Nops campeche, Sánchez-Ruiz & Brescovit, 2018

Sánchez-Ruiz, Alexander & Brescovit, Antonio D., 2018, A revision of the Neotropical spider genus Nops MacLeay (Araneae: Caponiidae) with the first phylogenetic hypothesis for the Nopinae genera, Zootaxa 4427 (1), pp. 1-121 : 58

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4427.1.1

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scientific name

Nops campeche

sp. nov.

Nops campeche View in CoL new species

Figures 34A‒G View FIGURE 34 ; 35A‒L

Types. Male holotype from 11 km. N of Francisco Escarcega (18°41′N, 90°45′W), Campeche, Mexico, 22.vii.1983, M. Kaulbars ( MCZ 128245 About MCZ ); female paratype from 8 km. SE of Salto de Agua (17°30′57.3″N, 92°18′08.3″W), Chiapas, Mexico, ( MCZ 80100) GoogleMaps .

Additional material examined. MEXICO: Chiapas: Reserva comunal de La Cruz, Ocosingo (16°42′87.8″S, 90°54′32.8″W), 167 m, 9.v.2006, G. Montiel, 1♀ ( CNAM). Campeche: Calakmul (18°30′N, 89°32′W), 25.vii.1998, F. Alvares & J. L. Castelo, 1♀ ( CNAM). Tabasco: Villahermosa, La venta, 13.viii.1966, J. Ivie & W. Ivie, 1♂ 1♀ ( AMNH). BELIZE: Corozal: Corozal (18°24′10″N, 88°23′56″W), 15.vii.1972, Goognight, 1♀ ( AMNH). 10 miles E of San Ignacio (17°08′N, 89°02′W), 24.vii.1975, N.L.H. Kraus, 1♀ ( AMNH). COSTA RICA: Guanacaste: Nandayure, Finca Agua Fria (9°59′N, 85°14′W), 20 m, 19.i.2002, W. Porras, fumigation, 4 immatures ( INBIO 4407599 ) GoogleMaps .

Etymology. The specific name is a noun in apposition, derived from the type locality.

Diagnosis. Both sexes resemble the similar congener Nops largus by having the most common abdominal pattern ( Fig. 6I View FIGURE 6 ), and the posterior unpaired claws elongated and dorsally reflexed, but can be distinguished by having abdominal pattern with a longitudinal, whitish gray line between the two irregular spots reaching the pedicel ( Fig. 34A, E View FIGURE 34 ) and the PLS of the same size as PMS.

Description. Male (holotype): Carapace dark orange. Chelicerae, palps and legs orange; coxae and trochanters lighter ( Fig. 34A View FIGURE 34 ). Endites, labium and sternum light orange. Abdomen green grayish with the most common pattern similar as in Fig. 6I View FIGURE 6 , but with a longitudinal, whitish gray line between the two irregular spots, reaching the pedicel ( Fig. 34A View FIGURE 34 ). Anal tubercle and spinnerets lighter than abdomen. Total length 7.6. Carapace 4.4 long, 3.2 wide. Sternum 3.7 long, 3.1 wide. Leg measurements: I: 3.4; II: 3.3; III: 3.0; IV: 3.6. Posterior unpaired claws elongated and dorsally reflexed ( Fig. 35K View FIGURE 35 ). PLS same size as PMS. Palp with embolus longer than the palpal tibia, slightly twisted; beveled tip with two short extensions ( Fig. 35B‒C View FIGURE 35 ).

Female (paratype): Carapace, chelicerae, labium, legs, coxae, endites and sternum as in male. Abdomen as in male, but somewhat darker. Anal tubercle and spinnerets lighter than abdomen. Total length 7.9. Carapace 4.5 long, 3.6 wide. Sternum 3.8 long, 3.3 wide. Leg measurements: I: 3.7; II: 3.6; III: 3.3; IV: 3.8. Posterior unpaired claws and PLS as in male. External genital area with weakly sclerotized anterior plate, sclerotized lep and unremarkable ess ( Fig. 34F View FIGURE 34 ). Internal genitalia with narrow invagination on receptaculum and uterus externus with narrow base ( Fig. 34G View FIGURE 34 ).

Distribution. Mexico, Belize and Costa Rica ( Fig. 36A View FIGURE 36 ).


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