Silene vaginans Lidén, 2023

Lidén, Magnus & Oxelman, Bengt, 2023, FLORA OF NEPAL NOTULAE IV: NEW SPECIES AND RESURRECTED NAMES IN SILENE, Edinburgh Journal of Botany 80 (367), pp. 1-28 : 20-25

publication ID 10.24823/EJB.2023.367

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scientific name

Silene vaginans Lidén

sp. nov.

8. Silene vaginans Lidén View in CoL , sp. nov.

Silene vaginans differs from S. blepharicalyx Lidén in having prominent intrapetiolar vaginae, a much larger calyx and larger seeds; from S. poa Lidén (see species 10)

in having tuberculate seeds and lack of glandular hairs; from both species in having much taller stems which are conspicuously thinner above, long-stalked lower leaves,

and a pubescence of much longer hairs. – Type: Nepal, Seti zone, Bajhang / Badhura (29°31′43′′N, 81°24′01′′E to 29°35′02′′N, 81°22′16′′E), on open grassy slope, 2190–3350 m, 16 viii 1991, M. Suzuki et al. 9160673 (holotype E00224916 , isotype TI 9160673 ) GoogleMaps .

Figure 6 View Figure 6 .

Perennial caespitose herb. Stems erect, 50–75 cm long, stiff, simple; larger stems 3 mm thick basally, much thinner above, glabrous below, above hairy on nodes and in the inflorescence with long non-glandular reflexed appressed hairs 0.4–1 mm long, with 4 or 5 distant pairs of leaves. Nodes prominent, with up to 9 mm long interpetiolar vaginae. Leaves erect, narrowly oblong-oblanceolate (lower) to lanceolate or linear-lanceolate (middle and upper), tapering to acute apex; leaves 25–150 × 4–10 mm, with upper leaves much smaller; lowermost leaves attenuate into long petiole, glabrous; upper sessile, ciliate towards the base. Bracts 5–20 × 0.5–2 mm. Inflorescence lax, 1- to 4-flowered. Calyx campanulate, 16–17 mm long, broad at mouth, divided to 1/4 with triangular subacute teeth slightly constricted at base, pubescent all over with non-glandular hairs 0.1–0.3 mm long, denser, purple-coloured and up to 0.5 mm long on the veins; teeth with 0.1–0.3 mm long dense cilia. Androgynophore 3 mm long, long-woolly hairy, especially above. Petals included within calyx, claw evenly broadened, 4 mm broad at apex, not or slightly auriculate, at base with very long fine hairs; limb 1.5 × 3 mm long, very shallowly lobed; coronal scales small. Styles 5. Capsule included within calyx. Seeds grey, rounded in profile, flattened, 1.5 mm in diameter, with three distinct rows of thin-walled dorsal papillae.

Distribution. Known only from the type gathering.

Habitat and ecology. Open grassy slope at 2190–3350 m. Early flowering stage mid August.

Etymology. The Latin epithet alludes to the long interpetiolar vaginae (leaf sheaths) of the lower cauline leaves.

Notes. Silene vaginans has no obvious close relatives, at least not among the Central Himalayan taxa. It is superficially similar to Silene poa in the long interpetiolar vaginae and narrow leaves, but the stem is taller and conspicuously thinner above, the lower leaves have long petioles, the pubescence consists of much longer and exclusively non-glandular hairs, and the seeds are papillate, not winged as in S. poa . It is known only from this single gathering.

(9, 10) Silene nepalensis and S. poa

Silene nepalensis and S. poa are two similar vicariant species. They are distinguished from all other Nepalese species of Silene by the combination of grass-like leaves, campanulate glandular hairy calyx, and winged seeds.

9a. Silene nepalensis Majumdar, J. Indian Bot. Soc. View in CoL 42: 649 (1964) [1963], nomen novum for Lychnis multicaulis Wall. ex Benth. in Royle, Ill. Bot. Himal. Mts. 1[3]: 80 (1839), non Silene multicaulis Guss. (1826) . – Melandrium multicaule (Benth.) Walp., Repert. Bot. Syst. (Walpers) View in CoL 1: 280 (1842). – Type: Nepal, [Rasuwa] Gossain Tain. 1821, Wallich cat. 622, (lectotype K000728818 [mixed collection ex herbarium Benthamianum] left-hand specimen, here selected, see Note 1 below; isolectotypes K000728819 [mixed collection] the two right-hand specimens [of four]; K001111426 [mixed collection] three detached stems, one with flower; BM [not seen]; G00074044 [mixed collection] two middle stems; G00074045). Figure 7A–L View Figure 7 .

Silene gonosperma subsp. himalayensis var. pertica Bocquet, Candollea View in CoL 22: 9 (1967).

Type : Nepal, Lamrak, 15000′, 1929, Lall Dhwoj 194 (holotype E00015047 , isotype BM000521650 ) .

Lychnis apetala var. gracilis Hook.f. ”, cited by Rohrbach (1869), see Note 2.

Densely caespitose with few to many stems and non-flowering leaf rosettes. Stems erect, slender, (8–)15–40(–60) cm long, with (2–)3 to 4(–5) pairs of leaves, pubescent with recurved hairs or (sub)glabrous at base; nodes often purplish. Leaves linear, 30–130(–190) × 1.5–4(–6) mm (uppermost leaves smaller), slightly tapering to sub-obtuse apex, 10–20 times as long as broad, with prominent midvein, sunken adaxially, raised abaxially; subglabrous or vein hairy, ciliate at the base and ± hairy along the fusion lines of the leaf vaginae, green to glaucous green, concolorous or paler beneath; middle and lower vaginae 4–7 mm long; upper 1–3 mm. Inflorescence with 1–3(–6) flowers in a compound synflorescence, nodding. Bracts 10–40 mm long, linear to lanceolate, usually densely long-ciliate towards the base, and with short hairs adaxially. Pedicels 7–20(–40) mm long, elongating and erect in fruit, densely pubescent with recurved non-glandular acute hairs and with patent glandular hairs in upper part. Calyx 10–13 mm long (± enlarging in fruit), campanulate, pale green with conspicuous purplish or rarely greenish veins, joining in the teeth, occasionally with a lateral branch, densely pubescent with patent glandular hairs 0.2–0.4 mm long and non-glandular hairs 0.1–0.2 mm long; cleft 1/4 to 1/3, teeth triangular, margin broadly hyaline, very densely eglandular ciliate with thin 0.1–0.3 mm long hairs; apex subobtuse, slightly folded and recurved. Androgynophore 1–1.5 mm long, densely hairy. Petal claw included, apically 4–5 mm broad, auriculate, ± dentate, base narrow, often purplish, with purple hairs. Limb purple or greenish white, 1–2 mm long, 2–3 mm broad, entire to broadly emarginate or irregularly lobed; coronal scales 0.5 mm long, entire to shallowly crenate. Styles 5, very rarely 3. Seed 1.5 mm long with broad wing.

Distribution. From West Nepal east to West Arunachal Pradesh; South Tibet from Burang east at least to Chumbi.

Habitat and ecology. Grassy and stony slopes. Altitudinal range 3500–4700 m. Flowering May to September.

Notes. Four out of five sheets of Wallich cat. 622, that we have examined, are mixed collections of two distinct entities. The lectotype represents a widespread and common species. The second element differs in broader leaves, insignificant interpetiolar vaginae, thicker stems with patent hairs, and calyx veins dark and prominent with commissural veins bifurcating about 1/3 from the base (vs 2/3). This latter entity has not been recollected at Gosain Than or elsewhere and is presumed to be a hybrid specimen (see 9b below for further discussion). The protologue fits both entities equally well; the lectotype represents that entity which is present on all Wallich cat. 622 sheets that we have seen (disregarding G00074046, which only holds a Rubiaceae specimen), whereas the hybrid is lacking on G00074045. The specific sheet K000728818 was selected as lectotype for the name Lychnis multicaulis because it was in the possession of the author.

Silene nepalensis View in CoL is usually found in herbaria as S. gonosperma subsp. himalayensis View in CoL or S. himalayensis View in CoL . This confusion started with Hooker, who annotated both a Sikkim collection of Silene nepalensis View in CoL (Hooker s.n.: C, DD, G, GH, K, P [lower left], S) and the type specimen of the remotely related S. himalayensis (Rohrb.) Majumdar View in CoL as “ Lychnis apetala var. gracilis View in CoL ”. Subsequently, Rohrbach (1869) cited the Sikkim collection with Hooker’s herbarium name under Melandrium apetalum δ himalayense Rohrb. View in CoL , as a “ … forma gracile …”. Several later authors ( Edgeworth, 1875; Bocquet, 1969; Rajbhandari & Suzuki, 2008) have likewise mostly treated both species under Silene himalayensis View in CoL , while using the epithet nepalensis View in CoL for several unrelated species but occasionally also for S. nepalensis View in CoL . In Flora of China ( Zhou et al., 2001), following Bocquet (1969), the epithet nepalensis View in CoL is used for a Southwest Chinese taxon related to Silene caespitella View in CoL but with more robust habit, broader leaves and larger flowers.

This species is very variable in size, probably mostly a plastic response to growing conditions (shade, water, nutrients). On two occasions (Durham univ. exp. D37 (KATH); M. Suzuki et al. 8880652 (KATH)), individuals with three styles have been encountered, but plants with five styles are known from the same localities, and correlated differences are not apparent.

Additional specimens examined. BHUTAN. Upper Mo Chu, above Laya (28°7′N, 89°44′E), grassy slopes among Berberis and Potentilla shrubs, 4080 m, 20 ix 1984, I. W. J. Sinclair & D. G. Long 5167 ( E 00074202); Rodophu, forb-rich pasture encroached by Rhododendron lepidotum on SE-facing slope, 4330 m, 16 viii 2000, G. & S. Miehe 00-290-50 ( GB); Philé La river, 14,000 ft, 23 vii 1914, R. E. Cooper 1711 ( E 00074245); [Luyshi Timpu], among long grass in sheltered corners, 15,000 ft, 21 vii [1914], R. E. Cooper 1673 ( E 00074246).

INDIA. Sikkim: Lhonak , 15,000 ft, 25 viii 1947, G. H. Cave 5/47 ( E) . Arunachal Pradesh: Se La, pass between Tawang and W Kameng districts, 4200 m, 22 viii 2015, P. Bharali & M. Lidén 14 B ( CAL) .

NEPAL. Dolpa: E of Chalikhe Pahar , 14,000 ft, 1 viii 1954, A. Stainton, W. R. Sykes & L. H. J. Williams 3710 ( E00074264 , KATH) . Mustang: Muktinath , 13,000 ft, 28 vii 1954, A. Stainton, W. R. Sykes & L. H. J. Williams 2041 ( E00074269 , KATH) . Lamjung: Rambrong , 14,000 ft, 7 vii 1954, A. Stainton, W. R. Sykes

& L. H. J. Williams 6201 ( E00074267 ). Gorkha: Dharamsala (28°39′28′′N, 84°34′40′′E), 4640 m, 11 viii 2008, H. Ikeda et al. 20811234 ( E00774752 ). Rasuwa: Ganesh Himal (28°20′N, 85°10′E), v 1975, B. Yon 115 ( E) GoogleMaps ; ibid., (28°12′N, 85°38′E), 4000–5000 m, 20 vii 1992, F. Miyamoto et al. 9220290 ( E00224914 , GoogleMaps

TI 9220290 ); Gosaikunda , 14,800 ft, 8 viii 1976, Durham univ. exp. D37 ( KATH021835 About KATH , 3 About KATH styles!) ; Gosaikunda , 4400 m, 14 viii 1974, J. H. de Haas 2268 ( L) ; Langtang , 12,000 ft, 23 vi 1949, O. Polunin

557 ( BM, TI, KUN 0514320 About KUN ) ; Langtang valley , Kyangjin, (28°13′N, 85°34′E), 3970 m, 8 ix 1985, K. Reiter 287 ( M, late fruiting) GoogleMaps ; Mulkharka to Chilime, 3800–4100 m, 2 vii 1970, Kanai & Shakya 675179 ( KATH). Solukhumbu: Mosom Kharka, (27°40′N, 86°49′E), 3600 m, 22 viii 1997, M. Wakabayashi et al. 9720261 ( E00241838 ) GoogleMaps ; ibid., 10 viii 1997, M. Wakabayashi et al. 9715125 ( L). Sankhuwasabha: Yangri Kharka (27°45′N, 87°10′E), s.d., M. Suzuki et al. 8820658 ( KATH012903 About KATH ) GoogleMaps ; ibid., 3600 m, 20 vii 1988, M. Suzuki et al. 8880652 ( KATH, TI 8880652 ) GoogleMaps ; Merek , 4380 m, 20 vii 1988, M. Suzuki et al. 8850625 ( KATH019300 About KATH , TI) ; Panch Pokhari to Jaljale S Sabha , 7 viii 1991, M. N. Subedi 221-1921 ( KATH). Taplejung : Ratopokhari to Topkegola, under big rock, shade among mosses, 14,000 ft, 26 vii 1971, T. B. Shrestha & D. P. Joshi 339 ( KATH) ; Ramdang to Ghunsa (27°45′55′′N, 87°59′56′′E), 4411 m, 20 ix 2009, M. K. Dhamala, B. P. Bhurtel & B. Paudel 183 ( TCD). Loco ignoto: 3 viii [year not known], K. R. Rajbhandari 456 ( KATH) GoogleMaps .

TIBET. Burang: Kangrinboqe Feng, alpine grassland, 4700 m, 25 viii 1990, Fei Yong et al. 482

( KUN 0513549, right-hand specimen, mixed with Silene caespitella ). Gyirong : (28°45′33′′N, 85°18′28′′E), 3977 m, 28 vii 2015, Wei Lai, Hao Jia-Chen 15413 ( BNU 0030419 About BNU ) GoogleMaps ; Pabasi , 3900 m, 27 vi 1972, Tibet herbal medicine census 590 ( HNWP, PE 00559828 ) ; ibid., 3700 m, 5 vii 1975, Wu Zheng-Yih et al. 530 ( PE) ; ibid., (28°32′N, 85°16′E), 4400 m, 23 viii 1993, S. & G. Miehe 9548/09 (Miehe). Nyalam: 3400 m, Tibetan Chinese herbal medicine survey team 1511 ( HNWP, PE 00559843 ). Dinggye: 4800 m, 8 xi 1991, Li Bo-Sheng et al. 13099 ( PE 01486960 ). Chumbi (Yadong): Gyong, 13,000 ft, 12 ix 1912, Rohmoo Lepcha 186 ( E00074257 ) GoogleMaps ; ibid., 21 viii 2011, Yu Sheng-Xiang et al. 5802 ( PE) GoogleMaps .


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Silene vaginans Lidén

Lidén, Magnus & Oxelman, Bengt 2023

Silene gonosperma subsp. himalayensis var. pertica

Bocquet 1967: 9

Silene nepalensis

Majumdar 1964: 649

Melandrium multicaule (Benth.) Walp., Repert. Bot. Syst. (Walpers)

Walp. 1842: 280
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