Heterhelus (Boreades) solani ( Heer, 1841 )

Hisamatsu, Sadatomo, 2011, A review of the Japanese Kateretidae fauna (Coleoptera: Cucujoidea), Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 51 (2), pp. 551-585 : 569-572

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Felipe (2021-08-28 15:03:19, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-05 07:37:42)

scientific name

Heterhelus (Boreades) solani ( Heer, 1841 )


Heterhelus (Boreades) solani ( Heer, 1841)

( Figs. 2C View Fig , 8 View Fig )

Cateretes solani Heer, 1841: 412 . Type locality: Bern, auf dem Chasseral, Genf [ Switzerland].

Amartus (Heterhelus) solani: REITTER (1875: 3) [note].

Heterhelus solani: GANGLBAUER (1899: 452) [redescription]; REITTER (1911: 13) [in key]; GROUVELLE (1913: 15) [catalogue]; REITTER (1919: 7) [in key]; SPORNRAFT (1967: 23) [in key]; AUDISIO (1980: 21) [in key]; AUDISIO (1993: 816) [redescription, note]; KIREJTSHUK (1992: 214) [in key]; JELÍNEK & AUDISIO (2007: 458) [catalogue].

Boreades solani: AUDISIO et al. (2000: 333) [list].

Heterhelus (Boreades) solani : S-T. HISAMATSU & LEE (2007: 384) [list].

Brachypterus rubiginosus Erichson, 1843:232 . Type locality: Cassel [= Kassel, Germany]. Synonymized by GANGL- BAUER (1899: 452) with Cateretes solani Heer.

Brachypterus rubiginosus: ERICHSON (1845: 133) [redescription, note]; STURM (1844: tab. CCXCI, fig. d, D) [figure]; STURM (1845: 30) [redescription, note]; REDTENBACHER (1849: 775) [redescription].

Cercus rubiginosus: GEMMINGER & HAROLD (1868: 803) [catalogue].

Cercus (Heterhelus) rubiginosus: MURRAY (1864: 234) [redescription, note]; MARSEUL (1885: 25) [redescription].

Cercus rhenanus Bach, 1866: 480 . Type locality: Germania. Synonymized by MURRAY (1864: 234) with Brachypterus rubiginosus Erichson.

Cercus spiraeae Märkel, 1857: 177 . Type locality: Germany. Synonymized by MURRAY (1864: 234) with Brachypterus rubiginosus Erichson.

Material examined. SLOVAKIA: 2 JJ 2 ♀♀: Vys.[oké] Tatry Mts., Javorina (6786), 5.viii.1986, J. Jelínek leg.

JAPAN: HOKKAIDO: 1 J, Piuka, Teshio , 18.vii.1952, T. Shirôzu leg. ; 1 J, Piuka, Teshio , 21.vii.1952, T. Shirôzu leg. ; 1J, Jyôzankei , 7.viii.1952, S. Hisamatsu leg. ; 2JJ 1♀, Maruyama, Sapporo , 18.vii.1956, M. Miyatake leg. ; 2

JJ, Doyako, 8.vii.1958, F. Takechi leg.; 5 JJ 2♀♀, Oshidomari, Rishiri Is., 10.vii.1958, M. Miyatake leg.; 40 JJ

53 ♀♀, Kawayu, 22.vii.1970, M. Sakai leg.; 17 JJ 7 ♀♀, Sôun-kyo, 17.vii.1970, M. Sakai leg. 1 J, Hitsujigaoka,

Sapporo, 4.v.1995, K.Ishida leg., from the flower of Magnolia kobus Dc.var borealis Sarg. AOMORI: 1J 1♀, Towada,

Hiraka-chô, 16.vii.1957, K. Shimoyama leg.; 1 J, Kuzukawa, Hiraka-chô, 5.vii.1957, K. Shimoyama leg. ( EUM).

Diagnosis. Body coloration variable, reddish brown, except dark brownish head and/or pronotum. Antennal club distinctly 3-segmented. Pronotum ( Fig. 8F View Fig ) strongly convex; lateral margins uniformly arcuate. Parameres ( Fig. 8A View Fig ) of male genitalia abruptly, medially curved at mid-length. Median lobe ( Fig. 8C View Fig ) sharply acuminate at apex in lateral aspect. Ovipositor ( Fig. 8D View Fig ) with short styli.

Redescription. Length 1.7–2.7 mm.

Male. Body ( Fig. 2C View Fig ) oval, convex, shining; disc densely covered with whitish or yellowish setae. Coloration variable, reddish brown, except dark brownish head (sometimes also pronotum dark brown).

Head densely punctate, punctures smaller than eye-facet, separated by ≤ 1 diameter; interspaces finely reticulate. Front margin of clypeus with slightly medial arcuate emargination. Labrum moderately arcuate. Mandibles moderately bent inward. Antennae ( Fig. 8E View Fig ) about as wide as HW, 1.00–1.03 times longer than HW (n = 7); antennal club distinctly 3-segmented; approximate ratio of each segment (n = 1) is 2.18: 1.53: 1.47: 1.18: 1.18: 1.06: 1.06: 1.00: 1.71: 1.65: 2.59.

Pronotum ( Fig. 8F View Fig ) strongly convex, 1.36–1.44 times as wide as long (n = 7); sides narrowly explanate, slightly serrate, uniformly arcuate, widest at middle; anterior angles slightly prominent; posterior angles obtusely angulate; anterior margin unbordered; basal margin distinctly bordered; punctures on disc slightly smaller than those on head; interspaces finely reticulate.

Elytra conjointly 1.00–1.12 times as long as wide (n = 3), 1.67–1.85 times as long as pronotum (n = 3), subparallel-sided, widest at mid-length; punctures on disc larger than those on pronotum, separated by <1 diameter; interspaces smooth. Abdominal tergite VI partially obscured by elytra. Abdominal tergite VII fully exposed, apex arcuately emarginate. Abdominal tergite VIII externally visible.

Prosternum (excluding prosternal process) 0.49 times as long as mesoventrite (n = 1), 0.46 times as long as metaventrite (n = 1); prosternal process subparallel-sided, apex rounded. Mesoventrite depressed below the level of the metaventrite. Metaventrite convex, strongly shining, metathoracic discrimen in basal 3/4. Inter-mesocoxal distance separated by 1.47 times width of inter-procoxal distance. Inter-metacoxal distance separated by 2.80 times width of inter-procoxal distance. Abdominal sternites shining; approximate ratio of length of abdominal sternites III–VII (n = 1) is 2.63: 1.00: 1.00: 1.13: 1.56. Legs flattened; protibiae rather short and widened, shorter than HW; tarsal claws simple.

Male genitalia with median lobe ( Fig. 8C View Fig ) sharply acuminate at apex in lateral aspect; parameres ( Fig. 8A View Fig ) abruptly, medially curved at mid-length; apical margin of interparameral lobe projected at middle.

Female. Apical margin of abdominal tergite VII rounded. Ovipositor ( Fig. 8D View Fig ) with rather short styli.

Bionomics. The ecology of this species is similar to H. scutellaris , and both species may be found in sympatry throughout most of Europe ( AUDISIO 1993). This species only occurs on Hokkaido and northern areas of Honshû in Japan.

Distribution. Japan (Hokkaido, Honshû); Europe, Russia (East Siberia, Far East), Mongolia and South Korea ( HISAMATSU 1985, JELÍNEK & AUDISIO 2007).

AUDISIO P. 1980: Magyarorszag Allatvilaga (Fauna Hungariae), VIII. Kotet, Coleoptera III., 9 Fuzet: Nitidulidae. Fauna Hungarica. Vol. 140. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, 171 + 6 pp (in Hungarian).

AUDISIO P. 1993: Coleoptera Nitidulidae - Kateretidae. Fauna d'Italia. Vol. 32. Calderini Edizione, Bologna, xvi + 971 pp.

AUDISIO P., JELINEK J., MARIOTTI A. & DE BIASE A. 2000: The Coleoptera Nitidulidae and Kateretidae from Anatolian, Caucasian and Middle East regions. Biogeographia, Lavori della Societa Italiana di Biogeografia, Nuova Serie 21: 241 - 354.

BACH M. 1866: Kaferfauna fur Nord- und Mitteldeutschland, mit besonderer Rucksicht auf die preussischen Rheinlan- de. Nachtrage, Zusatze und Verbesserungen zum 1. Bande der Kaferfauna. J. Holscher, Koblenz, 415 - 523 pp.

ERICHSON W. F. 1843: Versuch einer systematischen Eintheilung der Nitiduliarien. Zeitschrift fur die Entomologie 4 (2): 225 - 361.

ERICHSON W. F. 1845: [I., II. Lieferung]. Pp. 1 - 320. In: Naturgeschichte der Insecten Deutschlands. Erste Abtheilung. Coleoptera. Dritter Band. Nicolaischen Buchhandlung, Berlin, vii + [2] + 968 pp., 1 pl. [issued in parts, pp. 321 - 480 in 1846, pp. 801 - 968 in 1848].

GANGLBAUER L. 1899: Die Kafer von Mitteleuropa. Die Kafer der osterreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie, Deutschlands, der Schweiz, sowie des franzozischen und italienischen Alpengebietes. Familienreihe Clavicornia, Sphaeritidae, Ostomidae, Byturidae, Nitidulidae, Cucujidae, Erotylidae, Phalacridae, Thorictidae, Lathridiidae, Mycetophagidae, Colydiidae, Endomychidae, Coccinellidae, Dritter Band. C. Gerold's Sohn, Wien, iii + 1046 pp.

GEMMINGER M. & HAROLD E. 1868: Catalogus Coleopterorum hucusque descriptorum synonymicus et systematicus. Tom. III. E. H. Gummi, Monachii, 753 - 978 + [6] pp.

GROUVELLE A. 1913: Byturidae, Nitidulidae. In: JUNK W. & SCHENKLING S. (eds.): Coleopterorum Catalogus. Vol. 56. W. Junk, Berlin, 223 pp.

HEER O. 1841: Fauna Coleopterorum Helvetica. Pars 1., fasciculus 3. Impensis Orelii, Fuesslini et Sociorum, Turici, 361 - 652 pp.

HISAMATSU S. 1985: Nitidulidae Latreille, 1802. Pp. 174 - 197, pls. 28 - 31. In: KUROSAWA Y., HISAMATSU S. & SASAJI H. (eds.): The Coleoptera of Japan in Color, 3. Hoikusha, Osaka, x + 500 incl. 72 pls (in Japanese).

HISAMATSU S-T. & LEE C. F. 2007: A revision of the genus Heterhelus Jacquelin du Val of Taiwan (Coleoptera, Kateretidae). Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology 13: 377 - 385.

JELINEK J. & AUDISIO P. 2007: Family Nitidulidae. Pp. 459 - 491. In: LOBL I. & SMETANA A. (eds): Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Vol. 4: Elateroidea - Derodontoidea - Bostrichoidea - Lymexyloidea - Cleroidea - Cucujoidea. Apollo Books, Stenstrup, 935 pp.

KIREJTSHUK A. G. 1992: Family Kateretidae Erichson, 1846. Pp. 210 - 216. In: LEHR P. A. (ed.): Opredelitel' nasekomykh Dal'nego Vostoka SSSR. [Identification key to the insects of the Far East of the USSR. Volume 3. Part 2.]. Nauka Pren, St. Petersburg, Russia, 704 pp (in Russian).

MARKEL F. 1857: Zwei entomologische Oden. Hierzu ein Commentar. Allgemeine Deutsche Naturhistorische Zeitung, Neue Folge 3: 161 - 180.

MARSEUL S. A. DE 1885: Precis des genres et especes de la tribu des Nitidulides de l'Ancien Monde. L'Abeille, Journal d'Entomologie 23: 19 - 142.

MURRAY A. 1864: Monograph of the family Nitidulariae. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 24: 1 - 414.

REDTENBACHER L. 1849: Fauna Austriaca. Die Kafer. Nach der analytischen Methode bearbeitet. Carl Gerold, Wien, xxvii + 883 pp., 2 pls.

REITTER E. 1875: Die europaischen Nitidularien mit kurzer Charakteristik der Gattungen und Bemerkungen uber schwierige Arten verzeichnet. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 19 (3): 1 - 88.

REITTER E. 1911: Fauna Germanica Die Kafer des Deutschen Reiches. Nach der analytischen Methode bearbeitet. III. Band. K. G. Lutz, Stuttgart, 436 pp., 81 - 128 pls.

REITTER E. 1919: Bestimmungs-Tabelle der Coleopterenfamilien: Nitidulidae und Byturidae aus Europa und den angrenzenden Landern. Verhandlungen des Naturforschenden Vereines in Brunn 56 (1918 - 1919): 1 - 104.

SPORNRAFT K. 1967: 50 - Familie Nitidulidae. Pp. 20 - 77. In: FREUDE H., HARDE K. W. & LOHSE G. A. (eds.): Die Kafer Mitteleuropas. Vol. 7. Goecke & Evers Verlag, Krefeld, 310 pp.

STURM J. 1844: Deutschlands Fauna in Abbildungen nach der Natur mit Beschreibungen. V. Abtheilung. Die Insecten. Funfzehntes Bandchen. Kafer. J. Sturm, Nurnberg, xii + 140 pp. + pls. cclxxxviii - ccciii.

STURM J. 1845: Deutschlands Fauna in Abbildungen nach der Natur mit Beschreibungen. V. Abtheilung. Die Insecten. Sechszehntes Bandchen. Kafer. J. Sturm, Nurnberg, 114 pp + pls. ccciv - cccix.

Gallery Image

Fig. 2. Habitus and labels of Kateretidae spp. A–B – Heterhelus (Heterhelus) morio (Reitter, 1878): A – lectotype, male; B – ditto, labels; C – Heterhelus (Boreades) solani (Heer, 1841), male (Hokkaido); D – Sibirhelus corpulentus (Reitter, 1900), male (Iwate Pref.); E – Brachypterus urticae (Fabricius, 1792), male (Hokkaido); F–G – Brachypterolus shimoyamai Hisamatsu, 1985: F – holotype, male; G – ditto, labels. Scale bars = 1.0 mm.

Gallery Image

Fig. 8. Heterhelus (Boreades) solani (Heer, 1841). A – tegmen (ventral view); B – median lobe (ventral view); C – median lobe (lateral view); D – ovipositor; E – right antenna, male; F – pronotum; G – left maxillary palpus.A–G = Hokkaido, Kawayu.


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