Nops largus Chickering, 1967

Sánchez-Ruiz, Alexander & Brescovit, Antonio D., 2018, A revision of the Neotropical spider genus Nops MacLeay (Araneae: Caponiidae) with the first phylogenetic hypothesis for the Nopinae genera, Zootaxa 4427 (1), pp. 1-121 : 58-61

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4427.1.1

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scientific name

Nops largus Chickering, 1967


Nops largus Chickering, 1967 View in CoL

Figures 37A‒L View FIGURE 37 ; 38A‒L; 39A‒L; 40A‒E

Nops largus Chickering, 1967: 11 View in CoL , figs 11–15. Male holotype from Forest Preserve , Canal Zone (9°06′N, 79°44′W), Panama, 21.i.1958, A. M. Chickering ( MCZ 21783) GoogleMaps ; female paratype from Barro Colorado Island (9°9′19″N, 79°50′54″W), Canal Zone, Panama, i.1958 ( MCZ 128560 About MCZ ); all types examined. GoogleMaps

Additional material examined. PANAMA : Panamá: Barro Colorado Island (9°9′19″N, 79°50′54″W), Canal Zone, 17.iii.1936, W. Gertsch, 1♀ ( AMNH). Ditto GoogleMaps , vi.1950, 2 ♂ 4♀ 76 immatures (MCZ 128564). Ditto, vi.1954, 3 ♀, 16 immatures (MCZ 128562). Ditto, viii.1954, 1 ♂ 3♀ 15 immatures (MCZ 128552). Ditto , viii.1950, 1 ♀ 21 immatures ( MCZ 12 About MCZ 8563). Ditto , vii.1939, 2 ♀ 39 immatures (MCZ 12 8558). Ditto, iii.1964, 1 ♂ 1♀ 10 immatures (MCZ 128556). Ditto, vii.1954, 1 ♂ 1♀ (MCZ 128286). Ditto, viii.1936, 1 ♂ 2♀ 15 immatures (MCZ 1 28566). Ditto, vi‒vii.1934, 2 ♂ 1♀ 15 immatures (MCZ 128 567). Ditto, vii.1939, 2 ♂ 4♀ 35 immatures (MCZ 128554). Ditto, vi‒vii.1936, 1 ♀ 22 immatures (MCZ 128561). Ditto, viii.1939, 2 ♂ 3♀ 39 immatures (MCZ 1 28565). Ditto, viii.1950, 15 immatures (MCZ 128523). Ditto , ii.1958, 2 immatures ( MCZ 128524 About MCZ ) ; all by A. M. Chickering. Ditto, viii.1943 ‒iii.1 944, J. Zetek, 1♀ (MCZ 128536). Forest Preserve (no more data), vii.1954, A. M. Chickering, 2♂ 2 immatures (MCZ 128520). Ditto, vii‒viii.1 939, A. M. Chickering, 1♂ 3♀ 21 immatures (MCZ 128555). Ditto , ii.1958, A. M. Chickering, 4 immatures ( MCZ 128522 About MCZ ). France Field (9°19′N, 79°54′W) GoogleMaps , Canal Zone, viii.1939, A. M. Chickering, 2♀ 6♀immature 14 immatures (MCZ 128559). Frijoles (9°10′32″N, 79°47′55″W), Canal Zone , vii.1979, B.L. Thorne, 2 immatures ( MCZ 128586 About MCZ ) . Ditto, viii.1936, A. M. Chickering, 1♀ (MCZ 128527). Bayano region, upper Río Maje (9°07′N, 79°01′W),, L. Kirkendall, 1♀ (AMNH). Chilibré (9°09′43″N, 79°37′28″W), Canal Zone , viii.1939, 8 immatures ( MCZ 128529 About MCZ ) GoogleMaps . Arraijan (8°56′22″N, 79°39′01″W), 19. viii.1936, 3 ♀ (MCZ 128534). Ditto , 6. vii.1950, 2 immatures ( MCZ 12 About MCZ 8557). Pedro Miguel (9°1′N, 79°36′W) GoogleMaps , iii.1958, 1 ♀ (MCZ 128525). Ditto , viii.1954, 4 immatures ( MCZ 128533 About MCZ ). Summit Gardens (9°3′55″N, 79°38′51″W) GoogleMaps , Canal Zone , vii.1954, 1 immature ( MCZ 128532 About MCZ ) . Ditto , v.1964, 5 immatures ( MCZ 128521 About MCZ ). Gamboa (9°06′50″N, 79°41′50″W) GoogleMaps , Canal Zone , viii.1939, 4 immatures ( MCZ 128528 About MCZ ) . Ditto , vii.1954, 1 immature ( MCZ 128518 About MCZ ). Madden Dam (9°12′45″N, 79°36′56″W) GoogleMaps , Canal Zone, 8. viii.1939, 1 ♂ 15 immatures (MCZ 128553). Ditto, viii.1936, 2 ♂ 4 immatures (MCZ 128535). Ditto , ii.1958, 1 ♂ ( MCZ 12 About MCZ 8530). Ditto , vii.1954, 2 ♀ ( MCZ 128531 About MCZ ). Colon: Fort Sherman (9°21′52″N, 79°57′31″W) GoogleMaps , 15. viii.1939, 7 ♀ 4 immatures ( MCZ 128537 About MCZ ). Fort Davis (9°17′27″N, 79°54′45″W) GoogleMaps , viii.1936, 1 immature (MCZ 128517). Fort Randolph , viii.1936, 1 ♀ 3 immatures ( MCZ 128538 About MCZ ); all by A. M. Chickering. Pipeline Road, Soberania National Park (9°7′N, 79°42′W) GoogleMaps , 7.viii.1983, L. N. Sorkin, 1♀ (AMNH). Chiriqui: El Volcan , viii.1950, A. M. Chickering, 3 immatures ( MCZ 128519 About MCZ ). El Valle (8°25′23″N, 82°20′11″W) GoogleMaps , vii.1936, A. M. Chickering, 1♀ 1 immature ( MCZ 1285268 About MCZ ). Hornito, Finca La Suiza (8°44′4″N, 82°14′24″W) GoogleMaps , 1220 m, 1‒, H. & A. Howden, 1♀ (AMNH).

Diagnosis. Both sexes resemble the similar congener Nops campeche n. sp. by having the most common abdominal pattern ( Fig. 6I View FIGURE 6 ), and the posterior unpaired claws elongated and dorsally reflexed; but can be distinguished by lacking the abdominal pattern with a longitudinal, whitish gray line between the two irregular spots reaching the pedicel, and the PLS longer than PMS. Males have the embolus thicker in the middle part ( Figs 37C‒E View FIGURE 37 ; 40C), ending in three long extensions ( Fig. 40D‒E View FIGURE 40 ).

Description. Male (holotype): Carapace dark orange. Chelicerae, palps and legs orange; coxae and trochanters lighter ( Fig. 37A View FIGURE 37 ). Endites, labium and sternum orange ( Fig. 37B View FIGURE 37 ). Abdomen green grayish dorsally with the most common pattern as in figure 6I ( Fig. 37A View FIGURE 37 ). Anal tubercle and spinnerets lighter than abdomen. Total length 8.0. Carapace 5.5 long, 3.0 wide. Sternum 3.6 long, 3.2 wide. Leg measurements: I: 3.9; II: 3.7; III: 3.3; IV: 4.05. Posterior unpaired claws elongated and dorsally reflexed ( Fig. 39I View FIGURE 39 ). PLS longer than PMS. Palp with a prolaterally curved embolus, longer than palpal tibia ( Fig. 37C‒E View FIGURE 37 ); tip ending in three long extensions ( Fig. 40D‒E View FIGURE 40 ).

Female (MCZ 128560): Carapace, chelicerae, labium, legs, coxae, endites and sternum as in male. Abdomen as in male, but somewhat lighter ( Fig. 37F View FIGURE 37 ). Anal tubercle and spinnerets lighter than abdomen. Total length 8.5. Carapace 5.75 long, 3.2 wide. Sternum 3.8 long, 3.5 wide. Leg measurements: I: 4.2; II: 4.0; III: 3.6; IV: 4.5. Posterior unpaired claws and PLS as in male. External genital area with weakly sclerotized anterior plate, strongly sclerotized lep and remarkable ess ( Fig. 37J, L View FIGURE 37 ). Females with wide invagination on receptaculum and uterus externus with narrow base ( Figs 37K View FIGURE 37 ; 40A‒B).

Variation. Immatures with poorly defined dorsal pattern on abdomen.

Natural history. Chickering (1967) found this species especially abundant on Barro Colorado Island, Panama together with Nops ursumus . Immature specimens collected by B.L. Thorne from Frijoles, Canal Zone were associated with termite nests.

Distribution. Known only from Panama ( Fig. 36B View FIGURE 36 ).


Museum of Comparative Zoology


American Museum of Natural History














Nops largus Chickering, 1967

Sánchez-Ruiz, Alexander & Brescovit, Antonio D. 2018

Nops largus Chickering, 1967 : 11

Chickering, 1967 : 11
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