Eucelatoria kopis, Burington, 2022

Burington, Zelia L., 2022, A taxonomic revision of the Eucelatoria ferox species group (Diptera: Tachinidae), Zootaxa 5143 (1), pp. 1-104 : 52-53

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Plazi (2022-06-01 06:02:18, last updated 2022-08-03 14:45:17)

scientific name

Eucelatoria kopis

sp. nov.

Eucelatoria kopis sp. nov.

( Figs 1B View FIGURE 1 , 22 View FIGURES 22–25 , 43 View FIGURES 42–45 , 67 View FIGURES 66–67 , 88 View FIGURES 88–89 , 107 View FIGURES 94–108 , 122 View FIGURES 109–123 , 178 View FIGURES 174–179 )

Type material. Holotype ♀, labeled “LEGS AWAY FOR DNA”, “DHJPAR0007047”, “Voucher: D.H. Janzen & W. Hallwachs / DB: Area de Conservacion Guanacaste,/ COSTA RICA./ 05 -SRNP- 34643” “ HOLOTYPE / Eucelatoria / kopis/ ZL Burington [red label]”, “ ♀ -black/ palpi/ but very/ long weak/ bristles on/ carina [handwritten label]”, “ZLB_E.Ferox 00002” ( CNC)

Allotype ♂, labeled “LEGS AWAY FOR DNA”, “DHJPAR0050640”, “Voucher: D.H. Janzen & W. Hallwachs / DB: Area de Conservacion Guanacaste,/ COSTA RICA./ 12 -SRNP- 77833”, “ALLOTYPE/ Eucelatoria / kopis/ ZL Burington [red label]”, “Janzen03”, “ZLB_E.Ferox 00003” ( CNC).

Paratypes, 8 ♀♀. Bolivia — Cochabamba : 1 ♀, labeled “ BOLIVIA Cbba Chapare/ road to P.N. Carrasco/ 500m 14.XII.96/ M.Butler, D.M.Wood ”, “ PARATYPE / Eucelatoria / kopis/ ZL Burington [yellow label]”, “ZLB_E.Ferox 00388” ( DMW). Costa Rica — Guanacaste : 1 ♀, “LEGS AWAY FOR DNA”, “DHJPAR0044843”, “Voucher: D.H. Janzen & W. Hallwachs / DB: Area de Conservacion Guanacaste,/ COSTA RICA./ 11 -SRNP- 2238”, “Janzen03DHJ02”, “ZLB_E.Ferox 00001” [terminalia in vial under specimen] ( CNC). Brazil — Santa Catarina : 1 ♀, “Nova Teutonia/ S.C - BRAZIL / Nov. 1960 / F. Plaumann ”, “ZLB_E.Ferox 00219” ( CNC). Ecuador — Napo : 1 ♀, “ ECUADOR: Prov. Napo / Jatún Sacha ; (14n)/ 077°37′W / 01°04′S, ca. 380 m / 8-vii-1998 leg. P. Sehnal ”, “ZLB_E.Ferox 00390” ( NHMW) GoogleMaps . 1 ♀, “ ECUADOR, Napo / 7 km s Baeza/ 28.III.1983 / G. & M. Wood ”, “ZLB_E.Ferox 00207” ( DMW). Peru —Cusco ?: 1 ♀, “Chaquimayo/ Peru”, “OnFoliage/ 5.II.10”, “CHTTownsend/ coll”, “Townsend/ Genotype/ Collection”, “ Spathimyia / ferox TT ♀ / DetCHTT”, “ZLB_E.Ferox 00389”, “USNM ENT 0039915” ( USNM). Cajamarca ?: 1 ♀, “RCharapePeru/ 4500ft 15.IX.11”, “CHTTownsend/ coll”, “Xiphomyia/ n. sp.”, “USNM ENT 00040079”, “ZLB_E.Ferox 00358” ( USNM). Madre de Dios : 1 ♀, “ Avispas, Madre / de Dios, PERU / 10–20.IX.1962 / L. Pema, 400m ”, “ZLB_E.Ferox 00217” [terminalia in vial under specimen] ( CNC) .

Recognition. This species is most similar to E. sica sp. nov. and E. makhaira sp. nov., as all have two presutural and one postsutural thoracic vittae, black palpi, and tomentum covering the apical third of the scutellum. It differs from E. makhaira sp. nov. in that the parafacial tomentum is yellow, and differs from E. sica sp. nov. in that the piercer is longer and the palpus is less dilated and flattened in the female.

Etymology. From the Greek κοπίς (= kopis), a curved sword used in ancient Greece and Persia.

Description. [Described from 9 ♀♀ and 1 ♂; head measurements from 5 ♀♀ and 1 ♂.] Length 5.4–7.0 mm (mean = 6.25 mm).

Head. Parafacial, fronto-orbital plate, vertex, upper half of post-ocular plate, and vibrissal angle tomentum yellow, rarely entirely gray. Lower half of post-ocular plate, genal dilation, postgena, and occiput tomentum ash-gray. Pale occipital setae yellow to gray. Ocellar setae one-third to subequal to length of posterior reclinate orbital seta, usually thinner than reclinate orbital setae. Gena with 3–4 setae, subvibrissal ridge with 1 seta. Facial ridge with setulae on lower one-third to one-half. Postocellar setae one-half to subequal to length of ocellar setae. Paravertical seta three-fourths to subequal to length of postocellar setae. Outer vertical seta undifferentiated in male, one-third to one-half length of inner vertical in female. Reclinate orbital setae 2–3. Frontal setae 6–10, last frontal seta level with base of postpedicel, or slightly beyond. Eye with short setulae, each setula no longer than 1–2 facets. Eye height to head height ratio 0.73–0.91 (mean = 0.86). Postpedicel length 0.37–0.39 (mean = 0.37) height of head. Facial ridge length 0.46–0.52 (mean = 0.49) height of head. Parafacial width 0.05–0.08 (mean = 0.06) lateral length of head. Pedicel 0.33–0.43 (mean = 0.38) length of postpedicel. Postpedicel 2.6–3.7 (mean = 3.2) width of parafacial in lateral view. Vertex 0.24–0.26 (mean = 0.24) width of head in dorsal view. Palpus black to dark brown; subcylindrical in male, slightly dilated and flattened at apex to subcylindrical in female; with short setae dorsoapically and longer setae laterally.

Thorax. Dorsomedial length 1.3–1.5 times width of thorax. Lateral tomentum ash-gray to yellow-gray, usually more yellow on anepisternum. Dorsal tomentum yellow to ash-gray. Presutural inner and outer vittae merged into single subquadrate vitta, such that there are only two presutural vittae; partially fused near anterior margin; posteromedially separated by small triangular area of tomentum one-half or less width of presutural vitta. Postsutural vittae merged into single large vitta covering most of postsutural notum; with only a small area of tomentum adjacent to supra-alar and intra-alar seta rows and rectangular area of tomentum near notum posterior margin. Scutellar dorsal tomentum yellow to gray, confined to apical one-third. Postpronotum with 3 setae. Presutural area with 2 supra-alar setae. Postsutural area with 3 dorsocentral setae. Scutellum with 1 pair discal setae. Fore tibia with 3 posterodorsal seta. Wing hyaline, at most with membrane lightly infuscated around costa and radial sector.

Abdomen. Cuticle and setulae entirely black. Dorsal tomentum bands yellow to gray, covering one-fourth to one half area of T3–5; with wide median vitta. Ventral tomentum bands yellow to gray, covering one-third to onehalf area of T3–5. T4 with 5 or more pairs of lateral setae, the median and lateral marginals forming continuous, widely spaced row.

Male terminalia. Unknown [undissected as the allotype is the only known male].

Female terminalia ( Figs 107 View FIGURES 94–108 , 122 View FIGURES 109–123 ). Piercer extending either to base of T3 or beyond, in lateral view bend anterad near base, then gradually curved to bent apex; in posterior view parallel sided on basal half, then gradually narrowed to apex. Aculeate lobe 2.8 times height of segment 7 base. End tergite halves fused into single triangular plate, four times as long as wide, pointed posteriorly. Cercus with 6 setae; ventral elongation length 2 times width of main cercus body. Postgenital plate with 10 setae.

Host(s). Five individuals (“Janzen03DHJ02”) have been reared from Ethmia catapeltica Meyrick ( Depressariidae ) feeding on Cordia alliodora (Ruiz & Pav.) Oken ( Cordiaceae ) in Costa Rica ( Janzen & Hallwachs 2008).

Geographic extent and seasonal occurrence. Individuals of E. kopis sp. nov. are known from tropical forests in Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia, at elevations of 100–2100 m ( Fig. 178 View FIGURES 174–179 ).

Discussion. This taxon undoubtedly represents a species complex, given the large variation in palpi shape. Genetic data show at least two strongly supported sequence clusters ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ). However, females do not vary in the structure of the terminal abdominal segments, and there are few other external differences. The one included male (the allotype) is in in poor condition. Therefore, these are all included under E. kopis until more males are available. There is a second lineage listed in the Area de Conservación Guanacaste database under “Janzen03” (Janzen03DHJ01), but genetic and morphological characters suggest that this Eucelatoria species is not at all closely related to E. kopis sp. nov. or any member of the E. ferox group (unpublished data). The phylogenetic analysis strongly supports E. kopis sp. nov. as closely related to E. ritavargasae sp. nov., and more distantly related to E. gustavogutierrezi sp. nov. ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ).

Janzen, D. H. & Hallwachs, W. (2008) Event-based database of caterpillars, their food plants, and their parasitoids in Area de Conservacion Guanacaste, Northwestern Costa Rica. Available from: http: // janzen. sas. upenn. edu (accessed 11 February 2015)

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FIGURE 1. CO1-based neighbor-joining tree of 12 species of the Eucelatoria ferox species group, with inset illustrations of mesonota. The outgroup is Eucelatoria armigera (Coquillett). Node labels indicate support values over 60. Scale bar = 2% genetic difference. The E. charapensis (Townsend) sequence with the axial break is of poor quality but is included to show unity of El Bigal specimens with the rest of the metapopulation. Mesonota are illustrated with setal annuli only for clarity. A. E. gustavogutierrezi sp. nov. B. E. kopis sp. nov. C. E. ritavargasae sp. nov. D. E. ferox (Townsend). E. E. huitepecensis sp. nov. F. E. auriceps (Aldrich). G. E. gladiatrix (Townsend). H. E. borealis sp. nov. I. E. yanayacu sp. nov.

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FIGURES 22–25. Female habitus photographs of Eucelatoria ferox group spp., dorsal view. 22. E. kopis sp. nov., holotype (ZLB_E.Ferox 00002) (CNC). 23. E. makhaira sp. nov., holotype (ZLB_E.Ferox 00344) (USNM). 24. E. ritavargasae sp. nov., Napo Province (ZLB_E.Ferox 00214) (USNM). 25. E. sica sp. nov., holotype (ZLB_E.Ferox 00391) (USNM).

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FIGURES 42–45. Male habitus photographs of Eucelatoria ferox group spp., dorsal view. 42. E. hafelei sp. nov., Chapare Province (ZLB_E.Ferox 00386) (DMW). 43. E. kopis sp. nov., allotype (ZLB_E.Ferox 00003) (CNC). 44. E. makhaira sp. nov., allotype (ZLB_E.Ferox 00343) (USNM). 45. E. ritavargasae sp. nov., holotype (ZLB_E.Ferox 00004) (CNC).

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FIGURES 66–67. Female habitus photographs of Eucelatoria ferox group spp., lateral view. 66. E. gustavogutierrezi sp. nov., holotype (ZLB_E.Ferox 00006) (CNC). 67. E. kopis sp. nov., holotype (ZLB_E.Ferox 00002) (CNC).

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FIGURES 88–89. Male habitus photographs of Eucelatoria ferox group spp., lateral view. 88. E. kopis sp. nov., allotype (ZLB_E.Ferox 00003) (CNC). 89. E. makhaira sp. nov., allotype (ZLB_E.Ferox 00343) (USNM).

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FIGURES 94–108. Female seventh abdominal segment of Eucelatoria ferox group spp., lateral view. Numbers are “ZLB_ E.Ferox” specimen IDs. 94. E. ferox (Townsend), Santa Cruz (00398) (USNM). 95. E. aurata (Townsend), Nova Teutonia (00250) (DMW). 96. E. auriceps (Aldrich), Crane Hollow (00410) (JOSC). 97. E. borealis sp. nov., Sheffeld (00041) (DMW). 98. E. charapensis (Townsend), Chapare Province (00393) (DMW). 99. E. falcata sp. nov., Nova Teutonia (00274) (CNC). 100. E. fordlandia sp. nov., Fordlandia (00311) (USNM). 101. E. gladiatrix (Townsend), Guanacaste Province (00376) (CNC). 102. E. sabroskyi sp. nov., Herb Martyr Campground (00084) (CNC). 103. E. strigata (Wulp), Trinidad (00138) (CNC). 104. E. texana (Reinhard), Madera Greaterville Rd. (00048) (JOSC). 105. E. yanayacu sp. nov., Yanayacu (no “E.Ferox” number, labeled “DIP328”) (USNM). 106. E. gustavogutierrezi sp. nov., Guanacaste Province (00007) (CNC). 107. E. kopis sp. nov., Avispas (00217) (CNC). 108. E. sica sp. nov., Yanayacu (00211) (CNC).

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FIGURES 109–123. Female abdominal segments eight through ten of Eucelatoria ferox group spp., dorsal view. Numbers are “ZLB_E.Ferox” specimen IDs. 119. E. ferox (Townsend), Santa Cruz (00398) (USNM). 110. E. aurata (Townsend), Nova Teutonia (00250) (DMW). 111. E. auriceps (Aldrich), Crane Hollow (00410) (JOSC). 112. E. borealis sp. nov., Sheffeld (00041) (DMW). 113. E. charapensis (Townsend), Chapare Province (00393) (DMW). 114. E. falcata sp. nov., Nova Teutonia (00274) (CNC). 115. E. fordlandia sp. nov., Fordlandia (00311) (USNM). 116. E. gladiatrix (Townsend), Guanacaste Province (ZLB_ E.Ferox 00379) (CNC). 117. E. sabroskyi sp. nov., Herb Martyr Campground (00084) (CNC). 118. E. strigata (Wulp), Trinidad (00138) (CNC). 119. E. texana (Reinhard), Madera Greaterville Rd. (00048) (JOSC). 120. E. yanayacu sp. nov., Yanayacu (no “E.Ferox” number, labeled “DIP328”) (USNM). 121. E. gustavogutierrezi sp. nov., Guanacaste Province (00007) (CNC). 122. E. kopis sp. nov., Avispas (00217) (CNC). 123. E. sica sp. nov., Yanayacu (00211) (CNC).

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FIGURES 174–179. Distribution maps of Eucelatoria spp. 174. E. yanayacu sp. nov., E. gladiatrix (Townsend), E. falcata sp. nov., E. charapensis (Townsend), and E. fordlandia sp. nov. 175. E. strigata (Wulp) and E. aurata (Townsend). 176. E. hafelei sp. nov., E. gustavogutierrezi sp. nov., and E. ritavargasae sp. nov. 177. E. ferox (Townsend), E. huitepecensis sp. nov., and E. inclani sp. nov. 178. E. kopis sp. nov., E. sica sp. nov., E. makhaira sp. nov., and E. tenebrionis sp. nov. 179. E. rivalis (Reinhard), E. luctuosa (Wulp), E. woodorum sp. nov., E. crambivora sp. nov., and E. jorgecortesi sp. nov.


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