Neopurana bouptera Lee and Marshall, 2023

Lee, Young June, Marshall, David C., Mohagan, Alma B., Hill, Kathy B. R. & Mohagan, Dave P., 2023, Revised checklist of Cicadidae (Insecta: Hemiptera) of Mindanao, Philippines, with descriptions of a new genus and nine new species, Journal of Natural History 57 (1 - 4), pp. 193-242 : 218-222

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Plazi (2023-03-13 08:02:00, last updated 2024-11-29 10:42:35)

scientific name

Neopurana bouptera Lee and Marshall

sp. nov.

18. Neopurana bouptera Lee and Marshall View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figures 11 View Figure 11 , 12 View Figure 12 )

Cicadinae View in CoL sp. C: Hill et al. 2021: table 1, figs 5, 9, 10, 13, 14.

Type material

Holotype. Male , specimen code 12.PH. MN.KGS.01, PHILIPPINES, Mindanao, Mt. Kitanglad, 1773 m, 08°09.91 ʹ N, 124°55.96 ʹ E, 3 May 2012, K.B. R. Hill, D.C. Marshall and D. Mohagan ( NMPM). GoogleMaps

Paratype. 1 male, specimen code 12. PH. MN .KGS. 02, same collection data ( UCONN) .


The specific name is the feminine noun, a combination of the Greek prefix bou - meaning ̍large̾ and the Greek ptera meaning ̍wing̾.

Measurements of types (2 males, holotype is larger)

Length of body: 23.6 (22.7–24.4). Length of head and thorax together: 10.2 (9.8–10.6). Length of abdomen: 13.4 (12.9–13.8). Width of head including compound eyes: 6.6 (6.4– 6.8). Width of pronotum: 7.4 (7.0–7.8). Width of mesonotum: 6.5 (6.2–6.7). Width of abdominal tergite 3: 7.5 (7.3–7.7). Length of fore wing: 31.4 (29.4–33.3). Width of fore wing: 9.4 (9.1–9.7). Wing span: 68.1 (64.7–71.5).

Description of male

Head. Vertex light green with the following black marks: median mark surrounding ocelli, with its anterior tip broadened and nearly touching frontoclypeal suture; a pair of small longitudinal spots on both sides of the median mark; a pair of small transverse spots on antero-sublateral corners of vertex, with their inner tips connected to anterior tips of the small longitudinal spots; a pair of indistinct transverse spots on supra-antennal plates; and a pair of tiny spots posteromedially. Distance between lateral ocelli and compound eyes slightly longer than twice the distance between lateral ocelli. Postclypeus moderately swollen. Antennae black but lighter towards tip. Postclypeus light green with the following black marks: short fasciae or spots along inner parts of anterior half of transverse grooves; and large median spot on posterior one-third of postclypeus. Anteclypeus light green to greenish yellow with W-shaped mark in the middle. Rostrum greenish ochraceous to ochraceous but black apically; slightly passing beyond hind coxae. Lorum ochraceous with large black patch on inner corner. Gena greenish ochraceous with transverse spot between postclypeus and compound eye, touching postclypeus.

Thorax. Pronotum green, greenish ochraceous, and ochraceous (medially). Inner area of pronotum with the following marks: a pair of median longitudinal black fasciae slightly broadened at both anterior and posterior ends; tiny spot medio-posteriorly; irregularly shaped brown spots and marks along or near paramedian and lateral fissures; transverse narrow black to fuscous fascia along anterior margin of pronotum; and a pair of curved broad fasciae along lateral margins of inner area. Pronotal collar greenish ochraceous with narrow transverse fascia along posterior margin. Anterolateral pronotal collar not dentate. Mesonotum green, greenish ochraceous, and ochraceous (medially) with the following black to fuscous marks: median longitudinal fascia broadened anteriorly and posteriorly, not reaching anterior margin of cruciform elevation; a pair of small round spots enclosing scutal depressions; a pair of inwardly curved fasciae along inner side of parapsidal sutures; a pair of two longitudinally arranged large spots on lateral sigilla; and a pair of tiny spots on lateral margin of mesonotum. Cruciform elevation light green to greenish ochraceous with a pair of black patches on apices of arms. Thoracic sternites greenish ochraceous to ochraceous with a pair of black spots on episterna 3. Legs light green to greenish ochraceous with black to fuscous marks. Fore femur with black primary, secondary and subapical spines and with black patch posteriorly on inner side. Fore- and mid tibiae fuscous apically. Fore- and mid pretarsi black.

Wings hyaline. Fore wing with infuscations on radial, radiomedial, medial and mediocubital crossveins. Small, roundish infuscation present on each hind margin of radius posterior, median 1–4, and cubitus anterior 1 veins but not distinct on radius posterior and median 1 veins among them. Basal cell slightly tinged with ochraceous. Basal membrane dark grey. Hind wing jugum dark grey (proximally) to light grey (distally).

Operculum slightly greenish ochraceous; obliquely trapezoidal with posterior angles rounded, extending to anterior margin of abdominal sternite III. Anterior inner margin concave. Opercula widely separated from each other, with gap about two-thirds as wide as operculum.

Abdomen obconical, distinctly longer than head and thorax together. Tergites 2–6 light green (sub-medially) to ochraceous with a pair of brown sublateral spots. Posterior margins of tergite 2 narrowly fuscous. Tergite 7 castaneous with a pair of fuscous sublateral spots. Tergite 8 fuscous with brown median patch. Tergite 3 wider than mesonotum. Timbal cover slightly greenish ochraceous; nearly quarter circle with rounded anterolateral corner, about as long as wide. Timbal concealed by timbal cover in dorsal view. Abdominal sternites III–VI slightly greenish ochraceous. Sternite VII castaneous with black posterior margin. Sternite VIII castaneous with lighter postero-lateral parts. Sternites III with light ochraceous tubercle-like projection on each posterolateral surface, protruding posteriorly to partly cross anterior margin of sternite IV. Epipleurites 3–6 greenish ochraceous. Epipleurites 7–8 castaneous. Epipleurites 6–8 with black posterior margins.

Genitalia. Pygofer oval in ventral view. Uncus simple, short, not bifurcate and with a widely truncate apex in ventral view; without median groove. Uncus slightly curved inward in lateral view. Aedeagus protruding from uncus; thick and bifurcate at apex. Basal lobe of pygofer absent.

Song ( Figure 12 View Figure 12 )

About six minutes of song was recorded for this species at Mt. Kitanglad, including a sample from the holotype male, which is illustrated. The sound is a complex, resonant, amplitude-modulated buzz comprised mainly of pulse pairs (doublets) produced at approximately 100–150/s, although in a few samples the doublets are paired and in one segment the pulses appear briefly in threes. The song is produced in phrases containing, usually, one short echeme of ca. 0.6–1 s followed by a much longer echeme of ca. 8.5–11 s, sometimes with the phrases paired or strung together into longer series. One male produced a series of phrases lasting at least 125 s. Both short and long echemes begin with a string of single pulses and continue with (usually) doublets. Phrases are separated by short silent gaps of ca. 40–110 ms, as are (commonly) the short and long echemes contained within a phrase, and occasionally a gap of a few tens of milliseconds in duration occurs within what otherwise appears to be one of the long syllables.

Amplitude modulates considerably, with intensity increasing to nearly double on the waveform and then back down in one cycle for each short echeme, and once or sometimes twice for long echemes. In the latter case, the initial amplitude modulation resembles a second short echeme appended to the long echeme. This gives the song a slow ̍revving̾ quality. Frequency content is not modulated but is complex, including two major peaks around 3.5–5 (usually dominant) and 11–13 kHz and a least one weaker peak around 8.5 kHz.

The holotype specimen was collected by attracting it down from its perch on a vertical tree trunk, by movement of the collector around the base of the tree and gentle scratching and tapping of the trunk, followed by climbing and hand-capture. The male continued to face upward while backing down the tree trunk.

Hill KBR, Marshall DC, Marathe K, Moulds M, Lee YJ, Pham TH, Mohagan AB, Sarkar V, Price BW, Duffels JP, et al. 2021. The molecular systematics and diversification of a taxonomically unstable group of Asian cicada tribes related to Cicadini Latreille, 1802 (Hemiptera: Cicadidae). Invertebr Syst. 35 (5): 570 - 601. doi: 10.1071 / IS 20079.

Gallery Image

Figure 11. Neopurana bouptera Lee and Marshall gen. and sp. nov., holotype, male, Mindanao, Philippines. (A) Dorsal habitus; (B) ventral habitus; (C) pygofer, slightly oblique ventral view.

Gallery Image

Figure 12. Neopurana bouptera Lee and Marshall gen. and sp. nov., holotype male calling song. Waveforms (A, C) and spectrograms (B, D) are shown at two time scales.


Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


University of Connecticut Biodiversity Research Collections

















