Cerambycina Latreille, 1802

Monné, Miguel A., 2012, Catalogue of the type-species of the genera of the Cerambycidae, Disteniidae, Oxypeltidae and Vesperidae (Coleoptera) of the Neotropical Region 3213, Zootaxa 3213 (1), pp. 1-183 : 11

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Felipe (2021-08-24 00:14:07, last updated 2023-11-10 00:37:10)

scientific name

Cerambycina Latreille, 1802


Subtribe Cerambycina Latreille, 1802

Atiaia Martins & Monné, 2002: 186 View in CoL

Type-species: Hammaticherus testaceicornis Melzer, 1923 (by original designation).

Bothrocerambyx Schwarzer, 1929: 353 View in CoL

Type-species: Bothrocerambyx nevermanni Schwarzer, 1929 View in CoL (by original designation).

Syn. Parabrasilianus Fragoso, 1970: 99

Type-species: Parabrasilianus macrocephalus Fragoso, 1970 (by original designation).

Cevaeria Tavakilian, 2004: 2 View in CoL

Type-species: Cevaeria estebani Tavakilian, 2004 View in CoL (by original designation).

Hamaticherus Audinet-Serville, 1834: 15 View in CoL (non Germar, 1824)

Type-species: Hamaticherus bellator Audinet-Serville, 1834 View in CoL (by original designation).

Syn. Hammatochaerus Gemminger & Harold, 1872: 2800 (unjustified emendation).

Syn. Brasilianus Jakobson, 1924: 238

Type-species: Cerambyx batus Linnaeus, 1758 (by original designation).

Syn. Macrobrasilianus Fragoso, 1971: 7

Type-species: Hamaticherus bellator Audinet-Serville, 1834 (by original designation).

Hirtobrasilianus Fragoso & Tavakilian, 1985: 231

Type-species: Brasilianus (Hirtobrasilianus) seabrai Fragoso & Tavakilian, 1985 (by original designation).

Juiaparus Martins & Monné, 2002: 166 View in CoL

Type-species: Hammaticherus punctulatus Gahan, 1892 View in CoL (by original designation).

Jupoata Martins & Monné, 2002: 195 View in CoL

Type-species: Brasilianus costalimai Zajciw, 1966 View in CoL (by original designation).

Peruanus Tippmann, 1960: 110 View in CoL

Type-species: Peruanus serricornis Tippmann, 1960 View in CoL (by original designation).

Plocaederus Dejean, 1835: 321 View in CoL

Type-species: Cerambys plicatus Olivier, 1790 (by monotypy).

Potiaxixa Martins & Monné, 2002: 219 View in CoL

Type-species: Brasilianus gounellei Zajciw, 1966 View in CoL (by original designation).

Audinet-Serville, J. G. (1834) Nouvelle classification de la famille des longicornes (suite). Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, (1) 3, 5 - 110.

Dejean, P. F. M. A. (1835) Catalogue des coleopteres de la collection de M. le comte Dejean. Deuxieme Edition., livraison 4, 257 - 360, Mequignon-Marvis Pere et Fils, Paris.

Fragoso, S. A. (1970) Primeira nota preliminar a uma futura revisao dos Cerambycini neotropicais. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Atas de Sociedade de Biologia, 14 (3 - 4), 97 - 101.

Fragoso, S. A. (1971) Segunda nota preliminar a uma futura revisao dos Cerambycini neotropicais. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Atas de Sociedade de Biologia, 15 (1), 7 - 9.

Fragoso, S. A. & Tavakilian, G. L. (1985) Hirtobrasilianus, nouveau sous-genre de Brasilianus Jakobson, 1924 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycini). L'Entomologiste, 41 (5), 229 - 240.

Gahan, C. J. (1892) Additions to the Longicornia of Mexico and Central America, with notes on some previously-recorded species. The Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, 1892, 255 - 274.

Germar, E. F. (1824) Insectorum species novae aut minus cognitae, descriptionibus illustratae. Hendel & Sons, Halae, xxiv + 624 pp.

Jakobson, G. G. (1924) Annotationes synonymicae et systematicae de coleopteris. Revue Russe d'Entomologie, 18, 237 - 243.

Latreille, P. A. (1802) Histoire naturelle, generale et particuliere, des crustaces et des insectes. Ouvrage faisant suite a l'histoire naturelle generale et particuliere, composee par Leclerc de Buffon, et redigee par C. S. Sonnini, membre de plusieurs societes savantes. Tome troisieme. Familles naturelles des genres. Dufart, Paris, 3, xii + 13 - 467.

Linnaeus, C. (1758) Systema naturae per regne tria naturae secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Salvius, Holmiae, 1, 823 pp.

Martins, U. R. & Monne, M. A. (2002) Tribo Cerambycini, pp. 145 - 248. In: Martins, U. R (org.) Cerambycidae Sul-Americanos (Coleoptera) Taxonomia. Sociedade Brasileira de Entomologia, Sao Paulo, 4, 1 - 265.

Melzer, J. (1923) Longicorneos (Col.) do Brasil, novos ou pouco conhecidos. Notas Preliminares do Museu Paulista, 2 (4), 1 - 10.

Schwarzer, B. (1929) Neue Cerambyciden des Senckenberg-Museum (Ins., Col.). Senckenbergiana, 11, 353 - 379.

Tavakilian, G. L. (2004) Nouveaux Cerambycides de Guyane mimetiques de Chrysomelidae Hispinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Coleopteres, 10 (1), 1 - 11.

Tippmann, F. F. (1960) Studien uber neotropische Longicornier III (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Koleopterologische Rundschau, 37 - 38, 82 - 217.









