Blepharoneura bidigitata Norrbom & Condon, 2010

Norrbom, Allen L. & Condon, Marty, 2010, Revision of the femoralis group of Blepharoneura Loew (Diptera: Tephritidae) 2374, Zootaxa 2374 (1), pp. 1-139 : 29-36

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scientific name

Blepharoneura bidigitata Norrbom & Condon

sp. nov.

Blepharoneura bidigitata Norrbom & Condon , new species

Figs. 10–11 View FIGURES 6–15 , 111 View FIGURES 109–112 , 152 View FIGURES 146–155 , 172 View FIGURES 165–172

Blepharoneura sp. 9 : Norrbom & Condon 1999: 146.

Diagnosis. This species differs from other species of Blepharoneura by the following combination of characters: Anepisternum, anepimeron, and meron without brown markings; scutellum dorsally with pair of brown spots; cell r2+3 with 2 marginal hyaline marks; cell r4+5 with 2 ovoid marginal hyaline spots, neither extending to vein R2+3, and with posterior hyaline spot(s) aligned with hyaline marks in cell m. The aculeus is similar to that of B. hirsuta (which is dissimilar in external characters), with the digitate lateral lobe and acute sublateral lobe well separated from the medial and submedial lobes by a broad straight area.

Description. Head: Dark brown area on ocellar tubercle extended more than half distance to postocellar seta. Occipital suture narrowly dark brown.

Thorax: Scutum entirely microtrichose, with 2 pairs of dark brown vittae or rows of spots; submedial vitta strongly narrowed or interrupted slightly posterior to transverse suture and not connected to marks on posterior margin; sublateral vitta broadly interrupted at transverse suture, presutural part sometimes present only bordering postpronotal lobe, postsutural part sometimes absent, if present separated from marks on posterior margin; posterior margin with 2 quadrate dark brown marks. Notopleuron with small to large dark brown spot near posterior seta on lateral margin. Small brown spot anterior to postsutural supra-alar seta present, in one specimen fused to vitta anterior to postalar seta. Brown vitta (1 specimen), 2 spots (1 lateral to supra-alar seta) (2 specimens), or 1 spot (1 specimen) usually present anterior to postalar seta, absent on 1 specimen (posterior part not visible in 3 other specimens, but they lack anterior spot at least). Dark brown spot lateral to dorsolateral corner of scutellum present. Scutellum with pair of submedial brown spots. Subscutellum and mediotergite with pair of pale to dark brown vittae, sometimes reaching lateral margin of mediotergite, or rarely (1♂) both sclerites yellow except dorsolateral brown mark on subscutellum. Pleuron mostly or entirely yellow. Katatergite occasionally (2 of 9 specimens) brown on posterodorsal 2/5–3/5. Anatergite often (5 of 9 specimens) with small to large medial or anteromedial brown mark. Basalare with brown spot, occasionally faint. Dorsocentral seta aligned with or usually slightly posterior to postalar seta.

Legs: Mostly or entirely yellow. Hind femur ( Fig. 111 View FIGURES 109–112 ) often (3 of 8 specimens distinctly, 2 weakly) with dark red brown spot on or very slightly separated from anterior or anteroventral apical margin [not just on anteroventral ridge, more extensive, usually extending almost to anterodorsal side].

Wing ( Figs. 10–11 View FIGURES 6–15 ): Length 7.05–7.71 mm, width 3.30–3.80 mm, ratio 1.91–2.14. Crossvein r-m at 0.52– 0.60 distance from bm-cu to dm-cu. Cell c with 2 broad rectangular to trapezoidal hyaline spots, both reaching costa and subcosta; medial brown area distinctly paler than area of cell r1 posterior to pterostigma, sometimes faint medially, almost as broad as to distinctly narrower than both hyaline spots. Pterostigma with subapical hyaline spot [#3] usually reaching R1 (small in 1 specimen). Cells r1 and r2+3 basally (proximal to apex of R1) with 1–2 and 0–2 hyaline spots, respectively. Radial cells medially with 1 moderately broad basal marginal hyaline mark [#5 fused with additional spot?] in cell r1, partially divided posteriorly by brown spot touching r2+3, or rarely (1 wing of 1 specimen) with brown area narrowly separating large anterior and small posterior hyaline marks, the latter not reaching costa; cell r2+3 with 2 hyaline spots [#8, 9] aligned with lobes of r1 mark, distal spot [#9] broader; cell r4+5 with small hyaline spot [#14] in anterior half aligned between lobes of r1 mark, with small hyaline spot [#15] aligned with or slightly distal to dm-cu, and often (6 of 8 specimens) with additional tiny hyaline to pale brown spots, 0–4 near anterior margin, 0–3 near posterior margin. Distally cell r1 with 1–3 (usually 2) small marginal hyaline spots [#6 and additional spots], sometimes also with 1–2 small hyaline or pale brown posterior spots. Cell r2+3 with 2 large marginal hyaline marks [#10, #11], both extending to vein R4+5. Cell r4+5 with 1–2 small hyaline spots [1 of them #16?] anteriorly, aligned with or between apical marks in cell r2+3; with 0–2 minute to moderate sized ovoid posterior hyaline spots aligned with hyaline marks in cell m; and with 2 large ovoid marginal hyaline spots [#18 and #18A]. Cell m usually with small subbasal hyaline spot [#49] near midlength of dm-cu, occasionally with second more anterior spot; and with 3 large ovoid hyaline spots, 2 marginal [#27, #29] and 1 elongate anteromedial spot [fused #26, #26A], often (5 of 8 specimens) reaching vein M. Cell br with subbasal hyaline spot [#12]. Cell bm with circular subbasal hyaline spot [#19] small or usually absent, subapical circular hyaline spot [#20] moderate sized to large. Posteromedial part of wing with multiple large hyaline spots or markings; cell br subapically with hyaline spot [#13], often with slightly more proximal yellowish or hyaline spot [#44], and occasionally with additional more proximal yellowish spot; cell dm with subbasal elongate hyaline mark across cell [fused #51, #52], posteriorly aligned with spot in cell cu1 [#31] and anteriorly aligned with spot in cell br [#44] when latter present, medially often connected to more distal spots; with anterior spot [#21] aligned with subapical spot in cell br [#13], often fused with subbasal mark or posterior hyaline spot of varying length [fusion of #23 and #22 and/or #24] aligned with all of or middle and either branch of Y-shaped mark in cell cu1; cell cu1 usually with broad Y-shaped medial mark [fused #32, #33, #36, sometimes #36A], occasionally (2 specimens) with proximal branch [#32] or (1 specimen) distal branch [#33] narrowly separated from base [#36], aligned with posteromedial spot in cell dm to isolate brown spot anteriorly in cell cu1, proximal branch of mark [#32] aligned slightly distal to line from proximal marginal mark across vein A1+Cu2 [#34, #39] to subapical spot in cell br [#13], base of Y-shaped mark sometimes broad [fused #36, #36A] and partially divided by pale brown marginal spot; subapical marginal hyaline mark [#37] moderate sized. Cell dm with subapical spot [#25] usually hyaline and moderate sized to small, occasionally minute, pale brown or absent; sometimes (3 specimens) also with small to minute posterior subapical hyaline or pale brown spot [#53] aligned with or slightly proximal to subapical mark in cell cu1 touching or almost touching vein Cu1.

Abdomen: All tergites with 4 evenly spaced dark brown spots, sublateral pair sometimes absent on syntergite 1+2, and 2 pairs of spots (more medial pair sometimes absent on syntergite 1+2) or pair of posterolateral dark brown bands on posterior margin, on tergites 3–5 L-shaped but lateral margin yellow anteriorly, bands separated medially except sometimes on tergite 5; sublateral spot sometimes connected to posterior band on tergites 3 or 4, and both pairs sometimes connected to band on tergite 5.

Female terminalia: Oviscape entirely dark brown; length 1.10–1.20 mm. Aculeus ( Figs. 152 View FIGURES 146–155 , 172 View FIGURES 165–172 ) 0.89– 0.96 mm long, 2.04–2.10 times as long as wide, with acute scales dorsally and ventrally on membrane medially; tip flared outward basolaterally, short (lobed part 0.20–0.29 times as long as wide), with small, convex or very weakly trilobed medial lobe and 3 pairs of lobes, lateral lobe large and digitiform, with minute serrations apically, sublateral lobe large and acute, submedial lobe very small, separated from sublateral lobe by broad transverse area (width of submedial and medial lobes together 0.29–0.38 distance between apices of sublateral lobes). Spermathecae subspherical, with slightly convoluted, slender sclerotized neck and small cylindrical basal apodeme.

Male terminalia: Medial surstylus with prensisetae separated by several times width of medial prensiseta, medial prensiseta on long lobe, lateral prensiseta small, less than one-third as wide as medial prensiseta.

Distribution. Southern Brazil (São Paulo, Santa Catarina).

Type data. Holotype ♀ ( MZUSP USNMENT00213907 View Materials ), BRAZIL: Santa Catarina: Nova Teutonia , Oct 1965, F. Plaumann . Paratypes: BRAZIL: Santa Catarina: Nova Teutonia , 27°11'S 52°23'W, 300–500 m, 30 Dec 1960, F. Plaumann, 1 ♂ ( USNM USNMENT00213910 About USNM ) GoogleMaps ; same, May 1963, 1 ♂ ( CNC USNMENT00213909 View Materials ) ; same, Dec 1964, 1♀ ( CNC USNMENT00213908 View Materials ) ; same, May 1977, 1♂ ( FMNH USNMENT00213834 About FMNH ) ; Nova Teutonia , Oct 1965, F. Plaumann, 1♂ ( MZUSP USNMENT00213906 View Materials ) ; same, Jun 1967, 1♂ ( MZUSP USNMENT00213905 View Materials ) . São Paulo: Interlagos, Capital , 3 Dec 1980, M. Carrera, 1♀ ( USNM USNMENT00213839 About USNM ) .

Etymology. The name of this species is a Latin adjective referring to the pair of digitate lateral lobes on the aculeus.


Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes


Field Museum of Natural History














Blepharoneura bidigitata Norrbom & Condon

Norrbom, Allen L. & Condon, Marty 2010

Blepharoneura sp. 9

Norrbom, A. L. & Condon, M. A. 1999: 146
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