Holothuria (Stauropora) pervicax Selenka, 1867

THANDAR, AHMED S., 2007, Additions to the aspidochirotid, molpadid and apodid holothuroids (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) from the east coast of southern Africa, with descriptions of new species, Zootaxa 1414 (1), pp. 1-62 : 31-33

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Felipe (2021-07-07 02:26:10, last updated 2021-07-07 02:54:49)

scientific name

Holothuria (Stauropora) pervicax Selenka, 1867


Holothuria (Stauropora) pervicax Selenka, 1867

Figure 14 View FIGURE 14

Holothuria pervicax Selenka, 1867: 327 , pl. 18, fig. 54.

Holothuria (Mertensiothuria) pervicax Cherbonnier, 1988: 107 (synonymy before 1988), fig. 43, A–K.

Holothuria (Stauropora) pervicax Samyn, 2003: 74 , fig. 30 A–D, fig. 54 E, pl. 3 F (synonymy and records after 1988).

Lectotype ZMH E2538 View Materials .

Lectotype locality Tahiti.

Previous southern African record Mozambique and southern KZN, South Africa.

Material examined

SAM-A27936 , off Beira, 20°25' S, 35°50' E, R.V. ‘ Algoa’, Mozambique SCAD Survey, St. C 00835 View Materials -014- 032-2109, 18.vi. 1994, 60 m., 1 spec. GoogleMaps ; SAM-A27937 , Isipingo Beach , KZN, rock pool, K.S. Ganga & G.C. Naidu , 14.iv.1979, 1 spec. , SAM-A27938 , 26.iv.1979, 1 spec. , SAM-A27939 , 22.viii.1979, 1 spec. , K.S. Ganga, 31.viii.1981, 1 spec., 27.iv.1982, 1 spec.


Mozambique specimen (SAM-A27936): eviscerated, 100 x 33 mm. Colour, in alcohol, beige dorsally, greyish-white ventrally; podia purplish-brown, encircled by white rings. Collar distinct; no special anal papillae. Podia scattered, larger and more numerous ventrally, especially in ambulacra. Cuvierian tubules present.

Discs of body wall tables ( Figure 14A View FIGURE 14 ) 20–38 µm (mean 25 µm), mostly reduced, margins uneven; spire height 9–33 µm (mean 14 µm). Buttons ( Figure 14B View FIGURE 14 ) 15–26 µm (mean 21 µm), with 6–13 minute, often occluded holes, rarely without holes, then resembling rosette-shaped granules. Ventral podia with similar tables and buttons as well as plates ( Figure 14C, D View FIGURE 14 ) (34–53 µm, mean 45 µm) and rods ( Figure 14E View FIGURE 14 ) (61–119 µm, mean 103 µm), the former with paired series of about 10–45 holes; end-plates large (ca. 570 µm). Dorsal podia also with tables, buttons, rods ( Figure 14F View FIGURE 14 ) (56–238 µm, mean 116 µm) and plates, the latter less well developed than those of ventral podia (23–60 µm, mean 35 µm), and with 5–14 complete holes; end-plates reduced (ca 115 µm). Tentacles with curved rods (47–347 µm, mean 184 µm) with spinulated ends and slightly spinose margins ( Figure 14G View FIGURE 14 ).

KZN specimens (SAM-A27837-27839): typical but spicules larger than those of the Mozambique form: table disc diam. 24–68 µm, spire height 20–70 µm, dorsal buttons 15–42 µm, ventral buttons 37–90 µm.

Distribution Indo-West-Central Pacific Ocean, 0– 60 m.

Habitat Benthic, inshore.


The single Mozambique specimen represents the deepest record of the species yet known as Rowe and Gates (1995) record the depth as 0– 20 m. There is no reason to doubt its identity as the body form, colouration and spicules are characteristic of the species. This species, previously classified in the subgenus Mertensiothuria by Rowe (1969) was transferred to the subgenus Stauropora , also by Rowe (in Rowe & Gates 1995).

Cherbonnier, G. (1988) Faune de Madagascar. Publice sous les auspices du Gouvernment de la Republique Malgache, 70, O. R. S. T. O. M, Paris, 292 pp.

Rowe, F. W. E. (1969) A review of the family Holothuriidae (Holothuroidea: Aspidochirotida). Bulletin of the British Museum of natural History (Zoology) 18 (4), 119 - 170.

Rowe, F. W. E. & Gates, J. (1995) Echinodermata. In: Wells, A. (ed), Zoological catalogue of Australia, Vol. 33, Melbourne, CSIRO Australia, xiii - 510 pp.

Selenka, E. (1867) Nachtrag zu den Beitragen zur Anatomie und Systematik der Holothurien. Zeitschrifte fur wissenschaftliche, Zoologie, 18, 109 - 118.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 14. Holothuria (Stauropora) pervicax Selenka, 1867. SAM–A27936. A. tables from dorso-lateral body wall; B. buttons from dorsal-lateral body wall; C. button-like plates from ventral podia; D. perforated plates from ventral podia; E. rods from ventral podia; F. rods from dorsal podia; G. rods from tentacles. G scale a; (A–C scale b; D–F scale c)


Zoologisches Museum Hamburg











