 About BSC ) . Playa Verraco, Baconao, 15.viii.2000, R. Teruel, 1♀ (BSC 567). Laguna Baconao , 17.xi.2001, A. Fong, 1♀ ( BSC 565 About BSC ) . Ditto , 9.viii.2008, D. Ortiz, 1♀ ( BSC 524 About BSC ) . El Retiro, Reserva Baconao , 4.v.2006, R. Teruel, 1♂ ( BSC 535 About BSC ) . La Pimienta, III Frente , 27.v.2004, R. Teruel, 1♀ ( BSC 557 About BSC ) . Km 7.5 road to La Gran Piedra (20°00′23″N, 75°40′31″W),, A. Sánchez ‒ Ruiz, 1♀ ( BSC 574 About BSC ) GoogleMaps . Ditto ,, A. Sánchez ‒ Ruiz, 1♀ ( IBSP 212796 View Materials ) . El Sapo, road to Gran Piedra ,, R. Teruel, 1♀ ( BSC 573 About BSC ) . La Cantera, Mella (20°23′26″N, 75°52′51″W), 30.v.2005, A. Sánchez ‒ Ruiz, 1♀ ( BSC 551 About BSC ) GoogleMaps . Ditto , 1.iii.2009, A. Sánchez ‒ Ruiz, 1♀ ( BSC 700 About BSC ) . Ditto , 11.iii.1999, R. Teruel, 1♀ ( BSC 579 About BSC ) . Ditto , 1.iii.2009, A. Sánchez ‒ Ruiz, 1♀ ( BSC) . Road between El Morro and La Estrella (19°58′07.8″N, 75°51′49.3″W), 22.viii.2012, R. Teruel, 1♂ 1 immature ( IBSP) GoogleMaps . Sardinero , 5.v.2010, N. Platnick, 1♂ ( IBSP 212793 View Materials ) . Juan Gonzales (19°57′49.2″N, 75°59′41.5″W), Guamá , 20.viii.2010, F. Cala & R. Teruel, 2♀ ( BSC 537 About BSC ) GoogleMaps . Cascada Juan Gonzáles (19°57′53.0″N, 75°59′38.1″W), Guamá ,, R. Teruel, 1♀ ( BSC 561 About BSC ) GoogleMaps . Ditto , 14.vii.2012, A. Sánchez ‒ Ruiz & F. Cala, 1♀ 2 immatures ( IBSP 21 View Materials 2798) . Playa Blanca, Guamá, 27.ix.2003, R. Teruel & L.F. Armas, 1♀ (BSC 559).

Diagnosis. Males resemble similar congeners Nops flutillus and Nops largus by having a long embolus; but can be distinguished by its straight shape ( Figs 20C‒D View FIGURE 20 ; 23A), ending in a tip with 9 or 10 short extensions ( Fig. 23D‒E View FIGURE 23 ). Females can be distinguished by the receptaculum with wider and deeper invagination ( Fig. 2B View FIGURE 2 ).

Description. Male (“ allotype ” MCZ 128568): For description and further diagnostic illustration, see Bryant (1940) p.271 with the corrections of Chickering (1967) p.11, also adding the following: Sternum 3.7 long, 3.0 wide. Leg measurements: I: 3.8; II: 3.75; III: 3.3; IV: 4.05. Posterior unpaired claws elongated and dorsally reflexed ( Fig. 22B, D View FIGURE 22 ). PLS longer than PMS. Palp with a straight embolus longer than palpal tibia ( Figs 20C‒D View FIGURE 20 ; 23A), ending in a truncate tip with 9 or 10 short extensions ( Fig. 23D‒E View FIGURE 23 ).

Female (IES 3.1281): For description and further diagnostic illustration, see Alayόn (1977), also adding the following: Sternum 3.9 long, 3.4 wide. Leg measurements: I: 3.9; II: 3.85; III: 3.4; IV: 4.15. Posterior unpaired claws and spinnerets as in male. External genital area with strongly sclerotized lep and laterals sides of anterior plate, remarkable ess ( Fig. 20I View FIGURE 20 ). Internal genitalia with wide invagination on receptaculum and uterus externus with narrow base ( Figs 2B View FIGURE 2 ; 20J).

Natural history. All specimens were collected in the soil, under rocks or Agave sp. plants in several habitats, from the coast to 1700 m elevation in the Cuban mountain range. Some females were collected guarding their eggs within a cocoon of orange silk ( Fig 1A View FIGURE 1 ).

Distribution. Extensively distributed throughout the Cuban archipelago and now recorded from the Bahamas ( Fig. 19B View FIGURE 19 ).


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Nops guanabacoae MacLeay, 1839

Sánchez-Ruiz, Alexander & Brescovit, Antonio D. 2018

Nops guanabacoae MacLeay, 1839 : 3

MacLeay, 1839 : 3
Walckenaer, 1842 : 442
Lucas, 1857 : 27
Banks, 1909 : 167
Hasselt, 1887 : 85
Franganillo, 1936 : 38
Bryant, 1940 : 271
Alayo, 1957 : 9
Chickering, 1967 : 11
Alayón, 1977 : 4
Heimer, 1990 : 3
Ruiz, 2004 : 96

Nops olivaceus

Franganillo, 1931 : 287
Franganillo, 1936 : 38
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