Cosmocomoidea ashmeadi (Girault, 1915)

Huber, John T., Read, Jennifer D. & Triapitsyn, Serguei V., 2020, Illustrated key to genera and catalogue of Mymaridae (Hymenoptera) in America north of Mexico, Zootaxa 4773 (3), pp. 1-411 : 134-135

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4773.1.1

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scientific name

Cosmocomoidea ashmeadi (Girault, 1915)


Cosmocomoidea ashmeadi (Girault, 1915) View in CoL

Gonatocerus dolichocerus var. ashmeadi Girault, 1915 [261]: 8. Lectotype ♀ (USNM), designated by Huber , 1988: 53. TL: USA, Texas, no locality specified.

Ooctonus homalodiscae Ashmead (nomen nudum according to Girault, 1911 [96]: 324); Sanderson, 1906: 51, nomen nudum (economics, host, distribution); Girault, 1907 [27]: 31 (host, citation of nomen nudum).

Oöctonus [sic] homalodiscae: Girault, 1911 [87]: 149 (host). Nomen nudum.

Ooctonus homolodiscae [sic]: Girault, 1911 [96]: 316, 324. Nomen nudum.

Gonatocerus ashmeadi: Girault, 1929 View in CoL [428]: 25 (key, given species status); Peck, 1951: 411 (generic transfer); Fattig, 1955: 10 (host, distribution); Burks, 1967: 214 (catalogue, distribution); Herting, 1972: 13, 14 (host catalogue); Burks, 1979: 1025 (catalogue); Huber, 1988: 53 (description); Yoshimoto, 1990: 39 (list, species group placement); De Santis & Fidalgo, 1994: 124 (catalogue) [NT]; Triapitsyn & Phillips, 1996: 10 (host); Triapitsyn et al., 1998: 241 (hosts, distribution); Triapitsyn & Phillips, 2000: 200 (percent parasitism); Daane, 2001: 17 (percent parasitism); Grafton-Cardwell & Kallsen, 2001: 32 (density in orchards); Grafton-Cardwell & Haines, 2001: 36 (insecticide toxicity); Hoddle et al., 2001: 95 (species survey in California); Irvin & Hoddle, 2001: 135 (host age preference and susceptibility); Leopold, 2001: 42 (cold storage); Leopold & Yocum, 2001: 65 (cold storage); Mizell III, 2001: 52 (egg age susceptibility); Mizell III & Andersen, 2001: 81 (host plant/natural enemy interaction); Redak, 2001: 71 (mention); Triapitsyn & Hoddle, 2001: 133 (survey); Daane & Johnson, 2002: 100 (percent parasitism); Hoddle, 2002: 86 (interspecific competition); Hoddle & Stouthamer, 2002: 93 (cryptic species complex?); Jones, 2002: 88 (parasitism rates); Lauzière et al., 2002: 81 (biological control); Leopold & Yocum, 2002: 91 (cold storage development); Mizell III & Andersen, 2002: 109 (mention); Triapitsyn, 2002d: 91 (mention); Triapitsyn & Hoddle, 2002: 94 (survey); Triapitsyn et al., 2002: 654 (host); Daane & Johnson, 2003: 248 (percent parasitism); Hoddle, 2003a: 250 (interspecific competition); Hoddle, 2003b: 255 (distribution); Hoddle & Stouthamer, 2003: 257 (morphology, molecular differences); Leopold, 2003a: 221 (cold storage); Leopold, 2003b: 225 (host age preference, behavior, fecundity); Luck et al., 2003: 265 (olfactory behavior); Mizell III & Andersen, 2003: 271 (host plant/natural enemy interaction); Coudron & Goodman, 2004: 304 (artificial diet and ovipositional substrates); Daane & Johnson, 2004: 95 (percent parasitism, phenology); Daane et al., 2004: 102 (host plant influence); de León, 2004a: 309 (intraspecific genetic differences); de León, 2004b: 314 (genetic differentiation); Hoddle, 2004a: 111 (possible non-target impact); Hoddle, 2004b: 334 (lifetime parasitism, brochosomes); Hoddle, 2004c: 336 (reproductive, developmental biology); Hoddle & Triapitsyn, 2004a: 339 (mention); Hoddle & Triapitsyn, 2004b: 342 (quarantine colony); Irvin & Hoddle, 2004: 505 (oviposition preference); Leopold, 2004a: 124 (cold storage effects); Leopold, 2004b: 128 (functional response, superparasitism); López et al., 2004: 214 (overwintering biology, percent parasitism); Morse, 2004: 365 (percent parasitism); Pilkington et al., 2004: 133 (biology, phenology); Tipping, 2004: 153 (overwintering biology); Toscano et al., 2004: 378 (insecticide compatibility); Vickerman et al., 2004: 338 (morphology, DNA); Daane & Johnson, 2005: 97 (parasitism rate); de León, 2005: 299 (DNA fingerprinting); de León & Jones, 2005: 1 (genetic differentiation); de León et al., 2005: 302 (cryptic species complex); Groves & Johnson, 2005: 106 (host selection behavior); Hoddle, 2005a: 330 (lifetime parasitism); Hoddle, 2005b: 330 (reproduction and development); Hoddle & Boyd, 2005: 325 (hosts, choice/no choice tests); Irvin & Hoddle, 2005a: 205 (competitive ability); Irvin & Hoddle, 2005b: 392 (host suitability); Leopold, 2005a: 349 (temperature influence); Leopold, 2005b: 354 (refrigerated storage); Morse, 2005: 92 (percent parasitism); Morse, 2005: 370 (percent parasitism); Pilkington et al., 2005: 224 (biological control); Toscano et al., 2005: 389 (insecticide compatibility); Triapitsyn, 2005: 393 (key); Velema et al., 2005: 486 (brochosome influence); Byrne & Toscano, 2006: 197 (detection by electrophoresis); Chen et al., 2006a: 120 (functional response and superparasitism); Chen et al., 2006b: 1178 (temperature effect); de León et al., 2006b: 42 (molecular phylogram); de León et al., 2006d: 54 (molecular phylogram); de León et al., 2006e: 57 (molecular species boundaries); Grandgirard et al., 2006: 436 (biological control possibility) [A]; Groves & Johnson, 2006: 9 (host selection behavior); Hoddle, 2006a: 73 (mention); Hoddle, 2006b: 80 (egg load estimate); Hoddle & Boyd, 2006: 88 (non-target impact); Irvin & Hoddle, 2006: 162 (intraspecific competition); Irvin et al., 2006: 360 (interspecific competition); Pilkington & Hoddle, 2006a: 266 (reproduction, development); Pilkington & Hoddle, 2006b: 276 (life table, degree days); Toscano & Morse, 2006: 107 (insecticide compatibility); Triapitsyn, 2006: 6 (key), 24 (distribution, description, hosts); Boyd & Hoddle, 2007: 57 (host specificity testing); Boyd et al., 2007: 179 (rearing technique); Byrne & Toscano, 2007a: 70 (insecticide impact); Byrne & Toscano, 2007b: 132 (insecticide toxicity); Chen & Leopold, 2007: 685 (progeny quality on stored eggs); de León & Morgan, 2007b: 753 (molecular markers); de León et al., 2007a: 77 (molecular markers); Grandgirard et al., 2007a: 810 (pre-introductory assessment)[A]; Hoddle & Irvin, 2007: 90 (competitive ability); Irvin & Hoddle, 2007: 81 (fitness enhancement); Irvin et al., 2007: 70 (dietary supplements); Krugner et al., 2007: 39 (response to volatile cues); Lauzière & Elzen, 2007: 12 (insecticide effects); Leopold, 2007: 42 (cold storage effects); Petit et al., 2007: 956 (release in Tahiti) [A]; Prabhaker et al., 2007: 1055 (insecticide toxicity); Chen et al., 2008a: 1760 (cold storage effects); Chen et al., 2008b: 122 (cold storage effects); de León et al., 2008a: 99 (barcode); Grandgirard et al., 2008a: 136 (biological control success) [A]; Grandgirard et al., 2008b: 101 (biological control, distribution) [A]; Gunawardana et al., 2008: 13 (biocontrol in Cook Islands) [A]; Hoddle, 2008b: 66 (lab. competition with G. tuberculifemur View in CoL ); Hoddle, 2008a: 63 (relative abundance); Hoddle, 2008b: 66 (relative parasitism rate); Irvin & Hoddle, 2008: 125 (egg maturation, wing wear); Krugner et al., 2008a: 9 (olfactory response); Leopold, 2008: 35 (cold storage); Petit et al., 2008: 345 (dispersal, establishment) [A]; Williams III & Hendrix, 2008: 26 (fitness compared to A. iole View in CoL ); Grandgirard et al., 2009: 99 (biological control) [A]; Hoddle, 2009: 19 (relative abundance); Irvin et al., 2009: 1635 (functional response); Petit et al., 2009: 486 (long-distance dispersal) [A]; Hoddle, 2010: 16 (biological control in California); Irvin & Hoddle, 2010: 187 (competitive ability in laboratory); Mills, 2010: 394 (biological control success) [A]; Triapitsyn et al., 2010: 98 (key), 107 (distribution, hosts) [NT]; Colinet & Boivin, 2011: 91 (cold storage); Cooksey, 2011: 27 (molecular identification); Gutierrez et al., 2011: 757 (biological control); Irvin & Hoddle, 2011: 840 (competitive ability in laboratory); Vilhelmsen, 2011: 346 (Morphbank image examined); Charles, 2012: 620 (non-target impact assessment) [A]; Irvin et al., 2012: 2 (marking for dispersal monitoring); Krugner et al., 2012: 1280 (dispersal); Rathé et al., 2012: 216 (management option); Triapitsyn, 2012b: 10 (biological control, vouchers); Charles & Logan, 2013: 73 (predicted distribution) [A]; Triapitsyn, 2013c: 293 (mention); Irvin et al., 2014a: 11 (enhanced survival); Irvin et al., 2014b: 662 (lifetime fecundity); Krugner et al., 2014: 24 (plant volatile attraction); Rathé et al., 2014: 5 (parasitism on Australian host plants); Boivin & Ellers, 2016: 164 (ovigeny index).

Gonatocerus (Cosmocomoidea) ashmeadi: Triapitsyn, 2013b: 213 View in CoL (key, 214 (distribution).

Lymaenon ashmeadi: Burks, 1958: 63 View in CoL (generic transfer); Turner & Pollard, 1959: 26 (hosts, distribution); Peck, 1963: 21 (catalogue).

Cosmocomoidea ashmeadi: Huber, 2015a: 17 View in CoL (generic transfer, list); Van Driesche et al., 2018: 26 (biological control).

Nearctic hosts. Cicadellidae View in CoL : Cuerna costalis (Fabricius) View in CoL , Homalodisca liturata Ball View in CoL , H. vitripennis (Germar) View in CoL , Oncometopia clarior (Walker) View in CoL , O. orbona Fabricius. View in CoL

Distribution. USA: CA, GA, LA, MS, TX.














Cosmocomoidea ashmeadi (Girault, 1915)

Huber, John T., Read, Jennifer D. & Triapitsyn, Serguei V. 2020

Cosmocomoidea ashmeadi: Huber, 2015a: 17

Van Driesche, R. & Cock, M. J. W. & Winston, R. L. & Reardon, R. & Weeks, R. D. Jr. 2018: 26
Huber, J. T. 2015: 17

Gonatocerus (Cosmocomoidea) ashmeadi:

Triapitsyn, S. V. 2013: 213

Lymaenon ashmeadi:

Peck, O. 1963: 21
Turner, W. F. & Pollard, H. N. 1959: 26
Burks, B. D. 1958: 63

Gonatocerus ashmeadi:

Boivin, G. & Ellers, J. 2016: 164
Krugner, R. & Wallis, C. M. & Walse, S. S. 2014: 24
Rathe, A. A. & Pilkington, L. J. & Hoddle, M. S. & Spohr, L. J. & Daugherty, M. P. & Gurr, G. M. 2014: 5
Charles, J. G. & Logan, D. P. 2013: 73
Triapitsyn, S. V. 2013: 293
Charles, J. G. 2012: 620
Irvin, N. A. & Hagler, J. R. & Hoddle, M. S. 2012: 2
Krugner, R. & Hagler, J. R. & Groves, R. L. & Sisterson, M. S. & Morse, J. G. & Johnson, M. W. 2012: 1280
Rathe, A. A. & Pilkington, L. J. & Gurr, G. M. & Hoddle, M. S. & Daugherty, M. P. & Constable, F. E. & Luck, J. E. & Powell, K. S. & Fletcher, M. J. & Edwards, O. R. 2012: 216
Triapitsyn, S. V. 2012: 10
Colinet, H. & Boivin, G. 2011: 91
Cooksey, D. A. 2011: 27
Gutierrez, A. P. & Ponti, L. & Hoddle, M. & Almeida, R. P. P. & Irvin, N. A. 2011: 757
Irvin, N. A. & Hoddle, M. S. 2011: 840
Vilhelmsen, L. 2011: 346
Hoddle, M. S. 2010: 16
Irvin, N. A. & Hoddle, M. S. 2010: 187
Mills, N. 2010: 394
Grandgirard, J. & Hoddle, M. S. & Petit, J. N. & Roderick, G. K. & Davies, N. 2009: 99
Hoddle, M. S. 2009: 19
Irvin, N. & Suarez-Espinoza, J. & Hoddle, M. 2009: 1635
Petit, J. N. & Hoddle, M. S. & Grandgirard, J. & Roderick, G. K. & Davies, N. 2009: 486
Chen, W. L. & Leopold, R. A. & Boetel, M. A. 2008: 1760
Chen, W. L. & Leopold, R. A. & Harris, M. O. 2008: 122
Grandgirard, J. & Hoddle, M. S. & Petit, J. N. & Roderick, G. K. & Davies, N. 2008: 136
Grandgirard, J. & Hoddle, M. S. & Petit, J. N. & Roderick, G. K. & Davies, N. 2008: 101
Gunawardana, D. & Ashcroft, T. & Braithwaite, M. & Poeschko, M. 2008: 13
Hoddle, M. S. 2008: 66
Hoddle, M. S. 2008: 63
Hoddle, M. S. 2008: 66
Irvin, N. A. & Hoddle, M. S. 2008: 125
Krugner, R. & Johnson, M. W. & Daane, K. M. & Morse, J. G. 2008: 9
Leopold, R. A. 2008: 35
Petit, J. N. & Hoddle, M. S. & Grandgirard, J. & Roderick, G. K. & Davies, N. 2008: 345
Williams, L. III & Hendrix, D. L. 2008: 26
Boyd, E. A. & Hoddle, M. S. 2007: 57
Byrne, F. J. & Toscano, N. C. 2007: 70
Byrne, F. J. & Toscano, N. C. 2007: 132
Chen, W. L. & Leopold, R. A. 2007: 685
de Leon, J. H. & Morgan, D. J. W. 2007: 753
Grandgirard, J. & Hoddle, M. S. & Petit, J. N. & Percy, D. & Roderick, G. K. & Davies, N. 2007: 810
Hoddle, M. S. & Irvin, N. 2007: 90
Hoddle, M. S. & Irvin, N. 2007: 81
Krugner, R. & Groves, R. L. & Johnson, M. W. & Nadel, H. & Hagler, J. & Stenger, D. C. 2007: 39
Lauziere, I. & Elzen, G. 2007: 12
Leopold, R. A. 2007: 42
Petit, J. N. & Hoddle, M. S. & Grandgirard, J. & Roderick, G. K. & Davies, N. 2007: 956
Prabhaker, N. & Morse, J. G. & Castle, S. J. & Naranjo, S. E. & Henneberry, T. J. & Toscano, N. C. 2007: 1055
Byrne, F. J. & Toscano, N. C. 2006: 197
Chen, W. L. & Leopold, R. A. & Harris, M. O. 2006: 120
Chen, W. L. & Leopold, R. A. & Morgan, D. J. W. & Harris, M. O. 2006: 1178
de Leon, J. H. & Logarzo, G. A. & Triapitsyn, S. V. 2006: 42
de Leon, J. H. & Logarzo, G. A. & Triapitsyn, S. V. 2006: 54
de Leon, J. H. & Logarzo, G. A. & Triapitsyn, S. V. 2006: 57
Grandgirard, J. & Hoddle, M. S. & Roderick, G. K. & Petit, J. N. & Percy, D. & Putoa, R. & Garnier, C. L. & Davies, N. 2006: 436
Groves, R. L. & Johnson, M. W. 2006: 9
Hoddle, M. S. 2006: 73
Hoddle, M. S. 2006: 80
Hoddle, M. S. & Boyd, E. A. 2006: 88
Pilkington, L. J. & Hoddle, M. S. 2006: 266
Pilkington, L. J. & Hoddle, M. S. 2006: 276
Toscano, N. & Morse, J. G. 2006: 107
Daane, K. M. & Johnson, M. W. 2005: 97
Groves, R. L. & Johnson, M. W. 2005: 106
Hoddle, M. S. 2005: 330
Hoddle, M. S. 2005: 330
Hoddle, M. S. & Boyd, E. A. 2005: 325
Irvin, N. A. & Hoddle, M. S. 2005: 205
Irvin, N. A. & Hoddle, M. S. 2005: 392
Leopold, R. A. 2005: 349
Leopold, R. A. 2005: 354
Pilkington, L. J. & Irvin, N. A. & Boyd, E. A. & Hoddle, M. S. & Triapitsyn, S. & Carey, B. G. & Jones, W. A. & Morgan, D. J. W. 2005: 224
Toscano, N. & Morse, J. & Henneberry, T. J. 2005: 389
Triapitsyn, S. V. 2005: 393
Velema, H. - P. & Hemerik, L. & Hoddle, M. S. & Luck, R. F. 2005: 486
Coudron, T. A. & Goodman, C. L. 2004: 304
de Leon, J. H. 2004: 309
de Leon, J. H. 2004: 314
Hoddle, M. S. 2004: 336
Hoddle, M. S. & Triapitsyn, S. 2004: 339
Hoddle, M. S. & Triapitsyn, S. 2004: 342
Irvin, N. A. & Hoddle, M. S. 2004: 505
Leopold, R. A. 2004: 124
Leopold, R. A. 2004: 128
Lopez, R. & Mizell III, R. F. & Andersen, P. C. & Brodbeck, B. V. 2004: 214
Morse, J. G. 2004: 365
Pilkington, L. J. & Irvin, N. A. & Boyd, E. A. & Hoddle, M. S. & Triapitsyn, S. & Carey, B. G. & Morgan, D. J. W. 2004: 133
Tipping, C. 2004: 153
Toscano, N. & Morse, J. G. & Prabhaker, N. & Castle, S. J. & Naranjo, S. 2004: 378
Vickerman, D. B. & Hoddle, M. S. & Triapitsyn, S. & Stouthamer, R. 2004: 338
Daane, K. M. & Johnson, M. W. 2003: 248
Hoddle, M. S. 2003: 250
Hoddle, M. S. 2003: 255
Hoddle, M. S. & Stouthamer, R. 2003: 257
Leopold, R. A. 2003: 221
Leopold, R. A. 2003: 225
Luck, R. F. & Coviella, C. E. & Morgan, D. 2003: 265
Mizell III, R. F. & Andersen, P. C. 2003: 271
Daane, K. M. & Johnson, M. W. 2002: 100
Hoddle, M. S. & Stouthamer, R. 2002: 93
Jones, W. A. 2002: 88
Lauziere, I. & Ciomperlik, M. A. & Wendel, L. E. 2002: 81
Leopold, R. A. & Yocum, G. D. 2002: 91
Mizell III, R. F. & Andersen, P. C. 2002: 109
Triapitsyn, S. V. 2002: 91
Daane, K. M. 2001: 17
Grafton-Cardwell, E. E. & Kallsen, C. 2001: 32
Grafton-Cardwell, E. E. & Haines, D. 2001: 36
Hoddle, M. S. & Phillips, P. & Triapitsyn, S. 2001: 95
Irvin, N. A. & Hoddle, M. S. 2001: 135
Leopold, R. A. & Yocum, G. D. 2001: 65
Mizell III, R. F. & Andersen, P. C. 2001: 81
Redak, R. A. 2001: 71
Triapitsyn, S. V. & Hoddle, M. S. 2001: 133
Triapitsyn, S. V. & Phillips, P. A. 2000: 200
Triapitsyn, S. V. & Phillips, P. A. 1996: 10
De Santis, L. & Fidalgo, P. 1994: 124
Yoshimoto, C. M. 1990: 39
Burks, B. D. 1979: 1025
Herting, B. 1972: 13
Burks, B. D. 1967: 214
Fattig, P. W. 1955: 10
Peck, O. 1951: 411
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