Pedrocortesella bannisteri, Hunt, 1996

Hunt, Glenn S., 1996, A review of the genus Hexachaetoniella Paschoal in Australia (Acarina: Cryptostigmata: Pedrocortesellidae), Records of the Australian Museum 48 (3), pp. 223-286 : 237-240

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Felipe (2021-03-31 23:10:42, last updated 2024-11-26 06:57:00)

scientific name

Pedrocortesella bannisteri

sp. nov.

Pedrocortesella bannisteri View in CoL n.sp.

Figs 8 View Fig , 9, 10D-E

Type material. Western Australia: HOLOTYPE adult. WAM, York , 31°53'S 116°46'E, Powder barklMallee leaf litter, berlesate, J. Bannister, 2 November 1991 GoogleMaps . PARATYPE adults. AM KS46524 , SEM stub 150 (ill.), same data as holotype, 2 adults View Materials GoogleMaps ; AM KS43671 , same data, 1 adult View Materials GoogleMaps .

Other material examined. Western Australia: AM KS46525 , SEM stub no. SI147 (ill.), Mount York , 31°53'S 116°48'E, berlesate She-oak litter, J. Bannister, 16 November 1991, 1 adult GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Body medium-large, length about 550-700 Ilm; scalps rarely (if at all) carried by adult; sensillus with long flattened tuberculate blade; notogaster entirely alveolate-reticulate, without pores in alveoli, notogaster without caudal notch when viewed from above, 5 pairs of long notogastral setae; genital and anal vestibules widely separated; genitoanal chaetotaxy 7:1:2:3, genital setae in arcuate file, level of insertion of ad3 between proximal 30-40% of anal valve; claw stalk medium.


ADULT: Body: brown; length of 4 specimens from the York area are 590, 640, 650 and 670 /lm. Cerotegument: crests of reticulations on prodorsum and notogaster and rim ofbothridium with stellate tubercles of cerotegument which may coalesce giving a "stitched" appearance (Fig. Se); alveoli with scattered granules of cerotegument (Fig. SC). Setae ro and le and notogastral setae with heavy, tapering ribbed encrustation of cerotegument along most their length (Fig. SO). Legs with cerotegument capping the reticulate surface ornamentation which is of much lower relief than in P propinqua . Prodorsum: integument divided into 2 fields: anterior to median transverse furrow reticulate-foveate, foveae not perforated by pore, reticulations larger towards the rostrnm; a bothridial field of more complex topography with reticulations and carinae (Fig. SD). le dorsolateral, distance between them about 0.3-0.5 distance between ro, not arising from large pit, ro ventrolateral. Pedotectal tooth similar to P. propinqua. Bothridium closely adpressed to notogaster, wall more deeply excavated posteriorly ( Fig. 8E View Fig ) and more rounded than in P. propinqua ; posterolateral carina situated close to notogaster; sensillus length subequal to interbothridial distance, with long flattened tuberculate blade, broadest subdistally and rounded at end ( Fig. 8G View Fig ). Setae in small, set near bothridium at edge of dorsosejugal furrow, spiniform but basally encased in cerotegument ( Fig. 8E View Fig ). Exuvial sealps: none seen. Notogaster: oval but wide, length:width 2 specimens 440:360, 440:350. Intramarginal depression obovate, broadest anteriorly, not interrupted posteriorly. Dorsum entirely alveolate-reticulate, without pores in alveoli ( Fig. 8C View Fig ). Posterior margin not invaginate when viewed from above, with slight mesal furrow and no prominent carina (though reticulations may become linear) ventral to setae pI when viewed posteriorly ( Fig. 8G View Fig ). Fissura small; ia subparallel, im oblique and ip subperpendicular to sagittal plane. 5 pairs of long notogastral setae; hI widely separated but converging at their tips, each located just inside posterior margin; pI inserted high on posterior flank, slightly closer together than hI; lpx, p2x and p3x arise on posterolateral flank, their insertions just visible from above, lpx closest to fissura ip, inserted posterior to it ( Fig. 8B View Fig ). Gnathosoma : pedipalp tarsus with setae (vt) and I" with very long barbs, em barbs very short; apophysis supporting seta aem low; solenidion omega reaching to base of aem. Rutella basally with moderate concave flexure and buttressing, but without pointed mesad process; transverse striations absent (Fig. 9D). Epimeral region: convex immediately anterior to genital valves, but not overhanging them. Genitoanal region: separation of anal and genital vestibules relatively broad but with interruption to ventral plate microsculpture, wide mesal isthmus without strong transverse grooves between the vestibules (Fig. 9F). Aggenital and adanal areas and genital and anal valves reticulate-alveolate, no pores. Genitoanal chaetotaxy 7:1:2:3; genital setae in arcuate file, all except g7 removed from mesal suture, g5 and g6 most so; gI in a notch on anterior margin slightly removed from inner anterior corner of valve; g5 situated at about 0.5 valve length, g7 inserted anterior to inner posterior corner, not in a notch; setae ag inserted at level between g6 and g7; setae adI postanal, ad2 at or just posterior to posterolateral corner of anal valve, ad3 level with proximal 0.3-0.4 of anal valve. Legs. Distal apophysis of tibia I overlaps about 30% of tarsus. Tarsal cluster of leg I placed distodorsally on a short apophysis, above and slightly proximal to setae te; fi" enclosed in its own rim; omega I and 2 slightly ventral to it and enclosed in a separate rim, widely separated and shorter 1han fi" ( Fig. 10E View Fig ), hole (presumably cavity for undeveloped famulus) present ( Fig. 10E View Fig , arrow); tarsus lacking distal recess for receiving retracted unguinal complex, stalk medium length.

Comments. The anteriad position of setae ad3, strongly arcuate placement of genital setae and broad separation of genital and anal vestibules suggest that this species is closely related to P. propinqua . It differs in the shape of the intramarginal depression on the notogaster, having an almost perfect oval depression which is not interrupted posteriorly. In P. propinqua , the depression is vase-shaped and interrupted posteriorly.

Etymology. The specific epithet honours John Bannister, former Director of the Western Australian Museum, who collected the material.

Distribution. York area, east ofPerth, Western Australia.

Gallery Image

Fig. 8. Pedrocortesella bannisteri n.sp. A, body, dorsal; B, notogaster, posterior, dorsal, arrows right to left label setae hI, lpx, p2" p3x. C. notogastral integument; D, prodorsum, dorsal; E, bothridium and seta in, dorsal; F, rostrum, frontal; Cl, notogaster, posterior. Scale bars: A = 200 J..lm; B,D,F,G = 50 J..lm; C,E = 20 J..lm.

Gallery Image

Fig. 10. Pedrocortesella spp. A-C,I: Pedrocortesella propinqua P. Balogh; A, genu, tibia and tarsus, antiaxial; B, detail of tarsus, distal; C, detail of tarsal cluster; I, alveolus of seta in (seta broken) and surrounding TODO TODO cerotegument tubercles. D-E. Pedrocortesella bannisteri n.sp.; D, tibia (distal)and tarsus, antiaxial; E, detail of tarsal cluster. F-H: Pedrocortesella obesa, n.sp.; F, tibia and tarsus, antiaxial; G, detail of tarsus, distal; H, detail of tarsal cluster. Arrows to presumed opening to cavity containing undevelopedfamulus TODO TODO (seta epsilon). Scale bars: A,D,F = 50!lm, B,E = 20!lm; G,H = 10!lm; C,I = 5!lm. A = Casino; B,C = Mount Allyn; D,E = Mount York; F-H = Margaret River; I = Gulpa Island.


Australia, Western Australia, Perth, Western Australian Museum


Western Australian Museum


Australian Museum