Pelicinus churchillae, Platnick & Dupérré & Ubick & Fannes, 2012Pelicinus raveni, Platnick & Dupérré & Ubick & Fannes, 2012Pelicinus monteithi, Platnick & Dupérré & Ubick & Fannes, 2012Pelicinus damieu, Platnick & Dupérré & Ubick & Fannes, 2012Pelicinus koghis, Platnick & Dupérré & Ubick & Fannes, 2012

Platnick, Norman I., Dupérré, Nadine, Ubick, Darrell & Fannes, Wouter, 2012, The Goblin Spider Genus Pelicinus (Araneae, Oonopidae), Part 1, American Museum Novitates 2012 (3741), pp. 1-44 : 34-42

publication ID

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Pelicinus churchillae Pelicinus raveni Pelicinus monteithi Pelicinus damieu Pelicinus koghis

new species

Pelicinus churchillae , new species

Figures 285–295

TYPE: Male holotype (missing abdomen) taken in pitfall trap at campsite at Javae Station, New Georgia , Solomon Islands (June 21–26, 1990; T. Churchill), deposited in QMB ( S18921 , PBI_OON 7209 ) .

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a patronym in honor of the collector, Tracey Churchill.

DIAGNOSIS: Males resemble those of the New Caledonian species in having granulations at the rear of the pars thoracica, but can be distinguished by the combination of having the cephalothorax orange rather than red (figs. 285–288) and the embolus basally broad, narrowing gradually from the bulb (figs. 289–295).

MALE (PBI_OON 7209, figs. 285–295): Carapace length 0.66 (abdomen missing). Carapace pale orange, elevated portion of pars cephalica smooth, sides granulate. Sternum pale orange, finely reticulate. Mouthparts pale orange, endites distally with narrow, rounded, white tip. Abdomen missing. Embolus basally broad, gradually narrowed toward bulb.

FEMALE: Unknown.


DISTRIBUTION: Solomon Islands (New Georgia).

Pelicinus raveni , new species

Figures 250–260

TYPE: Male holotype taken in forest litter on hill behind Levuka, Ovalau, Fiji Islands (Nov. 14, 1988; R. Raven), deposited in QMB ( S14277 , PBI_OON 6556 ) .

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a patronym in honor of the collector, Robert Raven.

DIAGNOSIS: Males can easily be recognized by their dark red carapace without posterior granulations (fig. 250), by the ventrally produced epigastric region (fig. 251), and by the deeply bifid embolus, which is well separated from the sinuous conductor (figs. 254–260).

MALE (PBI_ OON 38478 View Materials , figs. 250–260): Total length 1.92. Carapace dark red-brown, elevated portion of pars cephalica smooth, sides finely reticulate. Sternum dark red-brown, coarsely reticulate. Mouthparts dark red-brown, endites distally narrowed into white, rectangular projections with laterally directed tips. Abdomen without dark markings. Scutopedicel region with four irregular, thick transverse ridges. Dorsal scutum dark red-brown, punctate, covering full length of abdomen, no soft tissue visible from above. Postepigastric scutum dark red-brown, covering nearly full length of abdomen. Embolus deeply bifid, well separated from sinuous conductor.

FEMALE: Unknown.

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: Fiji Islands: Kandavu : 2 km SE Vunisea, June 28, 1987, pyrethrum spraying of logs and trees, elev. 20 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 75985 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22773 View Materials ), 1♂ . Viti Levu : ca. 10 mi E Nadi in Nausori Highlands, May 27, 1987, in rocky outcrop and grass, elev. ca. 1500 ft (J., E. Berry, AMNH PBI _ OON 38337 View Materials ), 1♂ ; Nausori Highlands Forest Preserve , Leweitoka Block, May 27, 1987, litter, elev. 1500 ft (J., E. Berry, AMNH PBI _ OON 38478 View Materials ), 1♂ .

DISTRIBUTION: Southwestern Fiji Islands ( Viti Levu, Ovalau, and Kandavu).

Pelicinus monteithi , new species

Figures 296–312

TYPE: Male holotype from Berlese sample of rainforest litter taken at an elevation of 700 m at Mandjélia, 20°24′S, 164°32′E, New Caledonia (May 12, 1984; G. Monteith, D. Cook), deposited in QMB ( S79751 , PBI_OON 22583 ) GoogleMaps .

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a patronym in honor of one of the collectors, Geoff Monteith.

DIAGNOSIS: Males resemble those of P. raveni and the other New Caledonian species in having a punctate dorsal abdominal scutum (fig. 298), but differ in their lighter coloration (fig. 296) and the long embolus, which extends past the conductor and has a blunt tip (figs. 300– 306). Females have a distinctively bell-shaped dorsal extension on the base of the anterior T-shaped process (figs. 311, 312).

MALE (PBI_ OON 22639 View Materials , figs. 296–306): Total length 1.77. Carapace pale orange, elevated portion of pars cephalica smooth, sides finely reticulate, posterior portion with granulations. Sternum pale orange, surface smooth, microsculpture absent. Mouthparts pale orange, endites unmodified. Abdomen without dark markings. Scutopedicel region with six heavy, sinuous transverse ridges. Dorsal scutum pale orange, punctate, covering more than ¾ of abdomen length, no soft tissue visible from above. Postepigastric scutum pale orange, covering about ¾ of abdomen length. Embolus long, extending past conductor, with blunt tip.

FEMALE (PBI_ OON 21464 View Materials , figs. 307–312): Total length 2.01. Postepigastric scutum short, almost rectangular. Dorsal expansion on base of T-shaped sclerite bell shaped.

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: New Caledonia: Mandjélia , 20°24′S, 164°32′E, May 13– Oct. 1992, pitfall trap (R. Raven, E. Guilbert, G. Ingram, QMB 79626 View Materials , PBI_ OON 21464 View Materials ), 1♀ GoogleMaps ; Nehoue Campground, 20°26′S, 164°14′E, Nov. 6, 2001, pyrethrum spraying of trees and logs, elev. 50 m (C. Burwell, G. Monteith, QMB 79734 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22639 View Materials ), 3♂ GoogleMaps , Nov. 30, 2003, pyrethrum spraying of trees and logs, elev. 50 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 79769 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22616 View Materials ), 1♂ .

DISTRIBUTION: Northern New Caledonia.

Pelicinus damieu , new species

Figures 313–329

TYPES: Male holotype, GoogleMaps female allotype, GoogleMaps and two male paratypes taken in rainforest pitfall traps at an elevation of 480 m on the W slope of Col d’Amieu, 21°37′S, 165°49′E, New Caledonia (Dec. 6–30, 2004; G. Monteith), deposited in QMB ( S79770 , PBI_OON 22608 ) GoogleMaps .

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

DIAGNOSIS: Males resemble those of P. koghis but have a smaller, more rounded embolar sail (figs. 317–323); females have a narrower posterior receptaculum (figs. 328, 329).

MALE (PBI_ OON 22601 View Materials , figs. 313–323): Total length 1.54. Carapace dark red-brown, elevated portion of pars cephalica smooth, sides granulate. Sternum dark red-brown, smooth, microsculpture absent. Mouthparts dark red-brown, endites distally with narrowed, white projections with laterally directed tips. Abdomen dorsum with scattered dark markings visible through dorsal scutum. Scutopedicel region with three transverse ridges, middle ridge much thicker than others. Dorsal scutum dark red-brown, punctate, covering most of abdomen length, width. Postepigastric scutum dark red-brown, covering about ¾ of abdomen length. Embolar sail with small, triangular spur at base.

FEMALE (PBI_ OON 22659 View Materials , figs. 324–329): Total length 1.77. Postepigastric scutum short, almost rectangular. Posterior receptaculum narrow, squiggled portion of anterior duct relatively wide.

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: New Caledonia: Col d’Amieu, W slope, 21°37′S, 165°49′E, Nov. 14, 2002, pyrethrum spraying of trees and logs, elev. 470 m (C. Burwell, G. Monteith, QMB S 79767 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22573 View Materials ), 1♀ GoogleMaps , Nov. 25, 2003, pyrethrum spraying of trees and logs, elev. 470 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 79773 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22633 View Materials ), 1♀ , Jan. 27, 2004, Berlese, litter, elev. 470 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 79746 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22601 View Materials ), 3♂ , Apr. 18, 2005, Berlese, elev. 420 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 79804 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22659 View Materials ), 1♀ ; 2 km W Col d’Amieu Forestry Station , May 26, 1987, elev. 430 m (N. Platnick, R. Raven, AMNH PBI _ OON 121), 2♂ ; Col de Roussettes , May 29, 1987, dry forest, elev. 490 m (N. Platnick, R. Raven, AMNH PBI _ OON 122), 1♂ ; 7 km S Gelima , 21°36′S, 165°58′E, Nov. 15, 2002, pyrethrum spraying of trees and logs, elev. 730 m (C. Burwell, G. Monteith, QMB S 79772 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22599 View Materials ), 1♀ GoogleMaps ; Ningua Reserve Camp , 21°45′S, 166°09′E, Nov. 12–13, 2001, Berlese, rainforest litter, elev. 1100 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 60486 View Materials , PBI _ OON 7483), 1♂ GoogleMaps , Nov. 13–27, 2001, rainforest pitfall, elev. 1100 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 60502 View Materials , PBI _ OON 812), 1♂ .

DISTRIBUTION: Central New Caledonia.

Pelicinus koghis , new species

Figures 61–120, 330–345

TYPE: Male holotype from Berlese sample of rainforest litter taken at an elevation of 500 m at the Monts des Koghis Auberge , near Noumea, New Caledonia (July 26–Aug. 13, l978; S., J. Peck), deposited in AMNH ( PBI_OON 126 ) .

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

DIAGNOSIS: Males resemble those of P. damieu but have a larger, more angular embolar sail (figs. 334–339); females have a wider posterior receptaculum (figs. 344, 345).

MALE (PBI_ OON 22618 View Materials , figs. 61–90, 330–339): Total length 1.85. Carapace orange-brown, elevated portion of pars cephalica smooth, sides granulate. Sternum orange-brown, smooth, microsculpture absent. Mouthparts orange-brown, endites anteriorly constricted into distal knob. Abdomen dorsum with dark patches visible through dorsal scutum. Scutopedicel region with five ridges, dorsalmost, ventralmost shorter than others. Dorsal scutum orange-brown, punctate, covering most of abdomen length, width. Postepigastric scutum orange-brown, covering about ¾ of abdomen length. Embolus with two short ventral processes.

FEMALE (PBI_ OON 22618 View Materials , figs. 91–120, 340–345): Total length 1.92. Scutopedicel region with seven ridges, two ventralmost interrupted at middle. Postepigastric scutum short, almost rectangular, covering about 2/3 of abdomen length. Poreplate longer at middle than sides, squiggled portion of anterior duct mostly oriented transversely.

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: New Caledonia: Dzumac road, junction, 22°02′S, 166°28′E, Jan. 26, 2004, pyrethrum spraying of trees and logs, elev. 950 m (G. Monteith, QMB 79760 View Materials , PBI_ OON 22582 View Materials ), 1♂ GoogleMaps ; Foret Nord , 22°19′S, 166°55′E, Dec. 1, 2004 – Jan. 9, 2005, pitfalls, elev. 480 m (G. Monteith, Grimbacher, QMB S 79771 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22618 View Materials ), 3♂, 5♀ GoogleMaps , Dec. 2, 2004 – Jan. 9, 2005, pitfalls, elev. 200 m (G. Monteith, Grimbacher, QMB S 79765 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22604 View Materials ), 1♂ , Apr. 21, 2005, Berlese, elev. 210 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 79803 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22655 View Materials ), 1♂ ; Kwa Neie summit, 22°20′S, 166°55′E, Nov. 22, 2001 – Jan. 30, 2002, pitfall, elev. 500 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 79768 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22575 View Materials ), 1♂ GoogleMaps ; Monts des Koghis , 22°11′S, 166°01′E, Nov. 3, 2002, Berlese, rainforest litter, elev. 700 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 79744 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22610 View Materials ), 1♂, 1♀ GoogleMaps ; Monts des Koghis, Auberge , near Noumea, July 26–Aug. 13, 1978, fungi with logs and litter, elev. 500 m (S., J. Peck, AMNH PBI _ OON 127), 1♂ ; Pic du Grand Kaori, 22°17′S, 166°53′E, Nov. 22, 2004 – Jan. 12, 2005, rainforest pitfalls, elev. 250 m (G. Monteith, Grimbacher, QMB S 79766 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22613 View Materials ), 4♂, 2♀ GoogleMaps ; Port Boise , 22°21′S, 166°58′E, Nov. 21, 2001, Berlese, rainforest litter, elev. 20 m ( QMB S 59836 View Materials , PBI _ OON 6984), 1♂ GoogleMaps ; Rivierè Bleue , humid forest, Oct. 27, 1988, sifting litter (R. Raven, T. Churchill, QMB S 12709 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22507 View Materials ), 1♀ .

DISTRIBUTION: Southern New Caledonia.

Pelicinus raveni , new species

Figures 250–260

TYPE: Male holotype taken in forest litter on hill behind Levuka, Ovalau, Fiji Islands (Nov. 14, 1988; R. Raven), deposited in QMB ( S14277 , PBI_OON 6556 ) .

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a patronym in honor of the collector, Robert Raven.

DIAGNOSIS: Males can easily be recognized by their dark red carapace without posterior granulations (fig. 250), by the ventrally produced epigastric region (fig. 251), and by the deeply bifid embolus, which is well separated from the sinuous conductor (figs. 254–260).

MALE (PBI_ OON 38478 View Materials , figs. 250–260): Total length 1.92. Carapace dark red-brown, elevated portion of pars cephalica smooth, sides finely reticulate. Sternum dark red-brown, coarsely reticulate. Mouthparts dark red-brown, endites distally narrowed into white, rectangular projections with laterally directed tips. Abdomen without dark markings. Scutopedicel region with four irregular, thick transverse ridges. Dorsal scutum dark red-brown, punctate, covering full length of abdomen, no soft tissue visible from above. Postepigastric scutum dark red-brown, covering nearly full length of abdomen. Embolus deeply bifid, well separated from sinuous conductor.

FEMALE: Unknown.

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: Fiji Islands: Kandavu : 2 km SE Vunisea, June 28, 1987, pyrethrum spraying of logs and trees, elev. 20 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 75985 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22773 View Materials ), 1♂ . Viti Levu : ca. 10 mi E Nadi in Nausori Highlands, May 27, 1987, in rocky outcrop and grass, elev. ca. 1500 ft (J., E. Berry, AMNH PBI _ OON 38337 View Materials ), 1♂ ; Nausori Highlands Forest Preserve , Leweitoka Block, May 27, 1987, litter, elev. 1500 ft (J., E. Berry, AMNH PBI _ OON 38478 View Materials ), 1♂ .

DISTRIBUTION: Southwestern Fiji Islands ( Viti Levu, Ovalau, and Kandavu).

Pelicinus monteithi , new species

Figures 296–312

TYPE: Male holotype from Berlese sample of rainforest litter taken at an elevation of 700 m at Mandjélia, 20°24′S, 164°32′E, New Caledonia (May 12, 1984; G. Monteith, D. Cook), deposited in QMB ( S79751 , PBI_OON 22583 ) GoogleMaps .

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a patronym in honor of one of the collectors, Geoff Monteith.

DIAGNOSIS: Males resemble those of P. raveni and the other New Caledonian species in having a punctate dorsal abdominal scutum (fig. 298), but differ in their lighter coloration (fig. 296) and the long embolus, which extends past the conductor and has a blunt tip (figs. 300– 306). Females have a distinctively bell-shaped dorsal extension on the base of the anterior T-shaped process (figs. 311, 312).

MALE (PBI_ OON 22639 View Materials , figs. 296–306): Total length 1.77. Carapace pale orange, elevated portion of pars cephalica smooth, sides finely reticulate, posterior portion with granulations. Sternum pale orange, surface smooth, microsculpture absent. Mouthparts pale orange, endites unmodified. Abdomen without dark markings. Scutopedicel region with six heavy, sinuous transverse ridges. Dorsal scutum pale orange, punctate, covering more than ¾ of abdomen length, no soft tissue visible from above. Postepigastric scutum pale orange, covering about ¾ of abdomen length. Embolus long, extending past conductor, with blunt tip.

FEMALE (PBI_ OON 21464 View Materials , figs. 307–312): Total length 2.01. Postepigastric scutum short, almost rectangular. Dorsal expansion on base of T-shaped sclerite bell shaped.

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: New Caledonia: Mandjélia , 20°24′S, 164°32′E, May 13– Oct. 1992, pitfall trap (R. Raven, E. Guilbert, G. Ingram, QMB 79626 View Materials , PBI_ OON 21464 View Materials ), 1♀ GoogleMaps ; Nehoue Campground, 20°26′S, 164°14′E, Nov. 6, 2001, pyrethrum spraying of trees and logs, elev. 50 m (C. Burwell, G. Monteith, QMB 79734 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22639 View Materials ), 3♂ GoogleMaps , Nov. 30, 2003, pyrethrum spraying of trees and logs, elev. 50 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 79769 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22616 View Materials ), 1♂ .

DISTRIBUTION: Northern New Caledonia.

Pelicinus damieu , new species

Figures 313–329

TYPES: Male holotype, GoogleMaps female allotype, GoogleMaps and two male paratypes taken in rainforest pitfall traps at an elevation of 480 m on the W slope of Col d’Amieu, 21°37′S, 165°49′E, New Caledonia (Dec. 6–30, 2004; G. Monteith), deposited in QMB ( S79770 , PBI_OON 22608 ) GoogleMaps .

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

DIAGNOSIS: Males resemble those of P. koghis but have a smaller, more rounded embolar sail (figs. 317–323); females have a narrower posterior receptaculum (figs. 328, 329).

MALE (PBI_ OON 22601 View Materials , figs. 313–323): Total length 1.54. Carapace dark red-brown, elevated portion of pars cephalica smooth, sides granulate. Sternum dark red-brown, smooth, microsculpture absent. Mouthparts dark red-brown, endites distally with narrowed, white projections with laterally directed tips. Abdomen dorsum with scattered dark markings visible through dorsal scutum. Scutopedicel region with three transverse ridges, middle ridge much thicker than others. Dorsal scutum dark red-brown, punctate, covering most of abdomen length, width. Postepigastric scutum dark red-brown, covering about ¾ of abdomen length. Embolar sail with small, triangular spur at base.

FEMALE (PBI_ OON 22659 View Materials , figs. 324–329): Total length 1.77. Postepigastric scutum short, almost rectangular. Posterior receptaculum narrow, squiggled portion of anterior duct relatively wide.

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: New Caledonia: Col d’Amieu, W slope, 21°37′S, 165°49′E, Nov. 14, 2002, pyrethrum spraying of trees and logs, elev. 470 m (C. Burwell, G. Monteith, QMB S 79767 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22573 View Materials ), 1♀ GoogleMaps , Nov. 25, 2003, pyrethrum spraying of trees and logs, elev. 470 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 79773 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22633 View Materials ), 1♀ , Jan. 27, 2004, Berlese, litter, elev. 470 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 79746 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22601 View Materials ), 3♂ , Apr. 18, 2005, Berlese, elev. 420 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 79804 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22659 View Materials ), 1♀ ; 2 km W Col d’Amieu Forestry Station , May 26, 1987, elev. 430 m (N. Platnick, R. Raven, AMNH PBI _ OON 121), 2♂ ; Col de Roussettes , May 29, 1987, dry forest, elev. 490 m (N. Platnick, R. Raven, AMNH PBI _ OON 122), 1♂ ; 7 km S Gelima , 21°36′S, 165°58′E, Nov. 15, 2002, pyrethrum spraying of trees and logs, elev. 730 m (C. Burwell, G. Monteith, QMB S 79772 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22599 View Materials ), 1♀ GoogleMaps ; Ningua Reserve Camp , 21°45′S, 166°09′E, Nov. 12–13, 2001, Berlese, rainforest litter, elev. 1100 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 60486 View Materials , PBI _ OON 7483), 1♂ GoogleMaps , Nov. 13–27, 2001, rainforest pitfall, elev. 1100 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 60502 View Materials , PBI _ OON 812), 1♂ .

DISTRIBUTION: Central New Caledonia.

Pelicinus koghis , new species

Figures 61–120, 330–345

TYPE: Male holotype from Berlese sample of rainforest litter taken at an elevation of 500 m at the Monts des Koghis Auberge , near Noumea, New Caledonia (July 26–Aug. 13, l978; S., J. Peck), deposited in AMNH ( PBI_OON 126 ) .

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

DIAGNOSIS: Males resemble those of P. damieu but have a larger, more angular embolar sail (figs. 334–339); females have a wider posterior receptaculum (figs. 344, 345).

MALE (PBI_ OON 22618 View Materials , figs. 61–90, 330–339): Total length 1.85. Carapace orange-brown, elevated portion of pars cephalica smooth, sides granulate. Sternum orange-brown, smooth, microsculpture absent. Mouthparts orange-brown, endites anteriorly constricted into distal knob. Abdomen dorsum with dark patches visible through dorsal scutum. Scutopedicel region with five ridges, dorsalmost, ventralmost shorter than others. Dorsal scutum orange-brown, punctate, covering most of abdomen length, width. Postepigastric scutum orange-brown, covering about ¾ of abdomen length. Embolus with two short ventral processes.

FEMALE (PBI_ OON 22618 View Materials , figs. 91–120, 340–345): Total length 1.92. Scutopedicel region with seven ridges, two ventralmost interrupted at middle. Postepigastric scutum short, almost rectangular, covering about 2/3 of abdomen length. Poreplate longer at middle than sides, squiggled portion of anterior duct mostly oriented transversely.

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: New Caledonia: Dzumac road, junction, 22°02′S, 166°28′E, Jan. 26, 2004, pyrethrum spraying of trees and logs, elev. 950 m (G. Monteith, QMB 79760 View Materials , PBI_ OON 22582 View Materials ), 1♂ GoogleMaps ; Foret Nord , 22°19′S, 166°55′E, Dec. 1, 2004 – Jan. 9, 2005, pitfalls, elev. 480 m (G. Monteith, Grimbacher, QMB S 79771 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22618 View Materials ), 3♂, 5♀ GoogleMaps , Dec. 2, 2004 – Jan. 9, 2005, pitfalls, elev. 200 m (G. Monteith, Grimbacher, QMB S 79765 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22604 View Materials ), 1♂ , Apr. 21, 2005, Berlese, elev. 210 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 79803 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22655 View Materials ), 1♂ ; Kwa Neie summit, 22°20′S, 166°55′E, Nov. 22, 2001 – Jan. 30, 2002, pitfall, elev. 500 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 79768 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22575 View Materials ), 1♂ GoogleMaps ; Monts des Koghis , 22°11′S, 166°01′E, Nov. 3, 2002, Berlese, rainforest litter, elev. 700 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 79744 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22610 View Materials ), 1♂, 1♀ GoogleMaps ; Monts des Koghis, Auberge , near Noumea, July 26–Aug. 13, 1978, fungi with logs and litter, elev. 500 m (S., J. Peck, AMNH PBI _ OON 127), 1♂ ; Pic du Grand Kaori, 22°17′S, 166°53′E, Nov. 22, 2004 – Jan. 12, 2005, rainforest pitfalls, elev. 250 m (G. Monteith, Grimbacher, QMB S 79766 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22613 View Materials ), 4♂, 2♀ GoogleMaps ; Port Boise , 22°21′S, 166°58′E, Nov. 21, 2001, Berlese, rainforest litter, elev. 20 m ( QMB S 59836 View Materials , PBI _ OON 6984), 1♂ GoogleMaps ; Rivierè Bleue , humid forest, Oct. 27, 1988, sifting litter (R. Raven, T. Churchill, QMB S 12709 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22507 View Materials ), 1♀ .

DISTRIBUTION: Southern New Caledonia.

Pelicinus monteithi , new species

Figures 296–312

TYPE: Male holotype from Berlese sample of rainforest litter taken at an elevation of 700 m at Mandjélia, 20°24′S, 164°32′E, New Caledonia (May 12, 1984; G. Monteith, D. Cook), deposited in QMB ( S79751 , PBI_OON 22583 ) GoogleMaps .

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a patronym in honor of one of the collectors, Geoff Monteith.

DIAGNOSIS: Males resemble those of P. raveni and the other New Caledonian species in having a punctate dorsal abdominal scutum (fig. 298), but differ in their lighter coloration (fig. 296) and the long embolus, which extends past the conductor and has a blunt tip (figs. 300– 306). Females have a distinctively bell-shaped dorsal extension on the base of the anterior T-shaped process (figs. 311, 312).

MALE (PBI_ OON 22639 View Materials , figs. 296–306): Total length 1.77. Carapace pale orange, elevated portion of pars cephalica smooth, sides finely reticulate, posterior portion with granulations. Sternum pale orange, surface smooth, microsculpture absent. Mouthparts pale orange, endites unmodified. Abdomen without dark markings. Scutopedicel region with six heavy, sinuous transverse ridges. Dorsal scutum pale orange, punctate, covering more than ¾ of abdomen length, no soft tissue visible from above. Postepigastric scutum pale orange, covering about ¾ of abdomen length. Embolus long, extending past conductor, with blunt tip.

FEMALE (PBI_ OON 21464 View Materials , figs. 307–312): Total length 2.01. Postepigastric scutum short, almost rectangular. Dorsal expansion on base of T-shaped sclerite bell shaped.

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: New Caledonia: Mandjélia , 20°24′S, 164°32′E, May 13– Oct. 1992, pitfall trap (R. Raven, E. Guilbert, G. Ingram, QMB 79626 View Materials , PBI_ OON 21464 View Materials ), 1♀ GoogleMaps ; Nehoue Campground, 20°26′S, 164°14′E, Nov. 6, 2001, pyrethrum spraying of trees and logs, elev. 50 m (C. Burwell, G. Monteith, QMB 79734 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22639 View Materials ), 3♂ GoogleMaps , Nov. 30, 2003, pyrethrum spraying of trees and logs, elev. 50 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 79769 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22616 View Materials ), 1♂ .

DISTRIBUTION: Northern New Caledonia.

Pelicinus damieu , new species

Figures 313–329

TYPES: Male holotype, GoogleMaps female allotype, GoogleMaps and two male paratypes taken in rainforest pitfall traps at an elevation of 480 m on the W slope of Col d’Amieu, 21°37′S, 165°49′E, New Caledonia (Dec. 6–30, 2004; G. Monteith), deposited in QMB ( S79770 , PBI_OON 22608 ) GoogleMaps .

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

DIAGNOSIS: Males resemble those of P. koghis but have a smaller, more rounded embolar sail (figs. 317–323); females have a narrower posterior receptaculum (figs. 328, 329).

MALE (PBI_ OON 22601 View Materials , figs. 313–323): Total length 1.54. Carapace dark red-brown, elevated portion of pars cephalica smooth, sides granulate. Sternum dark red-brown, smooth, microsculpture absent. Mouthparts dark red-brown, endites distally with narrowed, white projections with laterally directed tips. Abdomen dorsum with scattered dark markings visible through dorsal scutum. Scutopedicel region with three transverse ridges, middle ridge much thicker than others. Dorsal scutum dark red-brown, punctate, covering most of abdomen length, width. Postepigastric scutum dark red-brown, covering about ¾ of abdomen length. Embolar sail with small, triangular spur at base.

FEMALE (PBI_ OON 22659 View Materials , figs. 324–329): Total length 1.77. Postepigastric scutum short, almost rectangular. Posterior receptaculum narrow, squiggled portion of anterior duct relatively wide.

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: New Caledonia: Col d’Amieu, W slope, 21°37′S, 165°49′E, Nov. 14, 2002, pyrethrum spraying of trees and logs, elev. 470 m (C. Burwell, G. Monteith, QMB S 79767 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22573 View Materials ), 1♀ GoogleMaps , Nov. 25, 2003, pyrethrum spraying of trees and logs, elev. 470 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 79773 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22633 View Materials ), 1♀ , Jan. 27, 2004, Berlese, litter, elev. 470 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 79746 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22601 View Materials ), 3♂ , Apr. 18, 2005, Berlese, elev. 420 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 79804 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22659 View Materials ), 1♀ ; 2 km W Col d’Amieu Forestry Station , May 26, 1987, elev. 430 m (N. Platnick, R. Raven, AMNH PBI _ OON 121), 2♂ ; Col de Roussettes , May 29, 1987, dry forest, elev. 490 m (N. Platnick, R. Raven, AMNH PBI _ OON 122), 1♂ ; 7 km S Gelima , 21°36′S, 165°58′E, Nov. 15, 2002, pyrethrum spraying of trees and logs, elev. 730 m (C. Burwell, G. Monteith, QMB S 79772 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22599 View Materials ), 1♀ GoogleMaps ; Ningua Reserve Camp , 21°45′S, 166°09′E, Nov. 12–13, 2001, Berlese, rainforest litter, elev. 1100 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 60486 View Materials , PBI _ OON 7483), 1♂ GoogleMaps , Nov. 13–27, 2001, rainforest pitfall, elev. 1100 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 60502 View Materials , PBI _ OON 812), 1♂ .

DISTRIBUTION: Central New Caledonia.

Pelicinus koghis , new species

Figures 61–120, 330–345

TYPE: Male holotype from Berlese sample of rainforest litter taken at an elevation of 500 m at the Monts des Koghis Auberge , near Noumea, New Caledonia (July 26–Aug. 13, l978; S., J. Peck), deposited in AMNH ( PBI_OON 126 ) .

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

DIAGNOSIS: Males resemble those of P. damieu but have a larger, more angular embolar sail (figs. 334–339); females have a wider posterior receptaculum (figs. 344, 345).

MALE (PBI_ OON 22618 View Materials , figs. 61–90, 330–339): Total length 1.85. Carapace orange-brown, elevated portion of pars cephalica smooth, sides granulate. Sternum orange-brown, smooth, microsculpture absent. Mouthparts orange-brown, endites anteriorly constricted into distal knob. Abdomen dorsum with dark patches visible through dorsal scutum. Scutopedicel region with five ridges, dorsalmost, ventralmost shorter than others. Dorsal scutum orange-brown, punctate, covering most of abdomen length, width. Postepigastric scutum orange-brown, covering about ¾ of abdomen length. Embolus with two short ventral processes.

FEMALE (PBI_ OON 22618 View Materials , figs. 91–120, 340–345): Total length 1.92. Scutopedicel region with seven ridges, two ventralmost interrupted at middle. Postepigastric scutum short, almost rectangular, covering about 2/3 of abdomen length. Poreplate longer at middle than sides, squiggled portion of anterior duct mostly oriented transversely.

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: New Caledonia: Dzumac road, junction, 22°02′S, 166°28′E, Jan. 26, 2004, pyrethrum spraying of trees and logs, elev. 950 m (G. Monteith, QMB 79760 View Materials , PBI_ OON 22582 View Materials ), 1♂ GoogleMaps ; Foret Nord , 22°19′S, 166°55′E, Dec. 1, 2004 – Jan. 9, 2005, pitfalls, elev. 480 m (G. Monteith, Grimbacher, QMB S 79771 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22618 View Materials ), 3♂, 5♀ GoogleMaps , Dec. 2, 2004 – Jan. 9, 2005, pitfalls, elev. 200 m (G. Monteith, Grimbacher, QMB S 79765 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22604 View Materials ), 1♂ , Apr. 21, 2005, Berlese, elev. 210 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 79803 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22655 View Materials ), 1♂ ; Kwa Neie summit, 22°20′S, 166°55′E, Nov. 22, 2001 – Jan. 30, 2002, pitfall, elev. 500 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 79768 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22575 View Materials ), 1♂ GoogleMaps ; Monts des Koghis , 22°11′S, 166°01′E, Nov. 3, 2002, Berlese, rainforest litter, elev. 700 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 79744 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22610 View Materials ), 1♂, 1♀ GoogleMaps ; Monts des Koghis, Auberge , near Noumea, July 26–Aug. 13, 1978, fungi with logs and litter, elev. 500 m (S., J. Peck, AMNH PBI _ OON 127), 1♂ ; Pic du Grand Kaori, 22°17′S, 166°53′E, Nov. 22, 2004 – Jan. 12, 2005, rainforest pitfalls, elev. 250 m (G. Monteith, Grimbacher, QMB S 79766 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22613 View Materials ), 4♂, 2♀ GoogleMaps ; Port Boise , 22°21′S, 166°58′E, Nov. 21, 2001, Berlese, rainforest litter, elev. 20 m ( QMB S 59836 View Materials , PBI _ OON 6984), 1♂ GoogleMaps ; Rivierè Bleue , humid forest, Oct. 27, 1988, sifting litter (R. Raven, T. Churchill, QMB S 12709 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22507 View Materials ), 1♀ .

DISTRIBUTION: Southern New Caledonia.

Pelicinus damieu , new species

Figures 313–329

TYPES: Male holotype, GoogleMaps female allotype, GoogleMaps and two male paratypes taken in rainforest pitfall traps at an elevation of 480 m on the W slope of Col d’Amieu, 21°37′S, 165°49′E, New Caledonia (Dec. 6–30, 2004; G. Monteith), deposited in QMB ( S79770 , PBI_OON 22608 ) GoogleMaps .

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

DIAGNOSIS: Males resemble those of P. koghis but have a smaller, more rounded embolar sail (figs. 317–323); females have a narrower posterior receptaculum (figs. 328, 329).

MALE (PBI_ OON 22601 View Materials , figs. 313–323): Total length 1.54. Carapace dark red-brown, elevated portion of pars cephalica smooth, sides granulate. Sternum dark red-brown, smooth, microsculpture absent. Mouthparts dark red-brown, endites distally with narrowed, white projections with laterally directed tips. Abdomen dorsum with scattered dark markings visible through dorsal scutum. Scutopedicel region with three transverse ridges, middle ridge much thicker than others. Dorsal scutum dark red-brown, punctate, covering most of abdomen length, width. Postepigastric scutum dark red-brown, covering about ¾ of abdomen length. Embolar sail with small, triangular spur at base.

FEMALE (PBI_ OON 22659 View Materials , figs. 324–329): Total length 1.77. Postepigastric scutum short, almost rectangular. Posterior receptaculum narrow, squiggled portion of anterior duct relatively wide.

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: New Caledonia: Col d’Amieu, W slope, 21°37′S, 165°49′E, Nov. 14, 2002, pyrethrum spraying of trees and logs, elev. 470 m (C. Burwell, G. Monteith, QMB S 79767 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22573 View Materials ), 1♀ GoogleMaps , Nov. 25, 2003, pyrethrum spraying of trees and logs, elev. 470 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 79773 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22633 View Materials ), 1♀ , Jan. 27, 2004, Berlese, litter, elev. 470 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 79746 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22601 View Materials ), 3♂ , Apr. 18, 2005, Berlese, elev. 420 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 79804 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22659 View Materials ), 1♀ ; 2 km W Col d’Amieu Forestry Station , May 26, 1987, elev. 430 m (N. Platnick, R. Raven, AMNH PBI _ OON 121), 2♂ ; Col de Roussettes , May 29, 1987, dry forest, elev. 490 m (N. Platnick, R. Raven, AMNH PBI _ OON 122), 1♂ ; 7 km S Gelima , 21°36′S, 165°58′E, Nov. 15, 2002, pyrethrum spraying of trees and logs, elev. 730 m (C. Burwell, G. Monteith, QMB S 79772 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22599 View Materials ), 1♀ GoogleMaps ; Ningua Reserve Camp , 21°45′S, 166°09′E, Nov. 12–13, 2001, Berlese, rainforest litter, elev. 1100 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 60486 View Materials , PBI _ OON 7483), 1♂ GoogleMaps , Nov. 13–27, 2001, rainforest pitfall, elev. 1100 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 60502 View Materials , PBI _ OON 812), 1♂ .

DISTRIBUTION: Central New Caledonia.

Pelicinus koghis , new species

Figures 61–120, 330–345

TYPE: Male holotype from Berlese sample of rainforest litter taken at an elevation of 500 m at the Monts des Koghis Auberge , near Noumea, New Caledonia (July 26–Aug. 13, l978; S., J. Peck), deposited in AMNH ( PBI_OON 126 ) .

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

DIAGNOSIS: Males resemble those of P. damieu but have a larger, more angular embolar sail (figs. 334–339); females have a wider posterior receptaculum (figs. 344, 345).

MALE (PBI_ OON 22618 View Materials , figs. 61–90, 330–339): Total length 1.85. Carapace orange-brown, elevated portion of pars cephalica smooth, sides granulate. Sternum orange-brown, smooth, microsculpture absent. Mouthparts orange-brown, endites anteriorly constricted into distal knob. Abdomen dorsum with dark patches visible through dorsal scutum. Scutopedicel region with five ridges, dorsalmost, ventralmost shorter than others. Dorsal scutum orange-brown, punctate, covering most of abdomen length, width. Postepigastric scutum orange-brown, covering about ¾ of abdomen length. Embolus with two short ventral processes.

FEMALE (PBI_ OON 22618 View Materials , figs. 91–120, 340–345): Total length 1.92. Scutopedicel region with seven ridges, two ventralmost interrupted at middle. Postepigastric scutum short, almost rectangular, covering about 2/3 of abdomen length. Poreplate longer at middle than sides, squiggled portion of anterior duct mostly oriented transversely.

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: New Caledonia: Dzumac road, junction, 22°02′S, 166°28′E, Jan. 26, 2004, pyrethrum spraying of trees and logs, elev. 950 m (G. Monteith, QMB 79760 View Materials , PBI_ OON 22582 View Materials ), 1♂ GoogleMaps ; Foret Nord , 22°19′S, 166°55′E, Dec. 1, 2004 – Jan. 9, 2005, pitfalls, elev. 480 m (G. Monteith, Grimbacher, QMB S 79771 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22618 View Materials ), 3♂, 5♀ GoogleMaps , Dec. 2, 2004 – Jan. 9, 2005, pitfalls, elev. 200 m (G. Monteith, Grimbacher, QMB S 79765 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22604 View Materials ), 1♂ , Apr. 21, 2005, Berlese, elev. 210 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 79803 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22655 View Materials ), 1♂ ; Kwa Neie summit, 22°20′S, 166°55′E, Nov. 22, 2001 – Jan. 30, 2002, pitfall, elev. 500 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 79768 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22575 View Materials ), 1♂ GoogleMaps ; Monts des Koghis , 22°11′S, 166°01′E, Nov. 3, 2002, Berlese, rainforest litter, elev. 700 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 79744 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22610 View Materials ), 1♂, 1♀ GoogleMaps ; Monts des Koghis, Auberge , near Noumea, July 26–Aug. 13, 1978, fungi with logs and litter, elev. 500 m (S., J. Peck, AMNH PBI _ OON 127), 1♂ ; Pic du Grand Kaori, 22°17′S, 166°53′E, Nov. 22, 2004 – Jan. 12, 2005, rainforest pitfalls, elev. 250 m (G. Monteith, Grimbacher, QMB S 79766 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22613 View Materials ), 4♂, 2♀ GoogleMaps ; Port Boise , 22°21′S, 166°58′E, Nov. 21, 2001, Berlese, rainforest litter, elev. 20 m ( QMB S 59836 View Materials , PBI _ OON 6984), 1♂ GoogleMaps ; Rivierè Bleue , humid forest, Oct. 27, 1988, sifting litter (R. Raven, T. Churchill, QMB S 12709 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22507 View Materials ), 1♀ .

DISTRIBUTION: Southern New Caledonia.

Pelicinus koghis , new species

Figures 61–120, 330–345

TYPE: Male holotype from Berlese sample of rainforest litter taken at an elevation of 500 m at the Monts des Koghis Auberge , near Noumea, New Caledonia (July 26–Aug. 13, l978; S., J. Peck), deposited in AMNH ( PBI_OON 126 ) .

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

DIAGNOSIS: Males resemble those of P. damieu but have a larger, more angular embolar sail (figs. 334–339); females have a wider posterior receptaculum (figs. 344, 345).

MALE (PBI_ OON 22618 View Materials , figs. 61–90, 330–339): Total length 1.85. Carapace orange-brown, elevated portion of pars cephalica smooth, sides granulate. Sternum orange-brown, smooth, microsculpture absent. Mouthparts orange-brown, endites anteriorly constricted into distal knob. Abdomen dorsum with dark patches visible through dorsal scutum. Scutopedicel region with five ridges, dorsalmost, ventralmost shorter than others. Dorsal scutum orange-brown, punctate, covering most of abdomen length, width. Postepigastric scutum orange-brown, covering about ¾ of abdomen length. Embolus with two short ventral processes.

FEMALE (PBI_ OON 22618 View Materials , figs. 91–120, 340–345): Total length 1.92. Scutopedicel region with seven ridges, two ventralmost interrupted at middle. Postepigastric scutum short, almost rectangular, covering about 2/3 of abdomen length. Poreplate longer at middle than sides, squiggled portion of anterior duct mostly oriented transversely.

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: New Caledonia: Dzumac road, junction, 22°02′S, 166°28′E, Jan. 26, 2004, pyrethrum spraying of trees and logs, elev. 950 m (G. Monteith, QMB 79760 View Materials , PBI_ OON 22582 View Materials ), 1♂ GoogleMaps ; Foret Nord , 22°19′S, 166°55′E, Dec. 1, 2004 – Jan. 9, 2005, pitfalls, elev. 480 m (G. Monteith, Grimbacher, QMB S 79771 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22618 View Materials ), 3♂, 5♀ GoogleMaps , Dec. 2, 2004 – Jan. 9, 2005, pitfalls, elev. 200 m (G. Monteith, Grimbacher, QMB S 79765 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22604 View Materials ), 1♂ , Apr. 21, 2005, Berlese, elev. 210 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 79803 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22655 View Materials ), 1♂ ; Kwa Neie summit, 22°20′S, 166°55′E, Nov. 22, 2001 – Jan. 30, 2002, pitfall, elev. 500 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 79768 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22575 View Materials ), 1♂ GoogleMaps ; Monts des Koghis , 22°11′S, 166°01′E, Nov. 3, 2002, Berlese, rainforest litter, elev. 700 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 79744 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22610 View Materials ), 1♂, 1♀ GoogleMaps ; Monts des Koghis, Auberge , near Noumea, July 26–Aug. 13, 1978, fungi with logs and litter, elev. 500 m (S., J. Peck, AMNH PBI _ OON 127), 1♂ ; Pic du Grand Kaori, 22°17′S, 166°53′E, Nov. 22, 2004 – Jan. 12, 2005, rainforest pitfalls, elev. 250 m (G. Monteith, Grimbacher, QMB S 79766 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22613 View Materials ), 4♂, 2♀ GoogleMaps ; Port Boise , 22°21′S, 166°58′E, Nov. 21, 2001, Berlese, rainforest litter, elev. 20 m ( QMB S 59836 View Materials , PBI _ OON 6984), 1♂ GoogleMaps ; Rivierè Bleue , humid forest, Oct. 27, 1988, sifting litter (R. Raven, T. Churchill, QMB S 12709 View Materials , PBI _ OON 22507 View Materials ), 1♀ .

DISTRIBUTION: Southern New Caledonia.


Australia, Queensland, South Brisbane, Queensland Museum


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