Cybaeus pan Bennett, 2021

Bennett, Robb, Copley, Claudia & Copley, Darren, 2021, Cybaeus (Araneae: Cybaeidae): the consocius species group of the Californian clade, Zootaxa 4965 (3), pp. 401-436 : 414-417

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Plazi (2021-04-29 10:06:21, last updated 2024-11-24 23:50:25)

scientific name

Cybaeus pan Bennett

sp. nov.

Cybaeus pan Bennett View in CoL spec. nov.

Figs 33–39 View FIGURES 33–36 View FIGURES 37–41 , 58 View FIGURES 55–58 , 86 View FIGURE 86

Type material. U.S.A.: California: Holotype male, Sierra County, 2 mi. N of Calpine , 6.ix.1959, W.J. Gertsch & V. D. Roth ( AMNH) . Paratypes: Butte. 1♀, Lumpkin Rd. near Feather Falls, Oroville , 18.iv.1994, J. Boutin ( CAS) ; Plumas . 1♀, NE of Bucks Lake , 4.ix.1988, D. Ubick ( CAS) ; Nevada. 1♀, 1 mi. N of Washington , 3050’, 27.xii.1986, D. Ubick ( CAS) ; Sierra . 9♂ 10♀, 2 mi N of Calpine , 6.ix.1959, V. D. Roth & W.J Gertsch ( AMNH) ; 1♀, 5 mi. E of Camptonville , 14.vii.2002, D. Ubick ( CAS) ; 1♂ 1♀, Sierra City, The Cups , 6.ix.1959, V. D. Roth & W.J Gertsch ( AMNH) ; 1♀, 1.5 mi. E of Sierra City, Wild Plum Campground , 4200’, 12–16.viii.1996, D. Ubick ( CAS) ; 1♀, 1.5 mi. E of Sierra City, Wild Plum Campground , 4200’, 9.viii.2001, D. Ubick ( CAS) ; 1♂, 1.5 mi. E of Sierra City, Wild Plum Campground , 4200’, 18.vii.2002, D. Ubick ( CAS) ; 2♂, 3.5 mi. NE of Sierra City , 5100’, 17.viii.1993 ’, D. Ubick ( CAS) ; 2♀, 6 mi. NE of Sierra City, SFSU Field Station , 15–18.viii.1991, D. Ubick ( CAS) ; 1♂ 5♀, 6 mi. NE of Sierra City, SFSU Field Station , 5500’, 10–18.viii.1992, D. Ubick ( CAS) ; 1♂ 1♀, 6 mi. NE of Sierra City, SFSU Field Station , 5500’, 16–20.viii.1993, D. Ubick ( CAS) ; 1♂ 2♀, 6 mi. NE of Sierra City, SFSU Field Station , 5500’, 7–11.viii.2000, D. Ubick ( CAS) ; 1♀, Yuba Pass , 8.viii.2001, D. Ubick ( CAS) ; 1♀, Yuba Pass , 13.viii.1997, G. deNevers & H. Wilcox ( CAS) ; 3♂ 3♀, Yuba Pass , 9.viii.2000, D. Ubick ( CAS) ; 1♀, Yuba Pass , 8.viii.2001, R. Love ( CAS) ; 2♀, Yuba Pass ,, D. Ubick ( CAS) .

Etymology. The specific epithet is a noun in apposition from Pan, the ancient pipe-playing Greek god of the countryside. Cybaeus pan spec. nov. is named in honor of the late John “Pan” Logan, dear friend and native of the northern Sierra Nevada region of California, who did much in his lifetime to uphold the traditions associated with mythical Pan; name in apposition.

Diagnosis. Among the males of the consocius group species, C. pan spec. nov. is only likely to be confused with C. vulpinus . The males of the two species are distinguished by, in C. pan spec. nov., a relatively simple, smoothly curved and untwisted proximal arm of the tegular apophysis in ventral view ( Figs 35–36 View FIGURES 33–36 ) with, in prolateral view ( Fig. 58 View FIGURES 55–58 ), a small triangular dorsal keel (versus smoothly curved but twisted proximal arm lacking a dorsal process [ Figs 57 View FIGURES 55–58 , 82 View FIGURES 80–83 ] in C. vulpinus ). As well the patellar apophysis ( Figs 33–34 View FIGURES 33–36 ) is longer (about 3/4 the width of the patella), anterolaterally directed, and has more peg setae (about 35) in C. pan spec. nov. (versus about 1/3 the width of the patella, anteriorly directed, and bears only 13 peg setae in the single known male of C. vulpinus [ Fig. 81 View FIGURES 80–83 ]). Among the females of the consocius group, the female of C. pan is most likely to be confused with the other species which lack U-shaped copulatory ducts: C. ubicki spec. nov., C. penedentatus , C. vulpinus , C. simplex , and C. opulentus spec. nov. Among these species, the female of C. pan spec. nov. is most difficult to separate from C. vulpinus ; the epigyna and vulvae of these two species are very similar and, in some cases, distribution may be the best or only way to separate them ( Fig. 86 View FIGURE 86 ). The only apparent morphological character separating the two species is the conformation of the spermathecal stalks: in C. pan spec. nov. they are relatively long, distinctly sinuous and describing an acute angle (approximately 55 ⁰ –65 ⁰) near the Bennett’s glands ( Figs 38–39 View FIGURES 37–41 ) versus in C. vulpinus ( Figs 40–41 View FIGURES 37–41 ) only slightly sinuous and obtusely angled (circa 120 ⁰ –130 ⁰). Separating the females of C. pan spec. nov. and C. opulentus spec. nov. is discussed under the diagnosis of the latter. From C. ubicki spec. nov. and C. penedentatus , the female of C. pan spec. nov. is distinguished by a combination of a large, conspicuous atrium occupying about 1/2 the width of the vulva ( Figs 37–38 View FIGURES 37–41 ) (versus atrium small, inconspicuous, occupying about 1/3 the width of the vulva in C. penedentatus [ Figs 46–47, 49 View FIGURES 46–51 , 52 View FIGURES 52–54 ]) and copulatory ducts relatively small, narrow, and inconspicuous ( Figs 38–39 View FIGURES 37–41 ) (versus large, broad, and prominent in C. ubicki spec. nov. [ Figs 75–76, 78–79 View FIGURES 74–79 ]). Finally, specimens of both sexes of C pan spec. nov. (as well as of C. vulpinus ) usually have banded femora; specimens of all the other consocius group species usually have unbanded femora.

Description. Femora usually banded. Ventral tibia I macrosetae usually 2-1p(or 0)-2-1p-1p(or 0).

Male: (n=20). As per Diagnosis. Measurements (n=9). CL 2.33–2.8 (2.6±0.2), CW 1.70–2.05 (1.90±0.13), SL 1.20–1.38 (1.30±0.06), SW 1.16–1.33 (1.25±0.05). Holotype CL 2.43, CW 1.80, SL 1.22, SW 1.20.

Female: (n=35). Epigynum usually with small notch posteriorly ( Fig. 38 View FIGURES 37–41 ) (inconspicuous and may be difficult to discern, most easily observed in cleared specimens), absent in some specimens ( Fig. 37 View FIGURES 37–41 ); atrium ( Figs 37–38 View FIGURES 37–41 ) medially located on epigynum, usually strongly arched (some specimens have a weakly arched atrium approximating the characteristic atrial morphology seen in specimens of C. vulpinus [e.g., Fig. 40 View FIGURES 37–41 ]). Copulatory ducts ( Figs 38–39 View FIGURES 37–41 ) separated except at atrium; anteriorly directed and diverging from atrium, anterior margin often indistinct. Stalks of spermathecae simple ( Figs 38–39 View FIGURES 37–41 ). Measurements (n=13). CL 2.20–3.0 (2.5±0.2), CW 1.50–2.05 (1.74±0.16), SL 1.13–1.40 (1.25±0.08), SW 1.05–1.33 (1.19±0.07).

Distribution and natural history. Northern Sierra Nevada region of eastern California northwest of Lake Tahoe in Butte, Plumas, Nevada, and Sierra Counties ( Fig. 86 View FIGURE 86 ). Mature males have been collected from July through September.

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FIGURE 86. Distributions of Cybaeus pan spec. nov., C. vulpinus, and C. opulentus spec. nov. AZ—Arizona, CA—California, ID—Idaho, OR—Oregon, NV—Nevada, UT—Utah, WA—Washington. California county names capitalized.

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FIGURES 33–36. Cybaeus pan spec. nov., male from Calpine, California, left palpus. 33–34 Patella and tibia (33 retrolateral, 34 dorsal). 35–36 Genital bulb (35 ventral, 36 retrolateral). PA—proximal arm of tegular apophysis. PTA—patellar apophysis, RTA—retrolateral tibial apophysis. Unlabelled arrows indicate simple curve of dorsal margin of tegular apophysis.

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FIGURES 37–41. Cybaeus spp., females from California, copulatory organ (37–38 C. pan spec. nov. from near Calpine, 39 C. pan spec. nov. from Sierra City, 40–41 C. vulpinus from Big Trees State Park). 37 Epigynum, ventral. 38–41 Vulva (38, 40 ventral; 39, 41 dorsal). CD—copulatory duct, SS—spermathecal stalk. Unlabelled arrow indicates epigynal notch.

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FIGURES 55–58. Cybaeus spp. males from California, left palpus, proximal arm of tegular apophysis (55 C. opulentus spec. nov. from Riverton, 56 C. penedentatus from Holy City, 57 C. vulpinus from Columbia, 58 C. pan from Calpine) (55–56 ventral, 57–58 prolateral). Arrows indicate diagnostic characters (55 slightly twisted tip and prominent basal protrusion; 56 acuminate slightly twisted tip and longitudinal ventral keel; 57 smoothly curved, twisted tip; 58 triangular keel dorsally on tip).

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FIGURES 80–83. Cybaeus vulpinus, male from Columbia, California, left palpus. 80–81 Patella and tibia (80 retrolateral, 81 dorsal). 82–83 Genital bulb (82 ventral, 83 retrolateral). Arrows indicate simple curve of dorsal margin of tegular apophysis.

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FIGURES 46–51. Cybaeus penedentatus, females from California, copulatory organ (46–48 from Ben Lomond, 49 from Pescadero Creek, 50–51 from Mount Madonna). 46 Epigynum, ventral. 47–51 Vulva (47, 49–50 ventral; 48, 51 dorsal). AT—atrium.

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FIGURES 52–54. Cybaeus penedentatus, female from Brookdale, California, copulatory organ. 52 Epigynum, ventral. 53–54 Vulva (53 ventral, 54 dorsal). AT—atrium.

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FIGURES 74–79. Cybaeus ubicki spec. nov., females from California, copulatory organ (74–76 from Point Reyes Station, 77– 79 from Anchor Bay). 74, 77 Epigynum, ventral. 75–76, 78–79 Vulva (75, 78, ventral, 76, 79 dorsal). CD—copulatory duct.


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


American Museum of Natural History


California Academy of Sciences


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile











