Melobasis, Laporte & Gory 1837, Laporte & Gory, 1837
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Plazi (2023-06-15 13:31:31, last updated 2024-11-26 03:26:12) |
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Melobasis |
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The iridicolor View in CoL View at ENA species group
All species of the iridicolor species group have the mesanepisternum strongly microreticulate, but some have some small or large punctures as well ( Figs 200 View FIGURES 196–200 , 201 View FIGURES 201–205 ). This contrasts with most species of the nervosa species group in which the mesanepisternum is shiny with few or many large setae bearing punctures, however some species of the nervosa group e.g. M. sordida Blackburn have the mesanepisternum at least partly weakly to strongly microreticulate.
Key to the species of the iridicolor species group
1 Apical ventrite carinate in the midline in apical half ( Fig. 137 View FIGURES 136–142 )................................... M. confundo sp. n.
- Apical ventrite not carinate in midline..................................................................... 2
2 Elytra blackish lilac with a short sutural vitta, basal angle and long lateral vitta, golden to reddish copper ( Fig. 112 View FIGURES 111–114 ); each elytron with indications of two costae; vertex clothed with moderately dense, long, pubescence; C. Queensland .............................................................................................. M. aurocincta Carter View in CoL
- Without the above combination of characters............................................................... 3
3 Punctures near lateral margin of apical ventrite separate or contiguous, but not coalescing to form elongate grooves ( Figs 140–146 View FIGURES 136–142 View FIGURES 143–150 )............................................................................................ 4
- Punctures near lateral margin of apical ventrite coalescing and forming elongate grooves ( Figs 147–159 View FIGURES 143–150 View FIGURES 151–158 View FIGURES 159–165 )................ 7
4 Elytra with at least indications of two costae in apical half; serrations of lateral margin of elytra finer, 20–29 serrations between point where elytra begins to narrow and suture; unicoloured golden green (♁) or brownish or greenish bronze (♀); species from S.W. Australia........................................................................... M. imitator sp. n.
- Elytra without or with only indications of one costa in apical half; serrations of lateral margin of elytra coarser, 15–18 serrations between point where elytra begins to narrow and suture; bicoloured, with at least suture in basal quarter to two-thirds contrastingly coloured to the rest of the elytra; species from Queensland .......................................... 5
5 Antenna short, only reaching to the apical quarter of the pronotum when laid alongside; antennomeres 4–10 quadrate to strongly transverse; mesanepisternum weakly microreticulate and with small variously shaped punctures........................................................................................................ M. breviantennatus sp. n.
- Antennae longer, extending to midlength of pronotum or further when laid alongside; antennomeres 4–10 quadrate to strongly elongate; mesanepisternum strongly microreticulate, sometimes with a few shallow round punctures present............. 6
6 Antennomeres 5–10 in ♁ two to three times as long as wide, in ♀ almost quadrate to twice as long as wide; mid tibia in ♁ not emarginate in the distal third on the ventral face; aedeagus with apical part of parameres strongly expanded, the apex of the median lobe asymmetrical ( Figs 166, 167 View FIGURES 166–169 )................................................ M. suturalis Thomson View in CoL
- Antennomeres 5–10 in ♁ almost quadrate to 1.5 times as long as wide, in ♀ almost quadrate; mid tibia in ♁ emarginate in the distal third on the ventral face; aedeagus with apical part of parameres not strongly expanded, the apex of the median lobe symmetrical ( Figs 168, 169 View FIGURES 166–169 )................................................................ M. dentata sp. n.
7 Head reddish purple in male, bright green or emerald green in female; pronotum golden to golden-green at the centre, broadly coppery to reddish purple at the sides in male; light green to emerald green at centre, more narrowly golden, coppery or reddish purple at the sides in female; elytra blue-black or deep violet with the basal margin, and a short sutural vitta golden or golden-green, and a broad reddish copper to reddish purple lateral vitta; punctation at centre of pronotum not very dense, most punctures well separated ( Fig. 117 View FIGURES 115–118 ).......................................................... M. tricolor sp. n.
- Colour not as above; punctation at the centre of pronotum dense or very dense, most punctures contiguous or nearly so.... 8
8 Punctation of internal half of elytra dense and strong, the punctures mainly separated by less than their own diameter; aedeagus symmetrical, apices of parameres with obvious spine like setae ( Figs 172, 173 View FIGURES 170–173 ); apical ventrite in ♁ produced at centre as a transversely sub-oblong flange ( Fig. 149 View FIGURES 143–150 )...................................................... M. adamsi sp. n.
- Punctation of internal half of elytra less dense and weaker, the punctures mainly separated by their own diameter or more; aedeagus asymmetrical or symmetrical, apices of parameres with or without spine like setae; apical ventrite in ♁ produced at centre as an approximately triangular or broadly semicircular flange ( Figs 151–159 View FIGURES 151–158 View FIGURES 159–165 )................................ 9
9 Elytra dull brown purple-brown or dull reddish purple, sometimes basal margin, lateral half of elytra in basal quarter and the suture in the basal sixth, dull green; parameres of aedeagus with obvious spine like setae ( Figs 174, 175 View FIGURES 174–177 ).................................................................................................. M. edungalbensis sp. n.
- Elytra differently coloured; parameres of aedeagus without obvious spine like setae ( Figs 176–183 View FIGURES 174–177 View FIGURES 178–181 View FIGURES 182–183 )................... 10
10 Elytra reddish violet; pronotum golden green, with an extensive reddish violet reflection at centre ( Fig. 123 View FIGURES 123–129 ); lateral margins of median lobe of aedeagus strongly serrate behind the apex, which is slightly asymetrical, very slightly produced on the right side ( Figs 182, 183 View FIGURES 182–183 ).................................................................. M. rufoviolacea sp. n.
- Elytra and pronotum differently coloured; lateral margins of median lobe of aedeagus not or less strongly serrate behind the apex ( Figs 176–181 View FIGURES 174–177 View FIGURES 178–181 ).................................................................................. 11
11 Elytra blackish green or blackish lilac with a broad golden or copper coloured lateral vitta ( Fig. 120 View FIGURES 119–122 )... M. aureovittata sp. n.
- Elytra reddish purple with a broad blue or blue-green lateral vitta ( Figs 121, 122 View FIGURES 119–122 )................................. 12
12 Pronotum widest at or just behind midlength, the lateral margins curvilinearly converging from widest point to apical angles; pronotum predominantly deep dull green or dull purple ( Fig. 121 View FIGURES 119–122 ); apex of median lobe of aedeagus not assymetrical ( Figs 178, 179 View FIGURES 178–181 ); S. Queensland .................................................................... M. macqueeni sp. n.
- Pronotum widest near the basal third, the lateral margins rectilinearly converging from widest point to apical angles; pronotum predominantly golden green or blue green with purple to reddish purple markings ( Fig. 122 View FIGURES 119–122 ); apex of median lobe of aedeagus assymetrical Figs 180, 181 View FIGURES 178–181 ); N. Territory, N. Queensland?...................................... M. iridicolor Carter View in CoL
FIGURES 196–200. 196. mid tibia of ♁ holotype M. dentata sp. n.; 197–200 mesanepisternum 197. M. jacquelinae (Lapstone Hill, N.S.W. BLC); 198. M. cupricollis (Nepean Gorge, N.S.W. BLC); 199. M. calama sp. n. (paratype 16km W. of Eungella Dam, Qld. MPC); 200. M. suturalis (Capricorn International Resort, near Yeppoon, Qld. BLC); Scale bars = 1.0 mm.
FIGURES 201–205. mesanepisternmum: 201.M. macqueeni sp. n. (paratype, Milmerran, Qld. BLC); 202. M. lathami (Laporte & Gory) (Red Bluff, W.A. BLC); 203.M. v. vertebralis Carter (6km S.W. of Bajool, Qld. TMSHC); 204. M. nervosa (Boisduval) (Hill End, N.S.W. BLC); 205. Melobasis undescribed species of the buprestoides species group. Scale bars = 1.0 mm.
FIGURES 136–142. 136 head M. rufoviolacea sp. n. (holotype ♁). 137–142 apical ventrite: 137. M. confundo sp. n. (holotype ♀); 138. M. aurocincta Carter (J 1.5 mls N.W. of Mourangee, Q. BLC); 139. M. aurocincta Carter (♀ Mourangee Station, Q. TMSHC); 140. M. imitator sp. n. (J Cape Naturaliste, W.A. TMSHC); 141. M. imitator sp. n. (♀ paratype Port Peron, W.A. SAMA); 142. M. breviantennatus sp. n. (holotype ♀). Scale bars = 1.0 mm.
FIGURES 111–114. dorsal habitus: 111. M. confundo sp. n. (holotype ♀); 112. M. aurocincta Carter (♀ Mourangee Station, Q. TMSHC); 113. M. imitator sp. n. (♀ paratype Port Peron, W.A. SAMA); 114. M. breviantennatus sp. n. (holotype ♀). Scale bars = 5.0 mm.
FIGURES 143–150. apical ventrite: 143. M.suturalis Thomson (J Hay Point, Mackay, Q. SAMA); 144. M.suturalis Thomson (♀ Cairns, Q. SAMA); 145. M. dentata sp. n. (holotype J); 146. M. dentata sp. n. (♀ paratype Glencoe, Q. BLC); 147. M. tricolor sp. n. (J paratype Broome, W.A. MVMA); 148. M. tricolor sp. n. (♀ paratype Broome, W.A. BLC); 149. M. adamsi sp. n. (holotype J); 150. M. adamsi sp. n. (♀ Edungalba, Q. BLC). Scale bars = 1.0 mm.
FIGURES 151–158. apical ventrite: 151. M. edungalbensis sp. n. (holotype J); 152. M. edungalbensis sp. n. (♀ paratype Edungalba, Q. BLC); 153. M. aureovittata sp. n. (J paratype Separation, Q. BLC); 154. M. aureovittata sp. n. (♀ paratype Marmor, Q. WAMA); 155. M. macqueeni sp. n. (J paratype Milmerran, Q. QMA); 156. M. macqueeni sp. n. (♀ paratype Milmerran, Q.ANIC); 157. M. iridicolor Carter (J Groote Eylandt, N.T. BMNH); 158. M. iridicolor Carter (♀ Fogg Dam, N.T. ANIC). Scale bars = 1.0 mm.
FIGURES 159–165. 159. apical ventrite M. rufoviolacea sp. n. (holotype J) Scale bar = 1.0 mm. 160–161 prosternal process: Scale bars = 1.0 mm. 160. M. confundo sp. n. (holotype ♀); 161. M. rufoviolacea sp. n. (holotype ♁). 162–165 aedeagus & apex of parameres: 162–163. M. aurocincta Carter (J 1.5 mls N.W. of Mourangee, Q. BLC); 164–165. M. imitator sp. n. (Cape Naturaliste, W.A. TMSHC). Scale bars of aedeagus = 1.0 mm; scale bars for apex of parameres = 0.5 mm.
FIGURES 166–169. aedeagus & apex of parameres: 166–167. M.suturalis Thomson (Hay Point, Mackay, Q. SAMA); 168– 169. M. dentata sp. n. (paratype 30 Km W, of Alpha, Q. TMSHC). Scale bars of aedeagus = 1.0 mm; scale bars for apex of parameres = 0.5 mm.
FIGURES 115–118. dorsal habitus: 115. M.suturalis Thomson (J Hay Point, Mackay, Q. SAMA); 116. M. dentata sp. n. (holotype ♁); 117. M. tricolor sp. n. (♀ paratype Broome, W.A. MVMA); 118. M. adamsi sp. n. (holotype ♁). Scale bars = 5.0 mm.
FIGURES 170–173. aedeagus & apex of parameres: 170–171. M. tricolor sp. n. (holotype); 172–173. M. adamsi sp. n. (holotype). Scale bars of aedeagus = 1.0 mm; scale bars for apex of parameres = 0.5 mm.
FIGURES 174–177. aedeagus & apex of parameres: 174–175. M. edungalbensis sp. n. (holotype); 176–177. M. aureovittata sp. n. (paratype Separation, Q. BLC). Scale bars of aedeagus = 1.0 mm; scale bars for apex of parameres = 0.5 mm.
FIGURES 123–129. 123 dorsal habitus M. rufoviolacea sp. n. (holotype ♁). Scale bar = 5.0 mm. 124–129 head: 124. M. confundo sp. n. (holotype ♀); 125. M. aurocincta Carter (J 1.5 mls N.W. of Mourangee, Q. BLC); 126. M. imitator sp. n. (J Cape Naturaliste, W.A. TMSHC); 127. M. breviantennatus sp. n. (holotype ♀); 128. M. suturalis Thomson (J Hay Point, Mackay, Q. SAMA); 129. M. dentata sp. n. (holotype ♁). Scale bars = 1.0 mm.
FIGURES 182–183. aedeagus & apex of parameres: 182–183. M. rufoviolacea sp. n. (holotype). Scale bars of aedeagus = 1.0 mm; scale bars for apex of parameres = 0.5 mm.
FIGURES 119–122. dorsal habitus: 119. M. edungalbensis sp. n. (♀ paratype Edungalba, Q. BLC); 120. M.aureovittata sp. n. (♀ paratype Marmor, Q. WAMA); 121. M. macqueeni sp. n. (♀ paratype Milmerran, Q. BLC); 122. M. iridicolor Carter (J Groote Eylandt, N.T. BMNH). Scale bars = 5.0 mm.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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