Dendrobaena, OLYMPIACA

Szederjesi, Tímea, Pop, Victor V., Pavlíček, Tomáš, Márton, Orsolya, Krízsik, Virág & Csuzdi, Csaba, 2018, Integrated taxonomy reveals multiple species in the Dendrobaena byblica (Rosa, 1893) complex (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 182, pp. 500-516 : 509-510

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Carolina (2021-04-28 16:37:02, last updated 2021-04-28 16:37:03)

scientific name




Helodrilus (Dendrobaena) ganglbaueri var. olympiaca

Michaelsen, 1902: 47. Dendrobaena byblica – Pop 1949: 483. Dendrobaena byblica olympiaca – Szederjesi & Csuzdi

2012b: 32. – Szederjesi 2015: 145.


External characters: Length 49 – 60 mm, diameter: 4–5 mm. Number of segments 101–109. Pigmentation red-violet. Prostomium epilobous ½ closed. Dorsal pores not visible. Setae distantly standing. Setal arrangement behind clitellum: aa:ab:bc:cd:dd = 1.43:1.19:1:1.14:1.64. Male pores minute on segment 15. Nephridial pores aligned above setal line b. Clitellum on segments 25–30. Tubercula pubertatis on segments 26–28. Glandular tumescence on segments 9, 10, 11 c.

Internal characters: No dissepiments notably thickened. Testes and funnels paired in segments 10–11, covered by perioesophageal testis sac in segment 10 and 11. Four pairs of seminal vesicles in 9–12. Two pairs of spermathecae in 9/10, 10/11 with external openings in setal line d. Calciferous glands with well-developed diverticula in segment 11. The last pair of hearts in 11, with a pair of extraesophageal vessels in 12. Nephridial bladders are biscuit-shaped. Crop in segments 15–16, and gizzard in segments 17–18. Typhlosolis ⅓, simple. The cross section of the longitudinal muscle layer is of pinnate type.

Material examined: HNHM /15824 1 ex., Greece, Sitena, 630 m, N37°17.477′ E22°38.872′, L. Dányi, J. Kontschán, D. Murányi, 2 April 2009. HNHM /16625 2 ex., Greece, Naxos, 680 m, N37°01.9′ E25°29.8′, J. Kontschán, D. Murányi, T. Szederjesi, 7 April 2013. HNHM /16629 4 ex., Greece, Naxos, 525 m, N37°04.408′ E25°31.842′, J. Kontschán, D. Murányi, T. Szederjesi, 7 April 2013. HNHM /17015 6 ex., Greece, Crete, 34°57.908′N, 25°5.612′S, 1080 m, L. Dányi, 31 March 2015. V 4970 6 ex., Greece, Taigetos, Holtz.

Remarks: The results of the phylogenetic study clearly showed that this species is quite distant to D.byblica . The genetic distances also justify the elevation of olympiaca to species rank. The closest relatives of this species are the two new Romanian species and D. annectens . Dendrobaena olympiaca differs from D. herculis sp. nov. and D. transylvanica sp. nov. by its longer clitellum (25–30 vs. ½24–½30, 25–29, respectively) and the characteristic glandular papillae confined to the setal line c in region of segment 9–11 ( Table 4).


Michaelsen W. 1902. Neue Oligochaeten und neue Fundorte alt-bekannter. Mitteilungen aus dem Naturhistorischen Museum in Hamburg 19: 3 - 53.

Pop V. 1949. Lumbricidele din Romania. Analele Academiei Republicii Populare Romane Sectiunea de Stiinte Geologice, Geografice si Biologie 1: 383 - 505.

Szederjesi T, Csuzdi CS. 2012 b. New and little known earthworm species from Greece (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae, Acanthodrilidae). Zootaxa 3304: 25 - 42.

Szederjesi T. 2015. New earthworm records from various parts of Greece (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae, Acanthodrilidae, Megascolecidae, Ocnerodrilidae). Opuscula Zoologica Budapest 46: 143 - 152.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium