Nymphomyia kaluginae Makarchenko

Makarchenko, Eugenyi A., Semenchenko, Alexander A., Krasheninnikov, Andrey B., Yanygina, Lubov V. & Yavorskaya, Nadezhda M., 2024, Review of archaic nymphomyiids (Diptera, Nymphomyiidae) of the Russian Far East and bordering territories, with describing of new taxa and DNA barcoding of known species, Zootaxa 5448 (2), pp. 183-211 : 199-201

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Plazi (2024-05-21 08:06:22, last updated 2024-11-27 05:39:19)

scientific name

Nymphomyia kaluginae Makarchenko


Nymphomyia kaluginae Makarchenko View in CoL

( Figs. 35–37 View FIGURES 35–37 )

Nymphomyia kaluginae Makarchenko, 2013: 292 View in CoL

Material examined. RUSSIA: adult male (holotype), 6 adult males, 8 females, including 2 copulating pairs (paratypes), Amur Region, Tyndinsky District, Nagima River in 15 km East of the Solovyovsk Village ( Zeya River basin), 54.174683 N, 124.639533 E, 18.VII.2009, leg. D. Kotsyuk GoogleMaps ; 1 mature pupa, the same data except Levaya Burinda River, tributary of the Burinda River , 53.59925 N, 124.9135 E, 20.VII.2009, leg. D. Kotsyuk GoogleMaps ; 4 larvae, the same data except Selemdzhinsky District, Maristy Stream, tributary of Elgakan River (basin of Selemdzha River ), East of Zlatoustovsk Village , 52.933683 N, 133.659019 E, 26.VII.2009, leg. D. Kotsyuk GoogleMaps ; 8 mature pupae, 12 larvae, the same data except Zeya District, Zeysky State Nature Reserve, Bolshoy Garmakan River   GoogleMaps (basin of the Zeya Reservoir   GoogleMaps ), 53.886358 N, 127.193588 E, 23. VI.2004, leg. V. Teslenko and T. Tiunova ; 7 larvae, the same data except 25.06.2013, leg. E. Makarchenko.

Adult male (n=5). Pale gray, slightly chitinized. Total length 1.76–2.28 mm.

Head 212–240 µm long, 152–188 µm wide, gradually narrows anteriorly and ends with a rostrum, which does not expand distally and is approximately the same width along the entire length (36–40 µm), its anterior edge is almost straight, when viewed from the side it is slightly curved ventrally in the form of a beak; rostrum dorsally with 4–5 pairs of setae. The compound eyes on the dorsal side of the head are widely spaced, the distance between them is 2.3–2.6 times greater than width of rostrum end; on the ventral side the compound eyes are close to each other, but along the midline the ommatidia do not touch. Antenna 192–196 µm long, two basal segments rounded, length of 1 st segment 44 µm, 2 nd –24 µm; 3 rd segment 104 µm long, widening towards the apex, with a terminal sensilla consisting of two rod-shaped structures, the largest of which is 20 µm long; antenna 0.80–0.91 times shorter than the head. Labium with rounded anterior edge, its anterior part is covered with spines, laterally with 2 pairs of long setae, medially with 1 pair of shorter setae.

Thorax 0.64 mm long. halteres 0.14 mm long; wings absent.

Terminalia ( Fig. 35 View FIGURES 35–37 ). Abdomen length 0.88–1.50 mm. Segment VIII with long paratergal appendages 44–52 μm long, distally curved inward and covered along the inner edge with short setae, without basal tubercles. Cerci 80–84 µm long, narrow distally; gonostylus 48–56 μm long, approximately same width along entire length, apically rounded, covered with numerous short hair-like setae directed inward; aedeagus 212–228 µm long, 56–60 µm wide in the apical third, with a rounded apex ( Fig. 35 View FIGURES 35–37 ).

Adult female (n=5). Overall similar to the male. Total length 1.76–2.0 mm.

Head 224–228 µm long and 164 µm wide. The distance between the compound eyes dorsally is 2.5–3.0 times width of rostrum end. Antenna 176–180 µm long, length of 1 st segment 40 µm, 2 nd –24 µm; 3 rd segment 96 µm long, maximum length of apical sensilla 16 µm; antenna 0.75–0.83 times shorter than head.

Thorax 640 µm long, typical for genus.

Terminalia ( Figs. 36–37 View FIGURES 35–37 ). Segment VIII bears small lateral projections shaped like tubercles covered with short setae. Sternites V –VII are simple, without processes or appendages. Sternite VIII with an anal point 232–280 µm long, which gradually narrows towards the apex and apically with 3 short setae 4–5 µm long ( Fig. 36 View FIGURES 35–37 ); when viewed from the side, the anal point slightly curved in the ventero-dorsal direction ( Fig. 37 View FIGURES 35–37 ). At the base of the last abdominal segment, anal point adjacent to pair of chitinized sclerites, widening towards apex and covered with short setae ( Fig. 36 View FIGURES 35–37 ). Last abdominal segment also bears cerci 40–60 µm long, which are pubescent subapically and along inner margin with short setae ( Figs. 36–37 View FIGURES 35–37 ).

Ecology and biology. Larvae and pupae of N. kaluginae were collected in the Bolshoi Garmakan River ( Fig. 54 View FIGURES 52–57 ) on June 23, 2004 at a water temperature of 10.5 ºС, at a depth of 15–20 cm on gravel and pebble soil. On the rift, the number of larvae was 1456 ind./m 2, on the stretch—640 ind./m 2. Adults, but already wingless, nymphomyids (608 ind./m 2) were collected only in the Nagima River on July 28, 2008, on a riffle at a water temperature of 14.3 ºС, at a depth of 10 cm, and mature pupae were collected in the Levaya Burinda River on July 20, 2008, on a riffle at a water temperature of 8.6 ºС, at a depth of 10 cm, on stones and pebble soil.

Distribution. N. kaluginae is known only from type locality in the Zeya River basin (Amur River basin) ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 ).

Makarchenko, E. A. (2013) Nymphomyia kaluginae sp. n. - a new species of archaic Diptera (Nymphomyiidae) from Amur River basin (Russian Far East). Euroasian Entomological Journal, 12 (3), 291 - 296. [in Russian]

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FIGURE 2. Map of nymphomyiid localities in the Russian Far East and bordering territories.

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FIGURES 35–37. Adult male (35) and female (36–37) terminalia of Nymphomyia kaluginae Makarchenko. 35–36, in ventral view; 37, in lateral view. ae, aedeagus; ap, anal point; ce, cerci; gs, gonostylus; gx, gonocoxite; pp, paratergal projection. Scale bar—50 μm.

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FIGURES 52–57. Localities of Nymphomyia alba Tokunaga (52–53), N. kaluginae Makarchenko (54), N. levanidovae Rohdendorf et Kalugina (55), and N. kannasatoi Makarchenko et Gunderina (56–57). 52, Monobe River, Honshu, Japan (photo by S. Sato); 53, Prozrachnyi Stream, Kunashir Island, Russia (photo by M. Astakhov); 54, Bolshoi Garmakan River, Zeya River basin (photo by E. Makarchenko); 55, Kedrovaya River, South Primorye (photo by E. Makarchenko); 56, Kanna River, Honshu, Japan (photo by S. Sato); 57, Belaya River, South Sakhalin (photo by E. Makarchenko).


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