Cambonilla securicula Jocqué, 2019

Jocqué, Rudy, Jocque, Merlijn, Stock, Willem, Rin, Naroeun & Henrard, Arnaud, 2019, The new Southeast Asian genus Cambonilla gen. nov. (Zodariidae, Araneae): ‘ bis repetita placent’, European Journal of Taxonomy 501, pp. 1-24 : 12-17

publication ID 10.5852/ejt.2019.501

publication LSID


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scientific name

Cambonilla securicula Jocqué

gen. et sp. nov.

Cambonilla securicula Jocqué View in CoL gen. et sp. nov.

Figs 2 View Fig , 3 View Fig B–F, 4A, 5, 6, 7, 11


The male of Cambonilla securicula sp. nov. is recognized by the presence of small lateral scuta behind the epigastric fold and by the male palp in which both the MA and the C are hatchet shaped. The female has a remarkable, small, modified spine on the tibia of the palp and a characteristic epigyne in which the central plate has a concave anterior and a straight posterior margin.


The species name ‘ securicula ’ meaning hatchet, is a noun in apposition referring to the shape of both the MA and the C.

Material examined

Holotype CAMBODIA • ♂; Kratie Province, Base Camp ; 13.00986° N, 106.0640° E; 16 May 2018; M. Jocque & W. Stock leg.; Herpetology pitfall in forest; RBINS IG 33.889 About RBINS /001. GoogleMaps


CAMBODIA • 3 ♂♂; same data as for holotype; RBINS IG 33.889 About RBINS /002(=CA3) GoogleMaps 2 ♂♂, 1 ♀; 17 May 2018; same data as preceding; RBINS IG 33.889 About RBINS /003 GoogleMaps 4 ♂♂ 2 ♀♀; 13 May 2015; same data as preceding; RBINS IG 33.889 About RBINS /004 GoogleMaps 4 ♂♂; Kratie Province, Base Camp 4; 13.0198° N, 105.9268° E; 5 May 2018; M. Jocque and W. Stock leg.; pitfall set 1; RBINS IG 33.889 About RBINS /005 GoogleMaps 1 ♂; Kratie Province; 13.00986° N, 106.06395° E; 10 May 2018; M. Jocque and W. Stock leg; pitfall set 3; RBINS IG 33.889 About RBINS /006 GoogleMaps .

Other material

CAMBODIA • 1 ♂, 1 ♀; Kratie Province, Base Camp ; 13.00986° N, 106.0650° E; 6–11 May 2018; M. Jocque and W. Stock leg.; forest, by hand; RBINS IG 33.889 About RBINS /010 GoogleMaps 2 ♂♂; Kratie Province, Base Camp 1; 12.61788° N, 106.0 0 296° E; 10 Apr. 2018; M. Jocque and W. Stock leg.; flooded forest on sand, Malaise trap, by hand; RBINS IG 33.889 About RBINS /011 .

LAOS – Vientiane Province 1 ♀; Vientiane, Ban Don Ma Khay ; 18.08384° N, 102.1713° E; 13 Jun. 2013; P. Jäger leg.; 186 m, secondary forest, at night by hand; SMF GoogleMaps Champasak Province • 1 ♀; Muang Bachieng, That Paxuam ; 15.17653° N, 105.9225° E; 3.Aug. 2016; P. Jäger and S. Munnich leg.; 197 m,secondary forest with single primary trees, by night, by hand; SMF GoogleMaps Khammouan Province • 1 ♀; Ban Tathot ; 17.62361° N, 105.1466° E; 18–19 Fev. 2003; P. Jäger leg.; ca 180 asl, village and neighbourhood, shrubs and rocks, night and evening; SMF GoogleMaps .


Male holotype

TOTAL LENGTH. 6.96. Carapace: length 3.48, width 2.70, height 2.00.

COLOUR ( Fig. 5 View Fig A–D). Carapace uniform dark chestnut brown; chelicerae dark brown with orange extremity and white tip; chilum medium brown; sternum medium brown; labium and endites medium brown, paler towards anterior white tip; legs: Cx and Tr medium brown, Fe dark brown, P and T greyish brown, Mt and t pale brown.Abdomen: dorsum with pale reniform patches fused in front and at posterior end, overlaid by reddish orange, translucent oval scutum; further backward with five transverse bands and pale patch above spinnerets on dark background; venter sclerotized in front of epigastric furrow and yellow sclerotized area on either side behind epigastric furrow; remainder marbled with sepia on pale background; spinnerets pale brown.

CARAPACE GRANULATED. With sparse cover of thin, pale, branched setae.

EYES. ALE 0.16; AME 0.20; PLE 0.13; PME 0.13; ALE-AME 0.10; AME-AME 0.07; PLE-PME 0.12; PME-PME 0.12. Clypeus 0.66 high.

CHILUM. 0.21 high, 0.43 wide, with slightly concave inferior side, centre protruding.

STERNUM ( Fig. 5B View Fig ). Shield shaped, granular; 1.42 wide, 1.49 long. Posterior tip shallowly indented; with rounded depressions in front of coxae; no precoxal sclerites.

LEGS. Trochanters III and IV with anterior ventral indentation; dorsal hinged hair on base of T I and II. Cx and ventral side of F granular.

ABDOMEN. With PVS in ill-defined group and dispersed thick setae in posterior half ( Fig. 5D View Fig ); with short tubular extension around pedicel, its anterior margin ventrally indented ( Fig. 5B View Fig ).

MALE PALP ( Figs 4 View Fig C–F, 5E–F, 7A–B). T with strong, slightly sinuous, downcurved, blunt RTA; cymbial fold as long as half the cymbium’s length; embolus with large base, originating at an angle of 270° to longitudinal axis, halfway with short, flat bifurcation, distal end corkscrew shaped; MA hatchet-shaped with short ventral tooth at base; C with short, sharp, flat, distal protrusion, pointing prolaterad.

Female (RBINS IG 33.889/003)

TOTAL LENGTH. 7.31. Carapace: length 3.05, width 2.06, height 1.42.

COLOUR ( Fig. 6 View Fig A–C). Carapace uniform dark brown; chelicerae medium brown with pale tip; chilum medium brown. Endites and labium medium brown with pale frontal margin. Sternum uniform medium brown. Legs I: Cx medium brown, Tr pale brown, F dark brown, remainder yellowish orange; palp medium brown except T yellowish orange. Abdomen: dorsum with two ill-defined reniform spots touching in front, without scutum overlay, followed by small, faint, pale patches and large patch in front of spinnerets; venter with sclerotized band in front of epigastric furrow, without tubular extension, remainder marbled with sepia on pale background, spinnerets pale yellow.

CARAPACE. Rugose with sparse cover of branched setae.

EYES. ALE 0.18; AME 0.18; PLE 0.15; PME 0.13; ALE-AME 0.15; AME-AME 0.07; PLE-PME 0.23; PME-PME 0.08. Clypeus 0.51 high.

CHILUM. A single sclerite 0.12 high, 0.33 wide, with central protrusion. STERNUM ( Fig. 6B View Fig ). Shield shaped; 1.28 wide, 1.35 long. Posterior tip rounded; with rounded depressions in front of coxae; no precoxal sclerites.

LEGS. Tr III and IV posteriorly indented. Hinged hair on T I and II.

FEMALE PALP. Tarsus with toothed claw turned inward over 30°, eight dispersed spines; tibia with short, sinuous prolateral spine ( Fig. 6F View Fig ).

ABDOMEN. Venter without PVS or thick setae ( Fig. 6C View Fig ).

EPIGYNE ( Figs 6 View Fig D-E, 9D). With wide rectangular plate, concave in front, posterior margin convex and thickened in the middle. Copulatory ducts with few whorls, ending in poorly delimited spermathecae near posterior end.


The abdominal venter of the female specimen from Ban Tathot (17.62361 °N, 105.1466 °E) is not marbled but has three dark, faint longitudinal lines.


Known from lowland forest in Cambodia and Laos; all localities are along the Mekong river ( Fig. 11 View Fig ).













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