Holothuria (Microthele) nobilis ( Selenka, 1867 )

THANDAR, AHMED S., 2007, Additions to the aspidochirotid, molpadid and apodid holothuroids (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) from the east coast of southern Africa, with descriptions of new species, Zootaxa 1414 (1), pp. 1-62 : 26-27

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Felipe (2021-07-07 02:26:10, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 06:27:18)

scientific name

Holothuria (Microthele) nobilis ( Selenka, 1867 )


Holothuria (Microthele) nobilis ( Selenka, 1867)

Figure 11 View FIGURE 11

Holothuria (Microthele) maculata Brandt, 1835:54 (junior homonym).

Holothuria (Microthele) nobilis Massin, 1999 (synonymy & records before 1999), text-figs. 24–27, fig. 110g & h; Samyn, 2003:58 (synonymy after 1999), pls.23–25.

Type Lost. Selenka’s (1867) M. nobilis ( MCZ 819) designated as lectotype by Rowe (in Rowe & Gates 1995).

Type locality Guam, N.W. Pacific Ocean.

Lectotype locality Zanzibar.

Previous southern African record Natal.

Material examined SAM-A27933 , Kosi Bay , northern KZN, donated by the Oceanographic Research Institute, Durban, 1 spec.

General distribution Indo-West Pacific but not yet reported from the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent.


This species grows to a very large size (up to 600 mm) and is said to be white or black speckled with white ( Rowe and Doty, 1977). The single eviscerated specimen is 245 x 145 mm, black with greyish-white patches dorsally and grey ventrally. The dorsal ( Figure 11A View FIGURE 11 ) and ventral table discs ( Figure 11C View FIGURE 11 ) are respectively 75– 109 µm and 57–86 µm, while the respective buttons are 66–95 µm ( Figure 11B View FIGURE 11 ) and 65–127 µm ( Figure 11D View FIGURE 11 ). The papillae rods measure 136–306 µm, the tubefeet rods and/or plates ( Figure 11E View FIGURE 11 ) 238–386 µm and the tentacle rods ( Figure 11F View FIGURE 11 ) 30–224 µm. Thandar (1984) doubted James and Pearse’s (1969) record of this species from KZN but, according to collectors from the Durban Oceanographic Institute, it is well established in northern KZN, especially on the Sodwana reefs. It has long been known from Zanzibar but has yet to be reported from Mozambique.

Brandt, J. F. (1835) Prodromus descriptionis animalium ab H. Mertensio in orbis terrarium circumnavigatione observatorum, 1, 1 - 75, pl. 1, Petropoli.

James, D. B. & Pearse, J. S. (1969) Echinoderms from the Gulf of Suez and the Northern Red Sea. Journal of the marine biological Association of India, 11 (1,2), 78 - 125.

Massin, C. (1999) Reef-dwelling Holothuroidea (Echinodermata) of the Spermonde Archipelago (South-West Sulawesi, Indonesia). Zoologische Verhandelingen 329, 1 - 144.

Rowe, F. W. E & Doty, J. E. (1977) The Shallow-Water Holothurians of Guam. Micronesica, 13 (2), 217 - 250.

Rowe, F. W. E. & Gates, J. (1995) Echinodermata. In: Wells, A. (ed), Zoological catalogue of Australia, Vol. 33, Melbourne, CSIRO Australia, xiii - 510 pp.

Selenka, E. (1867) Nachtrag zu den Beitragen zur Anatomie und Systematik der Holothurien. Zeitschrifte fur wissenschaftliche, Zoologie, 18, 109 - 118.

Thandar, A. S. (1984) The Holothurian fauna of southern Africa, PhD thesis, University of Durban - Westville, Durban, 566 pp.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 11. Holothuria (Microthele) nobilis (Selenka, 1867). SAM–A27933. Kosi Bay, KZN. A. Tables from dorsal body wall; B. buttons from dorsal body wall; C. tables from ventral body wall; D. buttons from ventral body wall; E. plates from ventral podia; F. tentacle rods; G. part of calcareous ring. (A–E scale a; F scale b)


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