Bradabyssa papillata Hartman, 1967

Salazar-Vallejo, Sergio I., 2017, Revision of Brada Stimpson, 1853, and Bradabyssa Hartman, 1967 (Annelida, Flabelligeridae), Zootaxa 4343 (1), pp. 1-98 : 56-57

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Plazi (2017-11-03 08:09:17, last updated 2024-11-28 19:40:09)

scientific name

Bradabyssa papillata Hartman, 1967


Bradabyssa papillata Hartman, 1967 View in CoL

Figure 28 View FIGURE 28

Bradabyssa papillata Hartman, 1967: 122 View in CoL –123, Pl. 37, Fig. C.—Hartman 1978: 168, Fig. 20a–e View FIGURE 20 (redescr.).

Type material. Antarctica. Holotype ( USNM 55544 About USNM ) and paratypes ( USNM 55545 About USNM ), Scotia Sea , USNS Eltanin , Sta. 1070 (59°08' S, 36°57' W → 59°01' S, 36°50' W), 2815–2818 m, 9–10 Apr. 1964 (paratypes include a complete specimen cut into two sections, and an anterior fragment; complete 62(12+50) mm long, 10 mm wide, cephalic cage 2 mm long in anterior fragment, 53(8+45) chaetigers, regenerating posterior end). GoogleMaps

Description. Holotype (USNM 55544) complete, colourless, long, cylindrical, first four chaetigers swollen, progressively widening then body tapered, last six chaetigers swollen ( Fig. 28A View FIGURE 28 ); 70 mm long, 6.5 mm wide, cephalic cage 1 mm long, 59 chaetigers. Body tubercles as 8 transverse series dorsally, alternating in size and position, ventrally 6 alternating series, all of similar size, without sediment cover ( Fig. 28B View FIGURE 28 ).

Cephalic hood not exposed in holotype; complete paratype with anterior end exposed ( Fig. 28C View FIGURE 28 ). Cephalic hood short, margin smooth. Prostomium low lobe, eyes not seen. Caruncle well developed, pale, slightly eroded, reaching branchial plate margin, lateral ridges and median keel elevated. Palps thick, short, wider basally, not corrugated; palp bases low, pale. Lips damaged, lateral ones thicker; dorsal and ventral lips probably reduced.

Branchiae missing, branchial scars on branchial plate, arranged into two lateral groups, each with over 20 scars; size relative to palps unknown. Nephridial lobes in branchial plate not seen.

Cephalic cage poorly developed, chaetae broken, chaetiger 1 with notochaetae 2/3 as long as notochaetae of chaetiger 2. Chaetiger 1 involved in cephalic cage. Anterior dorsal margin of first chaetiger papillated, papillae minute. Chaetigers 1–3 of similar size, parapodia reduced in chaetiger 1. Chaetal transition from cephalic cage to body chaetae abrupt; chaetiger 2 with neurochaetae thicker. Gonopodial lobes in chaetiger 5 ( Fig. 28D View FIGURE 28 ), globular, pale.

Parapodia poorly developed, lateral. Median neuropodia ventrolateral. Notopodia and neuropodia very close to each other. Notopodia short rounded lobes, without papillae; posterior third of the body with bottle-shaped long papillae. Neuropodia better developed, large muscular rounded lobe, smooth, non-papillated.

Median notochaetae arranged in tufts; all multiarticulate capillaries, about 1/5 body width, 2–3 per bundle, articles short basally, medially medium-sized, long distally ( Fig. 28E View FIGURE 28 ). Neurochaetae multiarticulate in chaetiger 1, aristate neurospines from chaetiger 2, in median chaetigers 3 neurochaetae per ramus arranged in transverse series, in posterior chaetigers arranged in J-shaped pattern, 4–5 per bundle; each subdistally hyaline, mucronate ( Fig. 28F View FIGURE 28 ).

Posterior end swollen (5.5 mm maximal width), pygidium with anus dorsal, rounded triangular dorsal lobe present, anal cirri absent.

Remarks. Bradabyssa papillata Hartman, 1967 resembles B. elinae n. sp. by having 9–10 transverse series of tubercles having markedly different sizes in median chaetigers; they differ, however, because B. papillata has 53–59 chaetigers and no sediment cover, whereas in B. elinae there are fewer chaetigers (27–29) and a thin layer of sediment particles cover the body.

Distribution. Scotia Sea, Antarctica.

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FIGURE 20. Bradabyssa annenkovae (Buzhinskaja, 2001) n. comb., lectotype (ZIRAS 26263). A. Right lateral view. B. Ventral view (arrows point to gonopodial lobes). C. Head, frontal view, palps and most branchiae removed (Br: branchial scars, LL: lateral lip, PS: palp scar). D. Paralectotype (ZIRAS 26265), chaetiger 15, right parapodium, anterior view. Scale bars: A, B: 2.6 mm, C: 0.5 mm, D: 0.3 mm.

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FIGURE 28. Bradabyssa papillata Hartman, 1967. A. Holotype (USNM 55544), dorsal view of anterior region, posterior region in lateral view. B. Same, ventral view. C. Paratype (USNM 55545), anterior end, frontal view (Br: branchial scars, LL: lateral lip, Pa: palp). D. Anterior region, ventral view (arrows point to gonopodial lobes). E. Holotype (USNM 55544), chaetiger 26, right parapodium, notochaetal basal, medial and distal regions. F. Same, chaetiger 27, neurochaeta. Scale bars: A, B: 4.3 mm, C: 1.4 mm, D: 2.7 mm, E: 70 µm, F: 60 µm.











