Proctolaelaps chalybura Dusbabek & Capek

Dusbabek, Frantisek, Literak, Ivan, Capek, Miroslav & Havlicek, Martin, 2007, Ascid mites (Acari: Mesostigmata: Ascidae) from Costa Rican hummingbirds (Aves: Trochilidae), with description of three new species and a key to the Proctolaelaps belemensis species group, Zootaxa 1484, pp. 51-67 : 59-61

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Plazi (2016-04-05 08:07:25, last updated 2024-11-29 13:16:13)

scientific name

Proctolaelaps chalybura Dusbabek & Capek

sp. nov.

Proctolaelaps chalybura Dusbabek & Capek , sp. nov.

( Figs. 17–18 View FIGURES 17 – 18 )

Type material. Female holotype and one female paratype ex Chalybura urochrysia , Costa Rica, Barbilla NP, 570 m elevation, September 2004, coll. I. Literak. Female holotype, and one female paratype on one slide are deposited at the type collection of the Biology Centre of the AS CR, Institute of Parasitology, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic, under the accession number CSAV 2007. Some paratypes are deposited in the collection of the British Museum (Natural History), London, UK, in Museum of Biological Diversity, the Ohio State University, 1315 Kinnear Road, Columbus, OH 43212, USA, and in Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad, P.O.Box 22-3100, Santo Domingo de Heredia, Costa Rica.

Material examined. Four females ex 3 specimens of Chalybura urochrysia , the same data as holotype; 2 females ex 2 specimens of Amazilia tzacatl and 2 females ex Phaethornis superciliosus , the same locality and data as holotype, all coll. I. Literak.

Diagnosis (Female only, male unknown). Species of P. belemensis group with setae j1 strong and row 5 of deutosternal teeth broad and concave, row 6 convex. Body length rarely exceeding 600 μm. Lateral setae S and R series longer than inner setae (series j and J). Setae Z5, S5 and R5 long and thickened, frequently with lateral bulbous swelling, setae S4 short. Ventral setae Jv 1–3 and Zv 1–3 short and setiform, other ventral setae thickened and often with lateral bulbous swelling. Metapodal platelets long and extremely narrow (37 x 5 μm).

Female. Dorsum: Body length 595 (564–589 in four paratypes, 652 in one paratype), width 395 (345– 370), oval. Dorsal plate covering the whole dorsum, 520 (508–533) long, 351 (320–345) wide, finely structured as figured, fused with peritrematal shields at the level of z2. Dorsal plate with 43 pairs of setae, r1 absent, setae z1 and J5 microsetae. Setae j1 strong, often with lateral bulbous swelling, 37 (37–40) long. Setae z5 30 (28–32), almost twice as long as j5 17 (17–19), r3 longer 37 (34–38) than r2 27 (27–30). Setae Z5 extremely long, measuring 81 (78–83), setae S5 47 (39-47). Posterior to z1 a pair of lyriform pores. Peritreme reaching setae z1.

Ve n te r: Sternal plate including presternum 132 (127–142) long, 127 (125–135) wide at the level of posterior cornua, finely structured. Three pairs of sternal setae (34–39), one pair of lyriform pores posterolateral to St1 and between setae St2 and St3. Genital plate slightly enlarged posterior to coxa IV, finely structured, with a pair of genital setae 38 (34–35). Metasternal setae 44 (41–42) long, situated on soft integument. Anal plate oval, 98 (98–113) long, 78 (73–78) wide, slightly narrowed medially, with a pair of lateral pores, a pair of adanal setae 22 (22–24) and an unpaired post-anal seta (59–64, broken in holotype). Endopodal platelets between coxae III and IV and genital plate. Metapodal platelets posterior to coxae IV, long and very narrow (37 x 5). Peritremal platelets narrow. Unsclerotised venter with 14 pairs of setae, Jv1–5, Zv1–5, Lv4 and 3 pairs of UR series. Setae Jv1–3 and Zv1–3 setiform, other setae strong, rather spine-like and often with lateral bulbous swelling. Setae Jv1 34 (32–37), Jv 2 44 (40–46), Zv1 30 (25–30), Jv4 and Zv4 56 (54–62), Jv5 76 (72–78) long. Setae of UR series decreasing in length anteriorly.

Gnathosoma: Deutosternum with row 5 concave and row 6 slightly convex. One internal seta on palpfemur and palptibia flattened at tip. Tarsal claw deeply bifurcate. Epistome rounded and strongly toothed. Fixed chela with three fine subapical teeth, movable chela with three lateral teeth and membranous lobe. Corniculi pointed and curved inward.

Legs: All leg setae setiform and smooth. Tibia III with 8–9 setae, tibia IV with 10 setae.

Notes. The new species can be distinguished from other known species of the P. belemensis group by the number and arrangement of ventral setae. In P. chalybura sp. nov. there are 14 pairs of setae, setae of Jv1–3 and Zv1–3 being fine and shorter than other ventral setae (UR series excluding). Some ventral setae have a lateral bulbous swelling. Setae r2 are clearly shorter than r3. The anal plate is oval with a broad anterior margin, and the metapodal platelet extremely narrow and long. The number of 14 ventral setae occurs only in P. naskreckii Dusbabek & Havlicek , sp. nov., but the ventral setae are longer in this species; in remaining species of the P. belemensis group, the number of ventral setae is smaller (10–12) and they are not so strictly differentiated. Lateral bulbous swelling on some setae occurs only in P. threnetes sp. nov., in which the dorsal setae, namely r2 and r3, are markedly longer. The anal plate in other species is egg-shaped or pyriform, the metapodal platelets shorter and broader.

Etymology. The name of the new species is derived from the generic name of type host, Chalybura urochrysia .

Gallery Image

FIGURES 17 – 18. Proctolaelaps chalybura Dusbabek & Capek, sp. nov., female. Fig. 17. Dorsal view. Fig. 18. Ventral view.











