Eucelatoria strigata (Wulp, 1890)

Burington, Zelia L., 2022, A taxonomic revision of the Eucelatoria ferox species group (Diptera: Tachinidae), Zootaxa 5143 (1), pp. 1-104 : 40-43

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Plazi (2022-06-01 06:02:18, last updated 2024-11-26 04:13:38)

scientific name

Eucelatoria strigata (Wulp, 1890)


Eucelatoria strigata (Wulp, 1890)

( Figs 17 View FIGURES 14–17 , 37 View FIGURES 34–37 , 62 View FIGURES 62–63 , 82 View FIGURES 82–83 , 93 View FIGURES 92–93 , 103 View FIGURES 94–108 , 118 View FIGURES 109–123 , 132 View FIGURES 124–135 , 148 View FIGURES 136–155 , 165 View FIGURES 156–173 , 175 View FIGURES 174–179 )

Masicera strigata Wulp, 1890: 105 . Lectotype, Mexico, Morelos, Cuernavaca (NHMUK). Other references: Guimarães (1971: 153).

Hypostena minima Wulp, 1890: 148 . Lectotype, Mexico, Tabasco, Teapa (NHMUK). Other references: Guimarães (1971: 152). Syn. nov.

Hemilydella fasciata Townsend, 1927: 315 View in CoL . Holotype, Peru, La Tina (USNM). Other references: Thompson (1968: 184), Guimarães (1971: 135). Syn. nov.

Eucelatoria strigata: Wood (1985: 43) .

Eucelatoria minima: Wood (1985: 43) .

Eucelatoria fasciata: Wood (1985: 43) View in CoL .

Type material examined. Lectotype ♂, labeled “LECTO-/ TYPE [round label]”, “ ♂ ”, “Cuernavaca/ Morelos./ June. H.H.S.”, “ B.C.A. Dipt. II./ Masicera / strigata,/ v. d. W.”, “ Central America. / Pres. by/ F.D.Godman. / O. Salvin. / 1903.172”, “ LECTOTYPE ♂ / of Masicera / strigata Wulp / designated 1979/ D.M. Wood ” ( NHMUK).

Lectotype ♂ of “ Hypostena minima ”, labeled “LECTO-/ TYPE [round label]”, “ ♂ ”, “Teapa/ Tabasco,/ Jan. H.H.S.”, “ B.C.A. Dipt. II./ Hypostena / minima,/ v. d. W.”, “ Central America. / Pres. by/ F.D.Godman. / O. Salvin. / 1903.172”, “ LECTOTYPE ♂ / of Hypostena / minima Wulp / designated 1979/ D.M. Wood ” ( NHMUK).

Holotype ♂ of “ Hemilydella fasciata ”, labeled “On Foliage/ Chch. 24-IX”, “Type”, “This does not/ match description/ in TWD 1941b: 271” ( USNM).

Other material examined. 56 ♀♀ and 25 ♂♂. Argentina—Tucuman: 1 ♀, “ Tucuman, Arg. / III-18 1930 / H. A. Jaynes”, “USNM ENT 00039937”, “ZLB_E.Ferox 00335” ( USNM) . 1 ♀, “TUCUMAN/ 30.V.1917 ”, “H. E. Box/ Collector”, “67”, “ Dexodes / meridionalis/ in colln.”, “? near/ Heliolydella ”, “USNM ENT 00040064”, “ZLB_E.Ferox 00315” ( USNM) . Brazil — Goiás : 1 ♀, “Valdir - T. 4/ 17/02/2012/ Cult. Malaise/ Msp.” ( UNB) . Costa Rica — Cartago : 1 ♀, “ COSTA RICA / Turrialba/ (WWHeel) 19”, “USNM ENT 00040022”, “ZLB_E.Ferox 00338” ( USNM) . Guanacaste: 1 ♀, “ COSTA RICA Gncste / 5 km n Cañas / 10–12.VIII.1987 / G. & M. Wood” ( DMW) . Ecuador — Napo : 1 ♂, “ ECUADOR, Napo / Tena/ 13.II.83/ G. & M. Wood”, “ZLB_E.Ferox 00292” ( DMW) . 1 ♀, “Coca, Napo R./ Napo, ECUADOR / 25–30.IV.65/ 250 M., L.Pena”, “ZLB_E.Ferox 00290” ( CNC) . Pastaza: 1 ♂, “ Pompeya , Napo R./ Pastaza, ECUAD./ 14–22.V.1965 / L.Pena”, “ZLB_E.Ferox 00291” [genitalia in vial under specimen] ( CNC) . Pinchicha : 2 ♀♀, “ ECUADOR, Pich./ Rio Palenque Fld / Stn 22–26.II.76/ G.& M. Wood 150m ”, the specimen IDs “00294” and “00293” ( DMW) . Mexico — Tabasco: 2 ♀♀, “PARA-/ LECTO-/ TYPE [circle label]”, “ ♀ ”, “Teapa,/ Tabasco./ Jan. H.H.S.”, “ B.C.A. Dipt. II./ Masicera / luctuosa/ v.d.W.”, “ Central America / Pres By/ F.D.Goodman. / O. Salvin. / 1903-172.”, “ PARALECTOTYPE ♀ / of Masicera / luctuosa Wulp / designated 1979/ D.M. Wood ” ( NHMUK) . 1 ♂ and ♀, as previous except determination and paralectotype labels read “ Hypostena minima ” [genitalia of the former in vial under specimen] ( NHMUK) . Veracruz: 1 ♀, “ MEXICO, Veracruz / Sontecompan / 20.VI.1969 / B.V. Peterson ”, “HOMOTYPE/ Anisia/ inepta/ Wulp/ Compared by/ Wood ‘79 [blue label]”( CNC) . Panama — Panamá : 1 ♀, “Ancon CZ/ IV-9-26”, “CTGreene/ Collector”, “USNM ENT 00040019”, “ZLB_E.Ferox 00337” ( USNM) . Panamá Oeste?: 1 ♀, “HermitaRPan/ 18Sept1952 ”, “PSBlanton/ Collector”, “USNM ENT 00040029”, “ZLB_E.Ferox 00342” ( USNM) . Peru — Loreto : 1 ♀, “ 24 VIII 1965 San Antonio/ LORETO, PERU 69/ Coll. J.C.Hitchcock,Jr. ”, “ 500ft. ”, “USNMENT 00875973”, “ZLB_E.Ferox 00355” ( USNM) . 1 ♂, as previous except date “ 20 VIII 1965 ”, numerical identifier “36”, USNM number “00875970”, and specimen ID “00357” [genitalia in vial under specimen] ( USNM) . 2 ♀♀, “Yurimaguas/ R. Huallaga/ Peru-VII-15”, “CHTTow’d/ coll”, “on foliage”, “Yuri 15.VIII”; the first labeled “USNM ENT 00039940” and “ZLB_ E.Ferox 00329”; the second “00039935” and “00333” ( USNM) . Trinidad & Tobago — Trinidad : 1 ♀, “MARACAS. V./ Trinidad. BWI./ OCT.28.1953”, “Collector/ F.J.Simmonds ”, “ZLB_E.Ferox 00116” ( CNC) . 1 ♀, as previous except date “July 7.1954.” and specimen ID “00159” ( CNC) . 1 ♂ and 1 ♀, as previous locality except without “V.”, date “July.16.1954”, and specimen IDs “00132” [♂] and “00110” [♀], the first with head missing ( CNC) . 2 ♂♂, “MARACAS/ TRINIDAD / 11-9-1964 ”, the specimen IDs “00137” and “00129” ( CNC) . 1 ♂ and 1 ♀, “DIEGO MARTIN./ Trinidad, BWI./ AUG.18.1954”, “Collector/ F.J. Simmonds ”, the specimen IDs “00145” [♂] and “00109” [♀], the first specimen labeled “ 1485/ VII. 26.66” ( CNC) . 1 ♀, “DGO.MARTIN/ TRINIDAD / 21-9-1964 ”, “ZLB_E.Ferox 00111” ( CNC) . 1 ♂ and 2 ♀♀, “ NURSERY/ TRINIDAD / 18-8-1964 ”, the specimen IDs “00139” [♀], “00112” [♀], and “00135” [♂] ( CNC) . 1 ♀, as previous except date “ 28-8-1964 ” and specimen ID “00118” ( CNC) . 2 ♀♀, as previous except date “ 1-9-1964 ” and specimen IDs “00152” and “00138” [terminalia in vial under specimen] ( CNC) . 2 ♀♀, as previous except date “ 30-9-1964 ” and specimen IDs “00151” and “00115” ( CNC) . 2 ♀♀, “I.C.T.A. [Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture]/ Trinidad , BWI./ JAN-28-1953 ”, “Collector/ F.J. Simmonds”, the specimen IDs “00158” ( CNC) and “00204” ( DMW), the second with blank red label. 1 ♀ and 1 ♂, as previous except date “ FEB-2-1953 ” and specimen IDs “00155” [♀] and “00136” [♂], the second with head missing ( CNC) . 1 ♂, as previous except date “ FEB-9-1953 ” and specimen ID “00131” ( CNC) . 2 ♂♂, as previous except date “ FEB-18-1953 ” and specimen IDs “00130” and “00147”; the second labeled “ Hemilydella /?fasciata/ TT/ Det. Thompson ” [genitalia in vial under specimen] ( CNC) . 1 ♀, as previous except date “ FEB-23-1953 ” and specimen ID “00166” ( CNC) . 1 ♀, as previous except date “ OCT.16-1953 ” and specimen ID “00120” ( CNC) . 1 ♀, as previous except date “ OCT-23-1953 ” and specimen ID “00124”, labeled “17/ 1006-[”16” struck out with pen]” ( CNC). 1 ♀, as previous except date “ FEB-26-1954 ” and specimen ID “00157”, the abdomen missing ( CNC) . 1 ♀, as previous except date “ MARCH-1954 ” and specimen ID “00125” ( CNC) . 1 ♀, “SANTA CRUZ/ Trinidad , BWI./ July-15- 1954 ”, “Collector/ F.J.Simmonds ”, “ZLB_E.Ferox 00160” ( CNC) . 1 ♀, “Santa Cruz V./ 3.2.60/ Trinidad, BWI.”, “ZLB_E.Ferox 00121” ( CNC) . 2 ♀♀, as previous except date “3.5.60”, and specimen IDs “00205” ( DMW) and “00161” ( CNC). 1 ♀, as previous locality except date “x.25.60” and specimen ID “00164” ( CNC) . 2 ♂♂ and 3 ♀♀, as previous locality except date “XII.20.60” and specimen IDs “00122” [♀], “00141” [♂], “00156” [♀], “00123” [♀] ( CNC) , and “00203” [♂] ( DMW) , the final specimen with blank red label. 1 ♂, as previous locality except date “ Apr. 1959 ” and specimen ID “00146” ( CNC) . 2 ♂♂ and 1 ♀, as previous except date “ 27-7-1964 ”, and specimen IDs “00128” [♂], “00148” [♀], and “00127” [♂] ( CNC) . 1 ♀, “S Cruz V./ II.14.64/ Trinidad, WI.”, “ZLB_E.Ferox 00150” ( CNC) . 3 ♀♀, “VALSAYN/ TRINIDAD / 11-8-1964 ”, the specimen IDs “00154”, “00153”, and “00114” ( CNC) . 3 ♂♂, “II.26.64/ St. Augustine ,/ Trinidad, WI”, the specimen IDs “00134”, “00149”, and “00143”; the third with head missing and genitalia on point under specimen ( CNC) . 1 ♀, “ St. Augustine,/ Trinidad , BWI/ DEC-18- 1952 ”, “Collector/ F.J. Simmonds”, “ZLB_E.Ferox 00162” ( CNC) . 1 ♀, “ST. JOSEPH/ Trinidad , BWI,/ NOV-12- 1953 ”, “Collector/ F.J. Simmonds ”, “ZLB_E.Ferox 00113” ( CNC) . 1 ♀, “P.M. Highway/ TRINIDAD W.I./ XI.4.60 [1961 struck out]/ W.R.Thompson ”, “ZLB_E.Ferox 00119” ( CNC) . 1 ♀, “ TRINIDAD / 28-7-1964 / CUMUTO”, “ZLB_E.Ferox 00163” ( CNC) . 1 ♂, “CUERPE/ TRINIDAD / 28-9-1964 ”, “ZLB_E.Ferox 00142” ( CNC) . 1 ♂, “CoLL. ARIPOV/ TRINIDAD / 24-7-1964 ”, “F.D. BENNETT/ Collector”, “ZLB_E.Ferox 00140” ( CNC) . 1 ♂, “CUNUPIA/ Trinidad , BWI./ MARCH-9-1964 ”, “Collector/ F.J. Simmonds ”, “HOMOTYPE/ Hemilydella / fasciata/ Tnsd/ Compared by/ Wood ‘78”, “ZLB_E.Ferox 00126” ( DMW) . 1 ♂, “M-New Farm / TRINIDAD / 11-9-1964 ”, “ZLB_E.Ferox 00133” ( CNC) . 1 ♀, “II.61/ Trinidad, BWI.”, “ZLB_E.Ferox 00165” ( CNC) . 1 ♀, “II.20.64/ Trinidad, WI.”, “ZLB_E.Ferox 00117” ( CNC) . Venezuela — Carabobo : 1 ♀, “ Venezuela / San Esteban / 1–6 Jan1940 ”, “P Anduze/ Collector”, “USNM ENT 00040028”, “ZLB_E.Ferox 00345” ( USNM) .

Recognition. This species appears closely related to E. aurata , as both species share similar tomentum patterns and females of both have a short piercer barely extending beyond the apex of abdominal T4. They differ in that the tomentum of the head is mostly to partially ash-gray as opposed to entirely yellow. In the males, the cercus in lateral view is less angled at mid length and thicker at the apex than E. aurata , with only a weak apical hook. The short length of the female piercer distinguishes this species from most other sword flies.

Redescription. [Redescribed from 51 ♀♀ and 24 ♂♂. Head measurements from 4 ♀♀ and 3 ♂♂.] Length 5.0– 7.5 mm (mean = 6.4 mm).

Head. Gena, lower half of post-ocular plate, postgena, and occipital tomentum ash-gray. Parafacial tomentum usually ash-gray on entire length, or at least on lower half, rarely gold along entire length. Fronto-orbital plate, vertex, and upper half of post-orbital plate tomentum pale yellow gold; rarely with head tomentum entirely ash-gray. Pale occipital setulae gray. Ocellar setae one-fourth to three-fourths length of posterior reclinate orbital seta, shorter in males. Gena with 4 setae, rarely 2–3 setae, subvibrissal ridge with 1 seta. Facial ridge with setulae on less than lower third. Postocellar setae one-fourth to one-third length of ocellar setae. Paravertical seta subequal to postocellar setae. Outer vertical seta undistinguished from post-ocular row in both male and female, or if distinguished, no more than one-half length of closest post-ocular seta. Reclinate orbital setae 2–3. Frontal setae 4–5, last frontal seta level with apex of pedicel or slightly beyond. Eye apparently bare. Eye height to head height ratio 0.85–0.90 (mean = 0.86). Postpedicel length 0.38–0.44 (mean = 0.40) height of head. Facial ridge length 0.47–0.56 (mean = 0.51) height of head. Parafacial width 0.06–0.09 (mean = 0.07) lateral length of head. Pedicel 0.24–0.37 (mean = 0.32) length of postpedicel. Postpedicel 2.3 to 4.0 (mean = 3.2) times width of parafacial in lateral view. Vertex 0.21–0.25 (mean = 0.23) width of head in dorsal view. Palpus subcylindrical, yellow to yellow tan, slightly more expanded at tip in females; with dense short dorsoapical setae, several short apicoventral setae, several longer setae laterally near mid length, and scattered thin dorsal setae along middle third.

Thorax. Dorsomedial length 1.3 times width of thorax. Lateral tomentum ash-gray. Dorsal tomentum pale yellow-gray-gold to ash-gray. Presutural outer vitta triangular to bar shaped, narrowed to anterior, usually connected to anterior margin. Postsutural outer vitta bar to wedge shaped, disconnected from presutural outer vitta at suture. Inner thoracic vittae bar shaped, usually as thick as outer vittae, subparallel, extending to second postsutural acrostichal seta, often fused into single, median square vitta on postsutural area. Scutellar dorsal tomentum diffuse pale yellow-gray gold to ash-gray, covering at least apical half of dorsal area. Postpronotum with 3 setae. Presutural area with 2 supra-alar setae, the anterior seta weak. Postsutural area with 3 dorsocentral setae. Fore tibia with 2 posterodorsal setae. Wing hyaline; sometimes lightly infuscated adjacent to costa and radial sector. Calypters tan to cream colored.

Abdomen. Cuticle and setulae entirely black. Dorsal tomentum bands ash-gray to dirty gray, one-third to onehalf length of T3–5, with distinct to indistinct median vitta. Ventral tomentum bands similar to above. T4 with 1 pair widely spaced erect median marginal setae and 3 pairs widely spaced

Male terminalia ( Figs 132 View FIGURES 124–135 , 148 View FIGURES 136–155 , 165 View FIGURES 156–173 ). Sternite 5 basal plate with median teeth separated 0.35 width of basal notch, teeth usually divergent at apex; apical lobes 1.3 times length of basal plate. Postgonite broadly rounded on posterior margin; incised margin subangular, depth subequal width of postgonite at mid length. Surstylus paddleshaped, length of apical section three times width, subequal to length of cercus; apical margin broadly rounded; posterobasal area often with slight to distinct, flat emargination; posterior and anterior margins subparallel; basal lobe margin rounded. Cercus in lateral view dilated at base, narrowed sharply to mid length and slightly angled caudally, margins roughly parallel to blunt apex with minute anteroapical hook; in caudal view tapered to blunt apex. Upper lobe subquadrate; 0.33 length of cercus. Median section 0.42 length of cercus. Apical cleft narrow, sides subparallel, heavily toothed, 0.34 length of cercus. Syncercus apex width in caudal view 0.35 width of syncercus base.

Female terminalia ( Figs 93 View FIGURES 92–93 , 103 View FIGURES 94–108 , 118 View FIGURES 109–123 ). Piercer extending barely to apex of T4, often hidden by margins of T4 and T5; in lateral view gradually curved to apex; in posterior view narrowed to apex. Aculeate lobe subequal height of segment 7 base. End tergite subquadrate, as long as wide. Cercus with 7–8 setae; ventral elongation 2 times width of main cercus body. Postgenital plate with 18 setae.

Host(s). Unknown.

Geographic extent and seasonal occurrence. Eucelatoria strigata is widely distributed in the Neotropical Region with individuals known from as far north as central Mexico and as far south as the Yungas of northern Argentina; this redescription includes intermediate records from Costa Rica, Panama, Trinidad, coastal Venezuela, Brazil, Ecuador, and Peru ( Fig. 175 View FIGURES 174–179 ). Most records are from lowland tropical rainforests with some records from tropical dry forest. In Trinidad, individuals were collected year round with no apparent pattern. In the tropical dry forests of Panama, individuals were collected in April and September, and in Costa Rica in August.

Discussion. The holotype of Hemilydella fasciata listed above appears to be correct, despite the following issues. The locality label is wrong, and should list “La Tina”, the type locality indicated in the original description ( Townsend 1927: 315). The specimen was placed in a unit tray labeled “ Hemiargyrophylax punctilucis ” with another specimen matching the Hemiargyrophylax punctilucis Townsend description from the Manual of Myiology ( Townsend 1941: 271) with the locality label the same as listed in the type material above. In the unit tray labeled “ Hemilydella fasciata ”, there was a specimen identical to the Ha. punctilucis description and to the apparent syntype. This specimen bore the correct locality for Hemilydella fasciata (“La Tina”), which is the incorrect type locality for Ha. punctilucis , and the determination label for Hl. fasciata Townsend. Therefore , it is likely that the locality and determination labels for Hl. fasciata were switched with the labels of one of the Ha. punctilucis syntypes. As the general rule is for revising authors not to make changes to type labels, these labels have not been returned to their proper specimens, but an indication of the issue has been left in the unit tray.

The amount of gold on the head and thorax is highly variable in this species. Individuals from Trinidad range from nearly entirely gold tomentum on the thoracic dorsum and head to all tomentum on an individual being entirely ash-gray. Individuals from Central America have a greater extent of gold on the head than is common on those from South America, but the wide sympatric range in coloration suggests these are not a different species. The lectotype male also possesses a wider parafacial than other specimens. These variations indicate that E. strigata may very well be a species complex, but more specimens from the northern and southern distribution edges are needed to make these determinations. The genitalia are largely indistinguishable across the range, with only minute differences in the shape of the gonites and surstylus between Mexican and Trinidadian males. In cases where the extent of gold tomentum is greater, males of E. aurata are easily separated from E. strigata by the greatly narrowed cercus with prominent hooked apex.

Guimaraes, J. H. (1971) Family Tachinidae (Larvaevoridae), A Catalog of the Diptera of the Americas South of the United States, 104, 1 - 333.

Thompson, W. R. (1968) The tachinids of Trinidad, VIII. Phorocerines. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada, 56, 1 - 207. https: // doi. org / 10.4039 / entm 10056 fv

Townsend, C. H. T. (1927) Synopse dos generos muscoideos da regiao humida tropical da America, com generos e especies novas. Revisa do Museu Paulista, 15, 203 - 385.

Townsend, C. H. T. (1941) Manual of myiology in twelve parts. Part XI. Oestroid generic diagnoses and data. Goniini to Trypherini. Charles Townsend & Filhos, Itaquaquecetuba, 342 pp.

Wood, D. M. (1985) A taxonomic conspectus of the Blondeliini of North and Central America and the West Indies (Diptera: Tachinidae). Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada, 132, 1 - 130. https: // doi. org / 10.4039 / entm 117132 fv

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FIGURES 14–17. Female habitus photographs of Eucelatoria ferox group spp., dorsal view. 14. E. luctuosa (Wulp), Vera Cruz (ZLB_E.Ferox 00283) (DMW). 15. E. rivalis (Reinhard), holotype (CNC). 16. E. sabroskyi sp. nov., Southwest Research Station (ZLB_E.Ferox 00086) (USNM). 17. E. strigata (Wulp), Trinidad (ZLB_E.Ferox 00115) (CNC).

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FIGURES 34–37. Male habitus photographs of Eucelatoria ferox group spp., dorsal view. 34. E. fordlandia sp. nov., holotype (ZLB_E.Ferox 00299) (USNM). 35. E. gladiatrix (Townsend), Guanacaste Province (ZLB_E.Ferox 00365) (CNC). 36. E. sabroskyi sp. nov., holotype (ZLB_E.Ferox 00070) (USNM). 37. E. strigata (Wulp), Trinidad (ZLB_E.Ferox 00141) (CNC).

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FIGURES 62–63. Female habitus photographs of Eucelatoria ferox group spp., lateral view. 62. E. strigata (Wulp), Trinidad (ZLB_E.Ferox 00115) (CNC). 63. E. texana (Reinhard), Holly Springs (ZLB_E.Ferox 00074) (USNM).

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FIGURES 82–83. Male habitus photographs of Eucelatoria ferox group spp., lateral view. 82. E. strigata (Wulp), Trinidad (ZLB_E.Ferox 00141) (CNC). 83. E. texana (Reinhard), College Station (ZLB_E.Ferox 00049) (CNC).

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FIGURES 92–93. Diagrams of female terminalia. 92. Blondelia sp., left lateral view (top), and left half of segments 8–10, dorsal view. 93. Eucelatoria strigata (Wulp), Trinidad (ZLB_E.Ferox 00138) (CNC), left lateral view (left) and dorsocaudal view (right), segments 8–10 shown detached from segment 7. Abbreviations: A, length of aculeate lobe; acu, aculeate lobe; B, height of seventh segment base; cer, cercus; ds, dorsal suture; et, end tergite; lin, lingulae; pgp, postgenital plate; S6–8, abdominal sternites six through eight; spr, spiracles; T6–8, abdominal tergites six through eight.

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FIGURES 94–108. Female seventh abdominal segment of Eucelatoria ferox group spp., lateral view. Numbers are “ZLB_ E.Ferox” specimen IDs. 94. E. ferox (Townsend), Santa Cruz (00398) (USNM). 95. E. aurata (Townsend), Nova Teutonia (00250) (DMW). 96. E. auriceps (Aldrich), Crane Hollow (00410) (JOSC). 97. E. borealis sp. nov., Sheffeld (00041) (DMW). 98. E. charapensis (Townsend), Chapare Province (00393) (DMW). 99. E. falcata sp. nov., Nova Teutonia (00274) (CNC). 100. E. fordlandia sp. nov., Fordlandia (00311) (USNM). 101. E. gladiatrix (Townsend), Guanacaste Province (00376) (CNC). 102. E. sabroskyi sp. nov., Herb Martyr Campground (00084) (CNC). 103. E. strigata (Wulp), Trinidad (00138) (CNC). 104. E. texana (Reinhard), Madera Greaterville Rd. (00048) (JOSC). 105. E. yanayacu sp. nov., Yanayacu (no “E.Ferox” number, labeled “DIP328”) (USNM). 106. E. gustavogutierrezi sp. nov., Guanacaste Province (00007) (CNC). 107. E. kopis sp. nov., Avispas (00217) (CNC). 108. E. sica sp. nov., Yanayacu (00211) (CNC).

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FIGURES 109–123. Female abdominal segments eight through ten of Eucelatoria ferox group spp., dorsal view. Numbers are “ZLB_E.Ferox” specimen IDs. 119. E. ferox (Townsend), Santa Cruz (00398) (USNM). 110. E. aurata (Townsend), Nova Teutonia (00250) (DMW). 111. E. auriceps (Aldrich), Crane Hollow (00410) (JOSC). 112. E. borealis sp. nov., Sheffeld (00041) (DMW). 113. E. charapensis (Townsend), Chapare Province (00393) (DMW). 114. E. falcata sp. nov., Nova Teutonia (00274) (CNC). 115. E. fordlandia sp. nov., Fordlandia (00311) (USNM). 116. E. gladiatrix (Townsend), Guanacaste Province (ZLB_ E.Ferox 00379) (CNC). 117. E. sabroskyi sp. nov., Herb Martyr Campground (00084) (CNC). 118. E. strigata (Wulp), Trinidad (00138) (CNC). 119. E. texana (Reinhard), Madera Greaterville Rd. (00048) (JOSC). 120. E. yanayacu sp. nov., Yanayacu (no “E.Ferox” number, labeled “DIP328”) (USNM). 121. E. gustavogutierrezi sp. nov., Guanacaste Province (00007) (CNC). 122. E. kopis sp. nov., Avispas (00217) (CNC). 123. E. sica sp. nov., Yanayacu (00211) (CNC).

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FIGURES 124–135. Male terminalia of Eucelatoria ferox group spp., left lateral view. Numbers are “ZLB_E.Ferox” specimen ID numbers. 124. E. aurata (Townsend), Nova Teutonia (00100) (CNC). 125. E. auriceps (Aldrich), Springfield (00018) (JOSC). 126. E. borealis sp. nov., St. Lawrence Island (00032) (CNC). 127. E. charapensis (Townsend), Chiapas (00202) (DMW). 128. E. falcata sp. nov., Nova Teutonia (00271) (CNC). 129. E. fordlandia sp. nov., Fordlandia (00361) (USNM). 130. E. gladiatrix (Townsend), Guanacaste Province (00375) (CNC). 131. E. sabroskyi sp. nov., Greaterville Rd. (00071) (USNM). 132. E. strigata (Wulp), Trinidad (00147) (CNC). 133. E. texana (Reinhard), College Station (00048) (CNC). 134. E. woodorum sp. nov., Xochipala (00201) (DMW). 135. E. yanayacu sp. nov., Yanayacu (00189) (USNM).

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FIGURES 136–155. Male terminalia of Eucelatoria ferox group spp., left lateral view, and caudal view of cerci and surstyli. Numbers are “ZLB_E.Ferox” specimen ID numbers. Specimen information for caudal views is identical to that for Figs 124– 139. 136. E. gustavogutierrezi sp. nov., lateral view, Guanacaste Province (00008) (CNC). 137. E. hafelei sp. nov., lateral view, Chapare Province (00386) (DMW). 138. E. ritavargasae sp. nov., lateral view, Narupa (00215) (USNM). 139. E. sica sp. nov., lateral view, Yanayacu (00213) (CNC). 140. E. aurata (Townsend), caudal view. 141. E. auriceps (Aldrich), caudal view. 142. E. borealis sp. nov., caudal view. 143. E. charapensis (Townsend), caudal view. 144. E. falcata sp. nov., caudal view. 145. E. fordlandia sp. nov., caudal view. 146. E. gladiatrix (Townsend), caudal view. 147. E. sabroskyi sp. nov., caudal view. 148. E. strigata (Wulp), caudal view. 149. E. texana (Reinhard), caudal view. 150. E. woodorum sp. nov., caudal view. 151. E. yanayacu sp. nov., caudal view. 152. E. gustavogutierrezi sp. nov., caudal view. 153. E. hafelei sp. nov., caudal view. 154. E. ritavargasae sp. nov., caudal view. 155. E. sica sp. nov., caudal view.

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FIGURES 156–173. Male terminalia and fifth abdominal sternite of Eucelatoria ferox group spp. Specimen information for fifth sternites is identical to that for Figs 124–139. 156. Generic male terminalia, left lateral view (left) and caudal view (right), setae and membrane omitted.Abbreviations: aed, aedeagal apodeme; bas, basal lobe of surstylus; C, depth of postgonite anterior emargination; cer, cercus; epa, epandrium; hyp, hypandrium; pha, phallus; pos, postgonite; pre, pregonite; sur, surstylus. 157. E. aurata (Townsend). 158. E. auriceps (Aldrich). 159. E. borealis sp. nov. 160. E. charapensis (Townsend). 161. E. falcata sp. nov. 162. E. fordlandia sp. nov. 163. E. gladiatrix (Townsend). 164. E. sabroskyi sp. nov. 165. E. strigata (Wulp). 166. E. texana (Reinhard). 167. E. woodorum sp. nov. 168. E. yanayacu sp. nov. 169. E. gustavogutierrezi sp. nov. 170. E. hafelei sp. nov. 171. E. ritavargasae sp. nov. 172. E. sica sp. nov.

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FIGURES 174–179. Distribution maps of Eucelatoria spp. 174. E. yanayacu sp. nov., E. gladiatrix (Townsend), E. falcata sp. nov., E. charapensis (Townsend), and E. fordlandia sp. nov. 175. E. strigata (Wulp) and E. aurata (Townsend). 176. E. hafelei sp. nov., E. gustavogutierrezi sp. nov., and E. ritavargasae sp. nov. 177. E. ferox (Townsend), E. huitepecensis sp. nov., and E. inclani sp. nov. 178. E. kopis sp. nov., E. sica sp. nov., E. makhaira sp. nov., and E. tenebrionis sp. nov. 179. E. rivalis (Reinhard), E. luctuosa (Wulp), E. woodorum sp. nov., E. crambivora sp. nov., and E. jorgecortesi sp. nov.


Natural History Museum, London


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes











