Goliathopsis gressitti Ruter, 1978

Xu, Hao & Qiu, Jian-Yue, 2020, Three new synonyms within the flower chafer genus Goliathopsis Janson, 1881 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae) from China, Zootaxa 4789 (1), pp. 91-131 : 110

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Plazi (2020-06-08 07:42:14, last updated 2023-10-31 17:26:46)

scientific name

Goliathopsis gressitti Ruter, 1978


Goliathopsis gressitti Ruter, 1978

( Figs. 10 View FIGURES 1–12 , 19 View FIGURES 13–21 , 32–33 View FIGURES 22–37 , 50–51 View FIGURES 38–53 , 77–80 View FIGURES 77–80 , 97–98 View FIGURES 89–102 , 144–149 View FIGURES 144–149 , 164 View FIGURE 164 )

Goliathopsis gressitti Ruter, 1978: 287 (type locality: Pakse, S. Laos), fig. 2 ♂, figs. 5–6 (parameres); Antoine 1991: 9 (in key), plate I, fig. 6 (parameres), plate III, fig. 6 ♂; Sakai & Nagai 1998: 156 (Vientiane, Laos; Thailand), plate 2, figs. 40- 1 ♂, 40- 2 ♀; Krajčík 1999: 39; Sakai 2001: 1 (Wiang Pa Pao, Chiang Rai, Thailand), plate B, fig. 2 ♂; Sakai 2008: 12 (Phou Phanang, Vientiane, Laos), fig. 8 ♂; Krajčík 2012: 116.

Type material. The number of type specimens was not mentioned in the original publication ( Ruter 1978), and the collecting locality and depository of the paratypes are in contradiction with what we have found. Four paratypes were located: the allotype was actually collected from the type locality (Pakse) and preserved in MNHN, it was not from Khong Sedone and deposited in BPBM as claimed in the original publication; the type specimens found in BPBM are three male paratypes.

The male holotype ( MNHN, Figs. 144–147 View FIGURES 144–149 ) is labeled: Paksé (S. Laos), 15.VII.[19]67 [white label]// Goli- athopsis gressitti m. n. sp., HOLOTYPE ♂, G. RUTER dét. 1976 [white label]// HOLOTYPE [red label]/ MNHN, EC7183 [white label]. The female allotype ( MNHN, Figs. 148–149 View FIGURES 144–149 ) is labeled: Paksé , Laos, 31.VII.[19]67, [white label] // Goliathopsis gressitti m. n. sp, ALLOTYPE, ♀, G. RUTER det. 1976 [white label]// ALLOTYPE [red la- bel]. Two male paratypes ( BPBM) are labeled: Laos: Wapikhamthong Prov., Khong Sedone, 17.VII.1965 // Native Collector , BISHOP MUS. // Goliathopsis gressitti m. n. sp., PARATYPE ♂, G. RUTER dét. 1976 [handwritten on white label] // PARATYPE [red label]. The third paratype bears the same labels except 16.V.1965 .

Other material examined (29♂♂, 23♀♀). LAOS: 2♂♂, 2♀♀ ( MYNU), 1995.VII.20, Vientiane, Laos // Go- liathopsis gressitti Ruter, 1978 , det. K. Sakai, 2016 ; 6♂♂, 4♀♀ ( KSCJ), 1995.VII.8, Vientiane, Laos ; 9♂♂, 6♀♀ ( KSCJ), 1995.VI.17, Vientiane, Laos ; 3♂♂, 5♀♀ ( KSCJ), 1995.VII.19, Vientiane, Laos ; 5♂♂, 4♀♀ ( KSCJ), 1995. IX.20, Vientiane, Laos ; 2♂♂, 2♀♀ ( KSCJ), 2001.VII.8-22, Mt. Saravan, Saravan Prov. , S. Laos . THAILAND: 1♂ ( KSCJ), 1996.VI.5, Viangpapao , Chiang Rai, Thailand ; 1♂ ( KSCJ), 2008.V.10-12, Phu Chong Na Yoi , Ubon Ratchathani, NE. Thailand, M. Takakuwa leg.

Diagnosis. Body length 12.0–12.5 mm; width 6.5–7.0 mm; Body dark brown to black ( Figs. 77–80 View FIGURES 77–80 ). Pronotum with a tomentose band along both sides ( Figs. 97–98 View FIGURES 89–102 ); disc with four small, light yellow, tomentose maculae; disc without tomentose midline; the middle of posterior margin usually with a small, light yellow, tomentose spot ( Figs. 77, 79 View FIGURES 77–80 , 144 View FIGURES 144–149 ). Scutellum usually tomentose. Elytron usually with four light brown, tomentose maculae: a large one on posthumeral area; a small one on the mediodiscal area near sutural costa; a large one on the median portion of lateral declivity; a large one on the postdiscal areas near sutural costa. Few other small tomentose maculae scattered on disc near scutellum, sutural costa and anteapical umbone of elytra ( Figs. 77, 79 View FIGURES 77–80 ). Disc of elytron with U shaped, setiferous punctures; punctures with few tomentum ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 1–12 ); setae long. Pygidium with tomentum and sparse, rounded, setiferous punctures ( Figs. 32–33 View FIGURES 22–37 ); longitudinal ridge without tomentum in female ( Fig. 33 View FIGURES 22–37 ). Cephalic horns of male rather long, constricted at base; inner side of base half with tomentum ( Fig. 19 View FIGURES 13–21 ). Male genitalia small ( Figs. 50–51 View FIGURES 38–53 ), proximal and distal parts of parameres slightly expanded in apical view, medially constricted, apex rounded; parameres distinctly curved in lateral view, basal piece slightly expanded.

This species resembles Goliathopsis duponti , and the differences are provided in the diagnosis section of G. duponti .

Distribution. Thailand, Laos.

Antoine, P. (1991) Quelques especes nouvelles ou peu connues de la famille des Cetoniidae II. Bulletin de la Societe Sciences Nat Compiegne, 69, 9 - 16.

Krajcik, M. (1999) Cetoniidae of the World Catalogue. Part II. Typos Studio, Most, 72 pp.

Krajcik, M. (2012) Checklist of the World Scarabaeoidea. Animma. x, Supplement 5, 1 - 278.

Ruter, G. (1978) Description de Cetonides nouveaux. Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie, 8 (3), 285 - 287.

Sakai, K & Nagai, S. (1998) The Cetoniine Beetles of the World. Mushi-Sha's Iconographic Series of Insects. Vol. 3. Mushi-Sha, Tokyo, 421 pp.

Sakai, K. (2001) Cetoniine beetles of Thailand. Saikaku Tsushin, 3, 1 - 10.

Sakai, K. (2008) Record of cetoniid beetles from the central and northern Laos (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae). SaikakuTsushin, 16, 11 - 22.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 164. Known distribution of Goliathopsis Janson, 1881 species. Syncretic markers indicate identical or very close localities; type localities of the known species are marked, that of G. despectus (Westwood, 1873), G. cervus Janson, 1881, and G. esquiroli Pouillaude, 1913 are missing because the precise type localities are unknown.

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FIGURES 1–12. Characters of Goliathopsis Janson, 1881 species. 1–4, mouthparts of Goliathopsis duponti Antoine, 1991: 1, epipharynx; 2, mandibles; 3, maxillae; 4, labium. 5–12, setiferous punctures on the disc of elytron: 5, G. cervus Janson, 1881; 6, G. despectus (Westwood, 1873), paralectotype of G. capreolus Gestro, 1888 in BMNH; 7, G. duponti Antoine, 1991; 8, G. esquiroli Pouillaude, 1913; 9, G. ferreroi Antoine, 1991; 10, G. gressitti Ruter, 1978; 11, G. lameyi Fairmaire, 1893; 12, G. velutinus Pouillaude, 1913.

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FIGURES 13–21. Cephalic horns of Goliathopsis Janson, 1881 species (dorsal view). 13, G. cervus Janson, 1881; 14, G. despectus (Westwood, 1873), paralectotype of G. capreolus Gestro, 1888 in MNHN; 15, G. duponti Antoine, 1991; 16, G. es- quiroli Pouillaude, 1913; 17–18, G. ferreroi Antoine, 1991; 19, G. gressitti Ruter, 1978; 20, G. lameyi Fairmaire, 1893; 21, G. velutinus Pouillaude, 1913.

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FIGURES 22–37. Pygidium of Goliathopsis Janson, 1881 species (male in left, female in right; posterior view). 22–23, G. cer- vus Janson, 1881; 24–25, G. despectus (Westwood, 1873), lectotype and paralectotype of G. capreolus Gestro, 1888 in MSNG; 26–27, G. duponti Antoine, 1991; 28–29, G. esquiroli Pouillaude, 1913; 30–31, G. ferreroi Antoine, 1991; 32–33, G. gressitti Ruter, 1978; 34–35, G. lameyi Fairmaire, 1893; 36–37, G. velutinus Pouillaude, 1913.

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FIGURES 38–53. Male genitalia of Goliathopsis Janson, 1881 species (apical and lateral view). 38–39, G. lameyi Fairmaire, 1893; 40–41, G. esquiroli Pouillaude, 1913; 42–43, G. velutinus Pouillaude, 1913; 44–45, G. duponti Antoine, 1991; 46–47, G. ferreroi Antoine, 1991; 48–49, G. despectus (Westwood, 1873), paralectotype of G. capreolus Gestro, 1888 in MNHN; 50–51, G. gressitti Ruter, 1978; 52–53, G. cervus Janson, 1881.

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FIGURES 77–80. Habitus of Goliathopsis gressitti Ruter, 1978 (dorsal and ventral view). 77–78, male; 79–80, female.

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FIGURES 89–102. Habitus of Goliathopsis Janson, 1881 species (male in left, female in right; oblique view). 89–90, G. cervus Janson, 1881; 91–92, G. duponti Antoine, 1991; 93–94, G. esquiroli Pouillaude, 1913; 95–96, G. ferreroi Antoine, 1991; 97–98, G. gressitti Ruter, 1978; 99–100, G. lameyi Fairmaire, 1893; 101–102, G. velutinus Pouillaude, 1913.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 144–149. Type specimens of Goliathopsis gressitti Ruter, 1978 in MNHN. 144–147, male holotype and labels (photograph by Antoine Mantilleri); 148–149, female paratype (allotype) and labels.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Bishop Museum











